Bootstrap datepicker toggle disable - twitter-bootstrap-3

I am using bootstrap-datepicker and getting an issue.
When I click a day, it works well,but when I click the same day again. The selection gets cancelled
The boostrap datepicker demo works well.
I had found the example for bootstrap date picker from the above link.

It's a known issue. Here is a workaround for this issue.
jsfiddle the issue:
Once I've tried it, I'll post an update.
Yes it works.
In the defaults # line 1394, add a new option, allowDeselection
var defaults = $.fn.datepicker.defaults = {
allowDeselection: false,
In the _toggle_multidate function # line 1015, modify the "else if (ix !== -1)" statement to:
else if (ix !== -1 && this.o.allowDeselection){

I came across this issue myself so if you still need this. trick is to store the current date in a variable each time a new date is created. If the new date is undefined (empty) update date with the temporary variable. I know its a dirty solution, but hey atleast its working.
I wrote a little fiddle enter code here

There's now an official way to accomplish this:


How to access value from react-native-cn-richtext-editor

I have successfully implemented react-native-cn-richtext-editor with limited toolbar functions.
I want to know that, how to get value (text that we have typed) from editor.
I am new in RN, have tried to get value but didn't get success. How can I resolve this issue, as I want to sent this text to server and then do further process.
In given example of this library there is method onValueChange on change the content object is present in value and to extract the value below example is there
onValueChanged = (value) => {
Finally I got the solution of above question.
convert the value in HTML with convertToHtmlString write following command,
let html = convertToHtmlString(this.state.value)
for more details refer this github link

Issue with vue.js conditional rending

I have problem in rendering a template
When a new data has been added, it won't go to the process of v-if even if the condition is both TRUE.
Can some please explain why?
I have provided some screenshot below to explain further my issue
This first image was my template for displaying the products, you will notice the add, update and remove in here.
The second image shows that I'm trying to add a new product
The third image shows that I have successfully added the new product. The problem is, the action button "update" is triggered but won't take any effect.
The image above shows that the update button works with the past data, but not with the new one.
This last image will prove that the button has been triggered. I've added a console.log to display the following upon clicking the update button.
INDEX of the row, which is [0].
The typeOf the variable 'isUpdate' [boolean].
The value of 'isUpdate' [True, False]
and the productID which is [151]
Any idea why it hasn't been triggered, or any idea how to debugged this?
If you want to see the code. I can provide it, just tell me which part are you looking for. As I don't have any idea which part has the error.
Thank you in advance.
AS per Amresh Venugopal Request
Here is the v-if in the template
<tr v-if=' > 0 && product.isUpdate' class='table-inputs'>
And the updatebtn function
canUpdate: function(data) {
this.products[data.pindex].isUpdate = !this.products[data.pindex].isUpdate;
console.log(typeof this.products[data.pindex].isUpdate);
I only set the isUpdate value to 'true' if 'false', and viceversa.
The productID is added after the ajax save function.
I figure it out!
When I push the data in this.products, I didn't include the 'isUpdate' field.
Got it working now.

React Native: Updating ListView issue

I need to update Listview when in textinput typed > 2 symbols. I get data from API, and every new symbol after 2 chars must update suggested variants (new datasource). Can't find my mistake. Will be very grateful for solution :)
Source code:
The mistake is on row 54:
responseJSON.result.items is list of objects that have name key. You have to change this to following and it will work:
Forked version that works can be found from here
ps. maybe you know it but as it is you don't need the componentWillReceiveProps function and it's not called at all currently.

angularJS dynamic login page

My code is here:
Is it possible that when I enter an existing username, the message in the "help-block" span will change dynamically?
Just wrap your existing checking code in a function in the controller. Like $scope.checkUsername = function() { //your existing code }
Now on your username input put ng-change="checkUsername()" and then it will work.
Before you get too much further make sure to read the validation bits from the Angular Form's guide:
Here's a fiddle of your code working: Although I think the logic for the name checking needs a bit of work.

FilteringSelect text alignment

Using Dojo 1.6.1
I have a FilteringSelect that looks like:
When an address is selected, it looks like:
What I'd really like to see instead is:
Any ideas on how this could be accomplished?
When you select a value in a Filtering select, the caret position is at the end of the text, so it's not CSS that will help you there.
You have to move the cursor to the beginning of the text.
I see no other option than javascript here.
If you look at the template of dijit.form.FilteringSelect, you will see that the input node is bound to the property "focusNode" of the widget. So you could use that to move the caret, like this :
dijit.byId('your_filteringSelect_id').onChange = function(evt) {
This appears to be an IE & FF issue see this listed bug:
and also this test case (issue seen in IE7-9):
The work around suggested is to set the function _setCaretPos to do notthing e.g
dijit.byId('your_filteringSelect_id')._setCaretPos = function() {};
.setSelectionRange doesn't work at IE
Use dijit.selectInputText(widget.focusNode,0,0); instead