Get pluginId stored in the IPreferenceNode in Eclipse - eclipse-plugin

I am developing a plugin, in my plugin I want to get another plugin ID. I use the following code:
PreferenceManager pm = PlatformUI.getWorkbench( ).getPreferenceManager();
List<IPreferenceNode> list = pm.getElements(PreferenceManager.PRE_ORDER);
String pluginid;
// restoreDefValues("org.eclipse.ant.ui");
for(IPreferenceNode node : list){
the code to find the node related to the plugin;
When I debug the program, I can clearly see that in variable node(IPreferenceNode), it has the value of the pluginId. However, I check the document of IPreferenceNode, it seems that the neither IPreferenceNode nor the class PreferenceNode, provide a method to return the value of pluginId. I tried node.toString() as well, couldn't get the pluginId. So what should I do? Is there any other ways to get a plugin ID from another plugin?

Preference nodes created using the org.eclipse.ui.preferencePages extension point will actually be instances of org.eclipse.ui.internal.dialogs.WorkbenchPreferenceNode. The super class of this (WorkbenchPreferenceExtensionNode) contains the plugin id.
These classes are internal so you should not try to use them directly. However they implement org.eclipse.ui.IPluginContribution which can be used and has a getPluginId() method.
So something like:
if (node instanceof IPluginContribution) {
pluginId = ((IPluginContribution)node).getPluginId();
should work.


How can I mock a call to Spring's repository `saveAll()` method using mockk?

I am using Mockk as my mocking framework when testing my Spring Boot Data repository interfaces.
Actually I am doing the following
every { itemRepository.saveAll(listOf(any(), any())) } returns listOf<Item>(mockk())
which should mock the following behaviour
val loot: List<Item> = itemGenerator.generateLoot(lootTable)
The error message I receive is the following:
Failed matching mocking signature for
SignedCall(retValue=, isRetValueMock=true, retType=class kotlin.collections.Iterable, self=ItemRepository(#28), method=saveAll(Iterable), args=[[com.barbarus.gameserver.item.Item#ea00de, com.barbarus.gameserver.item.Item#23ca36d]], invocationStr=ItemRepository(#28).saveAll([com.barbarus.gameserver.item.Item#ea00de, com.barbarus.gameserver.item.Item#23ca36d]))
left matchers: [any(), any()]
The error message says left matchers: [any(), any()] pointing out that I somehow am not defining the expected arguments right.
I could fully define the items by real implementations in my test logic but I'd like to stick with mockk() just to keep the test code slim and fast.
However I kinda am not able to define the List<Item> with two elements using listOf(any(),any()) here. I tried other API of Mockk without any luck.
Any idea what to use in this case?
You should type the any() when you are passing into saveAll().
For instance:
import com.barbarus.gameserver.item.Item
every { itemRepository.saveAll(any<List<Item>>() } returns listOf<Item>(mockk())
Solution from another post

Howto tell PowerBuilder to pass options to a JVM when starting?

What I want to do?
I want to create and consume java objects in PowerBuilder and call methods on it. This should happen with less overhead possible.
I do not want to consume java webservices!
So I've a working sample in which I can create a java object, call a method on this object and output the result from the called method.
Everything is working as expected. I'm using Java 1.8.0_31.
But now I want to attach my java IDE (IntelliJ) to the running JVM (started by PowerBuilder) to debug the java code which gets called by PowerBuilder.
And now my question.
How do I tell PowerBuilder to add special options when starting the JVM?
In special I want to add the following option(s) in some way:
The JVM is created like following:
LONG ll_result
inv_java = CREATE JavaVM
ll_result = inv_java.CreateJavaVM("C:\Development\tms java\pbJavaTest", FALSE)
CHOOSE CASE ll_result
MessageBox ( "", "jvm.dll was not found in the classpath.")
MessageBox ( "", "pbejbclient90.jar file was not found." )
MessageBox ( "", "Unknown result (" + String (ll_result ) +")" )
In the PowerBuilder help I found something about overriding the static registry classpath. There is something written about custom properties which sounds like what I'm looking for.
But there's no example on how to add JVM options to override default behavior.
Does anyone have a clue on how to tell PowerBuilder to use my options?
Or does anyone have any advice which could guide me in the right direction?
Update 1
I found an old post which solved my initial issue.
If someone else want to know how it works take a look at this post:
Hi, you need to set some windows registry entries.
Under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Sybase\Powerbuilder\9.0\Java, there
are two folders: PBIDEConfig and PBRTConfig. The first one is used when
you run your application from within the IDE, and the latter is used
when you run your compiled application. Those two folders can have
PBJVMconfig and PBJVMprops folders within them.
PBJVMconfig is for JVM configuration options such as -Xms. You have to
specify incremental key values starting from "0" by one, and one special
key "Count" to tell Powerbuilder how many options exists to enumerate.
PBJVMprops is for all -D options. You do not need to specify -D for
PBJVMProps, just the name of the property and its value, and as many
properties as you wish.
Let me give some examples:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
Gokhan Demir
But now there's another issue...
PB isn't able to create EJB Proxies for my sample class which is really simple with java 1.8.0_31. They were created with the default version, which is 1.6.0_24.
public class Simple
public Simple()
public static String getValue()
return "blubber";
public int getInt32Value()
return 123456;
public double getDoubleVaue()
return 123.123;
public static void main(String[] args)
The error is the following. :D
---------- Deploy: Deploy of project p_genapp_ejbclientproxy (15:35:18)
Retrieving PowerBuilder Proxies from EJB...
Generation Errors: Error: class not found: (
Deployment Error: No files returned for package/component 'Simple'. Error code: Unknown. Proxy was not created.
---------- Finished Deploy of project p_genapp_ejbclientproxy (15:35:19)
So the whole way isn't a option because we do not want to change the JAVA settings in PB back and forth just to generate new EJB Proxies for changed JAVA objects in the future...
So one option to test will be creating COM wrappers for JAVA classes to use them in PB...

wsdl2java code generation for lists of custom objects

I would like to know if the tool "wsdl2java" (Axis2) is able to generate stubs that support getting list of custom ojects.
For instance, if I have a WS that have the following method:
public List<Device> getDevices(){
Where Device is a custom class...
This tool can do that?
I changed the return data type of my Web Service to an array because of that:
And I had to do some changes (some namespaces) to the generated stub (I used ADB)...
I changed that because it was giving me an ADBException: Unexpected subelement ...

How can you use SessionAsSigner in a Java Bean called from an XPage?

According to Phillip Riand (see: discussion on openNTF) this is not possible... They need to know the design element to find out who signed it. Therefore, it is only available in SSJS.
There are 2 ways that I know of to use the sessionAsSigner object in Java beans:
1 By resolving the sessionAsSigner object:
FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
Session sessionAsSigner = context.getApplication().getVariableResolver().
resolveVariable(context, "sessionAsSigner");
2 By using the getCurrentSessionAsSigner() function from the class in the Extension Library.
To be able to use it (in Java as wel as SSJS) you'll want to make sure that all design elements were signed by the same user ID. If that's not the case, the sessionAsSigner object will not be available ('undefined').
I found that the solution is right at hand :-)
I changed my XPage (in this example an XAgent) to:
<xp:view xmlns:xp="" rendered="false">
This is an xAgent returning json data...
and in the bean I simply used the session in the argument when I needed to open a database/document as signer. Sometimes the solution is so simple :-)
This is quite an old post that I just stumbled upon. Tried some of the solutions mentioned above:
resolveVariable did not work for me, at least not for sessionAsSigner as this throws a runtime error (I can resolve plain old session, though...)
to be honest I didn't quite understand the Controller.verify(sessionAsSigner) method; is Controller something specific to XAgents? If so, I don't have an XAgent here, so can't use it
didn't feel like importing extra ExtLib classes here...
So I came up with another solution that appears to be very simple:
created a method in my javaBean that takes a session object as argument; since sessionAsSigner belongs to the same class as session I don't have to import something new.
Javacode is:
public void testSession(Session s) throws Exception{
System.out.println(" > test effective user for this session = "
+ s.getEffectiveUserName());
This is called from SSJS as either
Maybe helps others, too

Ninject: More than one matching bindings are available

I have a dependency with parameters constructor. When I call the action more than 1x, it show this error:
Error activating IValidationPurchaseService
More than one matching bindings are available.
Activation path:
1) Request for IValidationPurchaseService
1) Ensure that you have defined a binding for IValidationPurchaseService only once.
public ActionResult Detalhes(string regionUrl, string discountUrl, DetalhesModel detalhesModel)
var validationPurchaseDTO = new ValidationPurchaseDTO {...}
.WithConstructorArgument("validationPurchaseDTO", validationPurchaseDTO)
.WithConstructorArgument("confirmPayment", true);
this.ValidationPurchaseService = KernelFactory.Kernel.Get<IValidationPurchaseService>();
I'm not sure what are you trying to achieve by the code you cited. The error is raised because you bind the same service more than once, so when you are trying to resolve it it can't choose one (identical) binding over another. This is not how DI Container is supposed to be operated. In your example you are not getting advantage of your DI at all. You can replace your code:
.WithConstructorArgument("validationPurchaseDTO", validationPurchaseDTO)
.WithConstructorArgument("confirmPayment", true);
this.ValidationPurchaseService = KernelFactory.Kernel.Get<IValidationPurchaseService>();
With this:
this.ValidationPurchaseService = new ValidationPurchaseService(validationPurchaseDTO:validationPurchaseDTO, confirmPayment:true)
If you could explain what you are trying to achieve by using ninject in this scenario the community will be able to assist further.
Your KernelFactory probably returns the same kernel (singleton) on each successive call to the controller. Which is why you add a similar binding every time you hit the URL that activates this controller. So it probably works the first time and starts failing after the second time.