Connecting to Facebook with -

I'm wondering if there is a way to connect to Facebook using By connect I mean I would be able to access friend list, notifications, messages etc.
So far I have managed to validate the log in - i.e. it tells you if a user exists with the specified details. But now I'm stuck with how to view the accounts information.

You will have to get an AppKey, this is required. Another thing is you have to install the sdk from Facebook. After this has been done, take a look at this project to get going, its too broad to post here...
Good Luck!


access NEST Cameras using Smart device management API by google

I am trying to access the NEST camera devices using SDM API. to perform this I have followed the steps mentioned here "".
So far I am able to get the authorization code and got the access token also, but when I am trying to get the devices using the access token, it is showing me blank.
the google documents are also not so much helpful and the process of registering and accessing is cumbersome.
If anybody has done that, please share your thoughts. I really need some help on it.
thank you in advance.
When you were authorizing your app you should have seen a dialog where you authorize the scopes and choose which Nest devices you want to have access to. If you didn't choose any devices this is what would happen.

How to get details of current user from Google APIs

I am sure that I am being very blind or stupid somewhere along the way but I have looked for this answer for a while and haven't come up with anything!
I have been working on getting my actionscript app working with Google's Oauth mechanisms which is all working great now but I can't for the life of me work out how to get details on the currently logged in user.
I want to get get the user's name (alias or full name I don't care) and a thumbnail url to display at the top of my app to make it clear who is logged in.
I have looked in general google api docs, drive docs and youTube docs and not found it anywhere...
I'm sure this is a really easy answer for someone to give!
Add this to the scope -
And after authorization is
done, get the information
from - https://
It has loads of stuff -
including name, public profile
url, gender, photo etc.
Source :

Is there a way to register an application on Google+ like on Facebook?

In particular I'm interested in the possibility of getting an App Access Token with no expiration time, exactly as I do with Facebook.
I want to publish on behalf of the user via server, and I found very useful and convenient the Facebook's procedure in which we ask for the user permissions only the first time.
I have been working with this kind of social-networks interaction for merely three weeks, so I will be very happy to hear any type of suggestions or critics.
Google+ does not currently have a public write API. There are selected partners that they work with (such as HootSuite) that provide this feature, but they are making access to it available very slowly. See for further details.
Google+ does have a concept of Moments, which are activities that happen in your app that are reported to Google+ and which the user may later wish to share, or may make available to people in their circles on a limited non-notification basis. This is probably not what you want, but may serve some needs. See for more info and examples how to use it.
Simply, No there is no way to do that in Google+ in current time. In general, apps for Google plus is read only.

iPhone up to date Twitter oAuth tutorial

Could someone please give me a single up to date tutorial for implementing OAuth with twitter. I have gone through so many tutorials I have lost count, and not a single one of them is up to date with the new xCode. I tried the MGTTwitter, but there is no tutorial for it. On his own website, where it gives link to tutorial, it just links you to this
So no idea that that is about
I tried
But I dont know how to add the static folders to xCode. I tried adding the targets, but nothing to add.
Tried following
However, it is out of date. When I run the app, using my consumer key and secret, when I click authorise, it just closes window, then brings up authorisation window again. I enter user and pass again, does the same thing over and over again.
I downloaded latest version of sharekit, didnt really want to go down this root as all I want is the twitter authorisation and I think adding over 50 files or so is a bit much for one feature, but thought I would give it a shot. But when I open it up, comes up with error around facebook
(null): error: /Users/adam/Downloads/ShareKit-ShareKit-7a05403/Classes/ShareKit/Sharers/Services/Facebook/../../../../../Submodules/facebook-ios-sdk/src/FBDialog.bundle: No such file or directory
All I want is a simple authentication so users can accept and then send tweets from the app. I dont want to use the twitter framework as then users have click send twice, i.e type message into textview, then then twitter viewcontroller appears, then they click send again. I want them to be able to tweet from within the app. Yet I just cannot seem to find any tutorial that explains how to do this in detail.
Could someone please point me in the direction of a tutorial that does this, I didnt think it would be this much hassle to implement a simple authorisation into iPhone, but this is driving me insane!!!
I got
This one working, however when I sign in, app crashes and the log says
Authenticated with user (null)
Anyone have any idea about that one?
Found out why I was having a problem with these twitter tools. They were using http rather than https to authenticate with Twitter which is no longer allowed. Just changed it to https and works fine

How to get in touch with the users of your WP7 apps?

This is a problem that every developer will face when building their apps: how to contact the reviewer of your app to notify them of an update, new release, help topics, etc?
Some things I am thinking:
Include an RSS feed in your app which you can update to notify the users of the app.
Include a twitter feed regarding your app. How to go about this?
Include a way for the users to subscribe to a mailing list. This way, I can send a mass-email to the users who opted-in? Any suggestions here?
Any other ways that you think this can/should be done? Any existing solutions you can point me to will be great. Thanks in advance.
One way, for contacting a specific user who created a review of an application is to go to Zune Social (at and create a new message. You can then enter the Zune Tag of the user who created a review.
Personally, I'd try to do all three - have a web page/site, with an RSS feed, and a subscription link (so they can subscribe to the RSS feed via email) and then post any updates to your twitter account as well.
You can't really force a user to do any of these, but having the options available, and linked from inside your app on the about page is probably good practise.
You could also include some kind of "Update Available" feature inside the application. Try to make this as unobtrusive as possible obviously. Obviously if they've still got the app installed they'll get an update notification from the marketplace anyway.
Besides the suggestions made by samjudson, I'll also recommend having a support-page with a direct option to send a email to you. Here's a example of a support-page from one of my applications. I've received lot of emails with suggestions for improvements, or complains about bugs. And since it's by email, it gives you the option to respond directly to people.
Another thing about reviews. Don't take them to serious. Most people only rate negatively (since humans like to complain), and by such a lot of reviews are often misinformed, outdated, or the users just been plain ignorant.