Turn two database tables into one? - sql

I am having a bit of trouble when modelling a relational database to an inventory managament system. For now, it only has 3 simple tables:
ID | Name | Price
ID | Date | Quantity | Product_ID (FK)
ID | Date | Quantity | Product_ID (FK)
As Receivings and Sales are identical, I was considering a different approach:
ID | Name | Price
Receivings_Sales (the name doesn't matter)
ID | Date | Quantity | Type | Product_ID (FK)
The column type would identify if it was receiving or sale.
Can anyone help me choose the best option, pointing out the advantages and disadvantages of either approach?
The first one seems reasonable because I am thinking in a ORM way.

Personally I prefer the first option, that is, separate tables for Sales and Receiving.
The two biggest disadvantage in option number 2 or merging two tables into one are:
1) Inflexibility
2) Unnecessary filtering when use
First on inflexibility. If your requirements expanded (or you just simply overlooked it) then you will have to break up your schema or you will end up with unnormalized tables. For example let's say your sales would now include the Sales Clerk/Person that did the sales transaction so obviously it has nothing to do with 'Receiving'. And what if you do Retail or Wholesale sales how would you accommodate that in your merged tables? How about discounts or promos? Now, I am identifying the obvious here. Now, let's go to Receiving. What if we want to tie up our receiving to our Purchase Order? Obviously, purchase order details like P.O. Number, P.O. Date, Supplier Name etc would not be under Sales but obviously related more to Receiving.
Secondly, on unnecessary filtering when use. If you have merged tables and you want only to use the Sales (or Receving) portion of the table then you have to filter out the Receiving portion either by your back-end or your front-end program. Whereas if it a separate table you have just to deal with one table at a time.
Additionally, you mentioned ORM, the first option would best fit to that endeavour because obviously an object or entity for that matter should be distinct from other entity/object.

If the tables really are and always will be identical (and I have my doubts), then name the unified table something more generic, like "InventoryTransaction", and then use negative numbers for one of the transaction types: probably sales, since that would correctly mark your inventory in terms of keeping track of stock on hand.

The fact that headings are the same is irrelevant. Seeking to use a single table because headings are the same is misconceived.
-- person [source] loves person [target]
-- person [source] hates person [target]
Every base table has a corresponding predicate aka fill-in-the-[named-]blanks statement describing the application situation. A base table holds the rows that make a true statement.
Every query expression combines base table names via JOIN, UNION, SELECT, EXCEPT, WHERE condition, etc and has a corresponding predicate that combines base table predicates via (respectively) AND, OR, EXISTS, AND NOT, AND condition, etc. A query result holds the rows that make a true statement.
Such a set of predicate-satisfying rows is a relation. There is no other reason to put rows in a table.
(The other answers here address, as they must, proposals for and consequences of the predicate that your one table could have. But if you didn't propose the table because of its predicate, why did you propose it at all? The answer is, since not for the predicate, for no good reason.)


Data warehouse FactTable

I am trying to use this to learn how about data warehousing and having trouble understanding the concept of the fact table.
What would be some queries that I could run to find information from the faceable, and what questions do they answer.
A fact table is used in the dimensional model in data warehouse design. A fact table is found at the center of a star schema or snowflake schema surrounded by dimension tables.
A fact table consists of facts of a particular business process e.g., sales revenue by month by product. Facts are also known as measurements or metrics. A fact table record captures a measurement or a metric.
Example of fact table -
In the schema below, we have a fact table FACT_SALES that has a grain which gives us a number of units sold by date, by store and by product.
All other tables such as DIM_DATE, DIM_STORE and DIM_PRODUCT are dimensions tables. This schema is known as the star schema.
Let's translate this a bit.
Firstly, in a fact table we usually enter numeric values ( rarely Strings , char's ,or other data types).
The purpose of a fact table is to connect with the KEYS of dimensional tables ,other fact tables (fact tables more rarely, and also not a good practice) AND measurements ( and by measurements I mean numbers that change frequently like Prices , Quantities , etc.).
Let's take an example:
Think about a row from a fact table as an product from a supermarket when you pass it by the check out and it get's scanned. What will be displayed in the check out row in your database fact table? Possibly:
Product_ID | ProductName | CustomerID | CustomerName | InventoryID | StoreID | StaffID | Price | Quantity ... etc.
So all those Keys and measurements are bringed together in one fact table, having some big performance and understandability advantage.
Fact Table Contain all Primary key of Dimension table and Measure like "Sales Amount"
A Fact table is a table that stores your measurements of a business process. Here you would record numeric values that apply to an event like a sale in a store. It is surrounded by dimension tables which give the measurement context (which store? which product? which date?).
Using the dimensions you can ask lots of questions of your facts, like how many of a particular product have been sold each month in a region.
Some further info
All dimension keys in a fact should be a FK to the dimension
if a key is unknown it should point to a zero key in the dimension detaialing this.
All joins from a fact to a dim are 1 to 1. bridge tables are is a technique to cater for many to many's, but this is more advanced
All measurements in a fact are numeric, but can contain NULLS if unknown (never put 0 to represent unknown)
When joining facts to dimensions there is no need to do an outer join, due to FKS applied above.
if you have 999 rows in a fact, no matter what dimensions you join to, you should always have 999 rows returned.

I keep messing up 1NF

For me the most understandable description of going about 1NF so far I found is ‘A primary key is a column (or group of columns) that uniquely identifies each row. ‘ on www.phlonx.com
I understand that redundancy means per key there shouldn’t be more than 1 value to each row. More than 1 value would then be ‘redundant’. Right?
Still I manage to screw up 1 NF a lot of times.
I posted a question for my online pizzashop http://foo.com
where I was confused about something in the second normal form only to notice I started off wrong in 1 NF.
Right now I’m thinking that I need 3 keys in 1NF in order to uniquely identify each row.
In this case, I’m finding that order_id, pizza_id, and topping_id will do that for me. So that’s 3 columns. Because if you want to know which particular pizza is which you need to know what order_id it has what type of pizza (pizza_id) and what topping is on there. If you know that, you can look up all the rest.
Yet, from an answer to previous question this seems to be wrong, because topping_id goes to a different table which I don’t understand.
Here’s the list of columns:
Blacklist Y or N
Delivery Y or N
Edit: I marked the id's for the first concatenated key in bold. They are only a list of columns, unnormalized. They're not 1 table or 3 tables or anything
use Object Role Modelling (say with NORMA) to capture your information about the design, press the button and it spits out SQL.
This will be easier than having you going back and forth between 1NF, 2NF etc. An ORM design is guaranteed to be in 5NF.
Some notes:
you can have composite keys
surrogate keys may be added after both conceptual and logical design: you have added them up front which is bad. They are added because of the RDBMS performance, not at design time
have you read several sources on 1NF?
start with plain english and some facts. Which is what ORM does with verbalisation.
A Customer has many pizzas (zero to n)
A pizza has many toppings (zero to n)
A customer has an address
A pizza has a base
I'd use some more tables for this, to remove duplication for customers, orders, toppings and pizze:
Table: Customer
Blacklist Y or N
Table: Order
Delivery Y or N
Table: Order_Details
Order_ID (FK on Order)
Pizza_ID (FK on Pizza)
Table: Pizza
Table: Topping
Table: Pizza_Topping
Pizza_topping and Order_details are so-called interselection tables ("helper" tables for modelling a m:n relationship between two tables).
Now suppose we have just one pizza, some toppings and our customer Billy Smith orders 2 quattro stagione pizze - our tables will contain this content:
Pizza(Pizza_ID, Pizza_name, Pizza_price)
1 Quattro stagioni 12€
Topping(Topping_id, topping_name, topping_price)
1 Mozzarrella 0,50€
2 Prosciutto 0,70€
3 Salami 0,50€
Pizza_Topping(Pizza_ID, Topping_ID)
1 1
1 3
(here, a quattro stagioni pizza contains only Mozzarrella and Salami).
Order(order_ID, Customer_name - rest omitted)
1 Billy Smith
Order_Details(order_id, Pizza_id, amount)
1 1 2
I've removed delivery ID, since for me, there is no distinction between an Order and a delivery - or do you support partial deliveries?
On 1NF, from wikipedia, quoting Date:
According to Date's definition of 1NF,
a table is in 1NF if and only if it is
"isomorphic to some relation", which
means, specifically, that it satisfies
the following five conditions:
There's no top-to-bottom ordering to the rows.
There's no left-to-right ordering to the columns.
There are no duplicate rows.
Every row-and-column intersection contains exactly one
value from the applicable domain (and
nothing else).
All columns are regular [i.e. rows have no hidden components such as
row IDs, object IDs, or hidden
—Chris Date, "What First Normal Form Really Means", pp. 127–8[4]
First two are guaranteed in any modern RDBMS.
Duplicate rows are possible in modern RDBMS - however, only if you don't have primary keys (or other unique constraints).
The fourth one is the hardest one (and depends on the semantics of your model) - for example your field Customer_address might be breaking 1NF. Might be, because if you make a contract with yourself (and any potential user of the system) that you will always look at the address as a whole and will not want to separate street name, street number and or floor, you could still claim that 1NF is not broken.
It would be more proper to break the customer address, but there are complexities there with which you would then need to address and which might bring no benefit (provided that you will never have to look a the sub-atomic part of the address line).
The fifth one is broken by some modern RDBMs, however the real importance is that your model nor system should depend on hidden elements, which is normally true - even if your RDBMS uses OIDs internally for certain operations, unless you start to use them for non-administrative, non-maintenance tasks, you can consider it not breaking the 1NF.
The strengths of relational databases come from separating information into different tables. One useful way of looking at tables is first to identify as entity tables those concepts which are relatively permanent (in your case, probably Pizza, Customer, Topping, Deliveryguy). Then you think about the relations between them (in your case, Order, Delivery ). The relational tables link together the entity tables by having foreign keys pointing to the relevant entities: an Order has foreign keys to Customer, Pizza, Topping); a Delivery has foreign keys to Deliveryguy and Order. And, yes, relations can link relations, not just entities.
Only in such a context can you achieve anything like normalization. Tossing a bunch of attributes into one singular table does not make your database relational in any meaningful sense.

Basic question: how to properly redesign this schema

I am hopping on a project that sits on top of a Sql Server 2008 DB with what seems like an inefficient schema to me. However, I'm not an expert at anything SQL, so I am seeking for guidance.
In general, the schema has tables like this:
ID | A | B
ID is a unique identifier
A contains text, such as animal names. There's very little variety; maybe 3-4 different values in thousands of rows. This could vary with time, but still a small set.
B is one of two options, but stored as text. The set is finite.
My questions are as follows:
Should I create another table for names contained in A, with an ID and a value, and set the ID as the primary key? Or should I just put an index on that column in my table? Right now, to get a list of A's, it does "select distinct(a) from table" which seems inefficient to me.
The table has a multitude of columns for properties of A. It could be like: Color, Age, Weight, etc. I would think that this is better suited in a separate table with: ID, AnimalID, Property, Value. Each property is unique to the animal, so I'm not sure how this schema could enforce this (the current schema implies this as it's a column, so you can only have one value for each property).
Right now the DB is easily readable by a human, but its size is growing fast and I feel like the design is inefficient. There currently is not index at all anywhere. As I said I'm not a pro, but will read more on the subject. The goal is to have a fast system. Thanks for your advice!
This sounds like a database that might represent a veterinary clinic.
If the table you describe represents the various patients (animals) that come to the clinic, then having properties specific to them are probably best on the primary table. But, as you say column "A" contains a species name, it might be worthwhile to link that to a secondary table to save on the redundancy of storing those names:
For example:
ID Name SpeciesID Color DOB Weight
1 Spot 1 Black/White 2008-01-01 20
ID Species
1 Cocker Spaniel
If your main table should be instead grouped by customer or owner, then you may want to add an Animals table and link it:
ID Name
1 John Q. Sample
ID CustomerID SpeciesID Name Color DOB Weight
1 1 1 Spot Black/White 2008-01-01 20
As for your original column B, consider converting it to a boolean (BIT) if you only need to store two states. Barring that, consider CHAR to store a fixed number of characters.
Like most things, it depends.
By having the animal names directly in the table, it makes your reporting queries more efficient by removing the need for many joins.
Going with something like 3rd normal form (having an ID/Name table for the animals) makes you database smaller, but requires more joins for reporting.
Either way, make sure to add some indexes.

Architecture of SQL tables

I am wondering is it more useful and practical (size of DB) to create multiple tables in sql with two columns (one column containing foreign key and one column containing random data) or merge it and create one table containing multiple columns. I am asking this because in my scenario one product holding primary key could have sufficient/applicable data for only one column while other columns would be empty.
example a. one table
productID productname weight no_of_pages
1 book 130 500
2 watch 50 null
3 ring null null
example b. three tables
productID productname
1 book
2 watch
3 ring
productID weight
1 130
2 50
productID no_of_pages
1 500
The multi-table approach is more "normal" (in database terms) because it avoids columns that commonly store NULLs. It's also something of a pain in programming terms because you have to JOIN a bunch of tables to get your original entity back.
I suggest adopting a middle way. Weight seems to be a property of most products, if not all (indeed, a ring has a weight even if small and you'll probably want to know it for shipping purposes), so I'd leave that in the Products table. But number of pages applies only to a book, as do a slew of other unmentioned properties (author, ISBN, etc). In this example, I'd use a Products table and a Books table. The books table would extend the Products table in a fashion similar to class inheritance in object oriented program.
All book-specific properties go into the Books table, and you join only Products and Books to get a complete description of a book.
I think this all depends on how the tables will be used. Maybe your examples are oversimplifying things too much but it seems to me that the first option should be good enough.
You'd really use the second example if you're going to be doing extremely CPU intensive stuff with the first table and will only need the second and third tables when more information about a product is needed.
If you're going to need the information in the second and third tables most times you query the table, then there's no reason to join over every time and you should just keep it in one table.
I would suggest example a, in case there is a defined set of attributes for product, and an example c if you need variable number of attributes (new attributes keep coming every now and then) -
example c
productID productName
1 book
2 watch
3 ring
attrID productID attrType attrValue
1 1 weight 130
2 1 no_of_pages 500
3 2 weight 50
The table structure you have shown in example b is not normalized - there will be separate id columns required in second and third tables, since productId will be an fk and not a pk.
It depends on how many rows you are expecting on your PRODUCTS table. I would say that it would not make sense to normalize your tables to 3N in this case because product name, weight, and no_of_pages each describe the products. If you had repeating data such as manufacturers, it would make more sense to normalize your tables at that point.
Without knowing the background (data model), there is no way to tell which variant is more "correct". both are fine in certain scenarios.
You want three tables, full stop. That's best because there's no chance of watches winding up with pages (no pun intended) and some books without. If you normalize, the server works for you. If you don't, you do the work instead, just not as well. Up to you.
I am asking this because in my scenario one product holding primary key could have sufficient/applicable data for only one column while other columns would be empty.
That's always true of nullable columns. Here's the rule: a nullable column has an optional relationship to the key. A nullable column can always be, and usually should be, in a separate table where it can be non-null.

redundant column

I have a database that has two tables, these tables look like this
id | code | member_id
1 | 123 | 2
2 | 234 | 1
3 | 345 |
4 | 456 | 3
id | code_id | other info
1 | 2 | blabla
2 | 1 | blabla
3 | 4 | blabla
the basic idea is that if a code is taken then its member id field is filled in, however this is creating a circle link (members points to codes, codes points to members) is there a different way of doing this? is this actually a bad thing?
To answer your questions there are three different code tables with approx 3.5 million codes each, each table is searched depending on different criteria, if the member_id column is empty then the code is unclaimed, else, the code is claimed, this is done so that when we are searching the database we do not need to include another table to tell if it it claimed.
the members table contains the claimants for every single code, so all 10.5 million members
the additional info has things like mobile, flybuys.
the mobile is how we identify the member, but each entry is considered a different member.
It's a bad thing because you can end up with anomalies. For example:
id | code | member_id
1 | 123 | 2
id | code_id | other info
2 | 4 | blabla
See the anomaly? Code 1 references its corresponding member, but that member doesn't reference the same code in return. The problem with anomalies is you can't tell which one is the correct, intended reference and which one is a mistake.
Eliminating redundant columns reduces the chance for anomalies. This is a simple process that follows a few very well defined rules, called rules of normalization.
In your example, I would drop the codes.member_id column. I infer that a member must reference a code, but a code does not necessarily reference a member. So I would make members.code_id reference codes.id. But it could go the other way; you don't give enough information for the reader to be sure (as #OMG Ponies commented).
Yeah, this is not good because it presents opportunities for data integrity problems. You've got a one-to-one relationship, so either remove Code_id from the members table, or member_id from the codes table. (in this case it seems like it would make more sense to drop code_id from members since it sounds like you're more frequently going to be querying codes to see which are not assigned than querying members to see which have no code, but you can make that call)
You could simply drop the member_id column and use a foreign key relationship (or its absence) to signify the relationship or lack thereof. The code_id column would then be used as a foreign key to the code. Personally, I do think it's bad simply because it makes it more work to ensure that you don't have corrupt relationships in the DB -- i.e., you have to check that the two columns are synchronized between the tables -- and it doesn't really add anything in the general case. If you are running into performance problems, then you may need to denormalize, but I'd wait until it was definitely a problem (and you'd likely replicate more than just the id in that case).
It depends on what you're doing. If each member always gets exactly one unique code then just put the actual code in the member table.
If there are a set of codes and several members share a code (but each member still has just one) then remove the member_id from the codes table and only store the unique codes. Access a specific code through a member. (you can still join the code table to search on codes)
If a member can have multiple codes then remove the code_id from the member table and the member_id from the code table can create a third table that relates members to codes. Each record in the member table should be a unique record and each record in the code table should be a unique record.
What is the logic behind having the member code in the code table?
It's unnecessary since you can always just do a join if you need both pieces of information.
By having it there you create the potential for integrity issues since you need to update BOTH tables whenever an update is made.
Yes this is a bad idea. Never set up a database to have circular references if you can help it. Now any change has to be made both places and if one place is missed, you have a severe data integrity problem.
First question can each code be assigned to more than one member? Or can each member have more than one code? (this includes over time as well as at any one moment if you need historical records of who had what code when))If the answer to either is yes, then your current structure cannot work. If the answer to both is no, why do you need two tables?
If you can have mulitple codes and multiple members you need a bridging table that has memberid and code id. If you can have multiple members assigned one code, put the code id in the members table. If it is the other way it should be the memberid in the code table. Then properly set up the foreign key relationship.
#Bill Karwin correctly identifies this as a probably design flaw which will lead to anomalies.
Assuming code and member are distinct entities, I would create a thrid table...
What is the relationship between a code and member called? An oath? If this is a real life relationship, someone with domain knowledge in the business will be able to give it a name. If not look for further design flaws:
code_id | member_id
1 | 2
2 | 1
4 | 3
The data suggest that a unique constraint is required for (code_id, member_id).
Once the data is 'scrubbed', drop the columns codes.member_id and members.code_id.
