VB.Net Menu strip hover - vb.net

I have these menu in my form but when I hover on the disabled item and continue to the next enabled item, sub menus stop from showing...Is this the new default behavior of vb.net? Because in vb6 sub menus will still continue to show. Please help.


Access Form Opening on Bottom of the Screen

I have an access form with about 7 tabs on it.
When I click on one of the tabs, the window automatically opens to the very bottom of the page for some reason.
I'm really not sure what's causing this... There is no VBA code stating to do this.
I tried implementing this code:
Private Sub Incident_Information_Click()
Forms![PIR Form].[Claim Number].SetFocus
End Sub
Private Sub TabCtl0_Click()
If Me.TabCtl0.Value = 2 Then
Forms![PIR Form 2].[Claim Number].SetFocus
End If
End Sub
I hoped that when the user goes to the "Incident Information" tab, the window would automatically be set to the first control (in this case text box named "Claim Number").
Sometimes this works and sometimes it doesn't. The majority of the time, the screen still scrolls down to the bottom of the form.
Can anyone assist? I don't what's causing this issue and how to correct it.
Open the form in design view and select the controls (tab control) that are shown at the bottom of the screen.
Change this property: Vertical Anchor to Top.
Change your Tab Stop property to No for vertically long controls.
There are controls in some of my Tabs that are vertically long. Whenever I just clicked the tab, the scrollbar would go down. I changed Tab Stop property to No on a subform in one tab and a multiline textbox in another tab and it fixed the scrollbar jump problem.

Drop-Down List Detached From ComboBox - Excel VBA

The drop down list of a ActiveX ComboBox detaches whenever I scroll down the page. How
can I fix it so it won't move?
Here's the VBA code designated for the comboBox.
Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
ComboBox1.ListFillRange = "DropDownList"
End Sub
If you switch out your ComboBox to the one from the Forms toolbar, then it collapses the list as soon as you start scrolling. I think the "detaching" of the dropdown is the default behavior and I don't think you can influence that programmatically (as in here, too).
See this post on the different options for the comboboxes:
Run Macro When ComboBox is Clicked
Another option is to disable the mouse scroll, as in this post:
VBA Excel Combobox: drop-down list scrolling issue

ToolStripMenuItem double click?

I have a program with a MenuStrip, containing multiple ToolStripMenuItems. There are 4 main ones, and each of those has a collection of more ToolStripMenuItems which appear as a dropdown from the main items.
I'm attempting to force the user to double click the items (this program is run on a small touch screen device and the users are accidentally pressing the wrong items by mistake...when a drop down menu appears by clicking the upper level menu, the first menu item is partially over the top level menu item, causing it to be highlighted if they hold their finger a minute too long and then "clicking" it when they lift their finger). I changed the Click event that was being fired from these items to the DoubleClick event, and changed the DoubleClick property of each ToolStripMenuItem to true, but the first click on any of the menu items causes the drop down menu to collapse instead of allowing me to physically double click the menu item.
I've been looking through the MSDN documentation but I'm having a lot of trouble figuring this one out. Below is a simple example.
Private Sub ToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ExitToolStripMenuItem.DoubleClick
End Sub
It's not firing the event because it's not allowing me to double click the menu item in the first place(from what it looks like, anyway).

Dotnetbar Tab Control TabItem Closing Prompt

I am using dotnetbar with visual studio 2010.
I added dotnetbar tabcontrol to my form, with close buttons on tabs visible.
I just wanna get a message box prompt, when closing a tab by clicking on their close button on the tab, whether to close it or not.
If "Yes" clicked, tab closes.... else not.
I can't find a close button click event or any other method to do that.
Use TabItemClose event and if needed set Cancel=true on event arguments to prevent closing.

Suppress default right click menu in datagridview vb.net

I have my own right click menu for a datagridview, however when a user in in edit mode and right clicks on the cell that he is editing both the default and my own menu come up and they overlap. I have moved mine to a side but its unsightly. Is there a way that I can supress the default right click menu and only have mine show ? Im using VB.net. Thanks
In a short eg here is the code that creates my menu
Dim menu As ContextMenuStrip = New ContextMenuStrip
menu.Items.Add(ShowMenuItem1, Nothing, AddressOf MenuG5_ShowMenuItem1)
menu.Items.Add(ShowMenuItem1, Nothing, AddressOf MenuG5_ShowMenuItem2)
I guess you can just set contextmenu strip visibility property to false....