Google+ OAuth Scopes - google-plus

I realize that questions on scopes have been asked before, but it's been difficult to sort through much of the documentation and many of the solutions as Google appears to have made a number of recent changes to the way its OAuth works.
I'm simply trying to get a Google authentication to verify a user; basically just to remove anonymity and prove that they're human. So I would be happy with the most basic information available, but preferably something I can use to identify the person.
I'm using the following for the sign-in button:
<span id="signinButton">
This works. However, the authorization window that pops up has this as the first access request: "Know your basic profile info and list of people in your circles."
The "list of people" is what bothers me and I would like for it to not request that. But, from the examples I've seen, this is the minimum that's available.
Is this at all possible? Is that "list" the minimum?

According to the scopes documentation. gives you access to "the list of circled people that the user has granted your app access to know". Change your scopes to be profile email and you will want to remove data-requestvisibleactions="" as that is requires the scope.
This should work.
<span id="signinButton">
data-scope="profile email">Sign


Personalized login button generated by Google

Google has a code generator that generates a personalized login with Google button. A sample of the code generated by the generator is as the following.
<div id="g_id_onload"
<div class="g_id_signin"
I have a few questions to understand this button better.
Why is there no client secret?
This button gets an ID token, but what about a refresh and access token? How could you refresh an expired ID token?
Is the generated code production-ready, or is it merely serve demo purposes?
Why is there no client secret?
Because this is client side JavaScript and there for uses implicit flow. The Implicit flow is a simplified OAuth flow used by JavaScript apps where the access token was returned immediately without an extra authorization code exchange step.
This button gets an ID token, but what about a refresh and access token? How could you refresh an expired ID token?
This is again client side JavaScript Implicit flow. Implicit flow does not return a refresh token. TO get a new id token after it has expired the user will need to login again.
Is the generated code production-ready, or is it merely serve demo purposes?
Google web identity is in production and what google is currently recommending we used for Client side JavaScript web applications.

Login to Microsoft Online programmatically

Given a company e-mail and a corresponding password, I need to programatically login to and access the Office 365 dashboard ( The image shows the user flow where I try to find out the respective endpoints.
Research results
This is what I found out about what endpoints are called and how. Note that endpoints might differ if you don't use a company account.
Always follow redirects.
Collect cookies along the way and pass them with every subsequent request.
In the bodies of the requests, I only include parts that I found relevant. I could have left out important parts that I'm not aware of.
Follow the redirects. The resulting HTML contains a config json object wrapped in //<![CDATA[ and //]]>. Search for "sFT": and copy the value. Search for "sCtx": and copy the value. Search for "canary": and copy the value. Search for "sessionId": and copy the value.
I don't think this endpoint is essential. I still include it here.
Send a JSON body as follows:
"username": "<your-company-email>",
"flowToken": "<your-sFT-token>"
Send as form data in the body:
"kmsi" stands for "keep me signed in". This might be an endpoint that is not called if you don't use a company mail for login.
Send as form data in the body:
Calling these endpoints in the order displayed here, I am able to successfully retrieve these cookies:
From (10 cookies):
From (1 cookie):
From (2 cookies):
Send as form data in the body. ??? is indicating that I don't know where this data is coming from.
code:<a code token ???>
id_token:<an id token ???>
state:<a state token ???>
session_state:<a session state token ???>
This endpoint seems to be crucial since it returns the following cookies:
The cookies that were set during the previous request are sent in the request headers here. This is why the seems to be crucial. However, I can't figure out how the form data is constructed for that body, e.g. code, id_token etc.
Maybe related question?
Note that I've seen this question on stack overflow but I didn't find it useful and don't think it relates to my question.
Why do I need all this?
The main goal is to login users automatically from another tool (SSO). E-Mail and password is given. My approach is to login using these endpoints programatically on the server-side, collect the necessary cookies for subsequent logins, send them to the client. The client uses those cookies to access and see the dashboard immediately without having to login.
A better approach? Note that I have access to the admin center (Microsoft) and to Azure Direct. If you know a much simpler approach to this solution, I'm glad to get to know it. Most of the articles I've read are concerned with how to use Azure to login to another service if you're logged in to Microsoft. But I need the opposite: being logged in to some service and accessing the Microsoft Office 365 dashboard automatically.
What you are trying to do is completely wrong - why to reverse-engineer frontend app and one day to find that everything changed?
There is official REST API to ms outlook online and authentication mechanism via Azure AD - exactly to let third-party apps to work with MS online apps.
Try to checkout this:
and this:
POSTing to will return a html with all the values you need:
<form method="POST" name="hiddenform" action="">
<input type="hidden" name="code" value="0.AVwAAmogKpXYg0-1rfltzzT6ZQYAAAAAAPEPzgAAAAAAAAABAAA.AgABAAIAAAD--DLA3VO7QrddgJg7WevrAgDs_wQA9P-gWiQqeCHo-9FEKAxJ1WYio4IwurbBrT2hB561ujjKXXdH08Yoqwrn7KlDJ2Ybp0SP7VNeX0v0313oQy9u184OF9SUmmPCM9AqRp8cW_Oh9AhenJEP8ZThY680N5XdQ_xvTaxCdyu0G2rMld7Yp-fnmKxQsr3UrdysQW6qe9mEXX_IsUYecF46BYO2kh7XsLGLXDDdm1ZJa46G_wAN00fYPmxgH4dlsauqK0URhVxVFZrws3yuPWTJEn5VNhL2Z2cUdsFfBEAFdHDrjOujdxzJKbfqln2GqLcNP_3LdgHKx-atrIM7JXJfp_oJeKCwXwvK6tUa4bhvEotIeGhES_l_0kxOZQDIbBMU2yUoBYrn17fxUmTAOt-HpeYRQFYr4bymdVnRsfMINZCSbD-lOaW6oh-cvWYpxqbq8ZZ3tZ7OJzZKetSNtAwplcUjZZchysueXy3-t7u2nr8k27jrSe2DudpGcn1GY25kkGQyz-SiqVm70RsKT9Fb6lxoSm7I8zpAWfFnLZJtxYhddHRx4tA521wAXoXOhBZyc5I7_gZYk2a50QcxeJI0K88mXxyPNvndN4F8eCtRYp1X53LSFgs4XyJ2UzWo9LXsWZ_77Fz7Ivlz2n4AEZXVZlE_PnqYylRdOWDV2NdpBhgFB53geIEuiX9t4JVl0o8TdpPrYjgsiqGmtbg3ZO4J4c_CDLOzBBJemdpAEnkukRVKHt-ZcXKwMfWHjWmEi0p6Ji1GI92f0UO_ZTpUdXScKC4UQsPrWAU" />
<input type="hidden" name="id_token" value="[TOKENVALUE]" />
<input type="hidden" name="state" value="OpenIdConnect.AuthenticationProperties=78qNGNcn8xtuLU4P5T0Dz5QMprE4YNYcSnczbXtwxwZL-dMfErfi6EuAkBJw0mFDmV_sQY7Q3av60KFahCPqhj6hzPR_JtBiYotBBoHd0zSKjqM7HgdD_QMhKZKReePeYsiTgLZtXAcNmzRBdjtpeflCa4TTRQY7tqOvN2kOUZY" />
<input type="hidden" name="session_state" value="16f47f33-cf2e-4300-9a9b-72276bd518f0" />
<input type="hidden" name="correlation_id" value="1a7d67ed-2db0-44ea-a351-f9d70ff14229" />
<p>Script is disabled. Click Submit to continue.</p><input type="submit" value="Submit" />
<script language="javascript">
You must extract the values of each input and use it on the Do not forget to encode the state value

Am I doing/handling the GDPR privacy alert correctly inside my code

I am working on an mvc core web application for users' registration within our system, and we have the following scenario:-
1) when a user access the web application, they enter their registration number
2) then they click on submit >> and fill the registration form.
3) we want to track the users who enter step number one , but did not complete the registration.
so since i am tracking users' actions, so i enable the GDPR inside my application by following these steps . and using the following code, i am able to check if the user accept the privacy alert or not:-
var consentFeature = HttpContext.Features.Get<ITrackingConsentFeature>();
var canTrack = consentFeature.CanTrack ;
and if the canTrack return true (the user accept the privacy alert) then i will track the users' action, while if the canTrackreturn false (the user did not accept the privacy alert) i will not track the user actions.. so am i going things correctly?
First things first: I'm not a lawyer.
Being GDPR-compliant means a lot more than "just" acquiring tracking consent from your users (although it's not an easy task as it is).
If you are collecting the consent and only do the tracking based on it, that's one (prominent) aspect; depending on your business/organization, you may also need to have a privacy policy and support consent revocation – as the user might want to withdraw their consent at any time. In addition, there might be other requirements to fulfil.
There is an abundance of resources at your disposal should you want to read more about it, and decide which are the next steps to take. But I would suggest talking to an expert who could help you on the matter. You could even hire someone at Fiverr or UpWork.
The question of whether or not that is compliant with GDPR is one you won't find an answer to on SO, but as for your question on whether or not you are using the consent mechanism in ASP.NET core correctly, can be answered.
First, I suggest you read up on the bigger picture here, here is an article from MS:
In essence, you need something like this to handle the consent banner.
var consentFeature = Context.Features.Get<ITrackingConsentFeature>();
var showBanner = !consentFeature?.CanTrack ?? false;
var cookieString = consentFeature?.CreateConsentCookie();
#if (showBanner)
<div id="cookieConsent" class="alert alert-info alert-dismissible fade show" role="alert">
Use this space to summarize your privacy and cookie use policy. <a asp-page="/Privacy">Learn More</a>.
<button type="button" class="accept-policy close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close" data-cookie-string="#cookieString">
<span aria-hidden="true">Accept</span>
(function () {
var button = document.querySelector("#cookieConsent button[data-cookie-string]");
button.addEventListener("click", function (event) {
document.cookie = button.dataset.cookieString;
}, false);
The key point here is that it is your responsibility to present the user with a consent dialog and report back the response. The ASP.NET framework will help web developers track user consent status and there is a standardized API for managing this, which is essential since this will enable adhering to user consent even in third party middleware etc.
Which brings us to the next point, it is your responsibility to ensure that all your code as well as any third party code you pull in follow this. If you have any third party dependencies you need to check the documentation for those (or possibly use the web browser's debug tools to verify) that it does not store cookies nor send off request to third parties.
Any javascript libraries such as Google Analytics or whatever telemetry you use, also need to take this into account. This you have to solve on the JavaScript side. Check the documentation. Here is a checklist for Google Analytics.
For Application Insights, there is the window.appInsights.config.isCookieUseDisabled property that you may need to set. Looks like automatically adhering to the ASP.NET core consent tracking is still an open issue.
So in short, looks like you are on the right track, but you likely need to do more.

Hiding parameters in URL MVC4

I am developing an application, using VS 2010 and MVC4(Razor). I am stuck with the Url parameters. I am able to implement LogIn method. Once I validate the user I want him to redirect to other page, so I am using
RedirectToAction("UserAction","User",new{userID = "",password=""});
But the issue is as RedirectToAction usses HTTTPGet all the url parameters userID and the password are visible.
How do I invoke RedirectToAction with HTTPPost.
Any help will be highly appreciated.
Here is my Login.cshtml
#using (Html.BeginForm("SignIn", "Login", FormMethod.Post))
<legend>Log in Form</legend>
#Html.LabelFor(m => m.UserName)
#Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.UserName, new { id = "UserName" })
#Html.ValidationMessageFor(m => m.UserName)
#Html.LabelFor(m => m.Password)
#Html.PasswordFor(m => m.Password, new { id = "Password" })
#Html.ValidationMessageFor(m => m.Password)
<input type="submit" value="Log in"/>
And here is my Login Controller
bool IsValidUser = ValidateEachUser(oLoginModel.
if (IsValidUser)
return (RedirectToAction("UserDetails", "User", new { userID = userID,
password =
password }));
return View("Login");
Thanx and Regards
The solution is like #anaximander mentioned. Upon successful log in, save the user details in an encrypted cookie (e.g. FormsAuthenticationTicket) that gets submitted with every request, then you can verify the credentials on every action call by decrypting the cookie. If you want to implement your own verification protocol you can even implement your own AuthorizeAttribute and either decorate all the methods with it manually or register it globally in Global.asax (inside RegisterGlobalFilters).
You should really think though about whether you really need to keep the password. The fact that the user request contains your encrypted cookie can be used as an indication that the user has been authenticated. If you want to make sure that the user is authorized to run a certain action method, the user id should be enough. This would save you having to store the password and recheck it at every call before checking if the user is authorized to run the method.
TempData - is answer on your question:
TempData["userID "] = "some";
TempData["password"] = "some";
This might work. If it doesn't add a comment :)
if you want to a method HTTPPOST put the head of method like:
RedirectToAction(your parameters){}
This started as a couple of comments, but I think there's now enough to be worth making it an answer.
The best way to identify the user is probably with an encrypted cookie containing an identifying token - NOT their password - so that you can check who the user is. The cookie is sent with every request, silently, with no extra work. If you need it, you can check it. An action filter is a neat way to do this.
ASP.NET MVC 4 has a perfectly good Forms auth system built in that works exactly like this. There's plenty of tutorials out there; this one is a decent example. It's pretty straightforward to implement, and you can override a few parts of the workings to use your own database, your own user model, etc. The user provides credentials, you check them, and the system gives the user a cookie. The [Authorize] filter checks for that cookie and uses it to decide whether the user is allowed to do what they're trying to do. There's also scope for roles-based authorisation, but if you don't need that you can ignore it.
Whatever you do, you do NOT want to be keeping the user's password ANYWHERE. If you end up using your own database to store users, don't keep the password in there - look up something like bcrypt, use it to hash the password with a randomised salt, and store that along with the salt value. To check a user's login, you hash what they provided with the salt you have, and see if the output matches the hash you saved. The shorter the time that password remains in the system, the narrower the window where an attacker could get hold of it.

Sign in via Google Plus APIs

I am trying to collect data of my user while he signs up for my website.
I am asking for the following scopes while making a request
<span id="signinButton">
Then I am first trying to get the email ID and google plus ID of the user by making a GET request to with the access token obtained in the previous step. This works perfectly fine. It gives me ID and email of user.
However, if I am using that ID obtained and the access token to get the further profile details and the friends in his circle, it is not working.
It says invalid key Invalid.
I am totally clueless because of this . Is there any error in mentioning the data-scope ?
When doing the /plus/v1/people/{userID} call, you can either specify the key or the access_token, and use the corresponding parameter. If you specify the key, this should be the application key that has been assigned to you in the API Console. If you use the access_token, you can use the access token that you have received as part of the Sign-In button process.
Since you have it, it seems best to use the access_token something like this: