Pentaho BI Marketplace - pentaho

I'm trying to make some changes in my Dashboards with CDE .
But when I access Pentaho plateform 5.0 as Admin I can't find the Marketplace in all the menus
Thanks for helping me !

The Marketplace is a perspective in the Pentaho User Console for Pentaho 5, so it should be available on the dropdown on the left top of PUC.
Note, however, that the marketplace is only available on the CE edition. If you're running an EE version, the marketplace is not installed by default.
You can install it, however. Download from here:
and unzip into the system folder. Restart the BA Server and you should be all set.

Download marketplace.
in theory, you should be able to download it from
BUT currently the link is broken. you can download it manually here:
Unzip into /pentaho-solutions/system
enter PUC (Pentaho User Console)
Enter Marketplace from the upper left menu
Install CDE/CDA Plugins


How do I update a Google Sheets Add-On

I have made changes to my (already published) Google Sheets Add-On (in the Script Editor).
I have created a new version and pressed "Publish > Deploy as Add-On" which says
You must configure the G Suite Marketplace SDK to publish an add-on.
When I click on the link G Suite Marketplace opens (and I see the currently published products catalog entry) but no way of specifying a new version.
When I click OK nothing happens.
The entire Google Sheets add-on deployment workflow is one hot mess. Do not use Publish -> Deploy as Sheets add-on... to update an already-deployed AppScript. It does not work.
Instead, first create a version of the script File -> Manage version. Then go to the G Suite Marketplace SDK page in the Google Cloud Platform console ( Under the Configuration tab, scroll down to find Editor Add-on extensions where Sheets add-on extension should already be checked (if you followed the publication directions earlier and have already successfully published the add-on).
There you will see a field for the script version number. Increment it to the latest version, and Save changes. As far as I can tell this takes effect immediately.
Google is currently migrating add-ons from the Chrome Web Store to the G Suite Marketplace, so now need to be published there rather than the legacy marketplace.
Further Information:
In order to publish an Apps Script project as an addon, as specified in your message, the G Suite Marketplace SDK must be configured. You can find an article detailing the migration process here.
You will need to enable the G Suite Marketplace SDK in your Google Cloud Platform (GCP) project. You can follow the information on the Getting Started page for Google Cloud.
All add-ons now in the G Suite Marketplace
Publish to the G Suite Marketplace
Getting Started with Google Cloud
The new GSM publishing flow for Editor Add-ons as described is now available.
This means that all updates now needs to be done through GSM. Please make sure to complete all the fields in both the configuration and publish section of the marketplace SDK and click on the 'Publish' button.

License error with Saiku Analytics Plugin on Pentaho 6 CE

I installed Saiku Analytics 3.8.7 on pentaho 6 CE using marketplace with COMMUNITY license, but when i try to use it show me: "Error creating session: License for wrong version please update your free license".
I try create different types of licenses in with no luck. Also if I want to uninstall it using the marketplace throw me an error.
What I can do?
I had the same issue.
Saiku Analytics was not working and failed to uninstall without any error in catalina.out and pentaho.log.
To uninstalled plugin I had to call biserver-ce/pentaho-solutions/system/marketplace/processes/uninstall_plugin.kjb kettle job.
It has 3 params:
samplesDir - set it to empty string.
uninstallBackup - (absolute path to folder where plugin backup will be stored) ex: /Users/taras/programs/biserver-ce/pentaho-solutions/system/plugin-cache/backups/saiku_backup.
uninstallLocation - (absolute path to folder where plugin is located) ex : /Users/taras/programs/biserver-ce/pentaho-solutions/system/plugins/saiku .
Job can be executed using Spoon.
After it I've restarted PUC and installed plugin one more time. I selected plugin version '3.8.8 (PENTAHO6)' version from dropdown. Then I followed instructions from popup and downloaded saiku-olap-util-3.7-SNAPSHOT.jar to tomcat/webapps/pentaho/WEB-INF/lib/ folder and generated licence on (License Type: COMMUNITY_EDITION) and downloaded it into /Users/taras/programs/biserver-ce/pentaho-solutions/system/plugins/saiku folder. After PUC restart saiku started to work.
Actually I'm disappointed - PUC 6 is so unstable...not sure if its a good production ready solution :(
I had the exact same issue. Turns out in the pentaho marketplace, I had wrongly downloaded the Enterprise version of the plugin, and not the Community edition (they're both under Saiku Analytics plugin entry, but there's a dropdown once you select the plugin that lets you choose the right version).
You need to delete the appendix of the license data you got.
When your license looks like license_localhost.lic you need to rename it to license.lic.
And save to the right location like that: ..\pentaho-solutions\system\saiku
Copy the license file into following path: ./tomcat/webapps/pentaho/WEB-INF/lib/license.lic
to resolve this Issue
Just try to download Saiku 3.8.8(STABLE) from Marketplace & you can able to apply license for 20 users also..

Creating a dashboard portal which will give a good interactive OLAP view to the user

I have a requirement as to create cubesbased on some fact and dimension tables and then publishing it in localhost.There will be a portal where user can login and can see the charts and can do slice and dice and can add filters and able to see the reports.
I have downloaded Pentaho BI server CE 5.2.0 version for publishing
Pentaho Schema Workbench 3.9.0 for creating cubes.
I was working in JPivot and created some sample cubes and published successfully in localhost.But it is not giving that drag and drop features.
I wanted to know how to install SAIKU Analytics(as i believe drag and drop features are present there) in Windows system for Community version and also how to create the dashboard/Portal(by which Ctool) consisting of multiple charts where user can select filter and based on it the charts will populate.
Also the dashboard can give a good UI experience to the user
I am an ETL developer and am new to this Pentaho OLAP designing.Please help me on this
For Saiku, you can install it with the marketplace from Pentaho menu.
It will download the plugin and install it under the directory
Then, you will have to restart your server.
For the Ctools, you can find tutorials on the web and look for the documentation ; see for example and the community forum :

Need help to select correct install file and options for BA\PDI

We want to upgrade our Pentaho suite from 4.1 to 5.0 version. Currently we use Analyzer for ad hoc reporting (which is installed on linux box) and Kettle (which is on windows).Plus this time we want to install repository also so that our kettle jobs are shared centrally.
With this requirement I believe I need to install both BA and DI components, since Analyzer comes under BA. But I can see that BA and DI have separate repository.
Can someone help me explaining which install files I should run and what options should I pick ?. I have 3 files, and
I would also appreciate if someone can provide me with correct link or video to help me with the install\configuration.Right now I am referring to
You don't have to install anything, you just have to unzip the files and have to run appropriate batch file on windows and .sh file in linux.
For pentaho Data integration you have to run "spoon.bat" on windows and "" on linux
For pentaho BA Server you have to run you have to reach down to biserver-ce foler (i am using community addition) for you it may be like biserver-ee and under that you have to run "start-pentaho.bat" in windows and "" in linux.
you can refer this link..

Dowload pentaho 5.x

I have been trying to download the free(trail) version of pentaho 5.x.
Could any one provide me the link to download "".
Thanks in advance.
You can find the trial download at
Archive mode installation files can be accessible only to license purchased users. Download from Pentaho customer portal with account credentials here:
EDIT: you need to pentaho customer support portal credentials to get It is not available to open world.
You can download pentaho community edition at pentaho community