Google Maps Markerclusterer end event - markerclusterer

I am using markerclusterer for Google Maps in the home page of my project.
I am showing a page loading image till the markerclusterer loads fully (with its complete total of markers)
The below code does not work for me.
google.maps.event.addListener(markerCluster, 'clusterend', function() {
In place of 'clusterend', I tried with 'clusteringend', 'click','clusterclick' instead etc., for testing purpose.
I suspect the image is in foreground and does not let the markerclusterer receive the event.
Using a div and CSS class, the image is shown. Unable to get proper syntax for the addlistener of markerclusterer for the cluster end event.
Could anyone suggest on which could have gone wrong or any other suggestion?

i had the same problem.
i change library - #version 2.0.8 [February 9, 2012]
and it work:
var markerCluster2 = new MarkerClusterer(map, markers, mcOptions);
google.maps.event.addListener(markerCluster2, 'clusteringend', myFunction);


Basic Snackbar Example doesn't show on Material Design Components for Web

The basic example of snackbar for Material Design Components for Web doesn't work. It produces the error:
TypeError: is not a function
I have tried using jQuery to make sure the DOM loaded properly. I have tried changing back and forth the javascript initialisation methods, but none seems to work.
You can find the code here:,console,output
I have read the docs over and overs again, but none of it mentioned anything about this. Since this MDC for Web is not at all popular, I have nowhere left to go for help.
Yeah that was a breaking change in the 0.43.0 update. The new way of showing the snackbar is by using;
This however will just open the snackbar. If you want to change the text in the snackbar you can use:
snackbar.labelText = 'Your new text';
So together you can use them:
snackbar.labelText = 'Your new text';;
You can check out more of the documentation here, with the current javascript properties and events here

How to detect scroll event from pdf.js

I'm essentially using the default web/viewer.html and its associated files that comes with it. I have it loaded in an iframe. How can I add an event listener to when the pdf is scrolled? Thanks for any help.
I dug around and tested some things more and figured it out, which is pretty simple but if you're in the same bind:
var viewerContainer = window.document.getELementById('somePdfIframe').contentDocument.getElementById('viewerContainer') will contain the element whose scrollTop will change.
So if
viewerContainer.scrollTop + $(viewerContainer).height() == viewerContainer.scrollHeight
then the user has reached the bottom of the pdf iFrame.
You can also viewerContainer.addEventListener('scroll', function() {...}) to listen for scrolls in the pdf iframe.
One little thing that was tricky for me is that you should make sure the pdf iframe was fully loaded before calling this code.

YouTube HTML5 API works fine, but displays 'origin' error in console [duplicate]

I have literally just copy & pasted the code from the YouTube developer page YouTube Player API Reference for iframe Embeds (from underneath the heading "Getting Started"). The only difference, is that I added an alert to fire when the state changed, because I thought I was doing something wrong within the onPlayerStateChange function.
You can see the jsFiddle at
As stated, it's just an exact copy of the code from the YouTube developer page with the added
alert('State Changed')
as the first thing to fire in the onPlayerStateChange function.
Nothing is happening, however... No matter how I look at this and what I change, I simply can't get the onStateChange to do anything.
How can I fix this problem?
There was a temporary issue with the iFrame Player API (which was fixed in June 2013) that you can read about here:
Jeff Posnick posted a temporary workaround here:
As a temporary fix, you just need to add the event listener within the onReady event:
function onReady() {
player.addEventListener('onStateChange', function(e) {
console.log('State is:',;
Make sure to remove the onStateChange event from the YT.PLAYER constructor (see the jsfiddle).
Also, as someone mentioned on the Google Code Issue Thread, you set an interval and poll the player for its current state instead of listening for the onStateChange event. Here is an example code snippet for doing that:
setInterval( function() {
var state = player.getPlayerState();
if ( playerState !== state ) {
onPlayerStateChange( {
data: state
}, 10);
Firefox and IE Issues
Other people have mentioned that Firefox will not instantiate the YouTube Player if it is placed in a container with the css property display: none. Internet Explorer will also not work with visibility: hidden. If you're finding this to be the issue, try positioning the container off the page with something like left: -150%.
Steve Meisner talks about this here: YouTube API does not appear to load in Firefox, IFrame gets loaded , but the onPlayerReady event never fires?
And another related SO question: YouTube iframe API - onReady and onStateChanged events not firing in IE9
Edit: I've edited this answer to be more thorough because people are still seeing this error after the original bug was fixed in 2013.
onStateChange does not work in any version of Internet Explorer or Edge. I assume it will begin working once Microsoft moves Edge over to being Chromium-based. But whether IE9, 11, or Edge, I cannot get this event to fire, even when it fires cleanly in Chrome, identical code.

Win8 JS App: How can one prevent backward navigation? Can't set WinJS.Navigation.canGoBack

Fairly new to developing for Windows 8, I'm working on an app that has a rather flat model. I have looked and looked, but can't seem to find a clear answer on how to set a WinJS page to prevent backward navigation. I have tried digging into the API, but it doesn't say anything on the matter.
The code I'm attempting to use is
WinJS.Navigation.canGoBack = false;
No luck, it keeps complaining about the property being read only, however, there are no setter methods to change it.
Thanks ahead of time,
canGoBack does only have a getter (defined in base.js), and it reflects the absence or presence of the backstack; namely nav.history.backstack.
The appearance of the button itself is controlled by the disabled attribute on the associated button DOM object, which in turn is part of a CSS selector controlling visibility. So if you do tinker with the display of the Back button yourself be aware that the navigation plumbing is doing the same.
Setting the backstack explicitly is possible; there's a sample the Navigation and Navigation History Sample that includes restoring a history as well as preventing navigation using beforenavigate, with the following code:
// in ready
WinJS.Navigation.addEventListener("beforenavigate", this.beforenavigate);
beforenavigate: function (eventObject) {
// This function gives you a chance to veto navigation. This demonstrates that capability
if (this.shouldPreventNavigation) {
WinJS.log && WinJS.log("Navigation to " + eventObject.detail.location + " was prevented", "sample", "status");
You can't change canGoBack, but you can disable the button to hide it and free the history stack.
// disabling and hiding backbutton
document.querySelector(".win-backbutton").disabled = true;
// freeing navigation stack
WinJS.Navigation.history.backStack = [];
This will prevent going backward and still allow going forward.
So lots of searching and attempting different methods of disabling the Back Button, finally found a decent solution. It has been adapted from another stackoverflow question.
Original algorithm: How to Get Element By Class in JavaScript?
At the beginning of a fragment page, right as the page definition starts declaring the ready: function, I used an adapted version of the above algorithm and used the resulting element selection to set the disabled attribute.
// Retrieve Generated Back Button
var elems = document.getElementsByTagName('*'), i;
for (i in elems)
if((" "+elems[i].className+" ").indexOf("win-backbutton") > -1)
var d = elems[i];
// Disable the back button
d.setAttribute("disabled", "disabled");
The code gets all elements from the page's DOM and filters it for the generated back button. When the proper element is found, it is assigned to a variable and from there we can set the disabled property.
I couldn't find a lot of documentation on working around the default navigation in a WinJS Navigation app, so here are some methods that failed (for reference purposes):
Getting the element by class and setting | May have failed from doing it wrong, as I have little experience with HTML and javascript.
Using the above method, but setting the attribute within the for loop breaks the app and causes it to freeze for unknown reasons.
Setting the attribute in the default.js before the navigation is finished. | The javascript calls would fail to recognize either methods called or DOM elements, presumably due to initialization state of the page.
There were a few others, but I think there must be a better way to go about retrieving the element after a page loads. If anyone can enlighten me, I would be most grateful.
~Sean R.

Lazy Load - refresh / update when combined with javascript filtering

I am now trying to implement lazyload onto my website.
I have successfully got lazy load working on pages that have a static gallery.
The main portfolio of the website has a large list of images that can be filtered using the javascript library Isotope.
The lazy load works fine when filtering is not in used, however, if the page loads and I don't scroll, but filtering is used, the items which are brought into view don't resolve. I found that occasional images worked, but most don't.
Any suggestions on how to fix this?
Presumably i need to be able to do something that will re-trigger lazy load to refresh or recheck itself?
Here is the gallery I am trying to get working, where you can see the issues I am having:
Anyone able to help?
call this code on filtered item is clicked: $(window).trigger('scroll');
I found this answer from acarabott -
I have implemented this and this has worked.
The only issue is that the refresh doesn't happen until a scroll action takes place.
If you want to use isotope's sorting/filtering functions, you will need to set the failure_limit of lazyload and trigger the event with isotope's onLayout callback.
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
var $win = $(window),
$con = $('#container'),
$imgs = $("img.lazy");
onLayout: function() {
failure_limit: Math.max($imgs.length - 1, 0)
According to the docs ( )
After scrolling page Lazy Load loops though unloaded images. In loop it checks if image has become visible. By default loop is stopped when first image below the fold (not visible) is found. This is based on following assumption. Order of images on page is same as order of images in HTML code. With some layouts assumption this might be wrong.
With an isotope sorted/filtered list, the page order is certainly different from the HTML so we need to adjust our failure_limit.
As you can see we store the jQuery object so that we can use its length-1 as our failure_limit. If you're curious as to why it is length-1, it's because of the following check in lazyload's update method.
if (++counter > settings.failure_limit) {
return false;
Lazy load on other events
If you are not triggering your lazyloads on scroll, you will need to swap the "scroll" trigger for whichever event you are using.