Contributing to Free Software Projects Made Easy states:
Start Bazaar Explorer.
but does not describe how this is done.
From the command line, as described in Linux Installation -- Bazaar Explorer:
bzr explorer
I want to take a stab at contributing code to TestCafe for bugs/issues.
Can anyone of the contributers help me with setting up my machine? How do you get started? (apart from forking the repo) Are there any tools/extension that specifically help you?
Node.js is a prerequisite and needs to be installed on your machine. You need to run npm install or yarn in the local copy of the repository after it is cloned. You can use gulp build to build the project without running tests. After the project is built, you can start TestCafe by executing node bin/testcafe.js <TestCafe args> in your terminal.
You can use any text editor of your choice. JetBrains Webstorm is an ultimate solution for a JS project like TestCafe, but it is paid and proprietary. Visual Studio Code is a good open-source and free alternative.
As for other questions, I suggest you refer to the Code Contribution section of our guide, which covers the majority of topics.
Try to install a plugin. Idea could not connect to the repo. I looked through other questions like this, tried to turn off an antivirus software and a firewall, checked IPv4 option in the vm config (it's set to true). Any other ideas, please?
Idea is installed on a Win 10, through a ToolBox.
The problem was in the path - installation root of Intellij contained Russian (non-ASCII) characters. I moved all the JetBrains tools to c:/ and this solved the issue. This can be done via the ToolBox functionality.
If to install some of IntelliJ IDEA family IDE manually, it will be suggested "add 'open this directory in IntellIJ IDEA' in context menu" in installation master. However, if to install IDE via JetBrains Toolbox there will not be available this option. -- watch this ticket (star/vote/comment) to get notified on any progress.
Other tickets with similar requests (that I think should be marked as Duplicate to the aforementioned one or some other way around): TBX-3573, TBX-3981
I can't install practically macro on eclipse.`
Communication with repository at
Read Timeout
Tried to install from here dragging and dropping
And tried to install it from eclipse marketplace, both said the same thing.
I have eclipse luna 4.4.1.
I want to be able to do key shortcut for run cofiguration. Apperently i need this plug-in but can't install it.
Go to and download PracticallyMacro_x.x.x.jar.
Then create a directory "PracticallyMarco" inside the eclipse/plugins directory.
Extract all files from PracticallyMacro_x.x.x.jar into eclipse/plugins/PracticallyMarco.
Restart eclipse. (Maybe you should restart eclipse with the -clean option.)
Then you can use the PracticallyMacro from the main toolbar:
See also the file eclipse/plugins/PracticallyMarco/Instructions.txt for more details.
There is a GitHub fork that seems to work:
If you browse the repo you can find the following update site:
I tested it on latest eclipse PHOTON and it seems to work.
I want to stop egit from updating the repository with modifications I make to an app, which I downloaded from git. I found out that I have to update .gitignore file. I did that. But then I read that I have to clear the git cache also. But all the procedures I find are for the linux setup of Eclipse. I don't find any information on how to do this in the Windows environment. On Linux setup, you can issue "git rm -r --cached [filename]", and that stops git from updating the repository with changes to the file. But I can not find the git or egit executable in my setup. I am running Eclipse from the Android bundle setup. This is a zip file that you can download from Android developer site, and it has Eclipse along with Android Development Environment. I am running this on a Windows 7 machine. I think egit is the Eclipse addon for git? Is that right?
I found this link: Eclipse Git Tutorial But it did not help me.