Some doubts about WordPress theme\plugin development IDE, how to obtain the IDE code assistance? - ide

I am pretty new in WordPress theme\plugin development (I came from Java and C#) and I have the following doubt about the IDE and how to correctly handle the WordPress development process.
My main doubt is this one: when I develop in Java I use Eclipse as IDE and using Eclipse I can navigate through classes and methods selecting it with mouse pointer and clicking CTRL on the keyboard (I select a method, I press CTRL and it open me this method implementation).
Also using Eclipse\Visual Studio if I put the mouse pointer on a method call in my code I can obtain some informations about it, as the returned type or the input parameters list.
Now I am using Aptana Studio 3 to develop a WordPress theme. I imported the entire WP installation directory as a project and I am working on my custom theme but I have not all the previous feature.
What can I do to have these feature when I develop a WordPress theme or a plugin?

You might try Jetbrains' PHPStorm. Version 8 which is only available via their early access program has Wordpress support. I have not used Aptana very much but PHPStorm has been very helpful. It's got a hefty price tag but there is a 30 day trial.
Helpful link
PHPStorm Wordpress documentation


Intelij Ultimate 2019.2 JAXB

I have read how to generate a schema from a java class but the menu items mention dont exist. Information is given on how to enable the Web Services plug in which it says is built in, but I cant find it. I expect this is why the menu item under tools do not appear when the source file is open in the editor.
I cannot find the any plugin for JAXB.
The instructions I am trying to follow are at
It says "This functionality is provided via the WebServices bundled plugin, which is enabled by default." but I dont see it in the list of installed plugins!
Must be doing something wrong but now out of ideas for what to try next.
Any suggestions?

How to show warnings, errors, functions, variables in VSCode with JavaScript/Nodejs

Is it possible to show warnings (not used variables / typo), errors and an overview about my created variables and functions in an open file?
I have installed the newest Visual Studio Code IDE but if I press Ctrl + P and then !, my VSCode says there are no results. It doesn't know !-command and other commands I found in the internet.
What extension/addon do I have to install to see this? It would be great if I could see this in a separate window without using Ctrl + P and if the IDE would mark positions with warnings/errors in my open code as Eclipse-IDE can do.
Use Eslint. Install it globally using the following command
npm install -g eslint
It will show all possible warnings based on the rule sets given, while you are coding. Moreover VSCode is not an IDE it's just Code Editor like Sublime.
The main difference here is the word IDE...Eclipse is an IDE and is the most widely used Java IDE, but, Visual Studio Code is not an IDE, but, a code editor.
If you want to try a Microsoft IDE, you can download
Visual Studio Community, a fully-featured, extensible, free IDE for creating modern applications for Android, iOS, Windows, as well as web applications and cloud services
Is it possible to show warnings (not used variables / typo), errors [...] in an open file?
The VS Code extension for quick-lint-js can show you syntax errors and misspelled variable names. It requires no configuration. (ESLint requires per-project configuration.)
At this moment, quick-lint-js doesn't tell you about unused variables.

elm IDE (editor and elm-reactor browser)

Hi I am looking for a split screen IDE for elm. Just an editor on one side and a browser on the other running elm-reactor. I know I can position vi running in a text window and a browser in the other window, but this takes time and is fiddly, I am always having to adjust and find these screens after watching a video. Is there a nice simple IDE that I can start up to do this. The online try elm site is good (, but I loose my code when I leave the web site. Ideally I'd like to run elm-reactor with an online editor locally on my machine. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
There is an Elm Plug-in for LightTable that you may like. The demo shows that you can have tabs for editing code and tabs for running the web browser, all within the LightTable IDE.
You could also set up the Atom editor to run a web browser in a separate tab. There is an Atom Elm Plugin which will give you syntax highlighting and Elm Oracle support.
There are a few online editors but these are really only good for small bits of Elm code, useful for testing and sharing small ideas, but not much else.
Ellie - This allows the import of any public package, editing the html which wraps an Elm example, and links and forks of examples. - As you mentioned, this does not allow sharing of code. It does, however, include a few non-core packages like StartApp - This site is now defunct This site has the benefit of being able to save code for sharing, or for loading gists. However, as of 2016-01-20, this has not been updated to Elm version 0.16, and it only allows you to import core libraries.
I would be remiss if I didn't mention ElmCast's elm-vim plugin for Vim, and elm-mode for Emacs, both of which offer syntax highlighting and Elm Oracle support, as well as integration with Elm build tools. They don't have a built-in web browser, but with a little configuration, you can certainly streamline your workflow.
...and there is an Elm Plugin for the sophisticated IDEs from Jetbrains like IntelliJ, WebStorm etc.
Most of them are commercial software but there is an open source edition from IntelliJ: IntelliJ Community Edition and also free licenses for education and OSS projects.
For just writing Elm I like Atom Editor with the plugins language-elm, elm-oracle and linter-elm-make.
I really like the elm packages for vscode.
With them it is easy to get auto-complete, and auto-formanting/compilation on save, with compile errors displayed on the code.

Eclipse 3.7 RCP Application with multiple plugins

What is the right way to make an RCP application that is “ready for plugins”? I have struggled to do this basic concept and am trying to accomplish this in Eclipse 3.7 (latest 3.x version).
Step 1
I would like to explore this by using 3 eclipse plugin projects:
• HelloWorldRCP
• HelloWorldPluginA
• HelloWorldPluginB
Would it make sense to make HelloWorldRCP with all the common things such as a menu-bar with an Edit menu including cut, copy and paste menu items? The HelloWorldPluginA could add an additional menu-item called “Alpha” and HelloWorldPluginB could add yet another menu-item called “Beta”? However, the cut, copy and paste functionality could still work within Plugin A and B?
Step 2
Next, how do I deploy this as a “product”? I have made a new product configuration and defined the dependencies from the default runtime configuration that was made. I do notice that there are a lot of dependency jars that are included, but I don’t think I use them. For example, I don’t use data-binding to my knowledge, but it keeps coming up as a required dependency.
I go to Export | Eclipse Product and an executable environment is created in my desired folder. However, when I copy this to another machine it seems to keep referencing the original machines Java installation location. How does one get around this?
I have tried to bundle a jre with the Product Export but nothing is created. I have also just tried copying my jre6 as a jre folder. This does seem to work.
Next problem here is the 32/64 bit Java execution environments. What is advised here? I have been aiming to build on 32 bit only and then hopefully that will run on 32 or 64bit platforms. Is this correct?
Step 3
I need to web-start this now. The old way of initiating an Eclipse 3.5 application, using a startup.jar has changed. I now use the equinox launcher and reference it in the jnlp instead of the startup.jar. However, I keep getting an exception which seems related to the 32/64 bit equinox win32_64 jar. I notice that the export writes a folder and not a jar. I read somewhere that this is a “clever trick” to allow compatibility for both 32 and 64bit runtime environments.
The problem here is that I need a jar and not a folder so that I can sign the jars required and deploy accordingly.
Does anyone have a Java Web-start example for and Eclipse 3.7 RCP application? Or any advice?
You are going to need a lot of time to learn everything you've asked about here.
Here is one of the best places to start...
That site covers a lot of basics. But you need a little more than basics.
The best example of a working RCP product with some of the features you require can be found at ...
This guy (Kai) makes all of the source code available via SVN, and he has some very advanced stuff going on in his application. He also has a good blog with some advanced RCP tips and tricks.
Another thing you'll want to investigate is Tycho. I realize that you didn't mention anything about building your application, but I've found that using Tycho for building has made my most recent foray into Eclipse RCP 100 times better than the other times I've done RCP work. So, my advice, get to know Tycho.
The learning curve of Eclipse RCP is somewhat steep, but I think it's worth the effort.
Good Luck!

Need IDE suggestions for Chrome Extension project

I currently use Programmer's Notepad for my Chrome Extension project. I like Programmer's Notepad, as it is simple to use and I don't need debugging features (Chrome has all that for me). However, I check the project into Subversion and it stores absolute paths, which will not allow other people to use it unless they use the same exact path.
I have Visual Studio 2010 at my disposal, but I haven't seen a useful way to use it. I have also heard of Aptana Studio, but I was discouraged from trying it out fully because it seemed too bloated for my needs.
What is a good IDE I can use for chrome extension development? The most important factor is good project support. Relative paths need to be stored in the project and it should keep files grouped together so I can work out of the IDE and not have to continuously open files in Windows Explorer.
Secondly good syntax highlighting and intellisense are ideal but I can live without it. Intellisense with jQuery and the built in Chrome Extension API are pluses.
Geany is a good very lightweight with project management and everything. Latest version also includes local intellisense for opened files and has very nice syntax highlighting and some other nice plugins.
Visual Studio 2010 with Resharper (to allow for the JS intellisense) works nice as well but it slightly bloated when it comes to just javascript extension development.
I would actually just recommend a lightweight editor such as Notepad++ or Vim/Emacs but it seems that your project may have grown too big for this so Geany would be my choice.
Komodo Edit is free and seems to meet all of your requirements:
If you are willing to pay for it, the ActiveState (same people) Komodo IDE gets very good reviews: