Powerpoint VBA to highlight image on mouse click - vba

I have a PowerPoint 2013 presentation. On the first slide I have 15 images. A mouse click on the image changes a variable in the VBA macro, but it does not look like the image has been clicked on by the user so it might be confusing if they clicked it or not.
I want to alter that image that they clicked to show it was clicked. I don't care if its a highlight or shadow or the image changes.
Sub Resize()
With ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange
.Height = 2.78 * 72
.Width = 4.17 * 72
.Left = 0.78 * 72
.Top = 1.25 * 72
.ZOrder msoSendToBack
End With
End Sub
Sub DefButton1Clicked()
Element1 = 1
End Sub
this does not work.
Ok I have figured this out here is what I did:
Sub DefButton1Clicked(oSH As Shape)
Element1 = 1
MsgBox oSH.Name
oSH.Shadow.Type = msoShadow17
oSH.Shadow.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 128)
oSH.Shadow.OffsetX = 3
oSH.Shadow.OffsetY = 2
End Sub
I was also able to reset the other button once the one button was clicked by doing this:
Dim oImg1 As Shape
Set oImg1 = ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes.Item("Picture 7")
oImg1.Shadow.Visible = msoFalse
Dim oImg2 As Shape
Set oImg2 = ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes.Item("Picture 8")
oImg2.Shadow.Visible = msoFalse

Community wiki. Answer is in the question. Anyone finding this topic in a search will see there is an answer and is more likely to look in for a hopefully useful answer.
Ok I have figured this out here is what I did:
Sub DefButton1Clicked(oSH As Shape)
Element1 = 1
MsgBox oSH.Name
oSH.Shadow.Type = msoShadow17
oSH.Shadow.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 128)
oSH.Shadow.OffsetX = 3
oSH.Shadow.OffsetY = 2
End Sub
I was also able to reset the other button once the one button was clicked by doing this:
Dim oImg1 As Shape
Set oImg1 = ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes.Item("Picture 7")
oImg1.Shadow.Visible = msoFalse
Dim oImg2 As Shape
Set oImg2 = ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes.Item("Picture 8")
oImg2.Shadow.Visible = msoFalse


Powerpoint VBA - adjust positions of chart and axis titles

I have the following code:
Sub StandardiseChart(ByVal control As IRibbonControl)
Dim activeShape As Shape
'Determine Which Shape is Active
If ActiveWindow.Selection.Type = ppSelectionShapes Then
'Loop in case multiples shapes selected
Dim shp As Shape
For Each shp In ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange
Set activeShape = shp ' First shape selected
Exit For
'Now, reformat the selected shape if it is a chart
With activeShape
If .HasChart Then
' Chart title
.Chart.HasTitle = True
With .Chart.ChartTitle
.Left = 0
.Top = 0
End With
' Y axis
With .Chart.Axes(xlValue, xlPrimary)
.HasTitle = True
.AxisTitle.Text = "Placeholder"
.AxisTitle.Left = 0
.AxisTitle.Top = 20
.AxisTitle.Orientation = 0
End With
' Plot Area
With .Chart.PlotArea
.Left = 10
.Top = 50
End With
End If
End With ' activeShape
End If
End Sub
What I'd like it to do is 3 things:
Pin the Chart Title to the top left corner of the entire object (this seems fine)
Set the y-axis title so that there is 20pt of space between it and the chart title (also seems fine)
Create a further 50pt of space between the plot area and the y-axis title (not fine).
No matter what I do (I've tried adjusting the number to 70 rather than 50, and even bigger), I can't seem to adjust the space to achieve (3). Specifically, the plot area doesn't move no matter what I do.
What am I doing wrong?
If you add a dot to the end of Chart.Plotarea, you can see the list of methods. In your case, you're looking for .InsideLeft and .InsideTop, since you want to adjust the inside distance from the chart area:
With .Chart.PlotArea
.InsideLeft = 70
.InsideTop = 70
End With

WORD VBA Move image into a Table

I'm in the process of writing a code to convert a PDF into DOCX. In the first step, i save the PDF as DOCX using acrobat object. The example shown in attachment is from one of the pages. Wrench Image is wrapped as "Behind the text" and it is not part of the table. My questions are,
how do i move it in to or make it as part of the table cell above using VBA. I tried wrap tight etc. It works for some of the images and not for majority of them. As the code goes through 100's of images, user does not have a visual of result from change in wrap format.
When i try to delete first blank paragraph using code, the wrench image shown in attachment gets deleted as it is not part of the table. How do i delete the first empty paragraph without deleting the image if the image is not part of table and is in "behind the text format".
Edit1: Conversion of shape to inlineshape (with inline text wrap format) throws the image out of the table as shown in 2nd attachment.
Sub Resizeimage(iDoc As Word.Document)
Dim i As Long
On Error GoTo eh
With iDoc
' For i = .Shapes.Count To 1 Step -1
' With .Shapes(i)
' If .Type = msoPicture Then
' .ConvertToInlineShape
' End If
' End With
' Next
For i = .Shapes.Count To 1 Step -1
'Application.StatusBar = "Resizing & formatting Images - " &
Round((iDoc.Shapes.Count - (i + 1)) / iDoc.Shapes.Count * 100, 0) & "%
With .Shapes(i)
If .width > Application.InchesToPoints(6) Then
.LockAspectRatio = msoTrue
.width = Application.InchesToPoints(6.9)
.Left = wdShapeCenter
'.WrapFormat.Type = wdWrapTight
End If
If .width > Application.InchesToPoints(3) Then
.RelativeHorizontalPosition = wdRelativeHorizontalPositionMargin
'.ZOrder msoBringToFront
.Left = wdShapeCenter
'.WrapFormat.Type = wdWrapTight
ElseIf .width > Application.InchesToPoints(1.75) And .width <
Application.InchesToPoints(2.75) And .WrapFormat.Type = wdWrapTight Then
.RelativeHorizontalPosition =
.Left = Application.InchesToPoints(0.1)
.ZOrder msoBringToFront
ElseIf .width < Application.InchesToPoints(1.75) Then
.RelativeHorizontalPosition =
.Left = Application.InchesToPoints(-2)
End If
End With
End With
Exit Sub
Call Errorhandler("Resizeimage", Err)
End Sub
When a floating shape is converted to inline, it moves to the position where its anchor formerly was. So we can predict the image position by finding the anchor location. After conversion, expand the range to include the picture, then cut it and paste into the table:
Sub Float2Inline()
Dim oRange As Range
Set oRange = ActiveDocument.Shapes(1).Anchor
With oRange
.Expand Unit:=wdParagraph
End With
End Sub

Create add-in to add sticky notes in powerpoint (VBA)

I would like to create a simple macro for powerpoint that would allow me to click on one button to automatically insert a yellow sticky note onto my slide so I can insert a comment. This is something I need to do over and over in my current job and right now I am wasting a lot of time, each time creating a rectangle -> coloring it yellow -> creating a black outline -> setting font color to red and size to 12..
Appreciate any help here, I know it should not be very hard!
example of standard stickynote on a slide (at scale)
I wrote this for you and hope it helps.
Sub insert_sticky_note()
Dim mySlide As PowerPoint.Slide
Dim myTextbox As PowerPoint.Shape
Set mySlide = ActivePresentation.Slides(ActiveWindow.View.Slide.SlideNumber)
Set myTextbox = mySlide.Shapes.AddTextbox(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, _
Left:=0, Top:=10, Width:=200, Height:=50)
myTextbox.Fill.BackColor.RGB = RGB(250, 246, 0) 'yellow
myTextbox.Fill.Transparency = 0.2 'translucent
myTextbox.Height = 150
myTextbox.Width = 300
myTextbox.TextFrame2.AutoSize = msoAutoSizeTextToFitShape 'https://www.pcreview.co.uk/threads/how-to-vba-code-shrink-text-on-overflow.3537036/#post-12183384
With myTextbox.TextFrame.TextRange
.Text = "Note"
'With .Font
' .Size = 12
' .Name = "Arial"
'End With
End With
End Sub

VBA picture popup on click bug issue

I have a sheet in excel that list products and a picture for each product (Column D). I have put the following code in the worksheet but my problem is this.
Problem: If a user clicks on a product image and then clicks on another image before clicking on a 2nd time to make the image small again the 2nd clicked image disappears and the 1st image adjusted to the new size and will only enlarge even bigger.
Screenshot Steps of what is happening
Option Explicit
Dim fd As Boolean
Sub PicPopUp_Click()
fd = fd Xor True
With ActiveSheet.Shapes(Application.Caller).OLEFormat.Object
If fd Then
.Left = .Left - 50
.Width = .Width + 50
.Top = .Top - 50
.Height = .Height + 50
.Left = .Left + 50
.Width = .Width - 50
.Top = .Top + 50
.Height = .Height - 50
End If
.ShapeRange.ZOrder msoBringToFront
End With
End Sub
I'm not familair enough with your code.. But would it be possible to reset column D on every click on that column? I'm assuming that all the images are a standard size.
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("D:D")) Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Nice Work!" 'place reset image size code here.
Call "whatever your image resize macro is named"
End If
End Sub

Could Not Set the Visible Property Error when Hiding a Frame

I'm having an issue in Excel 2007 VBA whereby I'm trying to set the visible property to false on a frame within a UserForm.
Userform1.Frame1.Visible = False
When trying to set the property, excel throws the error:
Run-time error '-2147418113 (8000ffff)':
Could not set the Visible property. Unexpected call to method or property access.
I've researched this and the only thing that I've uncovered is that it might be something to do with not having a control to take the focus. In my case this is not true though as there is a button available to take the focus on another frame. The other frame is set to be visible prior to Frame1 being hidden.
Has anyone else experienced this issue or can help me understand what is causing this error?
Edit - Code Addition
Public Sub fOpenFrame(uf As UserForm, strName As String)
Dim con As Control
Dim i As Long
i = 5
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With uf.Controls(strName)
.Top = 38.15
.Left = 120
.Height = 400
.Width = 565
.Visible = True
End With
For Each con In uf.Controls
If TypeName(con) = "Frame" And con.Name <> strName And InStr(con.Name, "Menu") < 1 _
And con.Name <> "frmNewAbsenceButton" And con.Name <> "frmExistingAbsenceButton" Then
With con
.Visible = False 'Error occurs here'
.Top = 5
.Left = i
.Height = 20
.Width = 20
End With
i = i + 25
End If
Next con
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Edit 2 - Pictures Added
This is the first frame Frame1. A msgbox pops up and when the user clicks yes, it opens Frame2.
This is Frame2. This frame opens with all the textboxes / comboboxes disabled. The button control 'Edit' is enabled.
I'd prefer to make all frames invisible first (and not to care about their position nor size); after that the only relevant frame can be made visible.
If the sub is in the userform's macromodule you can use Me("Frame4") and refrain from the argument: 'uf as userform'.
Public Sub fOpenFrame(uf As UserForm, strName As String)
for each it in uf.controls
if typename(it)="Frame" then it.visible=false
With uf.Controls(strName)
.Top = 38.15
.Left = 120
.Height = 400
.Width = 565
.Visible = True
End With
End Sub
I have been having the same issue intermittently.
After reading the other answers, I added .setfocus call to a valid textbox before I the visible = false call, and it seemed to fix the issue.
With con
textbox1.setfocus 'Adding this seemed to fix the issue
.Visible = False 'Error occurs here'
.Top = 5
.Left = i
.Height = 20
.Width = 20
End With
I have tested in excel 2010 the the code is working fine(I don't have excel 2007)
Please try the below code.
Private Sub Frame1_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub TextBox1_Change()
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Me.Frame1.Visible = False
End Sub