Error displaying Tab ios - ios7

I'm trying to create an app with two tabs. When I get to the scene where I can choose between tabs, the first one (the one which is loaded automatically) is showing as desired. But, when I click the second tab, it goes behind the Navigation Bar. Both Controllers have the same configuration, as far as I know. I can't find the problem here.
If I swap the order of the tabs the issue is the same. It looks like that the problem is with the Tab Bar Controller.
What can I do to fix it? Thanks.

you can do
self.edgesForExtendedLayout = UIRectEdgeNone;
on your -ViewDidLoad Method of the 2nd view


Navigation bar doesn't show back button

I have a navigation controller with a table full of buttons that cause various settings pages to push in. I needed to add a new one, so I copied one of my existing ones, changed the VC, and off I go.
But there's no nav bar on the screen. I can see the navigation object in the storyboard and the editor simulates it's display. I compared it to the other pages that are displaying the bar, and they look the same.
I tried changing some settings, like "Hide Bottom Bar On Push" and that had an effect, but my attempts to get the bar to show up fail.
I looked at other questions that suggested it had something to do with naming, but I've tried various name fields - on the Navigation Item, the VC's Title, etc. - with no effect.
I am not sure, but the problem may be that in case the segue to the new View Controller Scene is set to modal, it would not have a Nav Bar, To be able to see one, you need to embed that in another Navigation Controller.

UI Tab Bar added to Storyboard not showing up when I build the App

I have an iOS App. I currently have an existing View Controller. I manually added a UI Tab Bar to it using the storyboard.
I added the UITabBarDelegate and implemented the corresponding functions required tabBar:tabBar didSelectItem:item.
I've also connected the delegate of the Tab Bar to the view controller itself.
However, when I build, the Tab Bar completely does not show up at all.
I know you can just use a Tab Bar Controller, but I need to add the Tab Bar to it, and use the Tab Bar to modify content of the view itself. (specifically it acts as a filter for a table view) So, it doesnt make sense to create 4 exact same Views to hook up to a UI Tab View Controller
What am I doing wrong?
I found out what's wrong.
It turns out, I had completely successfully implemented the UITabBar. What happened was that I was testing on an IPhone 4. As such, it bled out of the screen and could not be seen. Adding constraints fixed it.

uibutton dosnt respond to touch when at a location

Bit of a strange one.
I have a UIButton which works when located anywhere on the view except the top left hand corner when in landscape mode.
I have a navigation bar with a back button nested in the same area but when the the video enters full screen and playback state changes this navigation bar is hidden.
any ideas?
As thought, the problem was occuring due to the hidden navigation bar and the navigation item located in the same place.
The only solution i can find was to remove the navigation bar from superview then add it back when needed.
Your view's hierarchy is not properly configured. To properly configure your hierarchy, you need to navigate to either the xib or storyboard that you're working with, and re-order the button so that it's on top of anything that falls within it's similar bounds. A common example is that you added a UIView, which is clear, and you had the button underneath it, and now you can't interact with it even though you can't see it.

Why does the iOS toolbar view get added on top of my loading view when I hide and show it again?

I have a normal navigation based iOS app
I've got "loading view" which I initiate from my app delegate and use across the app, simply by showing and hiding it.
This works fine, but as soon as I hide the bottom toolbar in one of the views in the app and display it again, the toolbar seems now be shown on top of the my generic "loading view"
Any help is much appreciated
How do you add your bottomBar? Obviously not on the view itself, right? Than it would probably be beneath the overlay.
Also you should use an extra window for the loading overlay. That would solve your issues.
I basically ended up deleting the loading view and recreating it each time.
It now appears at the top of the view hierarchy each time. This fixed the problem.

Bug with Tab Bar being covered by UITableView

So I have 3 main scenes, each with a tab bar item. The first scene (Account scene) contains a UITableView. Also on this scene I have a button which switches to a different scene that is NOT included on the tab bar.
ie. Account scene (which IS on tab bar) has button to link to Account Info page (which IS NOT on tab bar). This all works fine, but when I go back to the Account scene from the Account Info scene, the UITableView now is covering the Tab Bar (or the Tab Bar may have just disappeared altogether), so I can no longer access it and switch to different scenes.
Anyone else encountered something similar or know why this may be happening? If sample code is needed I can post some, but I did this mostly using storyboard.
Fixed. Was segue-ing to the view controller itself, instead of segue-ing to the TabBarController that handled the view. Limitation is that I can only segue back to the first tab bar view, which is kind of annoying but oh well.