Virtocommerce new filter does not appear - e-commerce

Virtocommerce has default filter for Brands, Color, etc.
I need implement a new filter called IDConcurso. This field (IDConcurso) is registered like a property of item.
I inserted the code bellow in table StoreSetting to XML column of row named "FilteredBrowsing":
<attribute key="IDConcurso" localized="false">
<simple id="Test1" value="1" />
<simple id="Test2" value="2" />
<simple id="Test3" value="3" />
I also added the property called IDConcurso in all items. But this filter never appear on the left side. What do I need to do more?
Do I need to change any code for filtering items by property called IDConcurso? Or I need just pass by QueryString ..../?f_idconcurso=1 ?

The filter will only appear if there are product that have those properties. If products do have those properties then you also might need to to rebuild the index.
Simply open Commerce Manager and go to the settings->search and click re-build index button.


How does one link to other defined entities using their id?

When writing XML files I will occasionally need to reference another entity, such as a group, a category, or an action.
How can I accomplish this?
There are two different methods to do this, and which one you use depends on where you are in the record:
in the type="xml" or type="html" portions (such as tree and form views)
everywhere else
Inside the type=["xml" | "html"] portions you need to use %-interpolation:
<button string="..." name="%(fnx_pd.action_add_cleaning_order)d" type="action" />
<field name="item_id" domain="[('categ_id','=',%(fnx_pd.pd_cleaning)d)]" />
The thing you are linking to needs to be inside a %()d or %()s construct: %(module.id_name)d.
If not inside an xml or html segment, then you can use the OpenERP-provided ref() function to get the id:
<field name="value" eval="'ir.actions.server,' + str(ref('action_release'))"/>
<field name="context" eval="{'default_pos_categ_id': ref('point_of_sale.categ_others')}"/>
In both of the above methods, OpenERP will look up the actual value associated with the id given and substitute it into the record.

Accessing 'Modified By' field in a reusable workflow

I'm creating a reusable workflow in SharePoint designer 2010. I've created a custom content type with all the necessary fields that I'll be used in the workflow. But I'm not able to get the Modified By field (Editor) inside the workflow.
<FieldRef ID="{d31655d1-1d5b-4511-95a1-7a09e9b75bf2}" ReadOnly="TRUE" Name="Editor" DisplayName="Last Updated By" FromBaseType="TRUE" Required="FALSE" PITarget="" PrimaryPITarget="" PIAttribute="" PrimaryPIAttribute="" Aggregation="" Node="" />
I really doubt whether the ID is matching with the inbuilt editor field. How can I cross-verify this? Any ideas?
Not sure but do you really need to include it explicitly? Editor is part of base content type : Item, and down the hierarchy all other content types should be inheriting it without the need to explicitly include it.
Nitin Rastogi

ContentTypeRef not working as expected, inheriting from System instead of mine

I have a SP project with two features:
a first feature that defines some fields, a content type and a list definition
a second feature that defines a list instance of the first feature definition
in the second feature, I use the ContentTypeRef element to bind to the content type defined in the first feature. I saw in many blog post and forum thread that Fields are not correctly populated to the list, but it's not my issue (maybe it's related ?)
The instantiated list defines a content type, but instead of inheriting from my content type, it inherits the "System" content type.
Is this behavior correct ? how can I actually inherits my content type instead of system content type ?
thx in advance
[Edit] the simpliest workaround I found is to copy past the content type definition into the contenttypes element of my list schema... but it's still a copy/paste operation (as ugly as it can be)
Please make sure that your content type ID is valid, I never managed to bypass the item content type (0x01) which means that your content type will have an ID of 0x0100{A-GUID}.
Anyway, even if you defined properly your content type and this one is working as expected when you bind it to a custom list, you'll still need to re-declare it in your list schema with all its field reference and once again, copy most of the definition of your field (I had issue with less than ID, name, display name, type in this area)...
Eg with the last list I created :
<ContentType ID="0x0100FDCCBFFB0FBF4D5C8E069F582412909602" Name="UniverseTranslation" Group="XYZ" Description="Universe Translation" Version="0">
<FieldRef ID="{39BF387B-C20A-4D30-BD17-CB70E4609FA2}" Name="LookupUniverse" DisplayName="Universe" Required="TRUE" />
<FieldRef ID="{824F7063-6D09-48CD-B5BA-FE9B5EE36D6A}" Name="WCC_Language" DisplayName="Language" Required="TRUE" />
<FieldRef ID="{fa564e0f-0c70-4ab9-b863-0177e6ddd247}" Name="Title" DisplayName="Translation" Required="TRUE" />
<FieldRef ID="{EC8E4DB7-B715-430B-9B4A-F222F025EFAB}" Name="RichDescription" DisplayName="Description"/>
DisplayName="Rich Description"
If you can post your content type definition and part of your list schema, I'm pretty sure we'll be able to provide a more relevant help.
It worked for me by adding the relative folder path for the content type's resource folder. It also worked for adding multiple references for content types to the list as follows:
<ContentType ID="0x01006775E96C04A04F52AC1FCE50F0CB0901" Name="contentType1" Group="Test Content Types" Description="Test Content Type" Inherits="TRUE" Version="0">
<Folder TargetName="contentType1" />
<ContentType ID="0x0100958BB07B626A494F9201B03E96948F3D" Name="contentType2" Group="Test Content Types" Description="Test Content Type" Inherits="TRUE" Version="0">
<Folder TargetName="contentType2" />

SharePoint 2010: RemoveFieldRef and Inherits="TRUE"

I have created a custom content type that inherits from the OOTB SharePoint Picture content type. The only customisations I have made is to add a simple URL field, and remove two of the fields on the base type. See below:
<Elements xmlns="">
<!-- Parent ContentType: Picture (0x010102) -->
<ContentType ID="0x0101020027f16ab27e6e45a6848c25c47aaa7053"
Name="Custom Picture"
<RemoveFieldRef ID="{b66e9b50-a28e-469b-b1a0-af0e45486874}" Name="Keywords" />
<RemoveFieldRef ID="{a5d2f824-bc53-422e-87fd-765939d863a5}" Name="ImageCreateDate" />
<FieldRef ID="{c29e077d-f466-4d8e-8bbe-72b66c5f205c}" Name="URL" DisplayName="URL" Required="FALSE" />
If I create a picture library based on my custom content type, the "URL" field that I added appears in the new/edit forms, however the two fields that I have attempted to remove are also displayed, i.e. the RemoveFieldRef's are being ignored. If I look at the content type in "Site Settings -> Content Type Gallery", these two fields are still listed there.
Setting Inherits="FALSE" on my custom content type (see MSDN definition) successfully removes just these two fields from the "Site Settings -> Content Type Gallery" page, however then none of the base fields are displayed in the new/edit forms -- only my custom "URL" field.
What can I do to ensure that all the fields from the base "Picture" content type are displayed on the new/edit forms of my picture library except the two fields that I have specifically removed?
I believe the nature of this issue to be the understanding of how content type inheritance works.
From MSDN (
If Inherits is TRUE, the child content type inherits all fields that are in the parent, >including fields that users have added.
If Inherits is FALSE or absent and the parent content type is a built-in type, the child >content type inherits only the fields that were in the parent content type when >SharePoint Foundation was installed. The child content type does not have any fields that >users have added to the parent content type.
If Inherits is FALSE or absent and the parent content type was provisioned by a sandboxed >solution, the child does not inherit any fields from the parent.
I think the key phrase above is "If Inherits is TRUE, the child content type inherits ALL fields that are in the parent including fields that users have added."
This means that in order to accomplish what you set out to do you will have inherits set to false and you will have to include FieldRef elements for all fields you wish to use in your content type.
You make no reference / don't include code for how the content type was added to your list instance. Make sure this has been updated to support the removal or setting of inherits to false.
These sites support what is described here.

Apache Tiles set html tag attribute using <put-attribute> value

I am using Apache Tiles 2.1 as my templating framework (along with Spring MVC).
I want to know how best to be able to set HTML attribute values from within my Tiles definitions file. For example I have a text box and want to be able to set the maxlength attribute from within my definition. I expected the following to work -
<input id="nameField" type="text"
maxlength="<tiles:insertAttribute name='maxlength' />" />
using this definition -
<definition name="sprint-goal" >
<put-attribute name="maxlength" value="100" />
But it seems that Tiles ignores the <insertAttribute/> tag if placed within a HTML tag. It works fine otherwise.
Note: I have tried using a ViewPreparer to set request-scoped values. This will work but is not exactly what I am looking for. I would like to easily set HTML attribute values from within a Tiles definition.
To set the value of html element attributes, your best bet is to use Expression Language. First, expose the tile attribute as a java variable using the tiles useAttribute tag. Then use '${}' to print the variable.
<tiles:useAttribute name="myMaxLength" id="maxLength" />
<input id="nameField" type="text" maxlength="${myMaxLength}" />
More info:
- updated June 2014:
<put-attribute name="maxlength" value="100" type="string" />
I type isn't defined as "string" it would be taken as a URL to include...