Accessing global site regions in Piranha CMS - piranha-cms

I have added a global site region to my site and filled it with some content. How can I read this content from page view and/or layout?

This feature differs a bit between WebPages & MVC, the reason for this being that in WebPages (like WebForms) a Layout-page have a different model than the actual page being executed. If you use WebPages you simply add the following line first in the Layout page:
#inherits Piranha.WebPages.LayoutPage
This will automatically load the layout page model and all the global regions.
If you're using MVC this can't be done automatically as the Layout doesn't have a model. You can simply add the following in your Layout-page:
Piranha.Models.PageModel global;
if (HttpContext.Current.Items["Piranha_CurrentPage"] != null) {
var current =
global = Piranha.Models.PageModel.GetBySite(current.SiteTreeId);
} else {
global = Piranha.Models.PageModel.GetBySite(Piranha.Config.SiteTreeId);
This snippet loads the layout page from:
If it's a page is displayed it loads the site tree the page is contained in
If it's a post it loads the site tree from the current site.
Hope this helps you!


I am needing to do an internal link that is in FAQs on a site using Vue 3 and Inertia.js?

I have an array of content coming from a database that will be displayed on a page as a group of FAQs. Some of the content will have links to other internal pages on the site. How do I link to the pages using Inertia's link component so that a full page refresh doesn't happen?
It depends on what is returned after using the link. If you return a full view in the response, the page is reloaded. If you return a small JSON object or something else, you can process it without full loading.

How to render full RazorPage to string?

I tried to use the solution from, to render a page as a string (so I can turn it into a PDF), but that only gets me the main view, it doesn't get the layout associated with the page (and so it is missing the style sheets and some header/footers).
How can I render the full page as a string, and not just the partial view?
I used this article code in a recent project to render html to feed into PDF generation.
I used templates in the Views folder so not razor pages.
It works with Layouts and partials in templates.
I found that I could get what I wanted (the whole page) by making two changes to the answer I was looking at:
var view = new RazorView(_razorViewEngine,
new List<IRazorPage>(),
new DiagnosticListener("ViewRenderService"));
changed to :
var view = new RazorView(_razorViewEngine,
pageModel.PageContext.ViewStartFactories.Select(v => v()).ToList(),
new DiagnosticListener("ViewRenderService"));
await page.ExecuteAsync();
await view.RenderAsync(viewContext);
Note that if the viewstart pages aren't included in the view, then rendering the view produces the same as executing the page.

Piranha showing my current webpages in the CMS

I have a project I have attached Piranha CMS too. That bit worked fine.... However the pages I have already created and the template are not displaying in the CMS edit.
Steps I have done.
imported Piranha from guget.
Altered webconfig to passive.
removed piranha connection section.
changed connection to forms.
Alter connection string to match sql-server DB.
altered the global.config
built DB in sql server
Built project setup admin and the DB structure built followed.
Like I said it has built ok... But only the standard template. I'm guessing I've ether missed a step or there are steps to go. Can you advise me were to go next?
The webpage site currently just a home page.. The remaining pages are not completed. But if I don't crack this point there is little point continuing.
I think you have to add the pages into Piranha through the manager interface, then use the Permalink as the argument to fetch the Piranha managed content from Piranha. I don't think Piranha will parse your view/controller/routes and automatically import them into the site definition.
I use Piranha in my views like this;
#Html.ActionLink((string)Model.CMSData.Properties.WebSiteTitle, "Index", "Home", new { area = "" }, new { #class = "navbar-brand" })
I embed the CMS data into my model based on the examples in the Getting Started section;
public object CMSData = Piranha.Models.PageModel.GetByPermalink("my-permalink") ;
This enables me to weave in CMS content to my Model and then use it inside my View.

Keep Navigation Links at one section and render it in all other pages

I have 100 web pages to my web site.
All web pages has links to other 99 pages.
If i want to add one more page to my web site i have to add new page link to all other page. I want to keep all page link at one place.
So that i can render all Navigation links from that section.
How can i archive this in MVC 4?
My Number of pages are growing day by day.
I am not sure if I got the question right, but will the use of MasterPages help you out here?
this this and this must help you
Keeping all the links in _Layout.cshtml and calling the _Layout.cshtml in all pages is the solution.
To call the _Layout.cshtml in other pages use.
Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";

Creating an instance of a jQuery Mobile Page

I'd like be able to create instances of jQuery mobile pages using an existing jQuery Mobile page as a template. Can anyone point me in the right directing on this. Does anything exist along the lines of:
var pageInstance = new $mobile.createPage();
If you sure your page is currently loaded into the DOM.Try with this,
var page = $('#PageId');