Undefined step definitions in IntelliJ - intellij-idea

I'm trying to follow this article to match Cucumber specs with step definitions in IntelliJ.
When I press Alt+Enter, I see Inspection 'Undefined Step' options. However, I should see the intention action Create Step Definition.
I thought I had the Cucumber IntelliJ plugin installed, so that shouldn't be a problem. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Turns out I had the Gherkin plugin but not the Cucumber for Java plugin.

I wasted around an hour to solve this. My issue was, Idea was able to navigate from feature to step file. But when I wanted to execute one cucumber test from feature file (Right click and Run Scenario), it was giving error as undefined steps.
Solution: In the Edit Configuration -> provide the Glue for the cucumber which should be absolute path till steps folder. Please see below screen shot
This fixed my problem of running feature file from Idea.
Hope this helps others.

Most probably you need to install the cucumber for java plugin, if already installed then you need to enable from File>>Settings>>pugins.

I had to uncheck the "Create separate module per source set" checkbox under the "Build, Execution, Deployment" -> "Build Tools" -> "Gradle" settings, and then rebuild the project.

"Undefined" step error message would appear if you import a new BDD project.
This error could appear due to two reasons.
If you have not installed the "Cucumber for Java" plugin.
If you import any BDD projects then it will not detect step definition file.
1. If the plugin is not found then you need to install from the below location.
File->Settings->Plugins->MarketPlace->Cucumber for Java
2. After Importing the project disable the plugin and enable once again in the Installed section under Installed.

For me there was a collision between Sidesteps plugin and Cucumber plugin in Intellij and as a result *.feature file extension was taken over by the Sidesteps plugin and was expecting Sidesteps step definitions ignoring Cucumber step definitions. No clue what Sidesteps actually is. So went to IntelliJ settings and reassigned the *.feature extension to Cucumber Scenario type and then everything worked fine and Cucumber steps are recognized by Intellij now.

I had the same issue where all of a sudden my feature to step definition glue was missing. All i did was goto Run->Edit Configurations->and removed the cucumber java
configuration and restarted IntelliJ. it worked fine.

I found that even with the Cucumber for Java plugin installed it was still generating only one step. I eventually uninstalled the Cucumber for Java plugin and reinstalled it and all step definitions were generated.

The issue was fixed after updating the Intelij to the latest version and after updating the cucumber and gherkin intelij plugins

Me not help not one of suggestions above.
But i find if you start one test from runner the problem goes on (it is worked if you have runner for some tests( Runner is class that have line #CucumberOptions(
features = "src/test/resources/stability_*****_features/",
glue = "steps"
And may be the next line in config helped you^
in configurations i put line: --plugin org.jetbrains.plugins.cucumber.java.run.CucumberJvm4SMFormatter
in Programm arguments line - it help me

If still not working, you can add runner class
add -> runner package -> Main Runner class
-runner - Create this package
#CucumberOptions(features = {"classpath:features"}, glue = {"stepDefinition"},
monochrome = false,dryRun = false)
public class MainRunner extends AbstractTestNGCucumberTests {
That is it. Just run this class first. Right mouse click and Run'MainRunner'
Then it will work if you just go back and run Scenarios as well

I had the same issue and was resolved by going to Run> Edit configuration> Before Launch then click on the add option "+" and add Build Project option.
enter image description here


Problem building project in IntelliJ 2020.1

I'm trying to build my project but I can't.
I get this error:
Error:Cannot run program "C:\tools\jdk8.0.191\bin\java.exe" (in directory "C:\Users\"my user"\AppData\Local\JetBrains\IntelliJIdea2020.1\compile-server"): Malformed argument has embedded quote: -Djava.endorsed.dirs=\"\"
Do anyone know what to do about this? Iøm trying to build in IntelliJ 2020.1
Best Regards
It might be related to more strict command-line processing in JDK on Windows after JDK-8221858 (private) security patch see this comment for details.
Try following workaround: Help -> Edit Custom VM Options action and add the following line at the bottom of the file: -Djdk.lang.Process.allowAmbiguousCommands=true and restart IDE.

Intelij 2019.1 update breaks JUnit tests

After 2019.1 update broke all tests with error:
no tests found for given includes xxxx.someThingTest
Intelij somehow changed setting with update.
Settings > Build,Execution,Deployment > Build Tools > Gradle > Runner > "Run tests using:"
Changed from "Gradle Test runner" to "Platform Test runner" and it worked.
I hope this is useful in some matter.
If you are using JUnit5 with Gradle, add below code to build.gradle file.
test {
I've got a hint from https://www.baeldung.com/junit-5-gradle
Checkout this build.gradle file for using Junit5
I experienced the same problem in 2019.2 for a newly developped class that was not detected. I strangely solved it by manually running "Build->Rebuild Project"
The workaround with Runner by Mike was not working for me.
Switching to JDK 11.0.2 solved this for me.
Not sure if it is the real cause, though.
When using JUnit 5, make sure that you use the interfaces provided by org.junit.jupiter
So for instance, you should annotate your tests with org.junit.jupiter.api.Test instead of org.junit.Test
For JUnit 4, and prior, use the interfaces provided by org.junit

IntelliJ Error:java: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError

Every time I encounter this exception in IntelliJ, I fix it trivially and forget the fix easily.
package whatever;
import org.junit.Test;
public class TestClass
void test() {}
Add new TestClass.
Right-click TestClass.
Select "Run 'TestClass'" to run test cases.
The "Messages Build" pane shows:
Information:javac 9-ea was used to compile java sources
Information:Module "dummy" was fully rebuilt due to project configuration/dependencies changes
Information:8/16/17 11:35 PM - Compilation completed with 1 error and 0 warnings in 1s 663ms
Error:java: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
What can possibly go wrong?
What are the likely issues in this simple scenario?
IntelliJ: COMMUNITY 2017.1 (idea-IC-171.4424.56)
To fix the issue, I do:
File -> Project Structure... -> Project Settings / Project -> Project SDK.
Change from "9-ea" to "1.8".
Apparently, the issue is discrepancies in selected JDK-s to build (java 9) and run (java 8).
I'm not sure how "9-ea" gets re-selected there for the same project - neither IntelliJ itself runs in "9-ea" JRE (according to Help -> About) nor JAVA_HOME env var is set to it nor other possible settings (like Maven -> Runner) suggest any "9-ea".
I also didn't manage to run the test under the same JDK (java 9) which it gets compiled under. However, it's unclear what JDK tests are run under because IntelliJ reports only about JDK for compilation.
If you use Lombok: For me it was a solution to set the newest version for my maven lombok dependency in the pom.xml.
I was facing same error when i tried to run my application in IntelliJ-2019.2 version. Below are the steps i followed to resolve this issue.
IntelliJ : IDEA-IntelliJ-2019.2
Java : jdk1.8_221
Go to below path in IntelliJ
File -> Project Structure -> Project -> Project SDK -> (select java version which you want to use )
(In my case under 'project SDK' java-11 was selected, I changed it to 'java8')
Click on 'Apply' and then 'OK'.
I feel I ran into this issue because IntelliJ was trying to compile my java classes using in-built java-11 whereas my java classes are built on java-8. So when i explicitly configured java-8 in IntelliJ, It worked!! Hope this helps.
I started seeing this exception once I installed Java 11 in my machine. JAVA_HOME was by default pointing to Java 11 and my project was still in Java 8. Changing JAVA_HOME to Java 8 jdk fixed the issue for me.
If you have multiple projects each running on a different JDK, use this command to temporarily change the Java version per command.
JAVA_HOME=/path/to/JVM/jdk/Home mvn clean install
If you have recently updated your IDE then you can try these steps.
Delete .idea directory for the idea project/workspace
Then go to File -> Invalidate Caches / Restart...
Once Idea is restarted re-add/import your module(s)
I faced a similar issue with JARs and Jena (while run from IntelliJ it works).
I was using Apache Jena v4.0.0 in my project and have built a JAR (with a main class for the JAR to act as a console app).
The JAR builts successfully with IntelliJ but when run throws java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError ... Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException. NPE suggests that something was not initialized properly.
The jar built with previous version Jena 3.17.0 works perfectly.
What I did to fix it
I've opened both the JARs, compared their META-INF folders and encountered the difference in
The new version (jena v4.0.0) contains only one line:
The old version (jena v3.17.0) contains two different lines:
I've added the old two lines to the file and repacked new JAR with it:
It resolved my issue.
Update: recent Jena v4.4.0 builts with the same "bug".
I'm not an expert and there is probably a better way than patching a JAR by hand.
But I still hope that this solution will help someone like me.

Kotlin - Error: Could not find or load main class _DefaultPackage

I followed the Kotlin tutorial for eclipse here : Getting Started With Eclipse Luna
However, I'm running into this error:
Error: Could not find or load main class _DefaultPackage
Anyone who knows to get around this?
This was a severe bug (KT-10221) in automatic generation of Launch Configuration in plugin version 0.4.0. It was fixed in 0.5.0 so the recommendend way to workaround is to update plugin.
The source of the problem was that the plugin used an old pattern for generating name of the class for main function that had been abandoned by Kotlin compiler.
It's possible to workaround it by editing launch configuration (Eclipse Menu -> Run -> Run Configurations...) by hand and changing Main class field in Java Application group. If the file is named hello.kt with no package directive, as it is described in tutorial, than corrected string should be HelloKt.
If file has name other.kt with package my.tutorial than the Main Class should contain my.tutorial.HelloKt. You can read more about it in the section Package-Level Functions of Calling Kotlin From Java page.
I have been getting the same issue. And after putting the right compiler output path, it got resolved.
Go to Project -> Project Compiler output :
In the text box, fill this:
[Absolute Path]/{Project Name}/out
In my case I was having this problem while trying to run the program using the Application Gradle plugin. The problem was in the mainClassName property using single quotes instead of double ones
This didn't work:
mainClassName = 'demo.HelloWorldKt'
With double quotes, it works:
mainClassName = "demo.HelloWorldKt"
For me it worked after I installed the correct JDK. I first had JDK 11 but the tutorial I did was with JDK 8 so after I installed this and set it in the "installed JREs" options it found the main class without having any "mainClassName" or any other option in the build.gradle file.
For me, it worked in a fresh eclipse workspace. Possibly, the Kotlin eclipse plugin is not playing well with other plugins (in my case, PyDev).
I'm creating a Kotlin Application with JavaFX and I had this issue until I went to:
Run > Run Configurations > Java Application > Common
I unticked "Allocate console" and it fixed the issue.

How to configure IntelliJ for running test with JUnit 4?

Should be simple but I couldn't figure it out.
When running my unit test inside IntelliJ, I could not find a way to tell IntelliJ-9.0 that it should use JUnit4 instead of JUnit3.
When a test fails, IntelliJ console displays:
MyTests.testConstraints(MyTests.groovy:20) at
Do you know how to replace JUnit3 by JUnit4 ?
I found it!
Go to Run/Debug Configurations
Add new configuration and choose a JUnit
In the configuration tab, add "-junit4" to the Test run parameters input field
And that's done !
You can annotate your test class with an annotation to indicate junit the runner it will use
#RunWith(JUnit4.class) MyTestClass {}
I tried to put:
at the beginning of a test.
IntelliJ complained about this, but asked to 'load' JUnit4.class.
So I deleted #RunWith(JUnit4.class).
But the 'loading' seems to have fixed the problem - #Ignore is now respected!
Put the JUnit 4 JAR in your CLASSPATH and see if IntelliJ picks it up.
The JUnit plug-in appears to run either version 3 or 4.
I'll bet that it has to do with the way you're writing your JUnit tests. Post one to confirm. If you use the JUnit 4 style, I'll bet IntelliJ would run it properly.
'com.intellij.junit3' package belongs to IDEA binaries, not to junit3 or junit4. So, the question itself seems to be incorrect in essence - there is no difference in what package name is used by IDEA codebase internally if it correctly executes the tests.
It sounds like the real problem may be that you are trying to use junit 4 with a grails version less than 1.3. Grails 1.2.x and lower only support Junit 3 tests. Grails 1.3 will finally have junit 4 support. This was discussed on stackoverflow link text
I had the same problem with a java app inside 10.5, and it turned out to be my Project language level set to 5.0 as opposed to 8.0.
To change this go to File->Project Structure->Project->Project language level
And change this to the required level. Not sure at which level you can use JUnit4, but setting this to 5.0 will make it use JUnit3. Setting it to 8.0 makes it use JUnit4