SQL Server 2012 blank string comparison with 0 - sql

I am running this query on SQL Server 2012:
select 'weird'
where '' = 0
It's returning 'weird'.
As far as I understand, '' is quite different from 0. So please explain why the above happens.

So, taking a look at the data types where they stand in the WHERE clause
They return int, varchar respectively.
When comparing two different data types, the data type with the lower precedence will convert to the higher precedence, per MSDN.
In this case, Varchar converts to int.
select cast('' AS int)
The above returns 0.
select 'weird' where 0 = 0


Trim decimal off a varchar value

I've got a legacy SQL Server stored procedure that stopped working some time ago. While looking at it today, there is an inner join where one table is storing the value as an int and the other is storing it as a varchar in a (##.#) format. Not sure why or how that happened but SQL Server is none too happy about it.
I need a simple programmatic bit of string manipulation to pull out everything to the left of the decimal point so I can cast or convert it to an int to fix the join.
I started with the following, however substring requires a fixed length and the data could be 1-3 digits to the left of the decimal. Having trouble with the dynamic aspect of it. For clarity sake, I don't care what's to the right of the decimal.
cast(substring(H.Variable, 1, 1) as int)
First, find the index of the decimal by using CHARINDEX(). Then, you can pass that index to the LEFT() function:
LEFT(H.Variable, CHARINDEX('.', H.Variable) - 1)
CAST(TRY_CAST H.Variable AS Float) AS Int)
That should get you the integer value of the varchar string--if it cannot be converted, it will come back as NULL.
It's going in the other direction than your question, but is likely to be more accurate and higher performance.
Note that you need SQL Server 2012 or later to use the TRY_CAST conversion...
If you can have no decimals with decimals, you need to account for that.
declare #table table (c1 varchar(64))
insert into #table
case when CHARINDEX('.', c1) = 0 then c1 else LEFT(c1, CHARINDEX('.', c1) - 1) end
from #table
Other wise, only using LEFT() and CHARINDEX() will result in:
Invalid length parameter passed to the LEFT or SUBSTRING function.
Another way is
substring(c1,0,case when charindex('.',c1) = 0 then 9999 else charindex('.',c1) end)
It could be more tolerant...

Ms Sql Server Compare Numeric column with string value

In MS SQL Server, what is the difference between:
select * from Person where Id='7'
select * from Person where Id=7
The two queries returns the same results.
The Id type is int.
should we not compare int to string?
and when should use one of them?
Always compare with the same data type and avoid implicit conversions.
SELECT 'Not OK!' WHERE 'text' = 1
-- Result: Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'text' to data type int.
As stated by the data type precedence, when there is a mismatch of the data types, the SQL engine will (in most cases) try to convert the most complex type to the simplest, so comparisons are faster. In this case (VARCHAR vs. INT), it will always convert the string type to int.
Also, when coding SQL that has implicit conversions with joins and other operations, it's most likely to generate a different execution plan that the one it would with an explicit conversion.
If you have to compare different types, remember to explicitly cast them, not just for the reason mentioned before but it also says to the next developer that the columns or expressions differ in data type.
With some data type you might find unwanted behaviour if you leave implicit conversions.
DECLARE #BitValue2 BIT = 1
ISNULL(#BitValue1, -999) = ISNULL(#BitValue2, -999)
-- Result: Oops! (-999 is being converted to bit, which is 1)

Why IsNull(LTrim(RTrim(Lower(null))), -1) is *?

Today I was testing something at work place and came across this one
Case 1:
Declare #a nvarchar(20)
Set #a = null
Select IsNull(LTrim(RTrim(Lower(#a))), -1)
Case 2:
Select IsNull(LTrim(RTrim(Lower(null))), -1)
The result in case 1 is -1 but * in case 2
I was expecting same results in both cases. Any reason?
Without the declaration of data type, null in this case is declared as varchar(1). You can observe this by selecting the results into a #temp table:
Select IsNull(LTrim(RTrim(Lower(null))), -1) as x INTO #x;
EXEC tempdb..sp_help '#x';
Among the results you'll see:
Column_name Type Length
----------- ------- ------
x varchar 1
Since -1 can't fit in a varchar(1), you are getting * as output. This is similar to:
If you want to collapse to a string, then I suggest enclosing the integer in single quotes so there is no confusion caused by integer <-> string conversions that aren't intended:
SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(1), '-1'); -- yields "-"
SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(30), '-1'); -- yields "-1"
I would not make any assumptions about how SQL Server will handle a "value" explicitly provided as null, especially when complex expressions make it difficult to predict which evaluation rules might trump data type precedence.
In SQL Server, there are "typed NULLs" and "untyped NULLs".
In the first case, the NULL is typed—it is aware that NULL is a varchar(20) and so as your functions wrap the inner value, that data type is propagated throughout the expression.
In the second case, the NULL is untyped, so it has to infer the NULL's type from the surrounding expressions. The IsNull function evaluates the data type of the first operand and applies that to the whole expression, and thus the NULL defaults to varchar(1):
PRINT sql_variant_property(IsNull(LTrim(NULL), -1), 'BaseType'); -- varchar
PRINT sql_variant_property(IsNull(LTrim(NULL), -1), 'MaxLength'); -- 1
Another complication is that IsNull does not do type promotion in the same way that Coalesce does (though Coalesce has its own problems due to not being a function—it is expanded to a CASE expression, sometimes causing unexpected side-effects due to repeat expression evaluation). Look:
SELECT Coalesce(LTrim(NULL), -1);
This results in -1 with data type int!
Check out Sql Server Data Type Precedence and you'll see that int is much higher than varchar, so the whole expression becomes int.
The naked NULL is being passed to LOWER(), which expects a character. This is being defaulted to one character wide. The value "-1" doesn't fit in this field, so it is returning "*".
You can get the same effect with:
select isnull(CAST(NULL as varchar(1)), -1)
The following code also causes the problem:
declare #val varchar;
set #val = -1
select #val
Note that COALESCE() does not cause this problem.
I'm pretty sure this is fully documented behavior.

How does one filter based on whether a field can be converted to a numeric?

I've got a report that has been in use quite a while - in fact, the company's invoice system rests in a large part upon this report (Disclaimer: I didn't write it). The filtering is based upon whether a field of type VarChar(50) falls between two numeric values passed in by the user.
The problem is that the field the data is being filtered on now not only has simple non-numeric values such as '/A', 'TEST' and a slew of other non-numeric data, but also has numeric values that seem to be defying any type of numeric conversion I can think of.
The following (simplified) test query demonstrates the failure:
Declare #StartSummary Int,
#EndSummary Int
Select #StartSummary = 166285,
#EndSummary = 166289
Select SummaryInvoice
From Invoice
Where IsNull(SummaryInvoice, '') <> ''
And IsNumeric(SummaryInvoice) = 1
And Convert(int, SummaryInvoice) Between #StartSummary And #EndSummary
I've also attempted conversions using bigint, real and float and all give me similar errors:
Msg 8115, Level 16, State 2, Line 7
Arithmetic overflow error converting
expression to data type int.
I've tried other larger numeric datatypes such as BigInt with the same error. I've also tried using sub-queries to sidestep the conversion issue by only extracting fields that have numeric data and then converting those in the wrapper query, but then I get other errors which are all variations on a theme indicating that the value stored in the SummaryInvoice field can't be converted to the relevant data type.
Short of extracting only those records with numeric SummaryInvoice fields to a temporary table and then querying against the temporary table, is there any one-step solution that would solve this problem?
Edit: Here's the field data that I suspect is causing the problem:
IsNumeric states that this field is numeric - which it is. But attempting to convert it to BigInt causes an arithmetic overflow. Any ideas? It doesn't appear to be an isolated incident, there seems to have been a number of records populated with data that causes this issue.
It seems that you are gonna have problems with the ISNUMERIC function, since it returns 1 if can be cast to any number type (including ., ,, e0, etc). If you have numbers longer than 2^63-1, you can use DECIMAL or NUMERIC. I'm not sure if you can use PATINDEX to perform an regex look on SummaryInvoice, but if you can, then you should try this:
SELECT SummaryInvoice
FROM Invoice
WHERE ISNULL(SummaryInvoice, '') <> ''
AND CASE WHEN PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%',SummaryInvoice) > 0 THEN CONVERT(DECIMAL(30,0), SummaryInvoice) ELSE -1 END
BETWEEN #StartSummary And #EndSummary
You can't guarantee what order the WHERE clause filters will be applied.
One ugly option to decouple inner and outer.
Select TOP 2000000000
From Invoice
Where IsNull(SummaryInvoice, '') <> ''
And IsNumeric(SummaryInvoice) = 1
ORDER BY SummaryInvoice
) foo
Convert(int, SummaryInvoice) Between #StartSummary And #EndSummary
Another using CASE
Select SummaryInvoice
From Invoice
Where IsNull(SummaryInvoice, '') <> ''
CASE WHEN IsNumeric(SummaryInvoice) = 1 THEN Convert(int, SummaryInvoice) ELSE -1 END
Between #StartSummary And #EndSummary
Edit: after question update
use decimal(38,0) not int
Change ISNUMERIC(SummaryInvoice) to ISNUMERIC(SummaryInvoice + '0e0')
AND with IsNumeric(SummaryInvoice) = 1, will not short circuit in SQL Server.
But may be you can use
AND (CASE IsNumeric(SummaryInvoice) = 1 THEN Convert(int, SummaryInvoice) ELSE 0 END)
Between #StartSummary And #EndSummary
Your first issue is to fix your database structure so bad data cannot get into the field. You are putting a band-aid on a wound that needs stitches and wondering why it doesn't heal.
Database refactoring is not fun, but it needs to be done when there is a data integrity problem. I assume you aren't really invoicing someone for 11,111,111,111,111,111,111,111,111 or 'test'. So don't allow those values to ever get entered (if you can't change the structure to the correct data type, consider a trigger to prevent bad data from going in) and delete the ones you do have that are bad.

SQL Server CONVERT(NUMERIC(18,0), '') fails but CONVERT(INT, '') succeeds?

produces Error converting data type varchar to numeric.
produces 0 without error...
Question: Is there some SQL Server flag for this or will I need to do case statements for every varchar to numeric conversion? (aside from the obvious why?)
declare #a varchar(20)
set #a = 'notanumber'
select case when isnumeric(#a) = 0 then 0 else convert(numeric(18,0),#a) end
ISNUMERIC doesn't alway work as you might expect: in particular it returns True for some values that can't subsequently be converted to numeric.
This article describes the issue and suggests how to work around it with UDFs.
Empty string will convert to zero for float and int types, but not decimal. (And converts to 01 Jan 1900 for datetimes = zero). I don't know why.. it just is...
If you need decimal(18,0), use bigint instead. Or cast via float first
ISNUMERIC will accept - and . and 1.2E3 as a number, but all fail to convert to decimal.