Datagridview SelectionMode Alternative -

I am trying to modify the way in which selections are made for my datagridview so that it selects in a similar way to text selection.
Currently when a series of cells are selected in multiple rows only the cells selected are highlighted.
However what i'd like it to do is when the second row is selected it also selects all cells to the right of the first selected cell, and all cells left of the second selected cell, exactly the same as highlighting text in a browser.
Is there some property or mode that I can set to make the datagridview selection behave like this?

You can use a built-in MonthCalendar control:
The Windows Forms MonthCalendar control can display up to twelve months at a time. By default, the control displays only one month, but you can specify how many months are displayed and how they are arranged within the control. When you change the calendar dimensions, the control is resized; so be sure there is enough room on the form for the new dimensions.

You can try capturing the mouse down, move and up events and handling the selection yourself. This works for dragging from top to bottom, additional logic needs to be added to drag the other direction, but that should doable for you.
dataGridView1.CellMouseDown += dataGridView1_CellMouseDown;
dataGridView1.CellMouseMove += dataGridView1_CellMouseMove;
dataGridView1.CellMouseUp += dataGridView1_CellMouseUp;
dataGridView1.SelectionMode = DataGridViewSelectionMode.CellSelect;
int startRow;
int startColumn;
bool beginSelection;
void dataGridView1_CellMouseUp(object sender, DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs e)
beginSelection = false;
void dataGridView1_CellMouseMove(object sender, DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs e)
if (!beginSelection)
int curRow = e.RowIndex;
int curCol = e.ColumnIndex;
for (int r = startRow; r <= curRow; r++)
int maxC = dataGridView1.ColumnCount-1;
int minC = 0;
if (r == curRow)
maxC = curCol;
if (r == startRow)
minC = startColumn;
for (int c = minC; c <= maxC; c++)
dataGridView1[c,r].Selected = true;
void dataGridView1_CellMouseDown(object sender, DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs e)
beginSelection = true;
startRow = e.RowIndex;
startColumn = e.ColumnIndex;


Migradoc: Avoid a page break in case of merged rows

When there isn't enough space left on a page, merged rows (cells) in table are placed into a new page.
How to prevent this and assure the table is filling the free space on the current page?
Section section = document.AddSection();
Table t5 = new Table();
Row first = t5.AddRow();
first.Cells[0].AddParagraph("Header 1");
first.Cells[1].AddParagraph("Header 2");
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
var rowpd = t5.AddRow();
rowpd.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
rowpd.Cells[0].MergeDown = 17;
rowpd.Cells[0].AddParagraph("Merged 18 cells. ");
for (int i = 0; i < 18; i++)
if (i == 0)
rowpd.Cells[1].AddParagraph($"value {i}");
var row = t5.AddRow();
row.Cells[1].AddParagraph($"value {i}");
MigraDoc does not (yet) split cells, it only splits between cells. With MergeDown you create a huge cell that will not split.
Option: Avoid the MergeDown and use many small cells on the left column without horizontal borders to achieve a similar optical effect, but with page breaking as expected. Depending on the text in the left column this may or may not be an option.

Number of filled rows in a SapTable

I'm using Silk4J and I have a table which is reported as SapTable in the Locator Spy. From that table, I'm trying to get all the texts of the second column, but it hangs or terminates with an exception. In the following you find the code for my tries. Finally I reached the last row of the table, but it hangs there again.
In all examples I'm using a while loop instead of a for loop, because I want to insert more conditions later.
Try 1: Straight forward (I thought)
SapTable table; // initialized somewhere else
int maxrows = table.getRowCount();
int row = 0;
while (row < maxrows)
String text = table.getCell(row, COLUMN).getText();
However, this code prints all visible columns, then hangs.
Try 2: adding a PageDn keypress via Silk
Since try 1 printed only the visible cells, I thought adding a keypress every page could help. That was my code:
SapTable table; // initialized somewhere else
int maxrows = table.getRowCount();
int row = 0;
int visibleRows = table.getVisibleRowCount();
while (row < maxrows)
String text = table.getCell(row, COLUMN).getText();
if (row % visibleRows == 0)
Unfortunately this results in an exception "The virtual key is not enabled".
Try 3: adding a PageDn keypress via AwtRobot
Since the built-in sendVKey method did not work, but pressing the PageDn manually works, I switched to an AwtRobot:
SapTable table; // initialized somewhere else
int maxrows = table.getRowCount();
int row = 0;
int visibleRows = table.getVisibleRowCount();
while (row < maxrows)
String text = table.getCell(row, COLUMN).getText();
if (row % visibleRows == 0)
Robot robot = new Robot();
Pressing the key now works and I can see the table scroll to the next entry. However, my test application still hangs.
Try 4: Resetting the row count
Using the Locator Spy again, I found out that the index of the row is reset to zero, so I mimiced that in my code:
SapTable table; // initialized somewhere else
int maxrows = table.getRowCount();
int row = 0;
int visibleRows = table.getVisibleRowCount();
while (row < maxrows)
String text = table.getCell(row, COLUMN).getText();
if (row % visibleRows == 0)
Robot robot = new Robot();
row = 0; // <--
In this case, it prints the first N (number of visible) items of the list, scrolls to position N+1, prints the name of the first (!) row and then hangs when accessing the item with index 1 (after the reset).
Try 5: Sleeping
With some sleeping, I can reach the end of the table:
SapTable table; // initialized somewhere else
int maxrows = table.getRowCount();
int row = 0;
int visibleRows = table.getVisibleRowCount();
while (row < maxrows)
String text = table.getCell(row, COLUMN).getText();
if (row % visibleRows == 0)
Robot robot = new Robot();
row = 0;
Thread.sleep(1000); // <--
In this case, I get all items in the table. But since I don't know when the table ends, it does another getCell() call, which results in a hang again.
The question
I'm really stuck. I've also looked for other methods like getting the real number of rows in the table (getRowCount() doesn't), but didn't find one yet.
How do I get the real number of rows of a SapTable in Silk4J?
It took some trying - the underlying SAP automation API is not really helpful in this case - but here is how you can make it work:
private List<String> fetchItems() {
SapTable table = desktop.find("sap.Table");
SapVerticalScrollBar scrollBar = table.find("/SapVerticalScrollBar");
// the scrollbar maximum value seems to be a more reliable
// way to get the number of items than getRowCount
int itemCount = scrollBar.getMaximum() + 1;
List<String> items = new ArrayList<String>();
int currentAbsoluteRow = 0;
// the first loop iterates through the table page by page
for (int firstRowInPage = 0;
firstRowInPage < itemCount;
firstRowInPage = scrollToNextPage(firstRowInPage)) {
// this loop goes through the items of the current page
for (int currentRowInPage = 0;
currentRowInPage < table.getVisibleRowCount();
currentRowInPage++) {
if(++currentAbsoluteRow > itemCount) {
// we've read all the available items
return items;
SapComponent cell = table.getCell(currentRowInPage, 1);
return items;
private int scrollToNextPage(int firstRowInPage) {
SapTable table = desktop.find("sap.Table");
SapVerticalScrollBar scrollBar = table.find("/SapVerticalScrollBar");
firstRowInPage += scrollBar.getPageSize();
return firstRowInPage;
Some pitfalls that I encountered:
getRowCount() returned a higher count than there was in actual items
getVisibleRowCount() returns the number of items that would fit on the current page, even if not all rows were filled with actual items
The returned cell objects are only valid as long as the cell is on the screen, so you'll need to pull the information you want before you scroll to the next page.

Rescale X across all plots in ZedGraph

I can successfully zoom x-only across all plots using the following code:
zg1.IsEnableHZoom = true;
zg1.IsEnableVZoom = false;
zg1.IsSynchronizeXAxes = true;
foreach (GraphPane gp in zg1.MasterPane.paneList)
> //What code can I put here?
My problem is that using this code, the Y-axis remains at a max and min based on the original view of the data. I want the Y-axis to autoscale so that the max and min is ONLY based on the data visible due to the x-axis zoom (per graph pane, of course). Is there some command, or brute force method, that I can use on each of the graph panes in the for loop shown above? Thanks ahead of time for anyone's help.
You can use this in the loop (assuming X Axis scale MinAuto and MaxAuto are false)
foreach (GraphPane gp in zg1.MasterPane.paneList)
gp.YAxis.Scale.MinAuto = true;
gp.YAxis.Scale.MaxAuto = true;
// This will force ZedGraph to calculate the Min and the Max of the Y axis
// based on the X axis visible range
gp.IsBoundedRanges = true;
I had the same problem before and could not find a way other than to inspect all the curve points.
I added an event handler to the Paint event to do this, I'm sure there are ways this can be optimized.
Something like this:
private void graph_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
double min = Double.MaxValue;
double max = Double.MinValue;
CurveItem curve = graph.GraphPane.CurveList[0];
for (int i = 0; i < curve.Points.Count; i++)
if (curve.Points[i].X > graph.GraphPane.XAxis.Scale.Min &&
curve.Points[i].X < graph.GraphPane.XAxis.Scale.Max)
min = Math.Min(curve.Points[i].Y, min);
max = Math.Max(curve.Points[i].Y, max);
if (min != Double.MaxValue)
graph.GraphPane.XAxis.Scale.Min = min;
graph.GraphPane.XAxis.Scale.Max = max;

Kinect background removal

I followed the code provided by Robert Levy at this link:
I tried implementing it into my existing code, and have had inconsistent results. If the user is in the kinect's field of view when the program starts up it will remove the background some of the time. If the user walks into the field of view it will not pick them up.
namespace KinectUserRecognition
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
//Kinect Runtime
Runtime kinect = Runtime.Kinects[0];
PlanarImage colorImage;
PlanarImage depthImage;
bool isDepthImage;
WriteableBitmap player1;
private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
isDepthImage = false;
//UseDepthAndPlayerIndex and UseSkeletalTracking
kinect.Initialize(RuntimeOptions.UseDepthAndPlayerIndex | RuntimeOptions.UseColor);// | RuntimeOptions.UseSkeletalTracking);
//register for event
kinect.VideoFrameReady += new EventHandler<ImageFrameReadyEventArgs>(nui_VideoFrameReady);
kinect.DepthFrameReady += new EventHandler<ImageFrameReadyEventArgs>(nui_DepthFrameReady);
//Video image type
kinect.VideoStream.Open(ImageStreamType.Video, 2, ImageResolution.Resolution640x480,
//DepthAndPlayerIndex ImageType
kinect.DepthStream.Open(ImageStreamType.Depth, 2, ImageResolution.Resolution320x240,
void nui_VideoFrameReady(object sender, ImageFrameReadyEventArgs e)
colorImage = e.ImageFrame.Image;
image1.Source = BitmapSource.Create(colorImage.Width, colorImage.Height, 96, 96,
PixelFormats.Bgr32, null, colorImage.Bits, colorImage.Width * colorImage.BytesPerPixel);
if (isDepthImage)
player1 = GeneratePlayerImage(e.ImageFrame, 1);
image3.Source = player1;
void nui_DepthFrameReady(object sender, ImageFrameReadyEventArgs e)
//Convert depth information for a pixel into color information
byte[] ColoredBytes = GenerateColoredBytes(e.ImageFrame);
depthImage = e.ImageFrame.Image;
image2.Source = BitmapSource.Create(depthImage.Width, depthImage.Height, 96, 96, PixelFormats.Bgr32, null,
ColoredBytes, depthImage.Width * PixelFormats.Bgr32.BitsPerPixel / 8);
isDepthImage = true;
private WriteableBitmap GeneratePlayerImage(ImageFrame imageFrame, int playerIndex)
int depthWidth = kinect.DepthStream.Width;
int depthHeight = kinect.DepthStream.Height;
WriteableBitmap target = new WriteableBitmap(depthWidth, depthHeight, 96, 96, PixelFormats.Bgra32, null);
var depthRect = new System.Windows.Int32Rect(0, 0, depthWidth, depthHeight);
byte[] color = imageFrame.Image.Bits;
byte[] output = new byte[depthWidth * depthHeight * 4];
//loop over each pixel in the depth image
int outputIndex = 0;
for (int depthY = 0, depthIndex = 0; depthY < depthHeight; depthY++)
for(int depthX = 0; depthX < depthWidth; depthX++, depthIndex +=2)
short depthValue = (short)(depthImage.Bits[depthIndex] | (depthImage.Bits[depthIndex + 1] << 8));
int colorX, colorY;
depthX, depthY, //depth coordinate
depthValue, //depth value
out colorX, out colorY); //color coordinate
//ensure that the calculate color location is within the bounds of the image
colorX = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(colorX, imageFrame.Image.Width - 1));
colorY = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(colorY, imageFrame.Image.Height - 1));
output[outputIndex++] = color[(4 * (colorX + (colorY * imageFrame.Image.Width))) + 0];
output[outputIndex++] = color[(4 * (colorX + (colorY * imageFrame.Image.Width))) + 1];
output[outputIndex++] = color[(4 * (colorX + (colorY * imageFrame.Image.Width))) + 2];
output[outputIndex++] = GetPlayerIndex(depthImage.Bits[depthIndex]) == playerIndex ? (byte)255 : (byte)0;
target.WritePixels(depthRect, output, depthWidth * PixelFormats.Bgra32.BitsPerPixel / 8, 0);
return target;
//return output;
private static int GetPlayerIndex(byte firstFrame)
//returns 0 = no player, 1 = 1st player, 2 = 2nd player...
//bitwise & on firstFrame
return (int)firstFrame & 7;
-Edit 1-
I think I've narrowed the problem down, but I'm not sure of a way to resolve it. I assumed that having only one person in the kinect's field of view would return a value of one from my "GetPlayerIndex" method. This is not the case. I was hoping to produce a separate image for each person with the background removed. What type of values should I assume to receive from:
-Edit 2-
From my tests I've noticed that I can a max value of 6 for the player index, but the index that I get isn't consistent. If there a way to know what player index will be assigned to a skeleton? For example, if I were the only person in the fov would there be a way to know that my player index would always be 1?
The player index is not guaranteed to be anything. Once it catches a skeleton, the index will stay the same for that skeleton until it loses sight of it, but you can't assume that the first player will be 1, the second 2, etc.
What you'll need to do is determine a valid skeleton index prior to the player1 = GeneratePlayerImage(e.ImageFrame, 1); call, or alter the GeneratePlayerImage function to find an index. If you're only interested in removing the background and leaving the pixels for all the people in the frame untouched, just change this:
output[outputIndex++] = GetPlayerIndex(depthImage.Bits[depthIndex]) == playerIndex ? (byte)255 : (byte)0;
to this, which will just check for ANY player, instead of a specific player:
output[outputIndex++] = GetPlayerIndex(depthImage.Bits[depthIndex]) != 0 ? (byte)255 : (byte)0;
The other two ways I can think of to do this for a specific player instead of all players:
Open the Kinect's Skeleton feed, and loop through the array of skeletons it gives you to find a valid index. Create a global integer to hold this index, then call the GeneratePlayerImage method with this global integer.
Change the GeneratePlayerImage method to check for a player index in each pixel, and if one is found use that index to remove the background for the entire image (ignore any other index it finds).

Resizing Jtable column widths wont work

//can set column widths using percentages
private void setPreferredTableColumnWidths(JTable table, double[] percentages)
Dimension tableDim = table.getSize();
double total = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < table.getColumnModel().getColumnCount(); i++)
total += percentages[i];
for(int i = 0; i < table.getColumnModel().getColumnCount(); i++)
TableColumn column = table.getColumnModel().getColumn(i);
column.setPreferredWidth((int) (tableDim.width * (percentages[i] / total)));
I want to be able to change the widths of a JTable based on a percentage of the total width of the table. The above code looks like it should work, but I only get equal width columns when I call it using "setPreferredTableColumnWidths(table, new double[] {.01,.4,.2,.2,.2});"
What could be the problem?
Try to add the line:
At the end of the method.
Your code works fine but depending on where you call it the table may or may not have a width. In the constructor of a Panel (or whatever contains the table) there is not width yet.
I put the call to your method in the paint() method. But be sure to keep track and only call it once or it will resize the columns over and over.
public void paint(Graphics g) {
if(! this.initialSizeSet){
this.setPreferredTableColumnWidths(this.table, new double[] {0.1, 0.1, 0.5, 0.3});
this.initialSizeSet = true;