How to Display Color With colorWithHue: in Objective-C - objective-c

I have a color on the Mac color wheel and I want to display that color programmatically in my program in Xcode 5.
How do I do so with the colorWithHue: method of UIColor? How do I find the Hue, Saturation, and Brightness of the color?
P.S. My color isn't the one on the image.

After you pick color in color wheel switch to "Color sliders" tab and choose "HSB sliders" option
You should be able to see values for each color component on that screen


Is there anyway to change the background color of the equations in react-native-mathJax

I'm using react-native-mathjax to render some equations inside a green color view, but math equations displays with white color background, is there any way to change its back ground color ?

How to make a "within window" transparent/blurry title bar using a custom base color in Yosemite?

I've been playing around with NSVisualEffectViews in Yosemite and transparent titlebars but I was wondering if it's possible to have a custom title bar, with my own base color (not that gray), that would act like Apple's.
Here's my current NSWindow:
I achieved this look by setting the following code on my custom NSWindowController:
self.window.styleMask = self.window.styleMask | NSFullSizeContentViewWindowMask;
self.window.titleVisibility = NSWindowTitleHidden;
self.window.titlebarAppearsTransparent = YES;
That blue color is just a custom NSView that's painting its rect with that particular color. The content below it is a NSTableView.
So, the goal was to actually have my titlebar to work like, let's say, Maps but instead of having the "base" color as the gray color, my "base" color would be that blue one and when the NSTableView scrolls, that content appears below my title bar.
Any ideas on how to achieve this? Thanks
Have you tried setting a blue color with a transparency of, e.g., 0.75 in the blue view, and a NSVisualEffectViewunderneath it?

photoshop foreground color of image cant be changed

I clicked on the foreground/background little square tool icons, selected the color I want and clicked ok. The small tool icon is showing the new color but the image itself hasn't changed the color. And yes confirmed that the mode is RGB.
You need to use a tool to apply the color as needed...
Did you use the paint bucket or brush to actually add the new color to the image?
Simply changing the color of this box does not change the foreground background color automatically

Can we set the foreground color on TileTemplateType.TileWideImageAndText01 to a colour of my choosing

Just wondering if there is any way to set the foreground colour of the text on a TileWideAndText01 tile template or are we limited to dark or light only?
You are limited to dark or light only. From here:
Only two text colors are available—default dark and default light—and
are set by Windows. Choose the text color that will look best with
your choice of background color and the opacity of your logo image.

how to set transparent image background color to theme color in qml

is it possible to set a background color to a transparent image in QML, so that the image will take the theme color as it's baclground color.
Put your transparent Image over a coloured Item (like a Rectangle).
You just need to set z property of the Image greater than the Rectangle's one.