how do I install ssis on existing 2008 instance - sql

Our current version of sql server left out ssis component how do I install it? I have tried to go through visual studio and there is no ssis toolbox or anything dealing with ssis.

Have you looked at the MSDN install instructions for SSIS?
Select Integration Services to install the Integration Services service and to run packages outside the design environment.
This answer provides a detailed way to find out if SSIS is installed and how to start the service.

Goto Control Panel\Programs and Features select your setup. Please note you have to select where Size of Setup is zero. Click on Uninstall/Change. Follow on screen instructions. On installation type select add features to existing instance.... select your instance. On subsequent screens if you don't know much about configuration then keep all to default values.


SQL DB Deployment

The scenario:
I have written a software application that includes an installer, that is to be used by Mr Layman to install the system on to a single computer.
The system is a simple C# winforms application with an SQL Express database. The target machine would be a standard installation of Windows XP with SQL Express and .NET 3.5 installed.
I am able to create the installer for the winforms app, that would check the version, create all the directories and copy over all the necessary executable's etc. I have also an SQL script that will create the database and populate it with the necessary data. However I do not know how to go about creating a stand alone installer for the database on the target machine.
I have an SQL script that will create the database etc, but how do I make the installer run this script? I've had a google and I don't really know what I'm looking for, can someone point me in the right direction please.
Thank you in advance.
Create a custom action in the installer project that will take your SQL script and run it against the database. Here's an MSDN link that covers the basics.
An installer which runs SQL scripts can be created in 2 ways:
The very hard way:
create an installation with custom dialogs which retrieve the SQL connection information
save that information somehow (in an MSI package you can use installer properties)
write a custom action which uses that information to connect to SQL Server and run your script
The easy way:
use a setup authoring tool which supports SQL scripts
If you want a free solution, I recommend WiX. It has a steep learning curve, but it does what you need.

publishiing of application with setup procces

how can i keep the sqlserver install automatically when i install my project with attached my own database to sqlserver 2008 express after publish my project. what is the code i can write to in the setup project under to keep this happened thanks a lot
To get it to install Sql Server Express, just tick the appropriate box in the prerequisites screen as described here.
To attach your db look at this article for various ways of doing it: Detaching and Attaching Databases
I think the recommended way is to use CREATE DATABASE FOR ATTACH

Best practices or tools for installing a SQL Server database

Best practices or tools for installing a SQL Server database
I have a SQL Server database designed with the SQL Server GUI database editor/Visual Studio.
What is the best way to "install" that database on other systems. Said another way how should I ship this thing?
I know I can save the scripts and set the primary/foreign keys with T-SQL but I suspect their is something better. I guess you could have people restore from backup but that does not seem very professional.
What other choices are there and what are the pluses and minuses?
For it to look professional make a small setup program.
You currently have sql scripts that you use to create your db.
Make yourself a small xml file that contains the path to your scripts.
Create a small c# library that will connect to the db server, and run those scripts.
You can test this outside of the setup, in visual studio, then add it to the setup like this.
To do this from your setup all you have to do is put the xml file in a component so it is deployed,
And create a custom action in your setup, that will call your C# lib, read the xml and run the scripts on the sql server to create your db.
Also, from a setup program it's easy to set a registry key to identify the version of the your db that you just installed.
The minuses and pluses: It's a bit of work to start with, but with this you'll have all the ground work done to handle upgrades automatically later on, to do so, just add an upgradeScript section to your xml, an attribute called version for each upgrade script, and simply compare it against the version of the db you have save in the registry. The advantage is this way it can easily scale with your project.
My previous answer is mostly to keep full control on the deployment and upgrades.
I have searched for more built-in and streamlined solution that goes along with the DB designer mode you have used.
I found that in the version Studio 2005 Team Edition for Database Professionals of visual studio there might be deployment features.
Build and Deployment
You've seen that you can generate a
T-SQL update script manually via the
Schema Comparison tool. However, as
part of the build process, DB Pro
edition can generate a complete script
for deploying your database project.
This deployment script can do either a
complete build or an incremental
update. The build process can even
consolidate all of your pre- and
post-deployment scripts into one
complete deployment script. You can
deploy the script via the Build |
Deploy Selection command right from
within Visual Studio 2005. Under
project properties, you will find a
number of options to control and
adjust the build process. The Build
tab contains the core settings, such
as Target connection, Target database
name, and Block incremental deployment
if data loss might occur. You'll note
there is also a Build Events tab that
you can use to type pre- or post-build
event commands. DB Pro edition uses
MSBuild for its build process and
supports integration with Team Build
if you're using Team Foundation

Pb for installing SQL Server Express Management Studio 2008

Each time I launch the install, it launches the SQL Server Express 2008 panel instead of Management Studio why ?
Ok, I just need to vent little bit and add myself to the list of angry users.
Why they went ahead and messed up the SQL installer is beyond me.
Took me 1+ hour to install SSMS because TO ADD A FEATURE you must select PERFORM A NEW INSTALLATION grrr....
Anyway, a good step-by-step with images (that saved my day) can be found
You need to follow the same steps when installing Studio Express as you would to install Sql Express (or a new instance of):
Installation > New Sql Server standalone... > click OK/NEXT until you're sick of it > Perform a new installation of.... > OK/NEXT a few more times > and there it is, "Management Tools - Basic"!
MS recommended best practices installer workflow (ya know, MSRBPIWF ;)
Just go to Installation -> New SQL Server stand-alone installation or add features to an existing installation -> Add features to an existing instance. If You downloaded Management Studio installation, you'll have option with it. It is really dumb that You have to do it this way, but that is how it works:)
It is weird and I think the whole installation needs to be re done, (im having my own issues with it right now!)
I just installed management studio express on top of my SQL express 2008 installation and I had to do it by selecting a new installation / instance at the selection screen. If you select modify a existing installation, it only shows the components already installed.
When you do this, it only installs the management studio - nothing else despite it looking like it will from the selection screen.
maybe you've not installed all the components n driver it requires, have you?

Replacing SQL Server 2005 Express Management Studio with the full version

I have been running SQL Server 2005 Express Management Studio ("SSMSE"), and I now have a need to install the full version of Management Studio ("SSMS"). This is a known hassle, but I've not found a comprehensive way to carry it out.
At first, I uninstalled SSMSE, and then ran SqlRun_Tools.msi to install the toolset. I got this error message:
A component that you have specified in the ADD_LOCAL property is already
installed. To upgrade the existing component, refer to the template.ini
and set the UPGRADE property to the name of the component.
I had no idea what template.ini was. So I looked around, and decided to uninstall the rest of the minimal installation of SQL Server 2005 Express on my computer by following Microsoft's advice in KB 909967, "How to uninstall an instance of SQL Server 2005 manually." That bit was very successful.
But when I attempted to run SqlRun_Tools.msi again, I faced this mess when the installer was "Preparing Installation Wizard":
The setup has encountered an unexpected error in datastore. The action
is SetDialogs. The error is : Source File Name:
**** Compiler Timestamp: Fri Jul 29 01:13:50 2005
**** Function Name: DataStoreCacheXMLSchema::initScopeRecord*****Sour...
(but replace the asterisks with box chars, which were probably CR-LF's in the original message)
This is very frustrating. Does anybody have any advice for installing the full version of SSMS over top of SSMSE? Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated!
I have also installed SQL Management Studio before just using the SqlRun_Tools.msi package without any problems but I think if you have previously had any other SQL Server 2005 components installed then you will need to install the Setup Support Files first as this is probably what sets up the component installation sequence. This can be done either by installing from the SQL Server installation media or by running the sqlsupport.msi file as described in the Microsoft KB article.
I resolve this problem
Go to Add\remove program
unstall SQL server browser
Install support files from CD
Install SQL_Tools.MSI
Well, I roughly found out what the problem was, based on a somewhat cryptic resolution mentioned across a few different forums. This solution suggested that I needed to install Setup Support Files. Maybe it was reinstall, since I removed something with the same name when uninstalling SQL2K5 Express. I'm not sure if they were the same files, between the full version and the Express Edition.
I had tried reinstalling SQLXML4, the Native Client, and MSXML6 just to see if I could get beyond the error involving datastorecachexmlschema.cpp, and each time, I got the same error again. But I tried the technique mentioned in the above link, and it worked perfectly.
Basically, you insert the CD and run just the first part of the installation process, which installs the installation tools, including Setup Support Files. Then you cancel the rest of the installation process, and run SqlRun_Tools.msi instead.
I got great results when upgrading 2008 express to 2008 developer by (running setup) first going to Maintenance->Upgrade Edition, and then (since Management Tools etc was still "express" and I mainly needed the Sql Profiler) I also did a complete "new" installation (Installation->"New installation or add features.."), selecting the existing instance and then selecting all features.
No uninstall or command line necessary.
Behaved the same afterwards, just with new features.