How to open chat page of WhatsApp using my own android application? - whatsapp

I want to send message to multiple people using my android application ,but for that I required to open Broadcast list option on chat how to open chat page using android application?

Try the following code:
Intent sendIntent = new Intent();
sendIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, "This is my text to send.");


How to make whatsapp perform actions on behalf of react-native application?

I am trying to integrate whatsapp in my react-native app. So far the resources that I have found only tell how to send a message or open whatsapp via Linkurl from react-native application. But I want to take a step further and perform action from whatsapp. Imagine like you trigger the notification and you select the Yes and No and that performs the respective actions I want to make similar functionality but on whatsapp. After a user perform certain activity from the react-native application I want to send notification on whatsapp and without opening the react-native application the user should be able to perform action. Is there a way I can achieve this functionality.
React Native/JS do not have support to 'whatsapp://' scheme.
The following Schemes Only:
mailto; //For Mailing
tel; //For Telephone
sms; //For SMS
http / https; //For Hyperlinks
You can use this method to send WhatsApp message direct to a number.<phone#>

connectycube chat implementation chart in react native without redux

Dear friend I create chat app in react native by connectycube
but when 2 opponents connect to a dialog by this code message didnot send to server =, msg,(error)=>{
but when a opponent connect to chat and another opponent not connect message send work correctly
I see what's wrong here.
type="3" - it should be type="chat" for 1-1 and type="groupchat" for groupchat

What is Instagram deep link in React Native for iOS and Android

I need to open the Instagram Direct Message from React Native app and send a text to a selected contact after opening in Instagram.
I already found the way to open Whatsapp and send a message to selected contact using:
Also I found this for Instagram which is not working:
Does anyone know how to do that? (I know there are some sharing tools but I don't need to use them)

Open specific conversation on whatsapp from ionic 4

I have tried to call whatsapp from InAppBrowser plugin by passing url "".
I have also added config.xml changes as suggested
(access launch-external="yes" origin="whatsapp:*" /)
It opens the browser (when I run this on device) with send button on it to send the message to Whatsapp.
But I am unable to tap the Send button. It is not redirecting me to whatsapp application with given number.
Please can you show me some sample code or the way to achieve this.
i also face this problem. following code fixed my problem'whatsapp://send?phone=923130601266', '_system');
You should try to call below api in InAppBrowser.
The direct conversation will open with the number you set below the link.
Don't forget to add country code before number.

Office 365 JavaScript API, redirect back to WP app after launching Store

I am creating a Windows Phone app using HTML And JavaScript. I am able to add connected services and have selected "Users and Groups" and given it Read permissions.
I am then making the following calls on button click:
var authContext = new O365Auth.Context();
function (token){
Services/Office365/Settings.js has been edited to the following:
Settings.clientId = "xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx";
Settings.authUri = "";
Settings.redirectUri = "ms-app://s-1-15-2-xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx/";
I got the redirectUri value by calling the following function:
I do get the login screen for my organization and I am able to provide credentials and it tries to redirect it back to my application, but then I get asked the following question:
"You need to install an app for this task. Would you like to search for one in the Store?"
If I click on yes, it takes me to the store and says "No apps found". If I click on no, it doesn't do anything.
How could I possibly get it redirected back to my app?
The connected services experience only works in Multi-device hybrid apps (a.k.a. Cordova), not in Windows Phone apps.