After manually navigating within Intellij Project Explorer the Scroll to Source no longer seems to work - intellij-idea

"Autoscroll from Source" has been enabled - which works well normally. The particular scenario for this question is that I have navigated to a different module and file within the Project Explorer. After having done that I can find no way to scroll to source anymore.
Navigate | Select | Scroll to source has no effect
Disabling and reenabling Autoscroll from Source has no effect.
Any suggestions on what other workaround/tweak to attempt?

This seems to be a corner case that happens infrequently. I have not seen it again since that time. So: no answer, but not really to worry too much about it.


IntelliJ doesn't display... at all

I have a bug which is completely over the planet. IntellIJ doesn't display. It's on, yet doesn't display.
It worked well before, last thing I did was re-setting up new dependencies on my code and (nothing to do with that) re-setting SDK for other reasons, both of which shouldn't be linked to display properties.
As you can see it's working, I see the pop up windows:
But doesn't display:
Yet I can see IntelliJ windows with Shift + Tab:
and yes, my screen doesn't duplicate, so it's not hidden in another dimension or something
I tried:
restart computer
uninstall install IntelliJ
uninstall install IntelliJ without previous parameters
try other JetBrains software, like DataGrip, it works and displays well
call a homeopathic doctor
Unsuccessfully. So I knee and await before your judgement of this critical situation.
I have this exact same behavior happen to me when I use IntelliJ at work and then go home and try to use it via Remote Desktop. Its very strange (regardless of which monitor I leave it on at work when I leave).
If I hover over it in the task bar and then hover over the thumbnail for the running app, I can right click and tell it to maximize and it magically comes back into focus. Sometimes I have to tell it to restore and then to maximize before this works.
Occasionally even this doesn't work and I have to close it, re-open, and do the same. It makes no sense, so I understand your frustration.
It works
As John Humphreys - w00te mentionned, click right over the thumbnail (I insist: the thumbnail ! Not the taskbar icon) and then select maximize and voilà.
Bon appétit.
Thanks for your contribution and I hope it will help some people in need here.
I have had this issue when I have moved from a dual monitor setup to a single monitor setup or a different dual monitor set up. The issue here that intellij window seems to save and use the coordinates of the last dual window setup to render the window. It doesn't matter you restart your computer, it will always try and render to that position, even if that position is not visible on the new monitor set up. On windows there is an easy way to fix this issue. Go to your display setting and flip the order of the windows. The intellij window should now be visible. you can drag the window to the your other monitor and re-arrange the windows back to the order you had previously. After that, you can place the intellij window wherever you want.
In my case I noticed there is a 1 pixel thick gray line on my screen, turns out that was the IDEA window and I could resize upon hovering that line. Needless to say it wasn't me shrinking it.
I have this same behavior, It happens to me when I connect a monitor in extended mode and move the intellij window to the monitor, then disconnect without moving it back. No other solution other than to connect to monitor again and bring it back to the original window for me works.
On mac, select the app from the app tray so that the menu for it appears up top. Then on the menu up top, go to Windows->Zoom and it should expand to fill the viewport.
From there you can drag it down to size and reposition.

WebKitGTK WebInspector doesn't close

I'm working on a project using WebKitGTK and I'm having trouble with the WebInspector after having enabled it using the enable-developer-extras property.
I can open it fine, but when I click the close, pop-out into own window, or switch to sidebar buttons they don't do anything. In my application there's literally no way to close WebInspector once you've opened it.
It doesn't appear to be anything I've changed in my code because I remember it working before, but when I check those commits from Git they're now broken as well. At the same time however it does look like something I'm doing because other applications on my computer using WebKitGTK have their WebInspector working perfectly (and yes, I checked out their code).
So my question is: Has anyone faced a similar issue? And does anyone have an idea how it might be fixed?
You're probably hitting this bug. Workaround is to add a dummy call to webkit_web_view_get_inspector somewhere.

NSMenuBar apps influencing (disabling) each others views (NSMenuItem's) ? BUG

I'm working on a NSMenuBar application and another NSMenuBar app seems to influence the display behaviour of my application!? More precisely: Adobe's Creative Cloud Application. When I click on that (creative cloud) Icon, the popup-view appears. Afterwards, when I click on my StatusBar Icon, my Menu appears, BUT, all the NSMenuItem's that should be Enabled are suddenly Disabled, and not interactive anymore.
Some observations:
When I log the enabled-state of the NSMenuItem, it logs correctly as being Enabled, but it is clearly not displaying as enabled (see screenshot), and clicking on it simply closes the Menu without performing the associated action. I do the logging with the following code:
-(void)menuWillOpen:(NSMenu *)menu
dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, 1 * NSEC_PER_SEC),
NSLog(#"preferences menu-item is enabled: %hhd",[self.preferenceMenuItem isEnabled]);
The NSMenu I use is set to setAutoenablesItems:NO.
Also, Adobe's Creative Cloud uses a popup-view. And when it is opened, It clearly hovers over the screen-real-estate that my NSMenu is using.
When I try to reproduce this with other NSMenuBar applications (e.g. Apple's Wifi or Bluetooth) it all works. No problem. Then again, those applications don't use Popover-views, and they don't completely overlap the space of my app.
Please see these screenshots as illustration:
Malicious Creative Cloud
What Am I missing here? Apps should not be influencing each other like this right? I'm slowly but surely losing my mind over this. Any help MUCH appreciated! Thnx!!
I have found the solution to my own problem. So I hope I will help anybody else struggling with this.
I was using my main xib file menu (with the status-bar) and referenced that menu to open when clicking on the statusbar icon. This caused the app to get in focus and to display two times the same menu (although not open at the same time), one under the statusbar-icon as intended, and one on the left side next to the apple symbol. Whenever the statusbar-menu was somehow getting deactivated, the left menu was still working, as if the focus was shifted to that one.
For me the solution was to decouple my referenced menu from the xib's menu, by dragging it outside the parent-menu. It's weird because somehow it's not visible anymore in InterfaceBuilder, but it's definitely still there. See screenshots:

For intelliJ 12.X how do i get the console back in the debugger?

Just like this question here:
IntelliJ: After hiding my "Output" sub-panel within the "Debug" panel, how do I get it back?
I canno get the log/console viewer back in debug mode.
The suggested solution in the given question no longer works the "restore layout" button does nothing, and the "certain spot" on the debug is extremely vague at best.
Is there a way to retrieve the console if it gets vanished (or better yet, just stop that button for vanishing it from even existing)?
I am using IntelliJ 12 Ultimate. If the restore layout didn't work for you either, this should fix the problem:
Open the Debug panel.
Keep mouse on the Debug tab and move it straight right to the Watches icon.
You may see a few more more icons here, and Output may or may not be visible (not visible for me)
If visible, click it and the Output view will be restored.
If not visible, move your mouse slowly to either side of the Watches icon and an empty block would highlight indicating that you are hovering over an icon. There may be several of these. Use tooltip to figure out which is Ouput and click it.
Worked for me, I hope it works for you too.
click the button on the left of Debug View called "restore layout",then the console will go back in the Debug View! 1
Syed explained it pretty well, but a picture could be even better:
A view can be hidden via its context menu, then restored by clicking the corresponding icon (with red circle) to the right.
You can restore the layout using this button as of 2018.1.8
In 2016.2, I had to re-run in debug mode for it to reappear. I could not find a way to un-hide the console in the debug window.
You don't say which version of IntelliJ you're using, but I've just tried this in version 12 and the console window minimises to the far right of the debugger tabs. Look at where it says 'Debugger' and then eyes right until you see one or more icons over the Watches panel. Try clicking on them. If you're not using version 12, then only god can help you :)
In v. 2020.1 there is Layout Settings on the top right corner of Debug window
I've just spent an hour trying to get my console output back, and although this answer didn't solve it, it did help.
I'm on Intellij 11.1 Ultimate Edition, and Restore layout didn't help. Nor did I have any icons above the Watches window in the debugger, but I clicked around above the Watches anyway - and suddenly my console output was restored.
I've tried clicking around there again to see if I can provide more concrete steps, but without success. Can only suggest you keep clicking till it reappears.

Squeak System Browser Questions

I am using (a school modified version of) the "Squeak By Example" (SBE) image for a OOP/OOD class. However, my System Browser is missing a few features that appear in SBE. I assume there are some configuration options that can get them back for me, but I can't find them yet.
My questions are:
1) How do I get the buttons back? In the bottom pane there should be a bunch of button (browse, senders, implementors, versions, ..., source). My buttons are missing.
2) How do I get the small workspace area above the buttons to appear? There is supposed to be an area that I can type in, below the top panes, and above the buttons, but it doesn't appear.
Thanks in advance!
Edit - I did fool around in the Preferences Browser and tried a lot of settings. I managed to make the buttons come back and then later got that small (unknown name) workspace pane back, but I have no idea how. I have tried to systematically turn stuff off again to find out what setting(s) controlled what, but I was unable to determine what controlled either problem. So even though I have it working, I would like some squeak/smalltalk knowledgeable person to let me know how to control these as it might help me learn...
"In the bottom pane there should be a bunch of button (browse, senders, implementors, versions, ..., source). " -- switch on the optionalButtons preference in the preferences browser.
The "area that I can type in, below the top panes, and above the buttons, but it doesn't appear" sounds like the annotation pane - this gives you summary information about the method you're currently viewing, and it's controlled by the annotationPanes preference. Alternatively you may be referring to the Mercury Panel which is used for fast navigation to other classes and methods; this is (of course :-) controlled by the mercuryPanel preference.
If you've been messing around, you may also find that you now have an incorrect system browser selected. Squeak has a choice of browsers which can act as the System Browser. You can choose between them by clicking the menu button on the System Browser and selecting "Choose new default Browser". Open a new browser window to see what effect this has had.
You may also want to try a Pharo image which has everything configured the way you want by default.
Do you have access to the Preferences Browser? It should be in the main system menu. You can alter all sorts of things via this browser, including which buttons appear in teh system browser?