User inventory stacking SQL Server 2014 - sql

I want to stack items in users their inventory.
If you have a new weapon with the same ItemID, it just creates a new row like in the picture below.
If the ItemID exists then it needs to change the quantity to the number of weapons you've actually got, and delete the duplicate rows.
What type of query is that, or help me on the way?

There are various problems in your table design. First, I do not understand the purpose of InventoryID here. Because the InventoryID is unique (which I would assume to be the primary key, that's why every time when you have an additional itemID (same or not), it will be treated as a new row.
I do not know what you're trying to achieve in the end, but,
Option 1: Create a separate table Inventory with InventoryID and probably ItemID and LeasedUntil, then modify your current table to only CustomerID and ItemID and quantity
Option 2: keep your current table, add another table called Item that has only ItemID and Quantity
You may also want to review table Normalization here:
Your current table is in 1NF


Delete an item (row) from table but keep the unused ID number for a future insertion

I have a database with an "inventory" table which contains products from a shop. Each product is identified using an ID number set in the "ID" column of the table.
I want to be able to delete a product from the table, but keeping the deleted product's id number for future product insertions into the database.
As a demonstration I inserted 4 items and named all of them "test"
And just as an example I named the "deleted" product as "vacio" (empty in spanish) to show the one that i deleted.
Now, if want to add another product in the future, the id number 2 is unused and I want to add the product with that id number instead of 4 (following the given example).
The DELETE query is no good since it erases the id number as well so its a no go.
I thought about checking for the first row of the table that contains the value "vacio" and using the UPDATE query in all fields except id but this doesnt feel "classy" and is not very efficient as It should have to update values a lot of times.
Is there some nice way of doing this?
I would not actually recommend reusing old identifiers. For one, this prevents you from using the auto_increment feature, which mean that you need to manually handle the column for each and every insertion: this adds complexity and is not efficient. Also, it might cause integrity issues in your database if you have other tables referencing the product id.
But if you really want to go that way: I would go for the deletion option. If there are foreign keys referencing the column, make sure that they have the on delete cascade option enabled so data is properly purged from dependent tables when a product is dropped.
Then, you can fill the first available gap the next time your create a new product with the following query:
insert into products(id, categoria, producto)
select min(id) + 1, 'my new category', 'my new product'
from products p
where not exists (select 1 from products p1 where = + 1)
You could have a new column ESTADO where you handle if a record is active (1) or inactive (0). Then, to obtain only "undeleted" records you just have to filter by the new column. That way, you also prevent changing the product name to "vacio", which might be useful in the future.

What are some of the best practices for tracking updates to a record over time in sql? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I have a product table with a primary key #productid (bigint), a product number (int), and a version (int)
Any time someone makes changes to the product record ONLY, I plan on inserting a new row in the database with the same product number and version number + 1. This will provide me with the historical tracking I need for the record because I can see the version changes throughout time.
/* Selecting the current version is simple */
Select top 1 *
from products
where productnumber = #productnumber
order by version desc
However, my problem comes in with the Foreign key one-to-many or many-to-many relationship tables. This table points to many others (i.e. product pricing with date ranges, product categories, etc.) which also need to be tracked.
/* Product categories, pricing */
/* Should I use #productnumber here? How do I track changes to these records? */
select name
from productcategories
where productid = #productid
select price
from productpricing
where productid = #productid and
StartDate > #StartDate and
EndDate <#Enddate
So now any time there is a version change, I plan to to re-insert new category and pricing records with the new Primary Key product id that was generated..This is going to lead to a ton of duplicates, especially if no changes were made to these records.
Also the issue comes in with - what happens if a category is removed but there were no changes to the product record? I would want to see who removed the category. Essentially, a full audit is needed on each table.
I have seen some different examples but most of them only seem to deal with a record in one table and not a record that is a part of one-to-many or many-to-many relationships. I was hoping this could be done without the need of additional tables.
Are there any better methods or practices? Is this going to be a performance nightmare?
If you are using a newer version of SQL Server as you are, you can should look into temporal tables as this might be your best option.
If you need to support older versions, my preferred method is to have a history table with a new PK column, change flag (I,U,D), a date modified, user that made the change, and all of the columns from the primary table. I then index the column related to the PK of the non-history table. Triggers don't impact performance too much if you don't put logic in them.
Example (pseudocode):
Table: Car
Column: CarID INT IDENTITY(1,1) Primary Key
Column: Name varchar
Table: Car_hist
Column: Car_histID INT IDENTITY(1,1) Primary Key
Column: Change char(1)
Column: DateOfChange DateTime2
Column: ChangedByUser (varchar or int)
Column: CarID <-add a unique non-clustered index
Column: Name varchar
You can write a generator in SQL that generates the script to create the history table, indexes, etc. It helps if you have a consistent table design practice.
Now the reason: I rarely have to query history tables, but when I do, it is almost always for a single record to see what happened and who changed it. This method allows you to select from the history on the parent table's PK value quickly and read it as a historical change log easily (who changed what and when). I don't see how you can do that in your design. If you are really slick, you can find or write a grid that diffs rows for you and you can quickly see what changed.

How do you store quantities of items in an SQL database? (Postgresql)

I'm trying to think of the most straightforward way to store quantities of an item in a database. I'm creating a database to work in conjunction with a web app I'm developing to monitor and log gear lent out to people. So, I've thought a few different ways already, though I'm not sure if they will be easy to maintain into the future.
Idea 1
I have a gear table that stores the types of gear (e.g. shirt, pants, hat) along with data like sizes etc. Then for each time gear is taken out, it is logged in the gear_inventory table, storing details such as user id, gear type and boolean to signify if it was returned and return date. Then to track quantities, we'll have total_quantiy and count of gear out for a specific gear item in the gear table, this being updated manual with a second query triggered when an item is taken out or returned to plus or minus the given quantity.
Idea 2
Have the aforementioned total quantity out linked to the gear_inventory as a count of all non-returned items of that type.
Idea 3
Have an update task to change these quantities on table update or insert. Then do the same by adding or subtracting the quantity of a given query.
Idea 1 would be the easiest but not as reliable as the others. Idea 2 being the most reliable the handling of quantities is entering on the database to ensure. Then Idea 3 not as reliable since it's still relying on a scheduled task to update it.
So, how would you implement a quantity amount to ensure it doesn't get out of sync with the logged inventory records?
Edit 1
More info - The core solution I am trying to achive is having a method of storing or having a count of items taken out which can be compared to a total nunber associates with that item. As suggeated below, it will act in a similar fashsion to a bowling alley's loaning/borrowing shoes, exect users will be logged. So a record will be inserted when an item is borrrowed, and that record will be updated with return date on return. The types of items will be in its own table to store details on a general item, and that will have a one to many relationship with the logged gear table. The problem is, what is a full proof/reliable way to store/retrieve number of items out. Or am I overthinking this and a simple count query would sufice, not sure how intensive count is when performed oved and over again.
Let's think about what we're keeping track of.
Information about kinds of items.
Current inventory.
Which item?
How many?
What's been loaned out.
To whom?
Which items?
How many?
What's been returned.
By whom?
Which items?
How many?
First cut might look something like this:
create table items (
id serial,
name text,
create table inventory (
id serial,
item integer references items(id),
quantity integer check(quantity >= 0)
create table loans (
id serial,
user integer references users(id),
item integer references items(id),
quantity integer check(quantity >= 0),
when_loaned timestamp not null default now(),
when_returned timestamp
When you loan something out, insert a row into loans. When its returned, set loans.when_returned. If loans.when_returned is null, it's still out.
You could decrement the inventory when items are loaned, and increment it when they're returned. To preserve data integrity this should be done as a trigger, not as a scheduled process.
Alternatively, don't change the inventory quantities. Instead, subtract the number of loaned items from the amount in inventory. That's select sum(quantity) from loans where item = ? and when_returned is null from select quantity from inventory where item = ?. This makes loans and returns simpler, and avoids the possibility of the inventory count being corrupted, but it might cost performance problems if there's many, many outstanding loans.
What happens if you loan out 5 items and they return 3? How do you track that? One simple option is to split a single loan into two loans.
-- Copy the loan row
insert into loans
select * from loans where id = :orig_id
-- Track that 3 were returned
update loans
set quantity = 3, returned = now()
where id = :orig_id
-- Two are now outstanding
update loans
set quantity = 2
where id = :new_id
Without knowing more about what you're using this for, what the use cases are, and what the scale is, that's about all I can say. It's a good starting point.

Nesting Tables in SQL Server Express

I am creating a purchase order system where someone can store details of their purchase. So I created a database, with tables for supplier information from which we will buy stuff and another table where we store what we are buying.
In the PurchaseOrder table, there are columns for :
PurchaseOrderNo (Primary)
Items (linking to the PurchaseItems table)
I want to add another column with Items' details, so I created another table PurchaseItems which has the following columns:
PurchaseOrderNo. (this would be repeat for each part)
Logically it seems simple, but I can't seem to get my head around on how I would link the tables. Thank you very much for the help :)
Create a seperate table say OrderedItems which maps the PartNo and PurchaseOrderNo. This avoids the repetition of PurchaseOrderNo in each row and also maintains the relation between PurchaseOrder and PurchaseItems table.

Table Design For Multiple Different Products On One Order

If I were to have an online shopping website that sold apples and monitors and these were stored in different tables because the distinguishing property of apples is colour and that of monitors is resolution how would I add these both to an invoice table whilst still retaining referential integrity and not unioning these tables?
InvoiceItems(ItemId, ProductId)
| |
Apples(AppleId, ProductId, Colour) Monitors(MonitorId, ProductId, Resolution)
In the first place, I would store them in a single Products table, not in two different tables.
In the second place, (unless each invoice was for only one product) I would not add them to a single invoice table - instead, I would set up an Invoice_Products table, to link between the tables.
I suggest you look into Database Normalisation.
A question for your data model is You need a reference scheme will you use to identify products? Maybe SKU ?
Then identify each apple as a product by assigning an SKU. Likewise for monitors. Then use the SKU in the invoice item. Something like this:
product {sku}
key {sku};
invoice_item {invoice_id, sku}
key {invoice_id, sku} ;
apple {color, sku}
key {color}
key {sku};
monitor {size, sku}
key {size}
key {sku};
with appropriate constrains... in particular, the union of apple {sku} and monitor {sku} == product {sku}.
So Invoice table has a ProductID FK, and a ProductID can be either an AppleID (PK color) or MonitorID (PK resolution)?
If so, you can introduce a ProductTypeID with values like 0=apple, 1=monitor, or a isProductTypeApple boolean if there's only ever going to be 2 product types, and include that in the ProductID table PK.
You also need to include the ProductTypeID field in the Apple table and Monitor table PK.
I like name-value tables for these...It might be easier to redesign so it goes 'Product' and then 'product details'...product details holds the product id, the detail type and then the value. This would allow you to hold apples and monitors in the same table regardless of identifying attribute (and leave it open for other product to be added later on).
Similiar approach can be taken in the invoice table...have a 'product_type' column that tells you which table to look into (apple or monitor) and then a 'product_id' that references whatever ID column is in the apple/monitor table. Querying on a setup like this is a bit difficult and may force you to use dynamic sql...I'd only take this route if you have no control over doing the redesign above (and other answers posted here refer to)
First solution is preferential I would think...change the design on this db to the name value pair with the products and you'll save headaches writing your queries later.