VBA: Initialize object on first use in Module - vba

I kept receiving Object Variable Not Set (Error 91) with the following code in PowerPoint 2013.
I did a step through with this, and it flagged it on the Set SlideCounter = New Counter line which is quite confusing.
Module - Module1:
Dim SlideCounter As Counter
Sub showNext()
If SlideCounter Is Nothing Then
Set SlideCounter = New Counter
End If
ActivePresentation.SlideShowWindow.View.GotoSlide (SlideCounter.GetSlideNumber)
End Sub
Class Module - Counter:
'You should config the following constants
Const kBeginSlide As Integer = 2
Const kEndSlide As Integer = 4
Const kEnddingSlide As Integer = 5
'You should NOT modify anything below
Dim slides As Collection
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Dim x As Integer
For x = kBeginSlide To kEndSlide
slides.Add (x)
Next x
End Sub
Public Function GetSlideNumber()
If slides.Count = 0 Then
GetSlideNumber = kEnddingSlide
Dim slideIndex As Integer
slideIndex = GetRandomInteger(1, slides.Count)
GetSlideNumber = slides.Item(slideIndex)
slides.Remove (slideIndex)
End If
End Function
Private Function GetRandomInteger(lowerBound As Integer, upperBound As Integer)
GetRandomInteger = Int((upperBound - lowerBound + 1) * Rnd + lowerBound)
End Function


Attach VBA Class Object to Visio shape

I have a shape in visio 2021 , which is the "GRID" found in "Charting Shapes"
I would like to scale the smaller shapes in the master according to the ratios. Therefore I would like to bind a new instance of the class I created below to my master, and then be able to resize the master, which intern would scale the components relative to the ratios.
Class name = LWR_Calc
Private Widths() As Double
Private Heights() As Double
Private W, H As Double
Private TotalWidthRatio, TotalHeightRatio
Private WidthRatioSubDivision, HeightRatioSubDivision
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
W = 1
H = 1
End Sub
Public Sub SetWidths(Lst As String, Optional delimiter As String = ",")
Dim WidthsRatioStrArr() As String
Dim Current As Double
WidthsRatioStrArr = Split(Lst, delimiter)
TotalWidthRatio = 0
ReDim Widths(0 To UBound(WidthsRatioStrArr))
For i = 0 To UBound(WidthsRatioStrArr)
Current = CDbl(WidthsRatioStrArr(i))
Widths(i) = Current
TotalWidthRatio = TotalWidthRatio + Current
WidthRatioSubDivision = W / TotalWidthRatio
End Sub
Public Sub SetHeights(Lst As String, Optional delimiter As String = ",")
Dim HeightsRatioStrArr() As String
Dim Current As Double
HeightsRatioStrArr = Split(Lst, delimiter)
TotalHeightRatio = 0
ReDim Heights(0 To UBound(HeightsRatioStrArr))
For i = 0 To UBound(HeightsRatioStrArr)
Current = CDbl(HeightsRatioStrArr(i))
Heights(i) = Current
TotalHeightRatio = TotalHeightRatio + Current
HeightRatioSubDivision = H / TotalHeightRatio
End Sub
Public Function GetHeight(ByVal index As Integer) As Double
On Error GoTo endr:
GetHeight = Heights(index - 1) * HeightRatioSubDivision
Exit Function
GetHeight = 0
End Function
Public Function GetWidth(ByVal index As Integer) As Double
On Error GoTo endr:
GetWidth = Widths(index - 1) * WidthRatioSubDivision
Exit Function
GetWidth = 0
End Function
Public Property Let Width(ByVal vNewValue As Double)
W = vNewValue
End Property
Public Property Let Height(ByVal vNewValue As Double)
H = vNewValue
End Property
my sub which tests the code is as follows
Private Sub Test__LWR_Calc()
Dim LWRC As LWR_Calc
Set LWRC = New LWR_Calc
LWRC.Height = 2
LWRC.Width = 10
LWRC.SetWidths ("1.75,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1")
LWRC.SetHeights ("1.75,1,1,1.75,1,1,1,1,1,1")
For i = 1 To 10
For j = 1 To 10
Debug.Print i & "-" & j & " "; LWRC.GetWidth(j) & " , " & LWRC.GetHeight(i)
Set LWRC = Nothing
End Sub
This code works to get the values below
The Outputs I Get vs the Output I Want.

VBA - Adding a custom object to a collection in a loop

I have create a Node Object:
Public value As Integer
Public marked As Boolean
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
value = 0
marked = False
End Sub
Then I tried to add some Node Objects to a Collection in a for loop:
Dim inp As Integer
Dim counter As Integer
Dim n As node
Dim arr As Collection
Sub MySub()
inp = InputBox("Insert a number: ")
For counter = 2 To inp
Set n = New node
With n
.value = counter
.marked = False
End With
arr.Add n
Next counter
End Sub
But when I try to run it it only says:
Object variable or With block variable not set (Error 91)
Why is that happening?
You're missing a line before your loop:
Set arr = New Collection

VB.NET Compare each item in collection to every other item in collection - Threading

this is my first time posting so please accept my apologies if im not doing this right and please feel free to correct me for any formatting or posting guidelines. I am doing this in VB.Net with .NET Framework 4.5.2.
I have a large collection called gBoard in a class.
Private gBoard As Collection
It contains roughly 2000 instances of a class.
What i am trying to achieve is for each item in the class, i want to look at each other item in the class and then update the first item based on variables in the second.
Currently i have the following code:
In the main class:
Private gBoard As New Collection ' This is populated elsewhere in the code
Private Sub CheckSurroundings()
For i As Integer = 1 To (xBoxes)
For j As Integer = 1 To (yBoxes)
For x = 1 As Integer To (xBoxes)
For y = 1 As Integer To (yBoxes)
Tile(New Point(i, j)).CheckDistance(Tile(New Point(x, y)))
Next y
Next x
Next j
Next i
End Sub
Private Function Tile(ByVal aPoint As Point) As clsTile
Return gBoard.Item("r" & aPoint.Y & "c" & aPoint.X)
End Function
In clsTile i have the following (as well as other items):
Private Function SurroundingTerrain(ByVal aTer As String) As clsTerrain
Return mySurroundings.Item(aTer) ' a small collection (6 items of clsTerrain type)
End Function
Public Sub CheckDistance(ByRef aTile As clsTile)
SurroundingTerrain(aTile.Terrain).CheckDistance(CalcDistance(Location, aTile.Location))
End Sub
Private Function CalcDistance(ByVal myPoint As Point, ByVal aPoint As Point) As Double
Dim myReturn As Double = 0
Dim xDiff As Integer = 0
Dim yDiff As Integer = 0
Dim tDiff As Integer = 0
xDiff = Math.Abs(myPoint.X - aPoint.X)
yDiff = Math.Abs(myPoint.Y - aPoint.Y)
tDiff = xDiff + yDiff
myReturn = (MinInt(xDiff, yDiff) * 1.4) + (tDiff - MinInt(xDiff, yDiff))
Return myReturn
End Function
Private Function MinInt(ByVal a As Integer, ByVal b As Integer) As Integer
Dim myReturn As Integer = a
If b < myReturn Then
myReturn = b
End If
Return myReturn
End Function
in clsTerrain i have the following sub that is called:
Public Sub CheckDistance(ByVal aDist As Double)
If aDist < Distance Then
Distance = aDist
End If
End Sub
This runs and works file but as you can guess it runs so slow... I have been trying to work out how to make this run faster and i looked into threading/tasks but it doesnt seem to work. There are no errors but the objects don't appear to update correctly (or at all). The code i tried was:
In the main class:
Private Sub CheckSurroundings()
Dim tasks As New List(Of Task)
Dim pTile As clsTile
For Each pTile In gBoard
tasks.Add(Task.Run(Sub() TileToCheck(pTile)))
End Sub
Private Sub TileToCheck(ByRef aTile As clsTile)
For x As Integer = 1 To (xBoxes)
For y As Integer = 1 To (yBoxes)
aTile.CheckDistance(Tile(New Point(x, y)))
Next y
Next x
End Sub
Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas for how to get this to work?
Sorry for any headaches or facepalms caused...

VBA QueryPerformanceCounter Not Working

I am trying to test the execution time differences between data types after looping through 1 million random numbers per data type (integer, double, decimal, and variant). I took this code from the Microsoft Developer website. I am using Excel 2010.
Here is the code:
Option Explicit
Sub Function1()
Module Module1
Declare Function QueryPerformanceCounter Lib "Kernel32" (ByRef X As Long) As Short
Declare Function QueryPerformanceFrequency Lib "Kernel32" (ByRef X As Long) As Short
Dim Ctr1, Ctr2, Freq As Long
Dim Acc, I As Integer
' Times 100 increment operations by using QueryPerformanceCounter.
If QueryPerformanceCounter(Ctr1) Then ' Begin timing.
For I = 1 To 100 ' Code is being timed.
Acc += 1
QueryPerformanceCounter (Ctr2) ' Finish timing.
Console.WriteLine ("Start Value: " & Ctr1)
Console.WriteLine ("End Value: " & Ctr2)
QueryPerformanceFrequency (Freq)
Console.WriteLine ("QueryPerformanceCounter minimum resolution: 1/" & Freq & " seconds.")
Console.WriteLine ("100 Increment time: " & (Ctr2 - Ctr1) / Freq & " seconds.")
Console.WriteLine ("High-resolution counter not supported.")
End If
' Keep console window open.
Console.Write ("Press ENTER to finish ... ")
End Module
End Sub
Sub Function1_Int_RandNumCounter()
Dim Int_RandNum_X As Integer
Dim Int_RandNum_Y As Integer
Dim Count As Integer
For Count = 1 To Count = 1000000
Int_RandNum_X = Rnd(Now) ' Get rnd vals based on Now, built-in VBA property
Int_RandNum_Y = Rnd(Now)
Next Count
' Call Function1_Dbl_RandNumCounter
End Sub
Sub Function1_Dbl_RandNumCounter()
Dim Dbl_RandNum_X As Double, Dbl_RandNum_Y As Double, Count As Double
For Count = 1 To Count = 1000000
Dbl_RandNum_X = Rnd(Now) ' Get rnd vals based on Now, built-in VBA property
Dbl_RandNum_Y = Rnd(Now)
Next Count
Call Function1_Var_RandNumCounter
End Sub
Sub Function1_Var_RandNumCounter()
Dim Var_RandNum_X, Var_RandNum_Y, Count As Variant
For Count = 1 To Count = 1000000
Var_RandNum_X = Rnd(Now) ' Get rnd vals based on Now, built-in VBA property
Var_RandNum_Y = Rnd(Now)
Next Count
Call Function1_Dec_RandNumCounter
End Sub
Sub Function1_Dec_RandNumCounter()
Dim Count, Var_RandNum_X, dec_RandNum_X, Var_RandNum_Y, dec_RandNum_Y
dec_RandNum_X = CDec(Var_RandNum_X)
dec_RandNum_Y = CDec(Var_RandNum_Y) ' convert these vals to decimals
For Count = 1 To Count = 1000000
dec_RandNum_X = Rnd(Now) ' Get rnd vals based on Now, built-in VBA property
dec_RandNum_Y = Rnd(Now)
Next Count
Call Function2_BarGraph
End Sub
Sub Function2_BarGraph()
' Put all of these vals in a 2D bar graph
End Sub
This code gives me errors such as:
Compile error:
Only comments may appear after End Sub, End Function, or End Property
EDIT: Here is the improved version of the code, which has no compile errors, but I'm not sure how to integrate the timer into my functions.
Option Explicit
lowpart As Long
highpart As Long
End Type
Private Declare Function QueryPerformanceCounter Lib "kernel32" (lpPerformanceCount As LARGE_INTEGER) As Long
Private Declare Function QueryPerformanceFrequency Lib "kernel32" (lpFrequency As LARGE_INTEGER) As Long
Private m_CounterStart As LARGE_INTEGER
Private m_CounterEnd As LARGE_INTEGER
Private m_crFrequency As Double
Private Const TWO_32 = 4294967296# ' = 256# * 256# * 256# * 256#
Private Function LI2Double(LI As LARGE_INTEGER) As Double
Dim Low As Double
Low = LI.lowpart
If Low < 0 Then
Low = Low + TWO_32
End If
LI2Double = LI.highpart * TWO_32 + Low
End Function
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Dim PerfFrequency As LARGE_INTEGER
QueryPerformanceFrequency PerfFrequency
m_crFrequency = LI2Double(PerfFrequency)
End Sub
Public Sub StartCounter()
QueryPerformanceCounter m_CounterStart
End Sub
Property Get TimeElapsed() As Double
Dim crStart As Double
Dim crStop As Double
QueryPerformanceCounter m_CounterEnd
crStart = LI2Double(m_CounterStart)
crStop = LI2Double(m_CounterEnd)
TimeElapsed = 1000# * (crStop - crStart) / m_crFrequency
End Property
Sub Function1_Int_RandNumCounter()
Dim Int_RandNum_X As Integer
Dim Int_RandNum_Y As Integer
Dim Count As Integer
For Count = 1 To Count = 1000000
Int_RandNum_X = Rnd(Now) ' Get rnd vals based on Now, built-in VBA property
Int_RandNum_Y = Rnd(Now)
Next Count
' Call Function1_Dbl_RandNumCounter
End Sub
Sub Function1_Dbl_RandNumCounter()
Dim Dbl_RandNum_X As Double, Dbl_RandNum_Y As Double, Count As Double
For Count = 1 To Count = 1000000
Dbl_RandNum_X = Rnd(Now) ' Get rnd vals based on Now, built-in VBA property
Dbl_RandNum_Y = Rnd(Now)
Next Count
Call Function1_Var_RandNumCounter
End Sub
Sub Function1_Var_RandNumCounter()
Dim Var_RandNum_X, Var_RandNum_Y, Count As Variant
For Count = 1 To Count = 1000000
Var_RandNum_X = Rnd(Now) ' Get rnd vals based on Now, built-in VBA property
Var_RandNum_Y = Rnd(Now)
Next Count
Call Function1_Dec_RandNumCounter
End Sub
Sub Function1_Dec_RandNumCounter()
Dim Count, Var_RandNum_X, dec_RandNum_X, Var_RandNum_Y, dec_RandNum_Y
dec_RandNum_X = CDec(Var_RandNum_X)
dec_RandNum_Y = CDec(Var_RandNum_Y) ' convert these vals to decimals
For Count = 1 To Count = 1000000
dec_RandNum_X = Rnd(Now) ' Get rnd vals based on Now, built-in VBA property
dec_RandNum_Y = Rnd(Now)
Next Count
Call Function2_BarGraph
End Sub
Sub Function2_BarGraph()
' Put all of these vals in a 2D bar graph
End Sub
EDIT: New VBA code (did I set up this function properly?)
Sub Function1_Int_RandNumCounter()
Dim Int_RandNum_X As Integer
Dim Int_RandNum_Y As Integer
Dim Count As Integer
Dim oPM As PerformanceMonitor
Dim Time_Int As Variant
Time_Int = CDec(Time_Int)
Set oPM = New PerformanceMonitor
For Count = 1 To Count = 1000000
Int_RandNum_X = Rnd(Now) ' Get rnd vals based on Now, built-in VBA property
Int_RandNum_Y = Rnd(Now)
Time_Int = oPM.TimeElapsed
' Call Function1_Dbl_RandNumCounter
End Sub
Add a new class module to your project, call it PerformanceMonitor and paste this code from the thread I linked to in my comment into the class:
Option Explicit
lowpart As Long
highpart As Long
End Type
Private Declare Function QueryPerformanceCounter Lib "kernel32" (lpPerformanceCount As LARGE_INTEGER) As Long
Private Declare Function QueryPerformanceFrequency Lib "kernel32" (lpFrequency As LARGE_INTEGER) As Long
Private m_CounterStart As LARGE_INTEGER
Private m_CounterEnd As LARGE_INTEGER
Private m_crFrequency As Double
Private Const TWO_32 = 4294967296# ' = 256# * 256# * 256# * 256#
Private Function LI2Double(LI As LARGE_INTEGER) As Double
Dim Low As Double
Low = LI.lowpart
If Low < 0 Then
Low = Low + TWO_32
End If
LI2Double = LI.highpart * TWO_32 + Low
End Function
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Dim PerfFrequency As LARGE_INTEGER
QueryPerformanceFrequency PerfFrequency
m_crFrequency = LI2Double(PerfFrequency)
End Sub
Public Sub StartCounter()
QueryPerformanceCounter m_CounterStart
End Sub
Property Get TimeElapsed() As Double
Dim crStart As Double
Dim crStop As Double
QueryPerformanceCounter m_CounterEnd
crStart = LI2Double(m_CounterStart)
crStop = LI2Double(m_CounterEnd)
TimeElapsed = 1000# * (crStop - crStart) / m_crFrequency
End Property
Now as an example of how to use it, you need to declare and create an instance of the PerformanceMonitor class, then call its StartCounter method at the start of the code you want to time, then at the end call its TimeElapsed property to see how long it took (in milliseconds). For example:
Sub foo()
Dim n As Long
Dim oPM As PerformanceMonitor
Set oPM = New PerformanceMonitor
For n = 1 To 100000
Debug.Print n
MsgBox oPM.TimeElapsed
Set oPM = Nothing
End Sub

This code worked properly the first few times I ran it, now it throws the exception: "System.NullReferenceException"

The first 3 times i ran this code, it worked as I intended. Now whenever I run it, it closes and in the debug screen, it prints: "A first chance exception of type 'System.NullReferenceException' occurred in Battleship - 1 Player.exe". Sorry for the long piece of code, I "collapsed" the properties since they are pretty much the same in every one.
Public Class Enemy
Dim _name As String
Public Property name() As String ...
Dim _length As Integer
Public Property length As Integer ...
Dim _start_point() As Integer
Public Property start_point() As Integer() ...
Dim _space_filled(,) As Integer
Public Property space_filled As Integer(,) ...
Dim _direction As String
Public Property direction() As String ...
Shared gen As New Random()
Public x As Integer = gen.Next(0, 10)
Public y As Integer = gen.Next(0, 10)
Public Sub New(ByVal namep As String, ByVal lengthp As Integer)
name = namep
length = lengthp
ReDim _start_point(2)
ReDim _space_filled(length, 2)
End Sub
Public Sub GenerateStartPoint()
start_point = {x, y}
End Sub
Public Sub GenerateDirection()
If gen.Next(0, 2) = 0 Then
direction = "horizontal"
direction = "vertical"
End If
End Sub
Public Sub ExtendStartPoint()
If direction = "horizontal" Then
For i As Integer = 0 To length - 1
space_filled(i, 0) = start_point(0) + i
space_filled(i, 1) = start_point(1)
ElseIf direction = "vertical" Then
For i As Integer = 0 To length - 1
space_filled(i, 0) = start_point(0)
space_filled(i, 1) = start_point(1) + i
End If
End Sub
Public Sub DefineFilled()
For i As Integer = 0 To length - 1
x = space_filled(i, 0)
y = space_filled(i, 1)
Main.TrackerBoard.box_list(x, y).full = True 'Error is coming from here.
End Sub
Private Sub ColorFilled()
For y As Integer = 0 To 9
For x As Integer = 0 To 9
'Debug.Print(Main.PlayerBoard.box_list(x, y).full)
If Main.TrackerBoard.box_list(x, y).full = True Then
Main.TrackerBoard.box_list(x, y).image.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red
Main.TrackerBoard.box_list(x, y).image.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Silver
End If
End Sub
End Class
There are several issues with this:
Public Property length As Integer
Public Sub DefineFilled()
For i As Integer = 0 To length - 1
x = space_filled(i, 0)
y = space_filled(i, 1)
Main.TrackerBoard.box_list(x, y).full = True 'Error is coming from here.
End Sub
length is used for loop control in several places, and assuming it is correct. since it is a public property something else anywhere in the app could be changing it. Perhaps you pass it and use it in the constructor as you do to create those arrays, but you really do not need to save it. And you really do not need to make it a public property.
ALL the loops in those procedures (some which themselves should be private) should generally (re) calculate the amount to loop and use a local variable, even if length is private because something else in the class might change it inadvertently.
Private length As Integer
' nothing outside this class needs to call this ever
Private Sub DefineFilled() ...
If it does something more than we can see, it still need not be a property, a private variable is enough.