Where JWplayer default skin located and how we edit it - jwplayer6

i use jwplayer 6 , i think everybody know what is the default skin , but where is located and how we can change the default player Though there is no file skin of it , here is snapshot of my jwplayer here
i edit play/pause image on jwplayer.js file but it's not changes
background:"center no-repeat url()"


How do I create video files in atom

good day friends, pls creating a file for image, is it the same for mp4 videos. because I created a folder to enable hold my video to display when rendered in my website(locally). but not working.
I created a folder and save the mp4 video their and use video tag to call it from my html,but not working.

disable auto download of files in react native video

I am using react-native-video to stream video in my app. The video starts with paused state.
From onLoadStart and onLoad event i see the video is started to load automatically even though it is paused. These videos are fetched from an URL, not in the assets of the app.
When i have multiple files in one screen it will take too much space in mobile. I want to keep space taken to minimal.
So i want to load files only if it is played by user by clicking the play button.
Is there a way to specify not to autoload files?

FontFamily not working in Android Device in React-Native

I have added many font-family and style into my asset folder in React-Native project. It's working fine in simulator, emulator, and iOS device. But some font won't work and not display in Android device.
I have try with react-native link and check the asset folder in Android app directory, nothing missing.
Anyone help please.
I might have a solution for this. I had the same problem, the fonts were visible in my emulator, the font files are located under 'android/src/main/assets/fonts' and yet it wasn't visible on my physical android device (Huawei Honor 8X).
I found out that the problem was with my physical device's Font settings. To fix this, on your phone, go to
Settings -> Display -> Text Style -> Default
Settings screen : Go to Display
Display settings : Look for Text Style, Make sure it is set to default as seen in the pic
Select Default here : Now your custom app fonts should work
Please Note that these settings might differ as per your device. I've mentioned the steps for my phone.
Always use the default Text Style to render custom fonts in your app.
Nowadays, phones like the OnePlus etc. have their own custom fonts and I think this is interfering with custom fonts defined in Applications.
Hope this helps.
Following this article worked for me. The name of the font file name is important to get it working on both platforms.
I had multiple font files with different weights (Circular Std Bold, Circular Std Medium etc..) for these to work on android I dynamically changed the font family style to this name to change the weight.
The font weight style on android didn't work for me.
the problem is with devices that have custom font style like huawei devices. I hope there be a solution for this to not force the user to change it's device font style because of our app.
My font family changes when I connect to my android device but I finally figured out how to fix it. If font weight is set then it changes the font on my device to its default font. After I removed font weight my android devices default font isn't applied anymore.
fontFamily its not work in inlinstyle you must change from
<Text style={{fontFamily:'SantPro'}} />
Text style={styles.text}
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
text: {

idangerous swiper prevents HTML5 play button working in ie10

I have an embedded HTML5 video which works fine in all browsers (or fails gracefully, if the browser is old or lacks video support). But since my site uses iDangerous Swiper (http://www.idangero.us/sliders/swiper/api.php), the custom video controls - the 'play/pause' button - does not work in Internet Explorer 10.
If I remove the swiper js code embed from the head area of my HTML, the embedded video plays fine in ie10. The problem seems to be that Swiper is intercepting the click on the play button in ie10 - and therefore the solution seems to be to disable Swiper for at least that small area of the page.
But it's not clear how to do it.
There seems to be a very scantly documented new feature in the June 2013 Swiper release which lets one create a 'noSwiping' class, but wrapping the video in a div with this class does not solve the ie10 problem.
Has anyone else needed to disable Swiper for an element and succeeded in doing so, particularly regarding ie...? I would be very glad to see a code example. My own project is still on localhost.
All you have to do is to add the html5=1 in the src attribute of the iframe :
The video will be displayed as HTML5 if available, or fallback into flash player.
you can read this:
Force HTML5 youtube video
I had a problem with a embed video of youtube inside a dangerous swiper, but the solution of TSL works for me!
I had added the html5=1 and solve my problem!

titanium : how to get file located inside /res-long-port-ldpi

I'm trying to acces a file located in /assets/android/images/res-long-port-ldpi at runtime
without success... I tried many path different, but exists() always return false any ideas how to do it ?
var path = "/images/res-long-port-ldpi/default.png";
var splashScreenOld = Titanium.Filesystem.getFile(Titanium.Filesystem.resourcesDirectory, path);
Ti.API.info("screen: file exist = "+splashScreenOld.exists());
Android natively switches between the density folders based on device density. This file will be accessible at /images on a low density device. It is not directly accessible on other density devices.
If you are having trouble switching the splash screens make sure you have deleted the build folder and the app from the test device before re-running.
If you have a different use case please explain a little bit further.
I tried with the path set at :/images but no success for opening the file.
My goal is to have random splash screen images when the app is started. It seems that only 1 image named default.png located in one of the directory
- etc....
will be loaded and used as splash screen. It seems that appcelerator does not provide a way to have different splash screen. So if i have 4 images in the directory lets say
default.png, default1.png, default3.png, default2.png
i want to open file and rename it at runtime to default.png making the trick of changing the file for having a different splashscreen every time the app is launched.