How can I run a MiniTab Executable file (.mtb) in vba - vba

Preferably I would like to incorporate it into a user form as a command button.
The code I've tried so far:
Private Sub graphButton_Click()
Dim mtbPath As String: mtbPath = "S:\MetLab (Protected)\MetLab Operations\Lab
Call Shell(Environ$("COMSPEC") & " /s " & mtbPath & "\Updater.mtb", vbNormalFocus)
End Sub
Where Updater.mtb is the actual file I would like to execute. This seems to only open Command prompt- which is not what I'm looking for

Copy and paste into a VBA Module:
Sub Run_Minitab_Macro()
Set MtbApp = CreateObject("Mtb.Application")
With MtbApp.ActiveProject
'This lets you open an excel file from your desktop:
.ExecuteCommand "WOpen 'C:\Users\you\Desktop\TEMP1.xlsx'; FType; Excel."
'Save the minitab project to my documents:
.ExecuteCommand "Save 'C:\Users\you\My Documents\Test.MPJ'; Project; Replace."
'On Error Resume Next
.ExecuteCommand "%MacroFile" 'This is a .MAC macro file stored in the my
'documents folder saved to here,
'any command-line command can go here though
'On Error GoTo 0
.ExecuteCommand "Save."
End With
End Sub


Word AutoOpen for specific File

Is it possible to build something like AutoOpen but less generic? So I mean a macro, which executes when you open file xyz.docx.
Please, copy the next code in "Normal.dotm" "ThisDocument" code module:
Option Explicit
Const docName = "xyz.docx" 'use here the document name you need
Private Sub Document_Open()
If ActiveDocument.Name = docName Then
MsgBox ActiveDocument.Name & " has been opened..."
End If
End Sub
The Open event is triggered for any document being open.
Here's a sample macro that automatically runs when the document opens. This sample checks whether the user is trying to open a template for editing, then it creates a new document based on the template instead. (Bypass the macro by holding down Shift while you open the file).
This sample only makes sense when placed in a macro-enabled template, but you could also add something like this to a macro-enabled document. The document location would also have to be made a trusted location in Windows.
Sub AutoOpen()
Dim PathTemp$, NameTemp$
If ActiveDocument.Type = wdTypeTemplate Then
NameTemp$ = ActiveDocument.Name
PathTemp$ = ActiveDocument.Path
Documents.Add Template:=PathTemp$ & Application.PathSeparator & NameTemp$
For Each fWindow In Application.Windows
If fWindow.Caption = NameTemp$ Then
fWindow.Close SaveChanges:=wdDoNotSaveChanges
End If
Next fWindow
End If
End Sub

Need to check whether a project is checkedout or not

How to check whether we can check out a project or not.
projects are stored in sharepoint.
Always this code is printing unable to checkout
Sub macro()
Dim a As Project
Shell "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\Winproj.exe /s", vbNormalFocus
Sleep 3000
FileOpenEx Name:="<>\" & "ProjectNAME", ReadOnly:=True, DoNotLoadFromEnterprise:=False
Set a = Projects.Item(1)
If (Projects.CanCheckOut(ActiveProject.Name)) Then
Debug.Print "Can check out the project"
Debug.Print "Cannot checkout the project"
End If
End Sub
It will be very helpful
If you need to run the code inside MS-Project VBA, use the Code below:
Sub CheckOutProject(docCheckOut As String)
' Determine whether project can be checked out
If Projects.CanCheckOut(docCheckOut) = True Then
Debug.Print "Can check out the project"
' if you want, you can check it out
Projects.CheckOut docCheckOut
Debug.Print "Cannot checkout the project"
End If
End Sub
Use the Test code below to test it out:
Sub Test()
Dim FullPath As String
' Full Path equals the full SharePoint Path & File name (including extension)
FullPath = ""
CheckOutProject FullPath ' call the Sub
End Sub

Export all modules from personal.xlsb

I would like to export/ maintain/ manage a text file backup of modules in my personal macro workbook personal.xlsb using VBA.
I cannot find an object library which refers to the modules themselves on msdn. Could someone point me in the right direction on this please?
Using Excel 2013.
You need to add Visual Basic for Application Extensibility X.X reference; or:
Sub load_reference_1()
ThisWorkbook.VBProject.References.AddFromGuid "{0002E157-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}", 5, 3
end sub
Sub Load_reference_2()
ThisWorkbook.VBProject.References.AddFromFile "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\VBA\VBA6\VBE6EXT.OLB"
end sub
Sub Macromodule_copy1()
ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents("Macroos").Export "E:\Macroos.bas"
With Workbooks.Add
.VBProject.VBComponents.Import "E:\Macroos.bas"
End With
End Sub
Further examples and source: Snb-Vba -awesome examples!-
I do exactly this, with my personal.xlsb and also with other macro workbooks.
I save the text files into a "VBA" subdirectory and put them into version control to keep track of the changes.
I was inspired by Mass importing modules & references in VBA which references
I have a module called WriteBas containing this code:
Attribute VB_Name = "WriteBas"
Option Explicit
Sub WriteAllBas()
' Write all VBA modules as .bas files to the directory of ThisWorkbook.
' Implemented to make version control work smoothly for identifying changes.
' Designed to be called every time this workbook is saved,
' if code has changed, then will show up as a diff
' if code has not changed, then file will be same (no diff) with new date.
' Following
' which references
Dim cmp As VBComponent, cmo As CodeModule
Dim fn As Integer, outName As String
Dim sLine As String, nLine As Long
Dim dirExport As String, outExt As String
Dim fileExport As String
On Error GoTo MustTrustVBAProject
Set cmp = ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents(1)
On Error GoTo 0
dirExport = ThisWorkbook.Path + Application.PathSeparator + "VBA" + Application.PathSeparator
For Each cmp In ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents
Select Case cmp.Type
Case vbext_ct_ClassModule:
outExt = ".cls"
Case vbext_ct_MSForm
outExt = ".frm"
Case vbext_ct_StdModule
outExt = ".bas"
Case vbext_ct_Document
Set cmo = cmp.CodeModule
If Not cmo Is Nothing Then
If cmo.CountOfLines = cmo.CountOfDeclarationLines Then ' Ordinary worksheet or Workbook, no code
outExt = ""
Else ' It's a Worksheet or Workbook but has code, export it
outExt = ".cls"
End If
End If ' cmo Is Nothing
Case Else
Stop ' Debug it
End Select
If outExt <> "" Then
fileExport = dirExport + + outExt
If Dir(fileExport) <> "" Then Kill fileExport ' From Office 365, Export method does not overwrite existing file
cmp.Export fileExport
End If
Next cmp
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Must trust VB Project in Options, Trust Center, Trust Center Settings ...", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "WriteAllBas"
End Sub
and in my ThisWorkbook object, the BeforeSave event handler calls it each time the workbook is saved.
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)
End Sub
There's a second or two of overhead each time the workbook is saved.
Note: Under Office 2016 and earlier versions I didn't need to delete (Kill) the text file before exporting, but under Office 365 the Export method fails if the file exists.
I just save a date/timestamped copy of PERSONAL.xlsb to a backup drive location using the following code.
Sub PersonalBckup()
Const dstBak As String = "H:\PERSONAL MACROS\" 'change path to suit
Const dstBak2 As String = "D:\PERSONAL Macros\"
On Error Resume Next 'if either of the drives are not present, skip error.
Application.DisplayAlerts = False 'turn off warning popups
With Workbooks("PERSONAL.xlsb") 'name of your PERSONAL.xlsb file
.SaveCopyAs dstBak & "PERSONAL" & " as of " & Format(Now(), "YYYYMMDD_hhmmAMPM") & ".xlsb"
.SaveCopyAs dstBak2 & "PERSONAL" & " as of " & Format(Now(), "YYYYMMDD_hhmmAMPM") & ".xlsb"
End With
Application.DisplayAlerts = True 'Turn on warning popups
The backed-up file is saved with a date/timestamp: "PERSONAL as of 20180512_0136PM.xlsb"
I know this doesn't exactly answer the question, but perhaps it's still helpful. You can easily save all modules into a pdf by rigth clicking the modules folder and clicking print (and then clicking setup to change to print to pdf) . This won't give you a specific exported file that can be easily imported back in per se, but it keeps a safely saved file that you can always go back and reference should anything go wrong in your code. There's probably a way to automate this (or at least make it a one-time click when you save), but I haven't figured that out yet.

How to deploy word 2007 macro

I have used Custom Fields in my DOCX file and update them using OpenXML, but custom fields are not getting updated in document.
So I have write following macro to update field, it run well on my machine, Now i want to deploy it on each machine at client side, the machine count is 500 I can not go on each machine and paste macro code in each file
what is easy step to do it ? Or when I open word file, will application ask for installing macro ? like addin ?
Here is my macro
Private Sub Document_Open()
Dim aStory As Range
Dim aField As Field
For Each aStory In ActiveDocument.StoryRanges
For Each aField In aStory.Fields
Next aField
Next aStory
End Sub
I don't know how to deploy your macro; however, in a comparable situation I sent users a template with the new macros and asked them to run it. The template would distribute the new macros. I ued the following code for that. Note that it only copies Macro Proejct Items (modules), not single macros:
Sub AutoNew()
End Sub
Sub AutoOpen()
End Sub
Sub Deploy()
Dim src, dst
If (MsgBox("This will deploy new macros to your Continue?", vbYesNo, "Deploy new macros") _
= vbNo) Then Exit Sub
On Error Resume Next
src = ActiveDocument.AttachedTemplate.FullName
dst = NormalTemplate.FullName
' Copy a macro/module
Application.OrganizerCopy Source:=src, Destination:=dst, _
Object:=wdOrganizerObjectProjectItems, Name:="Document_Open"
MsgBox "New macros have been copied to your You can close this document now."
End Sub

VBA calling vbs file form Program Files, won't call

I currently have the following code to call a vbs file that is in a folder within Program Files. It was originally in a different location (within the same folder) and it would work, but now there is a padlock symbol next to the folder within Program Files, and after changing the location (VBA updated for this as well), it won't call the file. I'm wondering why this is happening.
Sub ChangeThemeBasic()
Dim filespe As String
filespe = "cmd.exe /c C:\Program Files\Theme Changer\ChangeTheme.vbs"
X = Shell(filespe, 1)
End Sub
This works for some reason, I don't know why though:
Sub Test()
Shell "Explorer.exe ""C:\Program Files\Theme Changer\ChangeTheme.vbs""",1
End Sub
From comments
Sub ChangeThemeBasic()
Dim filespe As String
filespe = "cmd.exe /c " & Environ("AppData") & "\Theme Changer\ChangeTheme.vbs"
X = Shell(filespe, 1)
End Sub