Undefined global variable when using QuestaSim - embedded

I have a variable defined in foo_const.v which is defined like this in foo_const.v:
localparam NUM_BITS = 32;
Then I have another file foo_const_slice.v which does this:
This compiles fine with the vcs command:
vcs -sverilog foo_const.v foo_const_slice.v
But when I try to use QuestaSim:
vlog -work work -sv foo_const.v foo_const_slice.v
I get the following error message:
** Error: foo_const_slice.v(46): (vlog-2730) Undefined variable: 'NUM_BITS'.

The problem is that by default, each file that vlog compiles goes into a separate compilation unit, just like C/C++ and many other languages. By default, vcs concatenates all files together into a single compilation unit.
Although there is a way to change the default (you can look it up in the user manual), the proper way to code this is to put your parameters in a package, and import the package where needed.


Unable to provide CLI arguments to `cargo test`

I used to be able to run specific, named tests from the command-line interface like this: cargo test <test_name>. But now this gives me the error
running 1 test
error: Found argument '<test_name>' which wasn't expected, or isn't valid in this context
Other arguments to cargo test also don't work.
The line that causes the error is this line in the test setup:
let cli_default_args = Arc::new(cli_args::Args::from_args());
Where the cli_args::Args struct is a struct that holds the value of the command line arguments and the from_args function comes from the StructOpt package derivation. cli_args::Args is decorated with #[derive(StructOpt)].
The problem was that arguments intended for cargo test were interpreted as arguments for the application.
Replacing the problematic line in the test setup
let cli_default_args = Arc::new(cli_args::Args::from_args());
let cli_default_args = Arc::new(cli_args::Args::from_iter::<Vec<String>>(vec![]));
fixes the problem. The above code means that your test setup runs as if the program didn't get any CLI arguments, everything is running with its default values.

How to share a variable between two routers module in cro?

I try to use Cro to create a Rest API that will publish messages in rabbitMQ. I would like to split my routes in different modules and compose them with an "include". But I would like to be able to share the same connection to rabbitMQ in each of those modules too. I try with "our" but it does not work :
File 1:
unit module XXX::YYY;
use Cro::HTTP::Router;
use Cro::HTTP::Server;
use Cro::HTTP::Log::File;
use XXX::YYY::Route1;
use Net::AMQP;
our $rabbitConnection is export = Net::AMQP.new;
await $rabbitConnection.connect;
my $application = route {
include <api v1 run> => run-routes;
File 2:
unit module XXX::YYY::Route1;
use UUID;
use Cro::HTTP::Router;
use JSON::Fast;
use Net::AMQP;
my $channel = $XXX::YYY::rabbitConnection.open-channel().result;
$channel.declare-queue("test_task", durable=> True );
sub run-routes() is export { ... }
Error message:
No such method 'open-channel' for invocant of type 'Any'
When you define your exportable route function you can specify arguments then in your composing module you can create the shared objects and pass them to the routes. For example in your router module :
sub run-routes ($rmq) is export{
route {
... $rmq is available in here
Then in your main router you can create your Queue and pass it in when including
my $rmq = # Insert queue creation code here
include product => run-routes( $rmq );
I've not tried this but I can't see any reason why it shouldn't work.
The answer by #Scimon is certainly correct, but it does not addresses the OP. On the other hand, the two comments by #ugexe and #raiph are spot-on, so I'll try to summarize them here and explain what's going on.
The error itself
This is the error:
Error message:
===SORRY!=== No such method 'open-channel' for invocant of type 'Any'
It indicates the invocant ($XXX::YYY::rabbitConnection) is of type Any, which is the type usually assigned to variables when they don't have a defined value; that is, basically, $XXX::YYY::rabbitConnection is not defined. It certainly is not since XXX::YYY is not included among the imported modules, as indicated by #ugexe.
The additioal problem indicated by the OP
That module was eliminated from the imported list because, as indicated by the OP
I certainly code it the wrong way because if i try to add use
XXX::YYY;, i get a Circular module loading detected error
But of course. since use XXX::YYY::Route1; which is file 2, is included in File 1.
The final solution is to reorganize files
That circular dependence probably points out to the fact that they should be in the same file, or else common code should be factored out to a third file, which would be eventually be included by both. So you should have something like
unit module XXX::YYY::Common;
use Net::AMQP;
our $rabbitConnection is export = Net::AMQP.new;
await $rabbitConnection.connect;
And then
use XXX::YYY::Common;
in both modules.

lua code fails on require statement

Problem Description
I have some code that I've inherited and I'm trying to debug. It's a web application that is written in lua for the back end.
The system fails right now with an error that says the following:
398: attempt to call global 'require' (a nil value)
Line 398 is the require statement you see below..
getstatus = function()
local value,errtxt=processinfo.package_version(packagename)
What I've tried so far:
I've tried to test to make sure that the package / module it's looking for exists. It does. It's in my lua lib folder
test-dev:/usr/share# find / -name processinfo*
I've also launched the lua command line and tried to include the module, like so:
test-dev:/usr/share# lua
Lua 5.1.5 Copyright (C) 1994-2012 Lua.org, PUC-Rio
And it seems to be happy, no error messages.
Finally, I've tried to move the require statement from line 398 to the top of the file with the rest of the include statements that I have ... like so:
module(..., package.seeall)
posix = require("posix")
utils = require("utils")
processinfo = require("processinfo")
When I do that, the error message about the require statement goes away but instead i get an error about the string function I'm calling. The error message is :
139: attempt to index global 'string' (a nil value)
Line 139 is the opening of a while loop that looks like this:
while string.find(result, "%$[%w_]+") do
-- do something
Additional Information
Lua version is 5.1
this code is working on another server...

Powershell v2 - The correct way to load an assembly as part of a module

I have a Powershell (v2.0) script that I am working on.
One of the first things it does is loads a Module (runMySQLQuery.psm1) which includes (amongst other bits) a function to connect to a MySQL Database.
Import-Module runMySQLQuery.psm1
However, this requires that an assembly MySQL.Data.DLL is loaded in order for this to work.
If I place the line:
at the top of my script (separate to the Import-Module entry), then the whole thing works fine.
But I want to be able to load this assembly at the same time as the module, so that I don't have to worry about forgetting to including the assembly each time I use this module.
I tried placing it at the top of the .psm1 file, but that didn't work.
I then added it to my manifest file as:
RequiredAssemblies = #("C:\PowerShell\modules\runMySQLQuery\MySql.Data.dll")
This also didn't work.
Am I missing something here, is there a proper way to include assemblies as part of a module?
n.b. the error I get when it hasn't loaded properly is:
You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression
Can you just try to assign a varialbe a the beginig of you module :
$dumy = [system.reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom("C:\PowerShell\modules\runMySQLQuery\MySql.Data.dll")

Elm Graphics.Input

I'm trying to run the Elm input examples from this page. Specifically, the Text Field example, and I'm getting an error saying that the Graphics.Input module is missing.
I've got this in a file called Main.elm:
import Graphics.Input as Input
main = let (field, state) = Input.field "Type here!"
in lift2 display field state
display field state =
field `above` asText state
If I run elm-server and navigate to localhost:8000, I get the error
Your browser may not be supported. Are you using a modern browser?
Runtime Error in Main module:
Error: Module 'Graphics.Input' is missing. Compile with --make flag or load missing module in a separate JavaScript file.
The problem may stem from an improper usage of:
Input.field, above
Compiling the project with elm --make Main.elm gives me
elm: Graphics/Input.elm: openFile: does not exist (No such file or directory)
Is there something extra I need to do to install the Graphic.Input?
Additional Notes:
I'm running this on a Debian machine, and installed it using cabal install elm fairly recently (Jun 15 2013). The current version is labeled Elm-
If I hop into the chromium JS prompt and poke around, it turns out there's no Elm.Graphics.Input module, but there is an Elm.Input. There isn't a function called field, there's a similar looking one called textField, but it isn't trivially interchangeable.
Running this:
import Input
main = let (field, state) = textField "Type here!"
in lift2 display field state
display field state =
field `above` asText state
gives me the error
Your browser may not be supported. Are you using a modern browser?
Runtime Error in Main module:
TypeError: a is undefined
The problem may stem from an improper usage of:
The Graphics.Input package is new in version 0.8. So, since you're running version 0.7, that explains your problem.
0.8 was released somewhat recently, but it's definitely been out longer than June 15th, so you probably just forgot to cabal update before installing it. Running cabal update now and then updating elm to 0.8 should fix your issue.