Excel Macro: Copy and paste worksheet into another worksheet - vba

I've been able to make an exact copy of a worksheet and add it to the workbook with:
Sub Test()
Dim ws1 As Worksheet
Set ws1 = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Detailed List")
ws1.Copy ThisWorkbook.Sheets(Sheets.Count)
End Sub
but I'm trying to have the copied worksheet paste over another worksheet. For example, I'm trying to copy the worksheet "Detailed List" and have it paste and overwrite "Testing Sheet", but all I'm able to do with the code above is make another worksheet. Any help would be great.

You nearly had it, and your own solution works...however, in the efforts of completeness...
Sub Test()
Dim ws1 As Worksheet
Dim ws1Copy As Worksheet
Set ws1 = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Detailed List")
ws1.Copy ThisWorkbook.Sheets(Sheets.Count) 'we can't set the copied object directly to a varaiable, but it becomes the active sheet by default
Set ws1Copy = ActiveSheet 'assign the newly copied activesheet to a variable
Application.DisplayAlerts = False 'supress warnings, the delete method gives the user a warning
Sheets("Testing Sheet").Delete 'delete the testing sheet
Application.DisplayAlerts = True 'un-supress the warnings
ws1Copy.Name = "Testing Sheet" 'change the name of the copied sheet to the testing sheet.
End Sub

So I ended up doing this:
Worksheets("Detailed List").Range("A7").CurrentRegion.Copy
Worksheets("Detailed Copy").Range("A7").PasteSpecial
I first just copied the Detailed List before I started running the macro. Then I highlighted all the data points and titles, and overwrite the Copy. I needed to do this because I am making a macro that whenever someone changes a cell in the "Detailed List", I need to display the Old Value that used to be in the cell, so by having essentially two copies of the List, I can first make the comparisons, and then just copy the list over and over, so it automatically updates itself to any changes that have been made.


Excel synchronize workbooks with vba

I'd like to ask if you could help me with copying some worksheet data from workbook A into my active workbook (workbook B)
I have the following code in the main workbook to copy the data from workbook A
Public Sub Worksheet_Activate()
End Sub
Sub test()
Dim Wb1 As Workbook
Dim MainBook As Workbook
'Open All workbooks first:
Set Wb1 = Workbooks.Open("Z:\Folder\WorkbookA.xlsm")
'Set MainBook = Workbooks.Open(Application.ActiveWorkbook.FullName)
Set MainBook = Application.ActiveWorkbook
'Now, copy what you want from wb1:
'Now, paste to Main worksheet:
MainBook.Worksheets("Projekte").Range("A1").PasteSpecial xlPasteAll
Application.CutCopyMode = False
'Close Wb's:
Wb1.Close SaveChanges:=False
End Sub
I know, that it opens worksheet A and that it highlights and copys the data.
The script wont paste it into worksheet B (where the script is executed from)
Anybody know what i did wrong?
Kindest regards, and thanks for any help !
You should set the Mainbook (destination) first before the origin (if you're going to use ActiveWorkbook).
'Set MainBook First
Set MainBook = ThisWorkbook
'Open All workbook:
Set Wb1 = Workbooks.Open("Z:\Folder\WorkbookA.xlsm")
Just for clarity, it's just me being OC on this one.
you have to properly reference your workbook and worksheet objects
if you have to paste the whole content of range (including formatting, comments, ...), then you want to code like follows (explanations in comments):
Option Explicit
Sub test()
Dim targetSheet As Worksheet
Set targetSheet = ActiveSheet 'store currently active sheet
Workbooks.Open("Z:\Folder\WorkbookA.xlsm").Sheets("Projekte").UsedRange.Copy Destination:=targetSheet.Range("A1") ' open the wanted workbook and copy its "Projekte" sheet used range to 'targetSheet (i.e.: the sheet in the workbook where it all started) from its cell A1
ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=False ' close the currently active workbook (i.e. the just opened one)
End Sub
if you only need to paste values, then this is the way to go (much faster!):
Option Explicit
Sub test()
Dim targetSheet As Worksheet
Set targetSheet = ActiveSheet 'store currently active sheet
With Workbooks.Open("Z:\Folder\WorkbookA.xlsm").Sheets("Projekte").UsedRange ' open the wanted workbook and reference its sheet "Projekte" used range
targetSheet.Range("A1").Resize(.Rows.Count, .Columns.Count).Value = .Value
.Parent.Parent.Close SaveChanges:=False 'close the parent workbook of referenced range (i.e., the newly opened workbook)
End With
End Sub
My recommendation is never to use ActiveWorkbook.
In most cases when people use ActiveWorkbook they actually meant to use ThisWorkbook. The difference is:
ActiveWorkbook is the currently selected one which is "on top of the screen" in exact that moment when your code runs. That can be any workbook the user just clicked on while your code runs. So you never can be 100% sure to get the right workbook.
ThisWorkbook is the actual workbook your code runs at the moment. And this doesn't change ever. So this is a well defined reference and no gamble about which workbook is on top at the moment.
About why your approach did not work
Set Wb1 = Workbooks.Open("Z:\Folder\WorkbookA.xlsm") 'this line makes WorkbookA the active one
Set MainBook = Application.ActiveWorkbook 'this makes MainBook = WorkbookA
Therefore a simple Set MainBook = Application.ThisWorkbook should work here.
Another recommendation
Sheets and Worksheets is not the same. Make sure you never use Sheets when you can use Worksheets.
Sheets contains worksheets and charts
Worksheets contain only worksheets
An example Sheets(1).Range("A1") fails if it is a chart.

Dynamic reference of Sheets from a cell - VBA

I'm not sure if this is possible, but it's the one thing I haven't found answered accross the web.
I created one template workbook Schedule.xls that will be filled out by different people, say personA, personB and personC. I need to extract the same range from each workbook by copying it and pasting it into a master file Master.xls, so that I can get the information from each person into this masterbook.
This Master.xls will have as much sheets as persons filling Schedule.xls.
For example, let's stay with those 3 persons: personA, personB and personC.
Once they generate their schedule, I want to get that information and copy it into Master.xls, but in separate sheets named personA, personB and personC.
I want to do this by setting a cell in Schedule.xls, say A1, where people can choose a value between personA, personB and personC.
This way I can create a dynamic reference for the sheet in Master.xls. in which the macro will paste the info.
Workbooks.Open Filename:= _
"C:\My Documents\Master.xlsx"
Application.CutCopyMode = False
What should I write instead of REFERENCE to set the sheet I want to write on?
Thanks in advance.
I'll suggest a simple, no-code approach. Then, I'll give you some VBA code for your specific request.
Place two workbooks, Carl's SlaveWB.xlsx and your Master.slxm, in the same folder for simplicity. Open the worksheet you want to sync (1-way copy) in both spreadsheets. Create these sheets manually for this simple example. Now, click in cell A1 in the master sheet. While in edit mode, type "=" then click in cell A1 in Carl's worksheet (in the other workbook). Your sheets are now linked. You can do this not just for A1 but the entire worksheet -- just copy/paste cell A1 to the entire worksheet. Now, Carl can take his workboook on the road. Here is how he check's in. He simply copies his latest workbook into your predesignated folder. When you open your master workbook, it will automatically pull in all the data from Carl's "checked-in" workbook.
If you prefer to copy from one workbook to another (to capture formatting), it is not difficult.
First, rename or delete the old "Carl" worksheet in master. Here is code for deleting a worksheet by name. If the name of the sheet in the master is stored in Carl's "Sheet1" worksheet, cell A1, you can pass this as the value of WSName: Workbooks("SlaveWB").Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(1,1).Value.
Public Function DeleteWorksheet(WSName As String)
'If Not IIf(IsNull(DebugMode), False, DebugMode) Then On Error GoTo FoundError
If Not Range("DebugMode").Value Then On Error Resume Next
Dim WorksheetExists As Boolean
DeleteWorksheet = False
'if no worksheet name provided, abort
If Len(WSName) < 1 Then Exit Function
'if worksheet exists, delete
WorksheetExists = False
On Error Resume Next
WorksheetExists = (Sheets(WSName).Name <> "") 'if worksheet exists, set WorksheetExists = True
On Error GoTo FoundError
If WorksheetExists Then Sheets(WSName).Delete 'if worksheet exists, delete
DeleteWorksheet = True 'function succeeded (deleted worksheet if it existed)
Exit Function
On Error Resume Next
DeleteWorksheet = False
Debug.Print "Error: DeleteWorksheet(" & WSName & ") failed to delete worksheet. "
End Function
Next, copy the revised worksheet from Carl's workbook to the master. The code below copies a worksheet from srcWBName to tgtWBName and names the sheet whatever you like in tgtWBName. I reocmmend you keep the code only only in the master spreadsheet. It is too risky to put the same code in every copy held by every user. And, it will be hard to manage code updates.
Sub CopyWSBetweenWBs(srcWBName As String, srcWSName As String, _
tgtWBName As String, tgtWSName As String)
'srcWBName - name of PersonA's workbook
'srcWSName - name of worksheet to copy from Person A's workbook
'tgtWBName - target workbook, the master
'tgtWSName - what you want to call the worksheet after copying it to the target/master.
' If you want this sheetname to be taken from a cell, just pass the cell
' reference. For example, this can be
' Workbooks(srcWBName).Sheets(srcWSName).Cells(1,1).Value
Dim srcWB As Workbook
Dim srcWS As Worksheet
Dim tgtWB As Workbook
Dim tgtWS As Worksheet
'Create XL objects
Set srcWB = Workbooks(srcWBName)
Set srcWS = srcWB.Worksheets(srcWSName)
Set tgtWB = Workbooks(tgtWBName)
Set tgtWS = tgtWB.Worksheets(tgtWSName)
' Start at the source
' Copy to target workbook
srcWS.Copy Before:=tgtWB.Sheets(1) '<~~ copy to beginning of workbook
' After copying the worksheet, it is active, so you can rename it now.
ActiveSheet.Name = tgtWSName
End Sub
That's it. I hope this helps.

Create a Copy of Sheets from existing (unknown named) workbook into a new (unknown named) workbook

I have an existing workbook that will be used by multiple users (who will name the workbook uniquely - I can set one Workbook Codename if needed though, though don't know how to do this?).
I need to create a macro that opens a new workbook (which presumably I won't know the name of? as it could be 'Book1', 'Book2', 'Book3' etc?), then returns to the original workbook where the macro is stored, and copies several (can do one at a time if needed) sheets (that I DO know the names of these sheets) and pastes them as new sheets into the new workbook that I created at the start. The macro does not need to Save the file (in fact it's preferable that it doesn't as I want the user to save the new workbook wherever is most convenient for the user).
I have attempted to show what the macro would do, showing the obvious problem that I do not know the names of the workbooks I am creating/copying from/pasting into.
Any help, much appreciated!
Sub CopySheetintoNewWorkbook()
'Macro opens new / blank workbook (name unknown?)'
'Macro goes back to original workbook where macro is saved (of which the name is unknown to the macro - i.e., users can and will change it)'
'Macro goes to a sheet which can be named and will be known, so this is no problem'
'Macro creates a copy of the sheet and pastes it as a new sheet within the new, unknown named workbook'
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Sheets("KnownSheet").Copy Before:=Workbooks("UnknownWorkbookName-2").Sheets(1)
End Sub
We want to copy Sheet1 and Sheet2.
This relies on a tiny trick:
Sub qwerty()
Dim wb1 As Workbook, wbNEW As Workbook
Set wb1 = ActiveWorkbook
Set wbNEW = ActiveWorkbook
wb1.Sheets("Sheet2").Copy after:=wbNEW.Sheets(1)
End Sub
When the first .Copy is performed, a new workbook is created and it becomes the ActiveWorkbook ........the rest is easy.
If we have a group of sheets to be copied, then we can create an array of sheet names and loop through the array, copying one sheet at a time:
Sub qwerty()
Dim wb1 As Workbook, wbNEW As Workbook
Dim ary() As String, s As String, i As Long
s = "Larry,Moe,Curly"
ary = Split(s, ",")
Set wb1 = ActiveWorkbook
i = 1
For Each a In ary
If i = 1 Then
Set wbNEW = ActiveWorkbook
wb1.Sheets(a).Copy after:=wbNEW.Sheets(1)
End If
i = 2
Next a
End Sub

Creating an Archive Macro Excel VBA

In this latest project the desire is to have a button & macro that will do the following:
When clicked the macro will copy all the data from the existing workbook & save it to another location. To create the copy of the workbook I will be using the following code below:
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="C:\Data.xlsm"
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
This code was sourced from - http://goo.gl/t7qOyB
Once the copy has been archived, the data in the existing workbook must then be removed leaving all the formatting behind. How can removing the data but keeping the formatting be achieved?
Use the .ClearContents() property of Cells Collection
Sub ClearAll()
Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In Worksheets
End Sub
This code iterates through all sheets in the current workbook and deletes the values from cells keeping the formatting.
If you wanted to clear only specific range on each sheet then
Sub ClearAll()
Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In Worksheets
End Sub
This will clear only range A1:B20 on each sheet.

Copy an entire worksheet to a new worksheet in Excel 2010

I have found similar questions that deal with copying an entire worksheet in one workbook and pasting it to another workbook, but I am interested in simply copying an entire worksheet and pasting it to a new worksheet -- in the same workbook.
I'm in the process of converting a 2003 .xls file to 2010 .xlsm and the old method used for copying and pasting between worksheets doesn't paste with the correct row heights. My initial workaround was to loop through each row and grab the row heights from the worksheet I am copying from, then loop through and insert those values for the row heights in the worksheet I am pasting to, but the problem with this approach is that the sheet contains buttons which generate new rows which changes the row numbering and the format of the sheet is such that all rows cannot just be one width.
What I would really like to be able to do is just simply copy the entire worksheet and paste it. Here is the code from the 2003 version:
I'm surprised that converting to .xlsm is causing this to break now. Any suggestions or ideas would be great.
It is simpler just to run an exact copy like below to put the copy in as the last sheet
Sub Test()
Dim ws1 As Worksheet
Set ws1 = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Master")
ws1.Copy ThisWorkbook.Sheets(Sheets.Count)
End Sub
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Master").Sheet1.Cells.Copy _
The above will copy the cells. If you really want to duplicate the entire sheet, then I'd go with #brettdj's answer.
' Assume that the code name the worksheet is Sheet1
' Copy the sheet using code name and put in the end.
' Note: Using the code name lets the user rename the worksheet without breaking the VBA code
Sheet1.Copy After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
' Rename the copied sheet keeping the same name and appending a string " copied"
ActiveSheet.Name = Sheet1.Name & " copied"
I really liked #brettdj's code, but then I found that when I added additional code to edit the copy, it overwrote my original sheet instead. I've tweaked his answer so that further code pointed at ws1 will affect the new sheet rather than the original.
Sub Test()
Dim ws1 as Worksheet
Set ws1 = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Master (2)")
End Sub
'Make the excel file that runs the software the active workbook
'The first sheet used as a temporary place to hold the data
'Create a new Excel workbook
Dim NewCaseFile As Workbook
Dim strFileName As String
Set NewCaseFile = Workbooks.Add
With NewCaseFile
Cells(1, 1).Select
End With
If anyone has, like I do, an Estimating workbook with a default number of visible pricing sheets, a Summary and a larger number of hidden and 'protected' worksheets full of sensitive data but may need to create additional visible worksheets to arrive at a proper price, I have variant of the above responses that creates the said visible worksheets based on a protected hidden "Master". I have used the code provided by #/jean-fran%c3%a7ois-corbett and #thanos-a in combination with simple VBA as shown below.
Sub sbInsertWorksheetAfter()
'This adds a new visible worksheet after the last visible worksheet
ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Add After:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)
'This copies the content of the HIDDEN "Master" worksheet to the new VISIBLE ActiveSheet just created
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Master").Cells.Copy _
'This gives the the new ActiveSheet a default name
With ActiveSheet
.Name = Sheet12.Name & " copied"
End With
'This changes the name of the ActiveSheet to the user's preference
Dim sheetname As String
With ActiveSheet
sheetname = InputBox("Enter name of this Worksheet")
.Name = sheetname
End With
End Sub