Handle two remote notifications received in background - ios7

I have a question about using remote push notifications in background. I know that I have just 30 seconds to run my code and must invoke completionHandler after that.
But what if while my application is active in background I received one more push notification? What completion handler should I invoke in that case?
Currently I try to use the last one but the system crash my app and I get BKProcessAssertion.
I can try to update the logic and call each of them (or the first? or the first immediately when get the second?..) but I am not sure that it would be the best solution.
Thank you

Looks like I must to call all of them. I have tried to call the completion handler immediately after receiving the next one and crashes are disappeared. I asked Apple engineers about that and they agreed that solution


Showing shell Toast notification on receiving message

I am trying to make a chat app using XMPP protocol. The app is working fine except it doesn't show message notification when the app is in background. In Android I have used a Service for this purpose, however in Windows Phone I couldn't find anything similar to this.
I am trying Background Tasks for this, but as far as I have understood, they're made to run on prespecified trigger and I cannot add any custom trigger to it. In Android I have put my socket connection and parsing message calls in the service itself so that they can run on background too and the socket doesn't get closed even when the app is stopped.
So my question is, is there any similar way to do it in Windows Phone 8.1 (WinRT, not silverlight) or if Background Task is the only option, can you suggest a way to implement the notification functionality. I don't need the exact code, I just need a push to the right direction.
First: You cannot run a network connection in background.
Suggested way is using PushNotifications:
Either directly with a Toast Notification
Or with a PushTrigger to handle a Raw Notification, work out what to do
with it (who was it from, prepare data, etc.) and then create a ShellToast from it. Adds flexibility and improves user experience, but is quite complex.
Known downside: You have to use a server.
Only workarounds: Background-Tasks that checks for new messages about every 30 Minutes.

GPUImage gpus_ReturnNotPermittedKillClient crash using GPUImageFilter

I'm using GPUImageFilter in a chain, and most of the time it works OK. I've recently come across a few random crashes that match the symptoms in this github issue (albeit I'm using GPUImageFilter not live capture or video). I'm trying to find a suitable method that can ensure I've cleared the frame buffer and any other GPUImage-related activities in willResignActive.
Currently I have:
[[GPUImageContext sharedFramebufferCache] purgeAllUnassignedFramebuffers];
Is this sufficient? Should I use something else instead/in addition to?
As indicated there, seeing gpus_ReturnNotPermittedKillClient in a stack trace almost always is due to OpenGL ES operations being performed while your application is in the background or is just about to go to the background.
To deal with this, you need to guarantee that all GPUImage-related work is finished before your application heads to the background. You'll want to listen for delegate notifications that your application is heading to the background, and make sure all processing is complete before that delegate callback exits. The suggestion there by henryl is one way to ensure this. Add the following near the end of your delegate callback:
// Do some operation
What that will do is inject a synchronous block into the video processing pipeline (which runs on a background queue). Your delegate callback will block the main thread at that point until this block has a chance to execute, guaranteeing that all processing blocks before it have finished. That will make sure all pending operations are done (assuming you don't add new ones) before your application heads to the background.
There is a slight chance of this introducing a deadlock in your application, but I don't think any of my code in the processing pipeline calls back into the main queue. You might want to watch out for that, because if I do still have something in there that does that, this will lock your application. That internal code would need to be fixed if so.

How to create a scheduled GET request and send Notifications when the app is in background?

I have a Web-Service application, i need to send scheduled GET methods to my server and if a change has happened with my incoming data i have to inform my user about the changes. When my app is in the foreground(in min thread) i fetch some data and pıpulate my tableview, my problem is, i can't realize how to create a scheduled method to the same data source(mean server) and if a new thing has been added, either my app is on bacground or not, inform user(alert) about the changes. Can anyone please share any idea-link.. Thanks in advance
This is exactly what push notifications were designed for, and are, technically the best way to solve the problem.
It does mean the task of 'checking' for new data is shifted to your server but the user is better suited as a push notification will happen, even if your app is not running.
I recommend using a system like Urban Airship.

Check for data on remote database every five minutes ios

What is the right way to check for data in remote database through http requests in objective c iOS. I am thinking of an nstimer that is called every 5 minutes. The nstimer will trigger a function with a thread in it. Is this the right way? Is this going to work when the app enters the background?
Any help appreciated.
The thread (as like all execution in your program) will pause when entering the background - and if it was waiting on a network response, that response will fail after the app returns to the foreground.
Moreover, you need to explicitly tell iOS when you are beginning a task that you would like to continue in the background (with beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler: on your UIApplication singleton) and when you have finished that task (with endBackgroundTask:). However, that is only up to a maximum of ten minutes, so I daresay you won't be able to, say, continue your NSTimers in the background. But yes, the method you have described is fine for when the application is in the foreground.

iPhone app sending data while closed

I want to send data to my web server while the app is closed. Is that possible? I've read I can send the position, but I waant to send some id of the phone too.
If it's not possible to have the app running, could I at least communicate with it from my server and then do stuff in the background?
When the app goes into the background the applicationDidEnterBackground method on your App Delegate will get called.
In that method you can use the beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler on UIApplication object to start background processing.
Just realise that you don't get forever to perform tasks in the background. You can find out how long you have left by reading the backgroundTimeRemaining property in UIApplication if you need to know if you're running out of time.
If your processing is short you should be fine, but remember if your processing requires network access then you can't be sure how long that will take.