Undefined merge field in google apps script - pdf

I have a Google Apps Script for a Google Spreadsheet based on a Google Form that clients fill out online. The script is triggered by OnFormSubmit and generates a pdf based on a Google Doc template and sends the pdf to me by email using MailApp.sendEmail.
This script has been working fine until recently. The script runs successfully but the pdf output is incorrect. It seems like fields that are left blank are now being ignored in the script and so my pdf output shows the value for the next non-blank field. Ugh!
Anybody know what's going on here?
Below is an example of my script:
var docTemplate = "1FZL4rVe0LLpvMtIsq_3-pwv5POllIsyYThjfemkbkfg";
var docName = "Travel Details";
function onFormSubmit(e) {
var last = e.values[1];
var first = e.values[2];
var order = e.values[3];
var date = e.values[4];
var gender = e.values[5];
var email = "example#gmail.com";
var copyId = DocsList.getFileById(docTemplate)
.makeCopy(docName+' for '+last + ', ' + first)
var copyDoc = DocumentApp.openById(copyId);
var copyBody = copyDoc.getActiveSection();
copyBody.replaceText('keyLast', last);
copyBody.replaceText('keyFirst', first);
copyBody.replaceText('keyOrder', order);
copyBody.replaceText('keyDate', date);
copyBody.replaceText('keyGender', gender);
var pdf = DocsList.getFileById(copyId).getAs("application/pdf");
MailApp.sendEmail(email, subject, "", {htmlBody: office_message, attachments: pdf,
Example of the problem: If client leaves date field blank on the form, the gender value in the resulting pdf is put where the date value should be and the value for gender on the pdf shows "undefined".
Any ideas out there?

You should validate the values of all your variables.
if (last === undefined) {
last = 'No Data!'; //re-assign a different value
So, you are changing the value of the variable last if it somehow got set to undefined. That way, hopefully the pdf would still show the field.
If there is some bug that just showed up recently, you should report it as a bug. If everything was working fine, and now it's broken, Google may have changed something.
There might be something wrong with your code. I don't know. Have you looked under the "View" menu and the "Execution Transcript" to see if there are any errors? You should also use Logger.log statements: Logger.log('The value of last is: ' + last); to print output to the log. Then you can check what is actually going on.

I am no great coder but I use this script all the time to send pdf's I have never received an undefined if a field was missing. Typically if something is missing, the keygender is replaced with a blank spot and there is no error. In a spreadsheet, typically this means the columns were changed. It used to be timestamp(0), last(1), first(2), order(3), date(4), gender(5) and now their in a different order.

Try the below code it works
//commons errors -
//Triggers are not set
//spaces after Form questions
//e.values dont work when fields are not mandatory and left blank
//e.namedValues dont work for sending emails use e.values[#]
//place holder keys in template dont match
//spelling errors
//Note expect undefined error when de-bugging as values are not defined until form completed and submitted - run first with a small test form as per below
// Get Template
//from Google Docs and name it
var docTemplate = " "; // *** replace with new templae ID if new Template created***
var docName = "Test Script"; //replace with document name
// When Form Gets submitted
function onFormSubmit(e) {
//Get information from the form and set as variables
//var variablename = "static entry or form value"
//Note: var Variablename = e.namedValues["X"]; is taking the value from the spreadsheet by column name so update if spreadsheet or form questions change
//Additions to the form will be added to the end of the spreadsheet regardless of their position in the form
var Timestamp = e.namedValues["Timestamp"];
var full_name = e.namedValues["Name"];
var position = e.namedValues["Position"]
var contact_email = e.namedValues["Contact Email"];
var phone_number = e.namedValues["Telephone Number"];
// Get document template, copy it as a new doc with Name and email, and save the id
var copyId = DocsList.getFileById(docTemplate)
.makeCopy(full_name+' '+docName+' for ' +contact_email+' '+Timestamp)//Update or remove Variablename to create full doc Name
// Open the temporary document
var copyDoc = DocumentApp.openById(copyId);
// Get the documents body section
var copyBody = copyDoc.getActiveSection();
// Replace place holder keys <<namedValues>> in template
//copyBody.replaceText('<<X>>', Variablename); Variables from above
//***Update if template is changed***
copyBody.replaceText('<<Timestamp>>', Timestamp);
copyBody.replaceText('<<Name>>', full_name);
copyBody.replaceText('<<Position>>', position);
copyBody.replaceText('<<Contact Email>>', contact_email);
copyBody.replaceText('<<Telephone Number>>', phone_number);
// Save and close the temporary document
// Convert temporary document to PDF by using the getAs blob conversion
var pdf = DocsList.getFileById(copyId).getAs("application/pdf");
// Add the data fields to the message
var s = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var columns = s.getRange(1,1,1,s.getLastColumn()).getValues()[0];
var message = " ";
// Only include form fields that are not blank
for ( var keys in columns ) {
var key = columns[keys];
if ( e.namedValues[key] && (e.namedValues[key] != "") ) {
message += key+ ' : '+ e.namedValues[key] + "<br>";
// Attach PDF and send the email
//***Change the "To" email address when to form goes live***
var to = "youremail#gmail.com";
var senders_name = e.values[1]
var contact_email = e.values[3]
var subject = "Test";
var htmlbody = "text goes here"+
"<br> <br>"+message+
"<br> <br>Submitted By:"+
"<br> <br>"+full_name+
"<br> <br>Generated by Hansmoleman for Compu-Global-Hyper-Mega-Net";
name: senders_name,
to: to,
cc: contact_email,
replyTo: contact_email,
subject: subject,
htmlBody: htmlbody,
attachments: pdf,


I need to Set Value the get URL in a cell

I am now need to convert the Google Sheet page to PDF, email to user and save the PDF format straightway to Google Drive.
And i need the Google Drive link after save it to Google Drive.
The steps from convert the Google Sheet to PDF, and i've done but I've stuck at getting the URL to be paste on the specific cells.
i know to get the URL using this code Logger.log(fileUrl)
But how to paste on cell the command ?
var changedFlag = false;
var TEMPLATESHEET='Boom-Report';
function emailSpreadsheetAsPDF() {
//Utilities.sleep(300000); //to pause for 60 seconds . Make sure photo completely upload to google sheet
// This is the link to my spreadsheet with the Form responses and the Invoice Template sheets
// Add the link to your spreadsheet here
// or you can just replace the text in the link between "d/" and "/edit"
// In my case is the text: 17I8-QDce0Nug7amrZeYTB3IYbGCGxvUj-XMt8uUUyvI
const ss = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl("https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NVJOdFLBAgNFqSHhnHJYybjUlSqhv4hKI_HXJyhJ88E/edit");
// We are going to get the email address from the cell "B7" from the "Invoice" sheet
// Change the reference of the cell or the name of the sheet if it is different
const value = ss.getSheetByName("Source Email-Boom").getRange("X3").getValue();
const email = value.toString();
// Subject of the email message
const subject = ss.getSheetByName("Source Email-Boom").getRange("B3").getValue();
// Email Text. You can add HTML code here - see ctrlq.org/html-mail
const body = "Boom Lifts Inspection Report - Sent via Auto Generate PDI Report from Glideapps";
// Again, the URL to your spreadsheet but now with "/export" at the end
// Change it to the link of your spreadsheet, but leave the "/export"
const url = 'https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NVJOdFLBAgNFqSHhnHJYybjUlSqhv4hKI_HXJyhJ88E/export?';
const exportOptions =
'exportFormat=pdf&format=pdf' + // export as pdf
'&size=A4' + // paper size letter / You can use A4 or legal
'&portrait=true' + // orientation portal, use false for landscape
'&fitw=true' + // fit to page width false, to get the actual size
'&sheetnames=false&printtitle=false' + // hide optional headers and footers
'&pagenumbers=false&gridlines=false' + // hide page numbers and gridlines
'&fzr=false' + // do not repeat row headers (frozen rows) on each page
'&gid=1832955909'; // the sheet's Id. Change it to your sheet ID.
// You can find the sheet ID in the link bar.
// Select the sheet that you want to print and check the link,
// the gid number of the sheet is on the end of your link.
var params = {method:"GET",headers:{"authorization":"Bearer "+ ScriptApp.getOAuthToken()}};
// Generate the PDF file
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url+exportOptions, params).getBlob();
// Send the PDF file as an attachement
GmailApp.sendEmail("biha#equip-inc.com", subject, body, {
htmlBody: body,
attachments: [{
fileName: ss.getSheetByName("Source Email-Boom").getRange("B3").getValue().toString() +".pdf",
content: response.getBytes(),
mimeType: "application/pdf"
// Save the PDF to Drive. (in the folder) The name of the PDF is going to be the name of the Company (cell B5)
const nameFile = ss.getSheetByName("Source Email-Boom").getRange("B3").getValue().toString() +".pdf"
const folderID = "1ZKWq9jWmeEQlxncuTPHssCFXC3Fidmxn";
// create file URL
var SpreadsheetID = "1NVJOdFLBAgNFqSHhnHJYybjUlSqhv4hKI_HXJyhJ88E";
var ss2 = SpreadsheetApp.openById(SpreadsheetID);
var Sheetname2= "BL-Inspection Report";
var sheet2 = ss2.getSheetByName(Sheetname2);
// Get the last row based on the data range of a single column.
var lastRow2 = sheet2.getLastRow();
var lastColumn2 = sheet2.getLastColumn();
//EXAMPLE: Get the data range based on our selected columns range.
var dataRange2 = sheet2.getRange(1,1, lastRow2, lastColumn2);
var dataValues2 = dataRange2.getValues();
var dataMatch=[];
//***** */
// Loop through array and if condition met, add relevant
// background color.
var p=34 ; //Column No. for Name column AI:AI (Report No)
var filename = encodeURI(nameFile);
var files = DriveApp.getFilesByName(nameFile);
while (files.hasNext()) {
var file = files.next();
if (file) {
var fileUrl = file.getUrl();
////////////////HELP THIS PART////////////////////////////////
for ( j = 0 ; j < lastRow2 ; j++){
var zz=j;
var yy=dataValues2[j][34];
if(dataValues2[j][34] == subject){
var doclink = Logger.log(fileUrl);
var range = sheet2.getRange(j+1, 128);
If cell B3 value in First Source is find in Google Drive, paste the URL in Column DX where the AI is same with First Source.
I believe your goal is as follows.
You want to search the file of filename subject retrieved from the cell "B3" of "Source Email-Boom" sheet from your Google Drive, and when the value of subject is found from the column "AI" of "BL-Inspection Report" sheet, you want to put the URL of the file to the column "AJ".
For my question of For example, you want to put the URL of the just created file?, from Yes of your replying, I understood that you wanted to put the URL of the just created file in this script.
In this case, how about the following modification? I thought that in this case, the file URL of the just created file can be directly retrieved from DriveApp.getFolderById(folderID).createFile(response).setName(nameFile). So, how about the following modification?
var fileUrl = DriveApp.getFolderById(folderID).createFile(response).setName(nameFile).getUrl();
And also, please modify as follows.
var filename = encodeURI(nameFile);
var files = DriveApp.getFilesByName(nameFile);
while (files.hasNext()) {
var file = files.next();
if (file) {
var fileUrl = file.getUrl();
////////////////HELP THIS PART////////////////////////////////
for (j = 0; j < lastRow2; j++) {
if (dataValues2[j][34] == subject) {
var doclink = Logger.log(fileUrl);
var range = sheet2.getRange(j + 1, 128);
var range = sheet2.getRange("AI2:AI" + sheet2.getLastRow()).createTextFinder(subject).findNext();
if (range) {
range.offset(0, 1).setValue(fileUrl);
In this modification, the cell is searched using TextFinder.

Why is my PDF showing multiple sheets from my workbook?

I put together a script to turn a google sheet into a pdf and email at the click of a button. Instead of just sending the front page, it is capturing all of the back end data as well leaving me with multiple page pdfs rather than the one front page I want.
Here is what I have right now.
function sendrequest() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var recipientsheet = ss.getSheetByName("ref")
var recipients = recipientsheet.getRange("I2:I3")
var pdfsheet = ss.getSheetByName("request_form")
var date = pdfsheet.getRange("B8")
var message = {
to: "ryan#email.com" ,
subject: "Inventory Movement Request" ,
body: "New Inventory Movement Request",
name: " ",
attachments: [ss.getAs(MimeType.PDF).setName("Movement Request")]

Printing to pdf from Google Apps Script HtmlOutput

For years, I have been using Google Cloud Print to print labels in our laboratories on campus (to standardize) using a Google Apps Script custom HtmlService form.
Now that GCP is becoming depreciated, I am in on a search for a solution. I have found a few options but am struggling to get the file to convert to a pdf as would be needed with these other vendors.
Currently, when you submit a text/html blob to the GCP servers in GAS, the backend converts the blob to application/pdf (as evidenced by looking at the job details in the GCP panel on Chrome under 'content type').
That said, because these other cloud print services require pdf printing, I have tried for some time now to have GAS change the file to pdf format before sending to GCP and I always get a strange result. Below, I'll show some of the strategies that I have used and include pictures of one of our simple labels generated with the different functions.
The following is the base code for the ticket and payload that has worked for years with GCP
var ticket = {
version: "1.0",
print: {
color: {
vendor_id: "Color"
duplex: {
type: "NO_DUPLEX"
copies: {copies: parseFloat(quantity)},
media_size: {
width_microns: 27940,
page_orientation: {
margins: {
page_range: {
var payload = {
"printerid" : QL710,
"title" : "Blank Template Label",
"content" : HtmlService.createHtmlOutput(html).getBlob(),
"contentType": 'text/html',
"ticket" : JSON.stringify(ticket)
This generates the expected following printout:
When trying to convert to pdf using the following code:
The following is the code used to transform to pdf:
var blob = HtmlService.createTemplate(html).evaluate().getContent();
var newBlob = Utilities.newBlob(html, "text/html", "text.html");
var pdf = newBlob.getAs("application/pdf").setName('tempfile');
var file = DriveApp.getFolderById("FOLDER ID").createFile(pdf);
var payload = {
"printerid" : QL710,
"title" : "Blank Template Label",
"content" : pdf,//HtmlService.createHtmlOutput(html).getBlob(),
"contentType": 'text/html',
"ticket" : JSON.stringify(ticket)
an unexpected result occurs:
This comes out the same way for direct coding in the 'content' field with and without .getBlob():
"content" : HtmlService.createHtmlOutput(html).getAs('application/pdf'),
note the createFile line in the code above used to test the pdf. This file is created as expected, of course with the wrong dimensions for label printing (not sure how to convert to pdf with the appropriate margins and page size?): see below
I have now tried to adopt Yuri's ideas; however, the conversion from html to document loses formatting.
var blob = HtmlService.createHtmlOutput(html).getBlob();
var docID = Drive.Files.insert({title: 'temp-label'}, blob, {convert: true}).id
var file = DocumentApp.openById(docID);
This produces a document looks like this (picture also showing expected output in my hand).
Does anyone have insights into:
How to format the converted pdf to contain appropriate height, width
and margins.
How to convert to pdf in a way that would print correctly.
Here is a minimal code to get a better sense of context https://script.google.com/d/1yP3Jyr_r_FIlt6_aGj_zIf7HnVGEOPBKI0MpjEGHRFAWztGzcWKCJrD0/edit?usp=sharing
I've made the template (80 x 40 mm -- sorry, I don't know your size):
And there is the script:
function myFunction() {
// input data
var matName = '<b>testing this to <u>see</u></b> if it <i>actually</i> works <i>e.coli</i>'
var disposeWeek = 'end of semester'
var prepper = 'John Ruppert';
var className = 'Cell and <b>Molecular</b> Biology <u>Fall 2020</u> a few exercises a few exercises a few exercises a few exercises';
var hazards = 'Lots of hazards';
// make a temporary Doc from the template
var copyFile = DriveApp.getFileById('1vA93FxGXcWLIEZBuQwec0n23cWGddyLoey-h0WR9weY').makeCopy();
var doc = DocumentApp.openById(copyFile.getId());
var body = doc.getBody();
// replace placeholders with data
body.replaceText('{matName}', matName);
body.replaceText('{disposeWeek}', disposeWeek);
body.replaceText('{prepper}', prepper);
body.replaceText('{className}', className);
body.replaceText('{hazards}', hazards);
// make Italics, Bold and Underline
handle_tags(['<i>', '</i>'], body);
handle_tags(['<b>', '</b>'], body);
handle_tags(['<u>', '</u>'], body);
// save the temporary Doc
// make a PDF
var docblob = doc.getBlob().setName('Label.pdf');
// delete the temporary Doc
// this function applies formatting to text inside the tags
function handle_tags(tags, body) {
var start_tag = tags[0].toLowerCase();
var end_tag = tags[1].toLowerCase();
var found = body.findText(start_tag);
while (found) {
var elem = found.getElement();
var start = found.getEndOffsetInclusive();
var end = body.findText(end_tag, found).getStartOffset()-1;
switch (start_tag) {
case '<b>': elem.setBold(start, end, true); break;
case '<i>': elem.setItalic(start, end, true); break;
case '<u>': elem.setUnderline(start, end, true); break;
found = body.findText(start_tag, found);
body.replaceText(start_tag, ''); // remove tags
body.replaceText(end_tag, '');
The script just changes the {placeholders} with the data and saves the result as a PDF file (Label.pdf). The PDF looks like this:
There is one thing, I'm not sure if it's possible -- to change a size of the texts dynamically to fit them into the cells, like it's done in your 'autosize.html'. Roughly, you can take a length of the text in the cell and, in case it is bigger than some number, to make the font size a bit smaller. Probably you can use the jquery texfill function from the 'autosize.html' to get an optimal size and apply the size in the document.
I'm not sure if I got you right. Do you need make PDF and save it on Google Drive? You can do in Google Docs.
As example:
Make a new document with your table and text. Something like this
Add this script into your doc:
function myFunction() {
var copyFile = DriveApp.getFileById(ID).makeCopy();
var newFile = DriveApp.createFile(copyFile.getAs('application/pdf'));
Every time you run this script it makes the file 'label.pdf' on your Google Drive.
The size of this pdf will be the same as the page size of your Doc. You can make any size of page with add-on: Page Sizer https://webapps.stackexchange.com/questions/129617/how-to-change-the-size-of-paper-in-google-docs-to-custom-size
If you need to change the text in your label before generate pdf or/and you need change the name of generated file, you can do it via script as well.
Here is a variant of the script that changes a font size in one of the cells if the label doesn't fit into one page.
function main() {
// input texts
var text = {};
text.matName = '<b>testing this to <u>see</u></b> if it <i>actually</i> works <i>e.coli</i>';
text.disposeWeek = 'end of semester';
text.prepper = 'John Ruppert';
text.className = 'Cell and <b>Molecular</b> Biology <u>Fall 2020</u> a few exercises a few exercises a few exercises a few exercises';
text.hazards = 'Lots of hazards';
// initial max font size for the 'matName'
var size = 10;
var doc_blob = set_text(text, size);
// if we got more than 1 page, reduce the font size and repeat
while ((size > 4) && (getNumPages(doc_blob) > 1)) {
size = size-0.5;
doc_blob = set_text(text, size);
// save pdf
// this function takes texts and a size and put the texts into fields
function set_text(text, size) {
// make a copy
var copyFile = DriveApp.getFileById('1vA93FxGXcWLIEZBuQwec0n23cWGddyLoey-h0WR9weY').makeCopy();
var doc = DocumentApp.openById(copyFile.getId());
var body = doc.getBody();
// replace placeholders with data
body.replaceText('{matName}', text.matName);
body.replaceText('{disposeWeek}', text.disposeWeek);
body.replaceText('{prepper}', text.prepper);
body.replaceText('{className}', text.className);
body.replaceText('{hazards}', text.hazards);
// set font size for 'matName'
// make Italics, Bold and Underline
handle_tags(['<i>', '</i>'], body);
handle_tags(['<b>', '</b>'], body);
handle_tags(['<u>', '</u>'], body);
// save the doc
// delete the copy
// return blob
return docblob = doc.getBlob().setName('Label.pdf');
// this function formats the text beween html tags
function handle_tags(tags, body) {
var start_tag = tags[0].toLowerCase();
var end_tag = tags[1].toLowerCase();
var found = body.findText(start_tag);
while (found) {
var elem = found.getElement();
var start = found.getEndOffsetInclusive();
var end = body.findText(end_tag, found).getStartOffset()-1;
switch (start_tag) {
case '<b>': elem.setBold(start, end, true); break;
case '<i>': elem.setItalic(start, end, true); break;
case '<u>': elem.setUnderline(start, end, true); break;
found = body.findText(start_tag, found);
body.replaceText(start_tag, '');
body.replaceText(end_tag, '');
// this funcion takes saved doc and returns the number of its pages
function getNumPages(doc) {
var blob = doc.getAs('application/pdf');
var data = blob.getDataAsString();
var pages = parseInt(data.match(/ \/N (\d+) /)[1], 10);
Logger.log("pages = " + pages);
return pages;
It looks rather awful and hopeless. It turned out that Google Docs has no page number counter. You need to convert your document into a PDF and to count pages of the PDF file. Gross!
Next problem, even if you managed somehow to count the pages, you have no clue which of the cells was overflowed. This script takes just one cell, changes its font size, counts pages, changes the font size again, etc. But it doesn't granted a success, because there can be another cell with long text inside. You can reduce font size of all the texts, but it doesn't look like a great idea as well.

Formatting PDF attachment in Google Apps Script (MailApp.sendEmail)

I set up a script to convert an office contact list in Google Sheets to PDF and email it to a list every month as an attachment. I'm trying to figure out how to format the PDF to be in landscape and remove gridlines and haven't had success. I'm relatively new to scripting so I'm sure I'm missing something. Here is my code. I'd appreciate any advice. Thanks!
function EmailSpreadsheetAsPDF() {
var file = DriveApp.getFileById('xxxxx_spreadsheet_key_xxxxx');
var formattedDate = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), "GMT-7", "MMMM yyyy");
var email = "xxxxx#xxxxx.xxx";
var subject = "Contact List - " + formattedDate;
var body = "Attached is the current contact list for " + formattedDate + "." + "\n\nPlease email xxxxx#xxxxx.xxx with any corrections or updates.";
MailApp.sendEmail(email, subject, body, {
name: 'xxxxx',
attachments: [file.getAs(MimeType.PDF)]
Yes, it is possible. You will however have to user UrlFetchApp for this purpose. As shown here(read post#89), you can export the file as a PDF while setting gridline visibility to false by using the following command:
var pdfBlob = UrlFetchApp.fetch("https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/download/spreadsheets/Export?key="
, requestData).getBlob().setName(docName);
Read the provided link for more detailed information.

How to move generated PDF to a specific folder in Google Drive

Here is the jist of what I want this script to do.
User submits a form using Google Forms
Form Records to Google Sheet
Sheet replaces text and generate Google Document from Template
Template is copied
PDF is created from this template
PDF is emailed
PDF is moved to a specific folder in Google Drive.
I have all of those things to work except the last step. Can someone help us out here? We are using this for a school, and nobody in our (IT) department knows anything about scripts. Through Googling and searching I have come this far. The last step is to get the PDF to move to a specific folder.
Here is the current code:
// MacArthur High School
// Generic PLC Agenda Script
// Created 18 Jul 2014
// Author: Josh Patrick
// Decatur Public Schools #61
// Document Creation - replace docTemplate links with each template link on the PLC Drive.
var docTemplate = "1DSFCE6mFZib0ZTVOgVqPbLYaRwjS-XNsnsZn5RZewsE";
var docName = "PLC Agenda";
// Form Functions (labeled identifiers for Form)
function onFormSubmit(e) {
var TimeStamp = e.values [0]
var MeetingDate = e.values [1];
var MeetingTime = e.values [2];
var MeetingLocation = e.values [3];
var PLCFocus = e.values [4];
var PlannedActions = e.values [5];
var ResourcesNeeded = e.values [6];
var AssignedEmail = "jwpatrick#dps61.org";
// Get document template, copy it as a new temp doc, and save the Doc’s id
var copyId = DocsList.getFileById(docTemplate)
.makeCopy(docName+' for '+ MeetingDate)
// Open the temporary document
var copyDoc = DocumentApp.openById(copyId);
// Get the document’s body section
var copyBody = copyDoc.getActiveSection();
// Replacing Text with Form Information
copyBody.replaceText('keyMeetingDate', MeetingDate);
copyBody.replaceText('keyMeetingTime', MeetingTime);
copyBody.replaceText('keyMeetingLocation', MeetingLocation);
copyBody.replaceText('keyPLCFocus' , PLCFocus);
copyBody.replaceText('keyPlannedActions' , PlannedActions);
copyBody.replaceText('keyResourcesNeeded' ResourcesNeeded);
// Copy Document and Save
// Generate PDF
var pdf = DocsList.getFileById(copyId).getAs("application/pdf");
// Email
var subject = "ELA PLC Agenda for " + MeetingDate ;
var body = "Attached is the PDF copy of the ELA PLC Agenda for " + MeetingDate;
MailApp.sendEmail(AssignedEmail, subject, body, {htmlBody: body, attachments: pdf});
// Delete Temporary Document
**** Instead of deleting the temporary document, I want to move it to a specific file in Google Drive. I have looked up the scripts help, but I don't think I have done it correctly. I can get it to copydoc but I cannot get it to move to the right folder.
Any assistance is much appreciated.
addToFolder may fit your need.