Get Total Hard Disk Space of Remote Machine Using WMIC - wmic

I need to determine "TOTAL" hard disk space of the remote Windows host using wmic call.
I have tried executing wmic /node:<IP-ADDRESS> diskdrive get Size on some systems. For most of the systems, it worked well. But, for a few of them, it displayed multiple values, which are the total sizes of the partitions available.
H:\>wmic /node: diskdrive get size
In order to get unique value for the total hard disk space (addition of sizes of all partitions), what should be done?

try to use
C:\>wmic /node:<IP-ADDRESS> logicaldisk get Size


Calculate HANA global allocation limit

How can I calculate the global_allocation_limit parameter? When I have SAP Netweaver and SAP HANA DB installed on a server. And the current database size in RAM is 300 GB.
Many thanks
As you correctly mentioned, the Global Allocation Limit is a parameter, which can be set by the administrator. If the administrator has set this to an arbitrary value, there is no way for you to "calculate" it.
However, if your question is referring to the default value, the official documentation may be helpful:
The default value is 0 in which case the global allocation limit is
calculated as follows: 90% of the first 64 GB of available physical
memory on the host plus 97% of each further GB. Or, in the case of
small physical memory, physical memory minus 1 GB.

Storing 30M records in redis

I'm wondering the most efficient way to store this data.
I need to track 30-50 million data points per day. It needs to be extremely fast read/write, so I'm using redis.
The data only needs to last for 24 hours, at which point it will EXPIRE.
The data looks like this as a key/value hash
"statistics:a5ded391ce974a1b9a86aa5322ea9e90": {
xbi: 1,
bid: 0.24024,
xpl: 25.0,
acc: 40,
pid: 43,
cos: 0.025,
xmp: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
clu: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
I've replaced the actual string with a lot of x but that IS the proper length of the string.
So far, according to my calculations.... this will use hundreds of GB of memory. Does that seem correct?
This is mostly ephemeral logging data thats important, but not important enough to try to support writing to disk or failovers. I am comfortable keeping it on 1 machine, if that helps make this easier.
What would be the best way to reduce memory space in this scenario? Is there a better way I can do this? Does redis support 300GB on a single instance?
In redis.conf - set hash-max-ziplist-value to 1 more than the length of the field 'xmp'. Then restart redis, and watch your memory go down significantly.
The default value is 64. Increasing it increases cpu utilization when you modify or add new fields in the hash. But your use case seems to be create-only, and in that case there shouldn't be any drawbacks of increasing the setting.
this will use hundreds of GB of memory. Does that seem correct?
Does redis support 300GB on a single instance?
Is there a better way I can do this?
You can try the following methods:
Avoid Using Hash
Since you always get all fields of the log with HGETALL, there's NO need to save the log as HASH. HASH consumes more memory than STRING.
You can serialize all fields into a string, and save the log as a key-value pair:
SET 'statistics:a5ded391ce974a1b9a86aa5322ea9e90' '{xbi: 1, bid: 0.24024, and other fields}'
#Sripathi Krishnan's answer gives another way to avoid HASH, i.e. config Redis to encode the HASH into ZIPLIST. It's a good idea if you don't share your Redis with other applications. Otherwise, this modification might cause problem to others.
Compress The Data
In order to reduce memory usage, you can try to compress your data. Redis can store binary strings, so you can use gzip, snappy or other compression algorithm to compress the log text into binary string, and save it into Redis.
Normally, you can get better compression when the input is bigger. So you'd better compress the whole log, instead of compress each field one by one.
The side-effect is that the producer and consumer of the log need to cost some CPU to compress and decompress the data. However, normally that's NOT a problem, and also it can reduce some network bandwidth.
Batch Write and Batch Read
As I mentioned above, if you want to get better compression, you should get a bigger input. So if you can write multiple logs in a batch, you can compress the batch of logs to get better compression.
Compress multiple logs into a batch: compress(log1, log2, log3) -> batch1: batch-result
Put the batch result into Redis as a key-value pair: SET batch1 batch-result
Build an index for the batch: MSET log1 batch1 log2 batch1 log3 batch1
When you need to get the log:
Search the index to get the batch key: GET log1 -> batch1
Get the batch result: GET batch1 -> batch-result
Decompress the batch result and look up the log from the result
The last method is the most complicated one, and the extra index will cost some extra memory. However, it can largely reduce the size of your data.
Also what these methods can achieve, largely depends on your log. You should do lots of benchmark :)

Should I force MS SQL to consume x amount of memory?

I'm trying to get better performance out of our MS SQL database. One thing I noticed that the instance is taking up about 20 gigs of RAM, and the database in question is taking 19 gigs of that 20. Why isn't the instance consuming most of the 32 gigs that is on box? Also the size of the DB is a lot larger then 32 gigs, so it being smaller then the available Ram is not the issue. I was thinking on setting the min server memory to 28 gigs or something along those lines, any thoughts? I didn't find anything on the interwebs that threw up red flags on this idea. This is on a VM(VMWARE). I verified that the host is not overcommitting memory. Also I do not have access to the host.
This is the query I ran to find out what each database was consuming
SELECT DB_NAME(database_id),
COUNT (*) * 8 / 1024 AS MBUsed
FROM sys.dm_os_buffer_descriptors
GROUP BY database_id
ORDER BY COUNT (*) * 8 / 1024 DESC
If data is sitting on disk, but hasn't been requested by a query since the service has started, then there would be no reason for SQL Server to put those rows into the buffer cache, thus the size on disk would be larger than the size in memory.

How to get LBA(logical block addressing) of a file from MFT on NTFS file system?

I accessed the $MFT file and extracted file attributes.
Given the file attributes from MFT, how to get a LBA of file from the MFT record on NTFS file system?
To calculate LBA, I know that cluster number of file.
It that possible using cluster number to calculate?
I'm not entirely sure of your question-- But if you're simply trying to find the logical location on disk of a file, there are various IOCTLs that will achieve this.
For instance, MFT File records: FSCTL_GET_NTFS_FILE_RECORD
Location on disk of a specific file via HANDLE: FSCTL_GET_RETRIEVAL_POINTERS
If you're trying to parse NTFS on your own, you'll need to follow the $DATA attribute-- Which will always be non-resident data runs (unless it's a small file that can be resident within the MFT). Microsoft's data runs are fairly simply structures of data contained in the first two nibbles, which specify offset and length for the next run of data.
IMHO you should write the code by doing some basic arithmetic rather than using IOCTLs and FSCTLs for everything. You should know the size of your disk and the offset from which a volume starts (or every extent by using IOCTL_VOLUME_GET_VOLUME_DISK_EXTENTS) and store those values somewhere. Then just add the LCN times the size of a cluster to the offset of the extent on the disk.
Most of the time you just have to deal with one extent. When you have multiple extents you can figure out on which extent the cluster is by multiplying the LCN with the size of a cluster and then subtracting the size of each extent returned by the IOCTL in the order they are returned, if the next number to subtract is greater than your current number, that particular LCN is on that extent.
A file is a single virtually contiguous unit consisting of virtual clusters. These virtual clusters map onto extents (fragments) of logical clusters where LCN 0 is the boot sector of the volume. The logical clusters map onto different logical clusters if there are bad clusters. The actual logical cluster is then translated to a physical cluster, PCN, or LBA (the first sector of the physical cluster) by summing the number of hidden sectors (the sector number of the boot sector relative to the start of the disk) and then adding it to LCN*(sectors per cluster in the volume). PCN = hidden sectors / (sectors per cluster in the volume) + LCN. LBA = hidden sectors + LCN*(sectors per cluster in the volume)

What is the maximum value size you can store in redis?

Does anyone know what the maximum value size you can store in redis? I want to use redis as a message queue with celery to store some small documents that need to be processed by a worker on another server, and I want to make sure the documents aren't going to be too big.
I found one page with a reference to 1GB, but when I followed the link on the page for where they got that answer the link wasn't valid anymore. Here is the link:
All string values are limited to 512 MiB. This is the size limit you probably care most about.
EDIT: Because keys in Redis are strings, the maximum key size is 512 MiB. The maximum number of keys is 2^32 - 1 = 4,294,967,295.
Values, on the other hand, can vary in size depending on their type. For aggregate data types (i.e. hash, list, set, and sorted set), the maximum value size is 512 MiB for each element, although the data structure itself can have up to 2^32 - 1 elements.
Article about Redis Memory Usage can help you to roughly determine how much memory your database would take.
It's in the order of the amount of RAM you have, at least, so unless you plan on puting multi-gigabyte objects in there I wouldn't worry. I've had sets that were hundreds of megabytes big without a problem, but I don't know the exact limits.
A String value can accommodate the size of max 512MB. But according to this link, the size can be increased.