Memory allocation of structure inside a Class in c# - structure

Where the structure and primitive data stored if they are part of a reference type ?
public struct MyStruct()
int x=10;
class MyClass
int x=10;
Object y=10;
MyStruct struct1;
MyClass obj= new MyClass();
Where all the inside members of obj reference Object will be stored in memory Stacks or Heaps ?


C++/cli regarding setting a unmanaged pointer in a managed property

Say I have a c++ struct:
typedef struct CStruct {
char * data;
} CStruct;
Say I have a pointer to the C++ struct in a managed class in C++/cli, which has a property that references the struct's member:
public ref class ManagedClass
CStruct * theStruct;
ManagedClass(CStruct * strucPtr){
this->theStruct = strucPtr;
property String ^ data {
String ^ get() {
return gcnew String(theStruct->data);
void set(String ^ val)
IntPtr marshalToCharStar = Marshal::StringToHGlobalAnsi(val);
char * strPtr = static_cast<char *>(marshalToCharStar.ToPointer());
delete theStruct->data;
theStruct->data = strPtr;
First of all, is the marshaling done correctly? Should not have problems with the garbage collector here right? Secondly, is getting/setting an unmanaged object using properties a good idea? Any downfalls to that?
Right now I have an object similar to the one described, but member values are disappearing/becoming garbage, and I am trying to eliminate possible causes.
Appreciate the help

How to marshal this nested, and Pointer Used C structure in C#

typedef struct pt_input_bir
PT_BYTE byForm;
union {
PT_BIR *pBIR; ///< Used when byForm = PT_FULLBIR_INPUT */
PT_LONG lSlotNr; ///< Used when byForm = PT_SLOT_INPUT */
PT_BYTE abyReserved[20]; /** For future use */
} InputBIR;
typedef struct pt_bir {
PT_BYTE Data[1];
typedef struct pt_bir_header {
PT_DWORD Length;
PT_BYTE HeaderVersion;
PT_WORD FormatOwner;
PT_CHAR Quality;
PT_BYTE Purpose;
PT_DWORD FactorsMask;
and the C function is
PT_STATUS StoreFinger (
IN PT_INPUT_BIR *pTemplate,
Now I need to do the wrapper for the above C function in C#.
How should I marshal the PT_INPUT_BIR* structure and how should I unmarshal it after return of this function?
Please help me to solve this.
/********************** FOR MORE DETAIL ABOUT THIS QUESTION**************************/
C struct and function are defined in above. pls refer there.
C# Struct :
For C# struct declaration i have maintatined two struct for the one C struct. bcz one is for setting the values and another one id for passing to c function.
C# app struct:
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]//for app
public struct FPINPUTBIR
public byte byForm;
public InputBIRType InputBIR;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] // here when i use explicit it throws exception so i removed it.
public struct InputBIRType
// [FieldOffset(0)]
public FPBIR pBIR;
public int lSlotNr;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 20)]
public byte[] abyReserved;
C# wrapper struct:
public struct FP_INPUTBIR
public byte byForm;
public IntPtr mIPBIR;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Size = 20, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
public struct Input_BIRType
public IntPtr mBIR;
public int lSlotNr;
//[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 20)]
//public byte[] abyReserved;
finally i will copy the value from the C# app struct to wrapper struct before the call the C fun()
2a) C# App Side Code is :
//here mAppMemory is already known value
FPDATA lfpdata = new FPDATA();
lfipdata.byForm = (byte)eFPVerifyBy.FULLBIR_INPUT;
lfipdata.InputBIR = new InputBIRType();
lfipdata.InputBIR.abyReserved = new byte[20];
lfipdata.InputBIR.pBIR.Data = new byte[mAppMemory[listBox2.SelectedIndex].Header.Length];
Array.Copy(mAppMemory[listBox2.SelectedIndex].Data, lfipdata.InputBIR.pBIR.Data, mAppMemory[listBox2.SelectedIndex].Header.Length);
lfipdata.InputBIR.pBIR.Header = mAppMemory[listBox2.SelectedIndex].Header;
Verify(ref lfipdata); //calling from C# APP side to C# wrapper
C# wrapper side:
public int Verify(ref FPINPUTBIR apStoredTemplate )
// i passed the args (apStoredTemplate ) but throws exception struct mismatch with C struct.
//here i don't know what should i do.
CDLL.StoreFinger(..,ref apStoredTemplate,.. ); //pls refer the C function above
Do i really need two C# structures for this.
what should i do inside the C# wrapper function. please remeber i have two C# struct with diff members.
You just need a little extension on what you used in the previous question for PT_BIR. There we marshalled that variable length struct as byte[]. You can use the same code to generate the byte array, and I won't revisit that.
Next you need the union. That is:
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Size = 20)]
public struct PT_INPUT_BIR_UNION
public IntPtr pBIR;
public int lSlotNr; // I'm guessing what PT_LONG is
No need to declare the reserved part of the union. The size takes care of that.
public struct PT_INPUT_BIR
Byte byForm;
Then you need to use GCHandle to pin the PT_BIR byte array. Let's keep to the same naming as used at that question, and assume that the PT_BIR is held in a byte[] variable named data.
GCHandle handle = GCHandle.Alloc(data, GCHandleType.Pinned);
PT_INPUT_BIR inputBir;
inputBir.byForm := ...;
inputBir.InputBirUnion.pBIR = handle.AddrOfPinnedObject();
// now call StoreFinger passing ref inputBir
When you declare StoreFinger the PT_BIR* parameter should be declared as ref PT_BIR.

Type casting in C++\CLI project

I have project which I am compiling with /clr. I have a class like below..
ref class A
void CheckValue(void * test);
typedef ref struct val
std::string *x;
in my implementation I ahve to use something like below..
void A::CheckValue(void *test)
a::val_t^ allVal = (a::val_t^)test;
in my main I have used like..
int main()
A^ obj = gcnew A();
a::val_t valObj = new std::string("Test");
I am getting type cast error and two places -
and at
error C2440: 'type cast' : cannot convert from 'void*' to 'A::val_t ^'
This snippet is just to show behavior at my end and I ahve to use it this way only. Earlier I was running it using non /clr so it compiled fine.
Now question I have how can I make this type casting work in C++/CLI type project?
Replace void * with Object^. You can also write a generic version of CheckValue but then there is not much point of having a weak-typed parameter when you have the type in the generic parameter.
A reference handle represents an object on the managed heap. Unlike a native pointer, CLR could move the object around during a function call, so the behavior of a pointer and a reference handle is different, and a type cast would fail. You can also pin the object being referenced using pin_ptr if you really need a void* so CLR would not be moving the object during the function call.
Here is how I would get around the limitation you are seeing, just remove the struct from the managed object, since it contains native pointer types.
struct val_t
char* x;
ref class A
void CheckValue(void* test);
void A::CheckValue(void* test)
val_t* allVal = (val_t*)test;
int main()
A^ obj = gcnew A();
val_t valObj;
valObj.x = "Test";
Now, if you absolutely need the struct to be managed, here is how to do it:
ref class A
void CheckValue(void * test);
value struct val_t
char* x;
void A::CheckValue(void *test)
a::val_t* allVal = (a::val_t*)test;
int main()
A^ obj = gcnew A();
a::val_t valObj;
valObj.x = "Test";
pin_ptr<a::val_t> valPin = &valObj;

C++/CLI: Passing C++ class ptr to unmanaged method

I've been given a third party C/C++ library (.dll, .lib, .exp and .h) that I need to use in our C# app.
ThirdPartyLibrary.h contains...
class AClass {
typedef enum {
green = 7,
blue = 16
} Color;
virtual int GetData()=0;
virtual int DoWork(Color, char *)=0;
void * Func1(int, AClass **aClass);
In my C++/CLI code I have done this...
#include "ThirdPartyLibrary.h"
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Runtime::InteropServices;
namespace Wrapper {
public ref class MyBridgeClass
AClass* pAClass;
// C# code will call this method
void AMethod (int x)
int y = x+10;
Func1 (y, &(this->pAClass)); // <-- error!
I get a build error that reads...
cannot convert parameter 2 from 'cli::interior_ptr<Type>' to 'AClass **'
Type=AClass *
Cannot convert a managed type to an unmanaged type
Any ideas? Maybe I need #pragma manage/unmanged tags in my C++/CLI?
The reason you're getting that error is because of how managed memory works.
In your managed class, you've got a pointer defined. The address of that pointer is part of the managed object, and can change when the garbage collector runs. That's why you can't just pass &pAClass to the method, the GC can change what that address actually is.
There's a couple things you can do to fix this:
You could create an unmanaged helper class to hold the AClass* member. I'd do this if that pointer needs to stay valid beyond the invocation of this method, or if you have a lot of unmanaged pointers to hold.
struct UnmanagedHolder
AClass* pAClass;
public ref class MyBridgeClass
// must create in constructor, delete in destructor and finalizer.
UnmanagedHolder* unmanaged;
// C# code will call this method
void AMethod (int x)
int y = x+10;
Func1 (y, &(this->unmanaged->pAClass));
If you only need the pointer to be valid within AMethod, and the pointer doesn't need to remain valid after the call to Func1, then you can use a pin_ptr.
void AMethod (int x)
int y = x+10;
pin_ptr<AClass*> pin = &(this->pAClass);
Func1 (y, pin);

converting System::String^ to std::string inside ref class member

I'm trying to write a wrapper for a very simple std::pair<std::string, float> in C++/CLI but I get the error message: no instance of constructor "std::pair<_Ty1, _Ty2>::pair [with _Ty1=std::string, _Ty2=float]" matches the argument list, argument types are: (std::string, float)
What am I doing wrong and why doesn't std::string match std::string?
#include <msclr\marshal_cppstd.h>
#include <string>
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Runtime::InteropServices;
typedef std::pair<std::string, float> Parameter;
static std::string StringToNative(String^ str)
msclr::interop::marshal_context context;
return context.marshal_as<std::string>(str);;
public ref class CLIParameter
CLIParameter(System::String^ name, float value) : _name(name), _value(value) {};
Parameter toNativeParameter()
return Parameter(StringToNative(_name), _value);
System::String^ _name;
float _value;
int main()
CLIParameter^ par = gcnew CLIParameter("test", 1);
Your method toNativeParameter() is incorrect. It should be defined as follows:
Parameter toNativeParameter()
// copy the floating point value from the managed heap to the local stack
float value = _value;
// create the pair
return std::make_pair(StringToNative(_name), value);
Notice that you should use std::make_pair to create the actual pair. In addition, a key step to make this work is copying the floating point value from the managed heap into the local stack. The reason is that native functions such as std::make_pair cannot create native references to an object from the managed (garbage collected) heap i.e. a member of a managed class.