safari - contenteditable, after making it empty, creates an element with text-align:center - safari

In safari,
i had a simple edtable div with a input button, on deletion of the element (backspace or delete), caret moves to center of edtiable div with some inline styled p tag with text-align:center and inline style "color"
<div class="editable" contenteditable="true">
<input type="button" value="inputBtn" />
its a strange behavior observed only in safari.

Over a year after this post, this issue is still a problem. This issue is directly tied to the input tag. Once an input tag has been in a contenteditable element, Safari will attempt to make the style of the text similar to the input (I confirmed this by observing that the resulting style was different for type="text" vs type="button"). It's a very strange bug. I have found a workaround that works, but it's pretty absurd. My fix is basically to test when my main input no longer has content, and then removing the element, and re-adding it
<div id="content-wrapper">
<div contenteditable="true" id="content" role="textbox"></div>
and in my "keyup" listener, I put the following code
// Grab main editable content div
var element = document.getElementById("content");
// Check empty state conditions. These work for me, but you may have your own conditions.
if (element.getElementsByTagName("input").length == 0 &&
element.innerText.trim().length == 0) {
// Grab parent container
var elementContainer = document.getElementById("content-wrapper");
// Add a copy of your element to the same specifications. If you have custom style attributes that you set through javascript, don't forget to copy them over
elementContainer.innerHTML = '<div contenteditable="true" id="content" role="textbox"></div>';
// Re-focus the element so the user doesn't have to click again to keep typing
element = document.getElementById("content");
What this code does works for my case because input is the only elements which are allowed in my code other than text nodes and <br>, so I first check to make sure there are no input elements, and then make sure the innerText is empty (this indicates no content in my case, you may have to customize your conditions for the "empty" state). Once the empty state is confirmed, I replace the old div with a new one to the same specification, and the user never notices. A very strange issue with a hacky workaround, but I think contenteditables.
You could probably also strip out the HTML that Safari is generating, but for my case this solution is much simpler. I hope this helps someone in the future.


How to change HTML tags of the component dynamically after click in Vue3 composition-api?

I am writing my first app in Vue3 and I use composition-api with script setup.
Using v-for, I create components that are inputs (CrosswordTile) that make up the crossword grid.
A problem appeared during the implementation of the field containing a clue to the password.
Since the text doesn't allow text to wrap, I wanted to dynamically change the tag to after a click.
Function in parent component where I handle logic after click that change tile type works fine, but I need to change tag of "target" to and set maxLength to a different value.
If it would help here is whole code on github:, inside CrosswordGrid.vue.
function handleTileTypeChange(target: HTMLInputElement) {
if (target && !target.classList.contains('question-field')) {
addStyle(target, ['question-field']);
iterateCrosswordTiles(getNextTile.value(target), removeStyle, ['selected-to-word-search', 'direction-marking-tile']);
} else if (target) {
removeStyle(target, ['question-field']);
if (getPrevTile.value(target)?.classList.contains('direction-marking-tile')) {
['selected-to-word-search', 'direction-marking-tile'],
TEMPLATE of ParentComponent
#input="handleKeyboardEvent($event as any)"
<div v-for="row in 10" :key="row" class="csw-row" :id="`csw-row-${row}`">
v-for="col in 8"
I tried to use v-if inside CrosswordTile, but it creates a new element, but I just need to modify the original one (to add/remove HTML classes from it basing on logic inside CrosswordGrid component).
How can I get access to the current component instance properties when using the composition API in script setup or how to replace the tag dynamically?
:is and is doesn't work at all.

DebugElement.query does not work with elements added dynamically to the dom in a spec

I have an app that is using ngx-bootstrap to show a tooltip on mouseover. I want to test that the content, which is dynamically added, shows properly. In order to do this I have a test that looks like this:
it(shows the right tooltip', fakeAsync(() => {
.triggerEventHandler('mouseover', null);
.toBe('the tooltip text');
This results in an error that indicates that fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('.tooltip-inner')): "Cannot read property 'nativeElement' of null"
If I print out the content of fixture.debugElement.nativeElement I get this:
<div id="root1" ng-version="5.2.9">
<div ng-reflect-tooltip="the tooltip text">
<img src="images/test.png">
<bs-tooltip-container role="tooltip" class="tooltip in tooltip-right">
<div class="tooltip-arrow arrow"></div>
<div class="tooltip-inner">the tooltip text</div>
The important take away is that the html exists - it is just not accessible by the DebugElement.query.
My current solution to get the spec passing is to change the expect to:
.toBe('the tooltip text');
This works, but it is a hack that will fall to pieces if I run into a similar situation with multiple tooltips (for example). Has anyone been able to handle this in a better way? Am I not setting this spec up correctly?

Problems with custom renderer and validation triggered in custom elements

I'm using aurelia-validation#1.0.0-beta.1.0.1.
My scenario is:
I've got a form which has a validation controller and validation rules
There is a containerless custom element in the form which wraps a password input, and exposes the current password as a bindable property
The validate binding behavior is used on the form's binding to this custom element property
The custom element also raises the blur event, so that the validation binding is triggered when the wrapped password input loses focus
The validation lifecycle is working as expected.
The problem I'm running into is with the custom renderer I'm using, which currently assumes the element it receives is the actual DOM input element so that a class can be applied to the input, and a sibling error element can be injected next to it, but here it's receiving the custom element that wraps the input, which can't be handled in the same manner because it's just a comment node in the DOM.
Is there a strategy or API in aurelia-validation that could solve this sort of problem? I'm stumped, and can't find much out there on working with custom elements within validation.
Here is the custom element template:
<div class="input-group -password">
<div class="input-toggle-wrapper">
<label for="password" class="-hidden" t="fields_Password"></label>
type="${isPasswordVisible ? 'text' : 'password'}"
blur.trigger="onInputBlur()" />
class="toggle ${isPasswordVisible ? '-show' : ''}"
I made it containerless because I don't want <password-box> emitted into the DOM as an outer element, as that breaks the current CSS rules for layout (and I don't want to change the CSS).
However if the custom element is containerless then I don't know how to access the first div inside the template using DOM navigation from the comment node that represents the custom element in the DOM.
Unfortunately, Aurelia team has identified this issue and (at least as of now) said they won't fix it.
There is a hacky workaround for the issue as follows:
if(element.nodeType === 8) {
element = this.getPreviusElementSibling(element)
If you add that within your render method for your renderer, it should work. Again, hacky, but it gets the job done in lieu of an official fix from the AU team.

flying saucer page number + page count

I'm trying to configure a nice footer on a pdf document I'm generating using Flying Saucer.
But I'm having problems getting the page number and page count in a nice position.
Consider this bit of css:
div#page-footer {
position : running(footer);
// .. more styling .. //
} {
content: counter(page);
Using this bit of html will not give me a page number:
<div id="page-footer">
<div class="page-number"></div>
The only way I manage to get a page number if I move the class a level up.
<div id="page-footer" class="page-number">
But this does not allow me to add additional content in the footer or makes it really difficult to apply styling. I could add a separate footer just for the page number, but it would be quite hard to get the position just right.
Is there a way to get page number + page count in a footer that also contains other elements and styling?
Extra notes:
I simplified the footer a bit, in the original there is more in there, but even this simple example it is giving problems.
using span or div for the element does not make a difference.
You should use the id instead of the class to identify the div containing the page number.
This will work:
div#page-number:before {
content: counter(page);
<div id="page-footer">
<div id="page-number"></div>

How to check whether an Xpath is clickable?

I have an application developed in Liferay. It has a data grid which has pagination.
When ever i open the data grid for the first time Prev is not clickable and Next is clickable. Below is the html code for the same.
<section class="paginationArea">
<div id="pager">
<span id="prev" class="disablehyperlink"><< Previous Page</span>
<span id="next" class="enablehyperlink">Next Page >></span>
Please let me know how can i check whether that text is clickable or not??
You can always check it for a class attribute (assuming class change will cause enabling the button). You didn't specify a language so I will show you example in Java.
Element prevButton = driver.getElement("prev"));
if(prevButton.getAttribute("class").equals("disablehyperlink") {
// do something
or you can try WebDriver#isEnabled method but I don't know whether it will work because it depends how are you disabling the button
if(prevButton.isEnabled()) {
Generally, all the <a> anchor Tags will be clickable.
In your case, Prev is not clickable. Because prev [previous in paginator] is hidden; where else Next [next in paginator] is not hidden(enabled).
Use Firebug [firefox add-on] to track all the hidden anchor tags | href links and code accordingly.