SQL Server : Linked Server row physical location - sql

I can query the physical location of a row in Microsoft SQL Server by %%physloc%% identifier. For example like this
select %%physloc%% from [testdb].[dbo].[table1_t4];
I have created a linked server of this SQL Server instance with dbserv instance. I can query the row of this instance like:
select * from [dbserv].[testdb].[dbo].[table1_t4];
But when I query the physical location of the rows
select %%physloc%% from [dbserv].[testdb].[dbo].[table1_t4];
This throws the error:
Invalid column name '%%'.
How do I workaround by obtaining the physical location of the row of the linked server for my application?

Linked servers are all connected through OLE DB Providers like ODBC. While the "Virtual Column %%phys_loc%%" is an undocumented feature in SQL Server 2008. As such, OLE DB providers (barring the SQL Server native driver) aren't likely to support it, but I can't seem to find the documentation for it specifically.
Testing it out here, it also looks like it will only work when connected to the server locally, otherwise I get the same error you post here. Quoting the identifier throws an invalid column name error.
I don't believe you will be able to query this identifier through linked server at all.


Using linked server returns error - "Cannot obtain the schema rowset for OLE DB provider"

I tried to move data aka ETL from one sql server to another as mentioned in a previous question - Copy data from one column into another column. Now, I get an error when I try to execute a query.
Query -
INSERT INTO [Target_server].[Target_DB1].[dbo].[Target_Table1](Target_Column1)
SELECT Source_Column222
FROM [Source_server].[Source_DB1].[dbo].[Source_Table1]
WHERE Source_Column1 = 'ID7162'
Error -
OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "MYLINKEDSERVER" returned message "Unspecified error".
OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "MYLINKEDSERVER" returned message "The stored procedure required to complete this operation could not be found on the server. Please contact your system administrator.".
Msg 7311, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
Cannot obtain the schema rowset "DBSCHEMA_TABLES_INFO" for OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "MYLINKEDSERVER". The provider supports the interface, but returns a failure code when it is used.
If your wrote that simple select is not working, the issue is in security configuration of the linked server and permissions which your user receive there.
Among this, when you execution your query, you don't need to specify the server name and DB name for both parts - source and target. You simply need to execute the query on target server and target database. In this case your query instead of
INSERT INTO [Target_server].[Target_DB1].[dbo].[Target_Table1](Target_Column1)
SELECT Source_Column222
FROM [Source_server].[Source_DB1].[dbo].[Source_Table1]
WHERE Source_Column1 = 'ID7162'
will looks like the following:
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Target_Table1](Target_Column1)
SELECT Source_Column222
FROM [Source_server].[Source_DB1].[dbo].[Source_Table1]
WHERE Source_Column1 = 'ID7162'
and you need your connection to be opened on server [Target_server] and database [Target_DB1]. Also the linked server security properties need to be checked on [Target_server] against the [Source_server].
If you are using loop back linked server (linked server refering to the same database in the same server) then refer the below mentioned link:
Transaction with loopback linked server - locking issues
If that is not the case, this is the solution provided by Microsoft.

How to retrieve records from server database into local database

I have a little problem. I want to create a query in my local database (tijdsregistratie.mdf) to retrieve rows from my server database (IT Solutions Develop.dbo) on server itshou-dev03\sql2008.
But I don't know how to connect to the server database. I tried it like this :
select TOP 10 * from [IT Solutions Develop].dbo.[IT Solutions BVBA$Planning]
.. but it gives me this error :
Invalid object name 'IT Solutions Develop.dbo.IT Solutions
One way is to link the servers:
You can also define linked servers by using SQL Server Management
Studio. In the Object Explorer, right-click Server Objects, select
New, and select Linked Server. You can delete a linked server
definition by right-clicking the linked server name and selecting
This is the process by which you tell SQL Server where another server is and how to connect to it. You can do this in SQL Server Management Studio or in T-SQL. You can then refer to the linked server by a four part name (similar to what is in your question):

SQL Server 2005 Linked server not finding tables

I have a linked server where I can clearly see all the databases and tables, so I know the server is properly linked. However, when I try to execute a query, it says invalid object name, at the linked server's table.
The linked server is aliased as TCS, therefore, my query takes that table as
FROM [TCS].dbo.table as b
I have also tried including the database name also as FROM [TCS\db1].dbo.table.
What am I missing here?
Try including the DB name like so:
FROM [TCS].db1.dbo.table as b
I don't think you can specify the DB using a slash.
I would also check to make sure your security settings for the linked server are allowing your account to connect. This article touches on how to do that.
the user (used for the link) doesn't have access to the table; Grant access;
the default DB on the server doesn't have the table. You have to change it to the relevant one or included in the db in the name: [TCS].DATABASE.dbo.table as b;

ODBC Linked server in sql 2005 doesn’t work from remote box

I have a dev workstation with sql 2005 installed and in it I created a linked server to a odbc connection to a clarion database. I can run select statements against it inside sql Mgt studio. When I take a second workstation and connect to the sql on the first box using sql mgt studio, then try the exact same query I get
OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "liveclarion" returned message "[SoftVelocity Inc.][TopSpeed ODBC Driver][ISAM]ISAM Table Not Found".
Any thoughts? It appears to have the same functionality on a second sql server. No remote sql mgt studio connect success in queries against my linked ODBC clarion DB.
All done with windows authentication and the same AD user.
The error returned by the ODBC driver is "SAM table not found".
So I'm assuming you have a table called SAM - presumably in a table called Sam.Tps?
I'm wondering if you need to set a path to that file - ie if there's some difference in path or file name validity between your two tests. One assumes not, but I'd look in that direction first.

"Invalid character value for cast specification" for linked 2008 SQL server in 2005 instance

I am attempting to create a linked server from a 2005 to 2008 Microsoft SQL Server. I do this regularly for 2005 instances, but this is the first step of my long journey into SQL 2008. I am able to create the linked server as any other linked server, I receive no errors, however any time I try to use the linked server for anything (a simple "SELECT *" statement, for example) I get this error in SSMS:
"OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server {linked server name} returned message "Invalid character value for cast specification"."
What do I need to know about creating a linked server to a 2008 instance in a 2005 instance?
Turns out the tables I kept choosing to test, the most business important tables on the 2008 server, each had fields of the "geography" data type, which is new to 2008. When testing queries on one of the other tables without this datatype the query works correctly.
So...you know... it was...an "Invalid character value for cast specification" after all.
I suspect that this may be a collation issue.
Check that the collation is the same at the server, database and table levels.
To check the detault server collation run the following T-SQL:
exec sp_helpsort
To check the Databasea collation do the following:
SELECT DATABASEPROPERTYEX('DatabaseName', 'Collation') SQLCollation;
It's either collation (my first guess), or Unicode conversions (VARCHAR vs NVARCHAR). I'd upvote John, but I don't have enough reputation.
Was there a particular way that you were able to query the table on the linked server that had the geography fields and not get the error?
I have the same issue where I need to query a linked server and some of the tables have geography fields in them and even if I only select a text field I get the error. The only workaround that I can think of would be to split the geography fields off to new tables so that the queries to the tables don't break.