How can I optimize this SQL query? (Solarwinds Orion) - sql

I'm very new to SQL, and still learning. I'm using a reporting tool called Solarwinds Orion, and I'm honestly not sure how specific the query I have written is to the program, so if there's anything in the query that's confusing, let me know and I'll try to figure out if it's specific to the program or not.
The problem with the query I'm running is that it times out after a very long time (maybe an hour) of running. The database I'm using is huge. Unfortunately I don't really know how huge, but I've been told it's huge.
Is there anything I am doing wrong that would have a huge performance impact?
Nodes.Caption AS NodeName,
NetflowApplicationSummary.AppName AS Application_Name,
SUM(NetflowApplicationSummary.TotalBytes) AS SUM_of_Bytes_Transferred,
AVG(Case OutBandwidth
When 0 Then 0
Else (NetflowApplicationSummary.TotalBytes/OutBandwidth) * 100
INNER JOIN Nodes ON (NetflowApplicationSummary.NodeID = Nodes.NodeID))
INNER JOIN InterfaceTraffic ON (Nodes.NodeID = InterfaceTraffic.InterfaceID))
INNER JOIN Interfaces ON (Nodes.NodeID = Interfaces.NodeID)
( InterfaceTraffic.DateTime > (GetDate()-30) )
(Nodes.WANCircuit = 1)
GROUP BY Nodes.Caption, NetflowApplicationSummary.AppName
EDIT: I ran COUNT() on each of my tables with the below result.
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM NetflowApplicationSummary # 50671011
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Nodes # 898
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM InterfaceTraffic # 18000166
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Interfaces # 3938
# Total : 68,676,013
I really have no idea if 68 million items is a huge database to be honest.

A couple of notes:
The INNER JOIN operator is associative, so get rid of those parenthesis in the FROM clause and let the optimizer figure out the best join order.
You may have an implied cursor from the getdate() function being called for every row. Store the value in a local variable and compare to that.
The resulting SQL should look like this:
DECLARE #Date as datetime = getdate() - 30;
Nodes.Caption AS NodeName,
NetflowApplicationSummary.AppName AS Application_Name,
SUM(NetflowApplicationSummary.TotalBytes) AS SUM_of_Bytes_Transferred,
AVG(Case OutBandwidth
When 0 Then 0
Else (NetflowApplicationSummary.TotalBytes/OutBandwidth) * 100
FROM NetflowApplicationSummary
INNER JOIN Nodes ON NetflowApplicationSummary.NodeID = Nodes.NodeID
INNER JOIN InterfaceTraffic ON Nodes.NodeID = InterfaceTraffic.InterfaceID
INNER JOIN Interfaces ON Nodes.NodeID = Interfaces.NodeID
WHERE InterfaceTraffic.DateTime > #Date
AND Nodes.WANCircuit = 1
GROUP BY Nodes.Caption, NetflowApplicationSummary.AppName
Also, make sure you have an index on table InterfaceTraffic with a leading field of DateTime. If this doesn't exist you may need to pay the penalty of a first time creation of it.
If this doesn't help, then you may need to post the execution plan where it can be inspected.
Out of interest, also perform a count() on all four tables and post that result, just so members here can make their own assessment of how big your database really is. It is amazing how many non-technical people still think a 1 or 10 GB database is huge, while I run that easily on my workstation!


If transaction within date range, then return customer name (and not all the transactions!)

This code is taking a significant amount of time to run. It's returning every single transaction within the date range but I just need to know if the customer has had at least one transaction, then include the CustomerID, CustomerName, Type, Sign, ReportingName.
I think I need to GROUP BY 'CustomerID' but again only if there was a transaction within the date range. And of course, I'm sure there is an optimal way to execute the below TSQL because it's quite slow at present.
Thanks in advance for any help!
SELECT [ABC].[dbo].[vwPrimary].[RelatedNameId] AS CustomerID
,[ABC].[dbo].[vwPrimary].[RelatedName] AS CustomerName
,[AFGPurchase].[IvL].[TaxTreatment].[ParticluarType] AS Type
,[AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Product].[Sign] AS [Sign]
,[AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Product].[ReportingName] AS ReportingName
,[AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Transaction].[EffectiveDate] AS 'Date'
FROM (((([AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Account]
INNER JOIN [AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Position] ON [AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Account].[AccountId] = [AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Position].[AccountId])
INNER JOIN [AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Product] ON [AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Position].[ProductID] = [AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Product].[ProductId])
INNER JOIN [ABC].[dbo].[vwPrimary] ON [AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Account].[ReportingEntityId] = [ABC].[dbo].[vwPrimary].[RelatedNameId])
INNER JOIN [AFGPurchase].[IvL].[TaxTreatment] ON [AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Account].[TaxTreatmentId] = [AFGPurchase].[IvL].[TaxTreatment].[TaxTreatmentId])
INNER JOIN [AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Transaction] ON [AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Position].[PositionId] = [AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Transaction].[PositionId]
WHERE ((([AFGPurchase].[IvL].[TaxTreatment].[RegistrationType]) LIKE 'NON%')
AND (([AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Product].[Sign])='XYZ2')
AND (([AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Position].[Quantity])<>0)
AND (([AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Transaction].[EffectiveDate]) between '2021-12-31' and '2022-12-31'))
Check your indexes on fragmentation, to speed up your query. And make sure you have indexes.
If you just need one result, just TOP 1
SELECT TOP 1 [ABC].[dbo].[vwPrimary].[RelatedNameId] AS CustomerID
,[ABC].[dbo].[vwPrimary].[RelatedName] AS CustomerName
,[AFGPurchase].[IvL].[TaxTreatment].[ParticluarType] AS Type
,[AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Product].[Sign] AS [Sign]
,[AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Product].[ReportingName] AS ReportingName
,[AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Transaction].[EffectiveDate] AS 'Date'
FROM (((([AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Account]
INNER JOIN [AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Position] ON [AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Account].[AccountId] = [AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Position].[AccountId])
INNER JOIN [AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Product] ON [AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Position].[ProductID] = [AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Product].[ProductId])
INNER JOIN [ABC].[dbo].[vwPrimary] ON [AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Account].[ReportingEntityId] = [ABC].[dbo].[vwPrimary].[RelatedNameId])
INNER JOIN [AFGPurchase].[IvL].[TaxTreatment] ON [AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Account].[TaxTreatmentId] = [AFGPurchase].[IvL].[TaxTreatment].[TaxTreatmentId])
INNER JOIN [AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Transaction] ON [AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Position].[PositionId] = [AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Transaction].[PositionId]
WHERE ((([AFGPurchase].[IvL].[TaxTreatment].[RegistrationType]) LIKE 'NON%')
AND (([AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Product].[Sign])='XYZ2')
AND (([AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Position].[Quantity])<>0)
AND (([AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Transaction].[EffectiveDate]) between '2021-12-31' and '2022-12-31'))
If you only need to check for the existence of a row, and not actually get any data from it then use EXISTS() rather than INNER JOIN, e.g.
SELECT vpr.[RelatedNameId] AS CustomerID
,vpr.[RelatedName] AS CustomerName
,tt.[ParticluarType] AS Type
,tr.[EffectiveDate] AS [Date]
FROM [AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Account] AS acc
INNER JOIN [AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Position] AS pos ON acc.[AccountId] = pos.[AccountId]
INNER JOIN [AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Product] AS prd ON pos.[ProductID] = prd.[ProductId]
INNER JOIN [ABC].[dbo].[vwPrimary] AS vpr ON acc.[ReportingEntityId] = vpr.[RelatedNameId]
INNER JOIN [AFGPurchase].[IvL].[TaxTreatment] AS tt ON acc.[TaxTreatmentId] = tt.[TaxTreatmentId]
WHERE tt.[RegistrationType] LIKE 'NON%'
AND prd.[Sign]='XYZ2'
AND pos.[Quantity]<>0
FROM [AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Transaction] AS tr
WHERE tr.[PositionId] = pos.[PositionId]
AND tr.[EffectiveDate] BETWEEN '2021-12-31' AND '2022-12-31'
N.B. I have added in table aliases and removed all the unnecessary parentheses for readability - you may disagree that it is more readable, but I would expect that most people would agree
This may not offer any performance benefits over simply grouping by the columns you are selecting and keeping your joins as they are - SQL is after all a declarative language where you tell the engine what you want, not how to get it. So you may find that the two plans are the same because you are requesting the same result. Using EXISTS does have the advance of being more semantically tied to what you are trying to do though, so gives the optimiser the best chance of getting to the right plan. If you are still having performance issues, then you may need to inspect the execution plan, and see if it suggests any indexes.
Finally, if you are really still using SQL Server 2008 then you really need to start thinking about your upgrade path. It has been completely unsupported for over 3 years now.

Query taking too long - Optimization

I am having an issue with the following query returning results a bit too slow and I suspect I am missing something basic. My initial guess is the 'CASE' statement is taking too long to process its result on the underlying data. But it could be something in the derived tables as well.
The question is, how can I speed this up? Are there any glaring errors in the way I am pulling the data? Am I running into a sorting or looping issues somewhere? The query runs for about 40 seconds, which seems quite long. C# is my primary expertise, SQL is a work in progress.
Note I am not asking "write my code" or "fix my code". Just for a pointer in the right direction, I can't seem to figure out where the slow down occurs. Each derived table runs very quickly (less than a second) by themselves, the joins seem correct and the result set is returning exactly what I need. It's just too slow and I'm sure there are better SQL scripter's out there ;) Any tips would be greatly appreciated!
, hdr.order_no
, hdr.po_no as display_po
, cust.customer_name
, hdr.customer_id
WHEN (ext_price_calc >= 600.01 and ext_price_calc <= 800) and fee_price.unit_price <> round(ext_price_calc * -.01,2)
THEN '-1%: $' + cast(cast(ext_price_calc * -.01 as decimal(18,2)) as varchar(255))
WHEN ext_price_calc >= 800.01 and ext_price_calc <= 1000 and fee_price.unit_price <> round(ext_price_calc * -.02,2)
THEN '-2%: $' + cast(cast(ext_price_calc * -.02 as decimal(18,2)) as varchar(255))
WHEN ext_price_calc > 1000 and fee_price.unit_price <> round(ext_price_calc * -.03,2)
THEN '-3%: $' + cast(cast(ext_price_calc * -.03 as decimal(18,2)) as varchar(255))
END AS Status
(myDb_view_oe_hdr hdr
LEFT OUTER JOIN myDb_view_customer cust
ON hdr.customer_id = cust.customer_id)
LEFT OUTER JOIN wpd_view_sales_territory_by_customer territory
ON cust.customer_id = territory.customer_id
SUM(ext_price_calc) as ext_price_calc
(line.qty_ordered - isnull(qty_canceled,0)) * unit_price as ext_price_calc
from myDb_view_oe_hdr hdr
left outer join myDb_view_oe_line line
on hdr.order_no = line.order_no
line.delete_flag = 'N'
AND line.cancel_flag = 'N'
AND hdr.projected_order = 'N'
AND hdr.delete_flag = 'N'
AND hdr.cancel_flag = 'N'
AND line.item_id not in ('LARGE-ORDER-1%','LARGE-ORDER-2%', 'LARGE-ORDER-3%', 'FUEL','NET-FUEL', 'CONVENIENCE-FEE')) as line
group by order_no) as order_total
on hdr.order_no = order_total.order_no
count(order_no) as convenience_count
from oe_line with (nolock)
left outer join inv_mast inv with (nolock)
on oe_line.inv_mast_uid = inv.inv_mast_uid
where inv.item_id in ('LARGE-ORDER-1%','LARGE-ORDER-2%', 'LARGE-ORDER-3%')
and oe_line.delete_flag <> 'Y'
group by order_no) as fee_count
on hdr.order_no = fee_count.order_no
from oe_line line with (nolock)
where line.inv_mast_uid in (select inv_mast_uid from inv_mast with (nolock) where item_id in ('LARGE-ORDER-1%','LARGE-ORDER-2%', 'LARGE-ORDER-3%'))) as fee_price
ON fee_count.order_no = fee_price.order_no
hdr.projected_order = 'N'
AND hdr.cancel_flag = 'N'
AND hdr.delete_flag = 'N'
AND hdr.completed = 'N'
AND territory.territory_id = ‘CUSTOMERTERRITORY’
AND ext_price_calc > 600.00
AND hdr.carrier_id <> '100004'
AND fee_count.convenience_count is not null
WHEN (ext_price_calc >= 600.01 and ext_price_calc <= 800) and fee_price.unit_price <> round(ext_price_calc * -.01,2)
THEN '-1%: $' + cast(cast(ext_price_calc * -.01 as decimal(18,2)) as varchar(255))
WHEN ext_price_calc >= 800.01 and ext_price_calc <= 1000 and fee_price.unit_price <> round(ext_price_calc * -.02,2)
THEN '-2%: $' + cast(cast(ext_price_calc * -.02 as decimal(18,2)) as varchar(255))
WHEN ext_price_calc > 1000 and fee_price.unit_price <> round(ext_price_calc * -.03,2)
THEN '-3%: $' + cast(cast(ext_price_calc * -.03 as decimal(18,2)) as varchar(255))
'OK' END <> 'OK'
Just as a clue to the right direction for optimization:
When you do an OUTER JOIN to a query with calculated columns, you are guaranteeing not only a full table scan, but that those calculations must be performed against every row in the joined table. It appears that you can actually do your join to oe_line without the column calculations (i.e. by filtering ext_price_calc to a specific range).
You don't need to do most of the subqueries that are in your query--the master query can be recrafted to use regular table join syntax. Joins to subqueries containing subqueries presents a challenge to the SQL optimizer that it may not be able to meet. But by using regular joins, the optimizer has a much better chance at identifying more efficient query strategies.
You don't tag which SQL engine you're using. Every database has proprietary extensions that may allow for speedier or more efficient queries. It would be easier to provide useful feedback if you indicated whether you were using MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle, etc.
Regardless of the database you're using, reviewing the query plan is always a good place to start. This will tell you where most of the I/O and time in your query is being spent.
Just on general principle, make sure your statistics are up-to-date.
It's may not be solvable by any of us without the real stuff to test with.
IF that's the case and nobody else posts the answer, I can still help. Here is how to trouble shoot it.
(1) take joins and pieces out one by one.
(2) this will cause errors. Remove or fake the references to get rid of them.
(3) see how that works.
(4) Put items back before you try taking something else out
(5) keep track...
(6) also be aware where a removal of something might drastically reduce the result set.
You might find you're missing an index or some other smoking gun.
I was having the same problem and I was able to solve it by indexing one of the tables and setting a primary key.
I strongly suspect that the problem lies in the number of joins you're doing. A lot of databases do joins basically by systemically checking all possible combinations of the various tables as being valid - so if you're joinging table A and B on column C, and A looks like:
While B looks like:
When you do the join, it checks all 9 possibilities:
And goes through and deletes the non-matching ones:
... which means with three entries in each table, it creates nine temporary records, sorts through them all, and deletes six of them ... all before it actually sorts through the results for what you're after (so if you are looking for Betty's Pet, you only want one row on that final result).
... and you're doing how many joins and sub-queries?

SQl Query get data very slow from different tables

I am writing a sql query to get data from different tables but it is getting data from different tables very slowly.
Approximately above 2 minutes to complete.
What i am doing is here :
1. I am getting data differences and on behalf of date difference i am getting account numbers
2. I am comparing tables to get exact data i need.
here is my query
select T.accountno,
MAX(T.datetxn) as MxDt,
datediff(MM,MAX(T.datetxn), '2011-6-30') as Diffs,
max(P.Name) as POName
from Account_skd A,
AccountTxn_skd T,
POName P
where A.AccountNo = T.AccountNo and
GPOCode = A.OfficeCode and
Code = A.POCode and
A.servicecode = T.ServiceCode
group by T.AccountNo
order by len(T.AccountNo) DESC
please help that how i can use joins or any other way to get data within very less time say 5-10 seconds.
Since it appears you are getting EVERY ACCOUNT, and performance is slow, I would try by creating a prequery by just account, then do a single join to the other join tables something like..
datediff(MM, T.MxDt, '2011-6-30') as Diffs,
P.Name as POName
( select T1.AccountNo,
Max( T1.DateTxn ) MxDt
from AccontTxn_skd T1
group by T1.AccountNo ) T
JOIN Account_skd A
on T.AccountNo = A.AccountNo
on A.POCode = P.Code <-- GUESSING as you didn't qualify alias.field
AND A.OfficeCode = P.GPOCode <-- in your query for these two fields
order by
len(T.AccountNo) DESC
You had other elements based on the T.ServiceCode matching, but since you are only grouping on the account number anyhow, did it matter which service code was used? Otherwise, you would need to group by both the account AND service code (which I would have added the service code into the prequery and added as join condition to the account table too).

Timeout running SQL query

I'm trying to using the aggregation features of the django ORM to run a query on a MSSQL 2008R2 database, but I keep getting a timeout error. The query (generated by django) which fails is below. I've tried running it directs the SQL management studio and it works, but takes 3.5 min
It does look it's aggregating over a bunch of fields which it doesn't need to, but I wouldn't have though that should really cause it to take that long. The database isn't that big either, auth_user has 9 records, ticket_ticket has 1210, and ticket_watchers has 1876. Is there something I'm missing?
COUNT([tickets_ticket].[id]) AS [tickets_captured__count],
COUNT(T3.[id]) AS [assigned_tickets__count],
COUNT([tickets_ticket_watchers].[ticket_id]) AS [tickets_watched__count]
LEFT OUTER JOIN [tickets_ticket] ON ([auth_user].[id] = [tickets_ticket].[capturer_id])
LEFT OUTER JOIN [tickets_ticket] T3 ON ([auth_user].[id] = T3.[responsible_id])
LEFT OUTER JOIN [tickets_ticket_watchers] ON ([auth_user].[id] = [tickets_ticket_watchers].[user_id])
(COUNT([tickets_ticket].[id]) > 0 OR COUNT(T3.[id]) > 0 )
Here are the relevant indexes (excluding those not used in the query): (PK)
auth_user.username (Unique) (PK)
tickets_ticket.responsible_id (PK)
After a bit of experimentation, I've found that the following query is the smallest that results in the slow execution:
COUNT([tickets_ticket].[id]) AS [tickets_captured__count],
COUNT(T3.[id]) AS [assigned_tickets__count],
COUNT([tickets_ticket_watchers].[ticket_id]) AS [tickets_watched__count]
LEFT OUTER JOIN [tickets_ticket] ON ([auth_user].[id] = [tickets_ticket].[capturer_id])
LEFT OUTER JOIN [tickets_ticket] T3 ON ([auth_user].[id] = T3.[responsible_id])
LEFT OUTER JOIN [tickets_ticket_watchers] ON ([auth_user].[id] = [tickets_ticket_watchers].[user_id])
The weird thing is that if I comment out any two lines in the above, it runs in less that 1s, but it doesn't seem to matter which lines I remove (although obviously I can't remove a join without also removing the relevant SELECT line).
The python code which generated this is:
A look at the execution plan shows that SQL Server is first doing a cross-join on all the table, resulting in about 280 million rows, and 6Gb of data. I assume that this is where the problem lies, but why is it happening?
SQL Server is doing exactly what it was asked to do. Unfortunately, Django is not generating the right query for what you want. It looks like you need to count distinct, instead of just count: Django annotate() multiple times causes wrong answers
As for why the query works that way: The query says to join the four tables together. So say an author has 2 captured tickets, 3 assigned tickets, and 4 watched tickets, the join will return 2*3*4 tickets, one for each combination of tickets. The distinct part will remove all the duplicates.
what about this?
SELECT auth_user.*,
( SELECT capturer_id, COUNT(*) AS tickets_captured__count
FROM tickets_ticket GROUP BY capturer_id ) AS C1 ON = C1.capturer_id
( SELECT responsible_id, COUNT(*) AS assigned_tickets__count
FROM tickets_ticket GROUP BY responsible_id ) AS C2 ON = C2.responsible_id
( SELECT user_id, COUNT(*) AS tickets_watched__count
FROM tickets_ticket_watchers GROUP BY user_id ) AS C3 ON = C3.user_id
WHERE C1.tickets_captured__count > 0 OR C2.assigned_tickets__count > 0
--WHERE C1.tickets_captured__count is not null OR C2.assigned_tickets__count is not null -- also works (I think with beter performance)

SQL SUM function doubling the amount it should using multiple tables

My query below is doubling the amount on the last record it returns. I have 3 tables - activities, bookings and tempbookings. The query needs to list the activities and attached information and pull the total number (using the SUM) of places booked (as BookingTotal) from the booking table by each activity and then it needs to calculate the same for tempbookings (as tempPlacesReserved) providing the reservedate field inside that table is in the future.
However the first issue is that if there are no records for an activity in the tempbookings table it does not return any records for that activity at all, to get around this i created dummy records in the past so that it still returns the record, but if I can make it so I don't have to do this I would prefer it!
The main issue I have is that on the final record of the returned results it doubles the booking total and the places reserved which of course makes the whole query useless.
I know that I am doing something wrong I just haven't been able to sort it, I have searched similar issues online but am unable to apply them to my situation correctly.
Any help would be appreciated.
P.S. I'm aware that normally you wouldn't need to fully label all the paths to the databases, tables and fields as I have but for the program I am planning to use it in I have to do it this way.
SELECT [LeisureActivities].[dbo].[activities].[activityID],
SUM([LeisureActivities].[dbo].[bookings].[bookingPlaces]) AS 'bookingTotal',
SUM (CASE WHEN[LeisureActivities].[dbo].[tempbookings].[tempReserveDate] > GetDate() THEN [LeisureActivities].[dbo].[tempbookings].[tempPlaces] ELSE 0 end) AS 'tempPlacesReserved'
FROM [LeisureActivities].[dbo].[activities],
WHERE ([LeisureActivities].[dbo].[activities].[activityID]=[LeisureActivities].[dbo].[bookings].[activityID]
AND [LeisureActivities].[dbo].[activities].[activityID]=[LeisureActivities].[dbo].[tempbookings].[tempActivityID])
AND [LeisureActivities].[dbo].[activities].[activityDate] > GetDate ()
GROUP BY [LeisureActivities].[dbo].[activities].[activityID],
Your current query is using an INNER JOIN between each of the tables so if the tempBookings table has no records, you will not return anything.
I would advise that you start to use JOIN syntax. You might also need to use subqueries to get the totals.
SELECT a.[activityID],
coalesce(b.bookingTotal, 0) bookingTotal,
coalesce(t.tempPlacesReserved, 0) tempPlacesReserved
FROM [LeisureActivities].[dbo].[activities] a
select activityID,
SUM([bookingPlaces]) AS bookingTotal
from [LeisureActivities].[dbo].[bookings]
group by activityID
) b
ON a.[activityID]=b.[activityID]
select tempActivityID,
SUM(CASE WHEN [tempReserveDate] > GetDate() THEN [tempPlaces] ELSE 0 end) AS tempPlacesReserved
from [LeisureActivities].[dbo].[tempbookings]
group by tempActivityID
) t
ON a.[activityID]=t.[tempActivityID]
WHERE a.[activityDate] > GetDate();
Note: I am using aliases because it is easier to read
Use new SQL-92 Join syntax, and make join to tempBookings an outer join. Also clean up your sql with table aliases. Makes it easier to read. As to why last row has doubled values, I don't know, but on off chance that it is caused by extra dummy records you entered. get rid of them. That problem is fixed by using outer join to tempBookings. The other possibility is that the join conditions you had to the tempBookings table(t.tempActivityID = a.activityID) is insufficient to guarantee that it will match to only one record in activities table... If, for example, it matches to two records in activities, then the rows from Tempbookings would be repeated twice in the output, (causing the sum to be doubled)
SELECT a.activityID, a.activityName, a.activityDate,
a.activityPlaces, a.activityPrice,
SUM(b.bookingPlaces) bookingTotal,
SUM (CASE WHEN t.tempReserveDate > GetDate()
THEN t.tempPlaces ELSE 0 end) tempPlacesReserved
FROM LeisureActivities.dbo.activities a
Join LeisureActivities.dbo.bookings b
On b.activityID = a.activityID
Left Join LeisureActivities.dbo.tempbookings t
On t.tempActivityID = a.activityID
WHERE a.activityDate > GetDate ()
GROUP BY a.activityID, a.activityName,
a.activityDate, a.activityPlaces,