Lua Invalid HTTP request - Stripe API - ssl

I'm trying to write a module to communicate with Stripe's payment API. Already, i've come across trouble. I keep getting a response: ""Your client sent an invalid HTTP request." I've tried every possible thing I could think of..even b64..however, nothing seems to work. Any ideas?
Here is my code:
description = "test"
email = ""
api_key = "pk_test_4PRPYs3eM4HQx0ZMBOubGjoy"-- Don't worry, this is a public test key ;)
cardNumber = "4242 4242 4242 4242"
fullName = "Test Name"
expMonth = "07"
expYear = "2016"
cvc = "432"
firstCard = {["number"] = cardNumber, ["exp_month"] = expMonth, ["exp_year"] = expYear, ["cvc"] = cvc, ["name"] = fullName}
StripeNewRegister = function ()
local json = require "json"
print ("test")
newCustomer = {["email"] = email, ["description"] = description} --["card"] = firstCard}
local function networkListener( event )
if ( event.isError ) then
print( "Network error!" )
print( "RESPONSE: "..event.response )
local data1 = event.response
local resp1 = json.decode(data1)
local error = resp1.error
if error ~= nil then
for i = 1, #resp1.error do
if error == nil then
-- Print Functions
local key = {["Bearer"] = api_key}
local headers = {
["Authorization Bearer"] = api_key
local params = {}
params.headers = headers
params.body = json.encode( newCustomer )
print( "params.body: "..params.body )
network.request( "", "POST", networkListener, params)


azurerm_mssql_virtual_machine - already exists

Trying to do an AZ Terraform deployment, and failing horribly - looking for some ideas what am I missing. Basically I am trying to deploy 2 (maybe later more) VM-s with variable size of disks, joining them to the domain and add SQL server to them. (Be gentle with me, I am from VMWare-Tf background, this is my first SQL deployment on AZ!)
My module:
# ----------- NIC --------------------------------
resource "azurerm_network_interface" "nic" {
name = "${var.vm_name}-nic"
resource_group_name =
location = var.location
ip_configuration {
name = "${var.vm_name}-internal"
subnet_id = var.subnet_id
private_ip_address_allocation = "Static"
private_ip_address = var.private_ip
dns_servers = var.dns_servers
# ----------- VM --------------------------------
resource "azurerm_windows_virtual_machine" "vm" {
/* count = length(var.instances) */
name = var.vm_name
location = var.location
resource_group_name =
network_interface_ids = []
size = var.size
zone =
admin_username = var.win_admin_user
admin_password = var.win_admin_pw # data.azurerm_key_vault_secret.vmadminpwd.value
enable_automatic_updates = "false"
patch_mode = "Manual"
provision_vm_agent = "true"
tags = var.vm_tags
source_image_reference {
publisher = "MicrosoftSQLServer"
offer = "sql2019-ws2019"
sku = "enterprise"
version = "latest"
os_disk {
name = "${var.vm_name}-osdisk"
caching = "ReadWrite"
storage_account_type = "StandardSSD_LRS"
disk_size_gb = 250
# ----------- DOMAIN JOIN --------------------------------
// Waits for up to 1 hour for the Domain to become available. Will return an error 1 if unsuccessful preventing the member attempting to join.
resource "azurerm_virtual_machine_extension" "wait-for-domain-to-provision" {
name = "TestConnectionDomain"
publisher = "Microsoft.Compute"
type = "CustomScriptExtension"
type_handler_version = "1.9"
virtual_machine_id =
settings = <<SETTINGS
"commandToExecute": "powershell.exe -Command \"while (!(Test-Connection -ComputerName ${var.active_directory_domain_name} -Count 1 -Quiet) -and ($retryCount++ -le 360)) { Start-Sleep 10 } \""
resource "azurerm_virtual_machine_extension" "join-domain" {
name =
publisher = "Microsoft.Compute"
type = "JsonADDomainExtension"
type_handler_version = "1.3"
virtual_machine_id =
settings = <<SETTINGS
"Name": "${var.active_directory_domain_name}",
"OUPath": "",
"User": "${var.active_directory_username}#${var.active_directory_domain_name}",
"Restart": "true",
"Options": "3"
protected_settings = <<SETTINGS
"Password": "${var.active_directory_password}"
depends_on = [azurerm_virtual_machine_extension.wait-for-domain-to-provision]
# ----------- DISKS --------------------------------
resource "azurerm_managed_disk" "data" {
for_each = var.disks
name = "${var.vm_name}-${}"
location = var.location
resource_group_name =
storage_account_type =
create_option = each.value.create
disk_size_gb = each.value.size
zone =
resource "azurerm_virtual_machine_data_disk_attachment" "disk-attachment" {
for_each = var.disks
managed_disk_id =[each.key].id
virtual_machine_id =
lun = each.value.lun
caching = "ReadWrite"
depends_on = [azurerm_windows_virtual_machine.vm]
# ----------- SQL --------------------------------
# configure the SQL side of the deployment
resource "azurerm_mssql_virtual_machine" "sqlvm" {
/* count = length(var.instances) */
virtual_machine_id =
sql_license_type = "PAYG"
r_services_enabled = true
sql_connectivity_port = 1433
sql_connectivity_type = "PRIVATE"
/* sql_connectivity_update_username = var.sqladmin
sql_connectivity_update_password = data.azurerm_key_vault_secret.sqladminpwd.value */
#The storage_configuration block supports the following:
storage_configuration {
disk_type = "NEW" # (Required) The type of disk configuration to apply to the SQL Server. Valid values include NEW, EXTEND, or ADD.
storage_workload_type = "OLTP" # (Required) The type of storage workload. Valid values include GENERAL, OLTP, or DW.
data_settings {
default_file_path = "F:\\Data"
luns = [1]
log_settings {
default_file_path = "G:\\Log"
luns = [2]
temp_db_settings {
default_file_path = "D:\\TempDb"
luns = [0]
terraform {
required_providers {
azurerm = {
source = "hashicorp/azurerm"
version = ">=3.0.1"
#configuration_aliases = [azurerm.corp]
# ----------- COMMON --------------------------------
variable "vm_name" {
type = string
variable "rg" {
/* type = string */
description = "STACK - resource group"
variable "location" {
type = string
description = "STACK - location"
# ----------- NIC --------------------------------
variable "subnet_id" {
type = string
description = "STACK - subnet"
variable "private_ip" {
variable "dns_servers" {
# ----------- VM --------------------------------
variable "size" {
description = "VM - size"
type = string
variable "win_admin_user" {
sensitive = true
type = string
variable "win_admin_pw" {
sensitive = true
type = string
variable "os_storage_type" {
type = string
variable "vm_tags" {
type = map(any)
variable "zone" {
#type = list
description = "VM AZ"
# ----------- DOMAIN JOIN --------------------------------
variable "active_directory_domain_name" {
type = string
variable "active_directory_username" {
sensitive = true
variable "active_directory_password" {
sensitive = true
# ----------- SQL --------------------------------
variable "sql_maint_day" {
type = string
description = "SQL - maintenance day"
variable "sql_maint_length_min" {
type = number
description = "SQL - maintenance duration (min)"
variable "sql_maint_start_hour" {
type = number
description = "SQL- maintenance start (hour of the day)"
# ----------- DISKS --------------------------------
/* variable "disk_storage_account" {
type = string
default = "Standard_LRS"
description = "DATA DISKS - storage account type"
variable "disk_create_method" {
type = string
default = "Empty"
description = "DATA DISKS - creation method"
variable "disk_size0" {
type = number
variable "disk_size1" {
type = number
variable "disk_size2" {
type = number
variable "lun0" {
type = number
default = 0
variable "lun1" {
type = number
default = 1
variable "lun2" {
default = 2
type = number
} */
/* variable "disks" {
description = "List of disks to create"
type = map(any)
default = {
disk0 = {
name = "data0"
size = 200
create = "Empty"
sa = "Standard_LRS"
lun = 0
disk1 = {
name = "data1"
size = 500
create = "Empty"
sa = "Standard_LRS"
lun = 1
} */
variable "disks" {
type = map(object({
name = string
size = number
create = string
sa = string
lun = number
the actual deployment:
PS /home/fabrice> Get-AzVMSize -Location northeurope | where-object {$_.Name -like "*ds13*"}
module "uat_set" {
source = "../modules/vm"
providers = {
azurerm = azurerm.cbank-test
for_each = var.uat_set
active_directory_domain_name = local.uat_ad_domain
active_directory_password = var.domain_admin_password
active_directory_username = var.domain_admin_username
disks = var.disk_allocation
dns_servers = local.dns_servers
location = local.uat_location
os_storage_type = local.uat_storage_type
private_ip = each.value.private_ip
rg = data.azurerm_resource_group.main
size = each.value.vm_size
sql_maint_day = local.uat_sql_maintenance_day
sql_maint_length_min = local.uat_sql_maintenance_min
sql_maint_start_hour = local.uat_sql_maintenance_start_hour
subnet_id =
vm_name = each.key
vm_tags = var.default_tags
win_admin_pw = var.admin_password
win_admin_user = var.admin_username
zone =[0]
variable "uat_set" {
description = "List of VM-s to create"
type = map(any)
default = {
private_ip = ""
vm_size = "Standard_DS13-4_v2"
zone = ["1"]
private_ip = ""
vm_size = "Standard_DS13-4_v2"
zone = ["2"]
variable "disk_allocation" {
type = map(object({
name = string
size = number
create = string
sa = string
lun = number
default = {
"temp" = {
name = "temp"
size = 200
create = "Empty"
sa = "Standard_LRS"
lun = 0
"disk1" = {
name = "data1"
size = 500
create = "Empty"
sa = "Standard_LRS"
lun = 1
"disk2" = {
name = "data2"
size = 500
create = "Empty"
sa = "Standard_LRS"
lun = 2
locals {
dns_servers = ["", ""]
uat_storage_type = "Standard_LRS"
uat_sql_maintenance_day = "Saturday"
uat_sql_maintenance_min = 180
uat_sql_maintenance_start_hour = 23
uat_ad_domain = "civbdev.local"
uat_location = "North Europe"
# new build variables
variable "Environment" {
default = "DEV"
description = "this is the environment variable used to intperpolate with others vars"
variable "default_tags" {
type = map(any)
default = {
Environment = "DEV"
Product = "dev-XXXtemplateXXX"
Terraformed = ""
variable "admin_username" {
sensitive = true
variable "admin_password" {
sensitive = true
variable "domain_admin_username" {
sensitive = true
variable "domain_admin_password" {
sensitive = true
Resources create OK, except the SQL-part
│ Error: A resource with the ID "/subscriptions/<..redacted...>/providers/Microsoft.SqlVirtualMachine/sqlVirtualMachines/UAT-SQLDB-NE-02" already exists - to be managed via Terraform this resource needs to be imported into the State. Please see the resource documentation for "azurerm_mssql_virtual_machine" for more information.
│ with module.uat_set["UAT-SQLDB-NE-02"].azurerm_mssql_virtual_machine.sqlvm,
│ on ../modules/vm/ line 115, in resource "azurerm_mssql_virtual_machine" "sqlvm":
│ 115: resource "azurerm_mssql_virtual_machine" "sqlvm" {
│ Error: A resource with the ID "/subscriptions/<..redacted...>/providers/Microsoft.SqlVirtualMachine/sqlVirtualMachines/UAT-SQLDB-NE-01" already exists - to be managed via Terraform this resource needs to be imported into the State. Please see the resource documentation for "azurerm_mssql_virtual_machine" for more information.
│ with module.uat_set["UAT-SQLDB-NE-01"].azurerm_mssql_virtual_machine.sqlvm,
│ on ../modules/vm/ line 115, in resource "azurerm_mssql_virtual_machine" "sqlvm":
│ 115: resource "azurerm_mssql_virtual_machine" "sqlvm" {
Any notions please what I might be missing?
Thanks for those who replied. Just to confirm: it is not an already existing resource. I get this error straight at the time of the creation of these VM-s.
For example, these are my vm-s after the Terraform run (none of them has the sql extension)
Plan even states it will create these:
Terraform will perform the following actions:
# module.uat_set["UAT-SQLDB-NE-01"].azurerm_mssql_virtual_machine.sqlvm will be created
+ resource "azurerm_mssql_virtual_machine" "sqlvm" {
+ id = (known after apply)
+ r_services_enabled = true
+ sql_connectivity_port = 1433
+ sql_connectivity_type = "PRIVATE"
+ sql_license_type = "PAYG"
+ virtual_machine_id = "/subscriptions/..../providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/UAT-SQLDB-NE-01"
+ storage_configuration {
+ disk_type = "NEW"
+ storage_workload_type = "OLTP"
+ data_settings {
+ default_file_path = "F:\\Data"
+ luns = [
+ 1,
+ log_settings {
+ default_file_path = "G:\\Log"
+ luns = [
+ 2,
+ temp_db_settings {
+ default_file_path = "Z:\\TempDb"
+ luns = [
+ 0,
# module.uat_set["UAT-SQLDB-NE-02"].azurerm_mssql_virtual_machine.sqlvm will be created
+ resource "azurerm_mssql_virtual_machine" "sqlvm" {
+ id = (known after apply)
+ r_services_enabled = true
+ sql_connectivity_port = 1433
+ sql_connectivity_type = "PRIVATE"
+ sql_license_type = "PAYG"
+ virtual_machine_id = "/subscriptions/..../providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/UAT-SQLDB-NE-02"
+ storage_configuration {
+ disk_type = "NEW"
+ storage_workload_type = "OLTP"
+ data_settings {
+ default_file_path = "F:\\Data"
+ luns = [
+ 1,
+ log_settings {
+ default_file_path = "G:\\Log"
+ luns = [
+ 2,
+ temp_db_settings {
+ default_file_path = "Z:\\TempDb"
+ luns = [
+ 0,
Plan: 2 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.
Presumably, if these resources would exist somehow - which would be odd, as Tf just created the VM-s - then it would not say in the plan that it will create it now, would it?
So the error is quite the source of my confusion, since if the VM just got created, the creation of the extension failed - how could it possibly be existing?
In this case you should probably just import the modules as the error suggest to your terraform state.
For example
terraform import module.uat_set[\"UAT-SQLDB-NE-02\"].azurerm_mssql_virtual_machine.sqlvm "/subscriptions/<..redacted...>/providers/Microsoft.SqlVirtualMachine/sqlVirtualMachines/UAT-SQLDB-NE-02"

can I generate listenKey binance in app script

I try a lot of think to create listenKey in app script but nothing work.
the binance URL:
this is my code:
function generated_key() {
var aPIKEY = '*****'; // key.
var secretKey = '****'; // Secret key.
var api = "/api/v3/userDataStream";
var timestamp = Number(new Date().getTime()).toFixed(0);
var string = "timestamp="+timestamp;
var baseUrl = "";
var signature = Utilities.computeHmacSha256Signature(string, secretKey);
signature = {
var v = (e < 0 ? e + 256 : e).toString(16);
return v.length == 1 ? "0" + v : v;
var query = "?" + string + "&signature=" + signature;
var params = {
'method': 'POST',
'headers': {'X-MBX-APIKEY': aPIKEY},
'muteHttpExceptions': true
var data = UrlFetchApp.fetch(baseUrl + api + query, params);
var obj = JSON.parse(data); // To JSON
I get the result error: {code=-1101.0, msg=Too many parameters; expected '0' and received '2'.}
any suggestion to do it.

'NoneType' object is not subscriptable pymongo

So i am trying make it to where it checks the database and if they are in the database it sends a embed that say "User is already whitelisted" and if they aren't in the database then it adds them to the database. I keep getting the error NoneType' object is not subscriptable and i am lost at this point, any help will be useful.
async def Whitelist(ctx, member: discord.Member):
member_id =
result = Collection.find_one({"User Id": member_id },{ "_id": 0, "Key": 1})
KeyAdd = random.randint(23525623, 23623423426)
displayname = member.display_name
role = discord.utils.get(member.guild.roles, name="Whitelisted")
remove_role = discord.utils.get(member.guild.roles, name="Blacklisted")
AddWhitelist = {"User Id":member_id, "Display Name": displayname, "Key": f"Zelly_{KeyAdd}"}
embed2 = discord.Embed(
title = f"Whitelist Error",
color = discord.Colour(color)
embed2.add_field(name = "Content", value = f"{member.mention} is already whitelisted", inline = False)
embed2.set_footer(text = f'{bot_name}')
embed2.timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
embed = discord.Embed(
title = f"Whitelist Successful",
color = discord.Colour(color)
embed.add_field(name = "Content", value = f"Successfully whitelisted {member.mention}", inline = False)
embed.set_footer(text = f'{bot_name}')
embed.timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
embed1 = discord.Embed(
title = f"Whitelist",
color = discord.Colour(color)
embed1.add_field(name = "Content", value = f"You have been whitelisted for Zelly", inline = False)
embed1.add_field(name = "Key", value = result["Key"], inline = False)
embed1.set_footer(text = f'{bot_name}')
embed1.timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
if Collection.find_one({"User Id": member_id },{ "_id": 0, "Key": 1}) == None:
Added = Collection.insert_one(AddWhitelist)
await ctx.send(embed = embed)
elif Collection:
await ctx.send(embed = embed2)

how to generate tokens for worldpay api using c#

i want to get token to be used in wordpay device to integrate in c# wpf application
i have downloaded this library and included it in my project
curl request to generate token is
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-d '{
"reusable": true/false,
"paymentMethod": {
"name": "name",
"expiryMonth": 2,
"expiryYear": 2015,
"issueNumber": 1,
"startMonth": 2,
"startYear": 2013,
"cardNumber": "4444 3333 2222 1111",
"type": "Card",
"cvc": "123"
"clientKey": "T_C_client_key"
i want to convert above curl request to c# to generate token.
System.Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol =
Worldpay.Sdk.WorldpayRestClient restClient = new Worldpay.Sdk.WorldpayRestClient("", "T_S_11cca65b-c15a-467c-8561-35ecfa07725b");
var orderRequest = new OrderRequest()
amount = 1999,
currencyCode = CurrencyCode.GBP.ToString(),
name = "Joe Bloggs",
orderDescription = "Order description",
token= "where to get this "
var address = new Address()
address1 = "line 1",
address2 = "line 2",
city = "city",
countryCode = CountryCode.GB.ToString(),
postalCode = "AB1 2CD"
orderRequest.billingAddress = address;
OrderResponse orderResponse = restClient.GetOrderService().Create(orderRequest);
MessageBox.Show("Order code: " + orderResponse.orderCode);
catch (WorldpayException er)
MessageBox.Show("Error code:" + er.apiError.customCode);
MessageBox.Show("Error description: " + er.apiError.description);
MessageBox.Show("Error message: " + er.apiError.message);
this is how I create the token using the API server side
internal static string CreateToken(AuthService authService, string card, string cvv,string name, int month,int year)
var tokenRequest = new TokenRequest();
tokenRequest.clientKey = Configuration.ClientKey;
var cardRequest = new CardRequest();
cardRequest.cardNumber = card;
cardRequest.cvc = cvv; = name;
cardRequest.expiryMonth = 2;
cardRequest.expiryYear = 2021;
cardRequest.type = "Card";
tokenRequest.paymentMethod = cardRequest;
TokenResponse response
= authService.GetToken(tokenRequest);
return response.token;

huawei api sms documentation

any one have the huawei SMS API documentation? (api/sms/sms-list)
I need to know how to talk with this API to get the SMS list:
It must be something like this:
But I got only a error code 100003 as answer. And I don't what that mean.
Thank You,
I have done this on an Huawei E5221 with Python. The error you are getting is because you are not authenticated and need to login first. Then the list can be retrieved.
Also note that all API requests are POST's and not GET's.
Method to login:
def LoginToSMSGateway(sms_gateway_ip, username, password):
api_url = '/api/user/login'
post_data = '<request><Username>'+username+'</Username><Password>'+ base64.b64encode(password) +'</Password>'
r ='http://' + sms_gateway_ip + api_url, data=post_data)
if r.status_code == 200:
result = False
root = ET.fromstring(r.text)
for results in root.iter('response'):
if results.text == 'OK':
result = True
return result
return False
Method to retrieve SMS List (The method will turn the XML results into a Python list of SMS's):
def GetSMSList(sms_gateway_ip):
class SMS:
Opened = False
Message = ''
api_url = '/api/sms/sms-list'
post_data = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><request><PageIndex>1</PageIndex><ReadCount>20</ReadCount><BoxType>1</BoxType><SortType>0</SortType><Ascending>0</Ascending><UnreadPreferred>0</UnreadPreferred></request>'
headers = {'Referer': 'http://' + sms_gateway_ip + '/html/smsinbox.html'}
r ='http://' + sms_gateway_ip + api_url, data=post_data, headers=headers)
root = ET.fromstring(r.text)
resultsList = list()
for messages in root.iter('Messages'):
for message in messages:
sms = SMS()
sms.Message = message.find('Content').text
sms.Opened = False if message.find('SmsType').text == '1' else True
return resultsList
To use it(The IP and credentials are the default values and need to be secured.) :
if LoginToSMSGateway('', 'admin', 'admin'):
print 'Logged in.'
smsList = GetSMSList('')
for sms in smsList:
print sms.Message
Since this the subject has been posted I think the API has changed a bit.
To get the SMS list, no need to login but you do need to get a sessionID and the corresponding Token. You can use that Method to get them.
def GetTokenAndSessionID(sms_gateway_ip):
url = '/html/smsinbox.html'
r = requests.get(sms_gateway_ip + url)
Setcookie = r.headers.get('set-cookie')
sessionID = Setcookie.split(';')[0]
token = re.findall(r'"([^"]*)"', r.text)[2]
return token, sessionID
And then the Method to get the sms list (It's using the first Method to wrap the sessionID and the Token in the headers).
def GetSmsList(sms_gateway_ip):
class SMS:
Opened = False
Message = ''
url = '/api/sms/sms-list'
token,sessionID = GetTokenAndSessionID(sms_gateway_ip)
post_data = '<request><PageIndex>1</PageIndex><ReadCount>20</ReadCount><BoxType>2</BoxType><SortType>0</SortType><Ascending>0</Ascending><UnreadPreferred>0</UnreadPreferred></request>'
headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8',
'__RequestVerificationToken': token,
'Cookie': sessionID
r = + url, data = post_data, headers=headers)
root = ET.fromstring(r.text)
resultsList = list()
for messages in root.iter('Messages'):
for message in messages :
sms = SMS()
sms.Message = message.find('Content').text
sms.Opened = False if message.find('SmsType').text == '1' else True
To use it you just need to call it with the ip of the sms gateway:
Similar Code in Java hereunder using Apache HTTP Client classes
CloseableHttpClient httpclient = HttpClients.createDefault();
// 1. Have apache HTTPClient manage the cookie containing the SessionID
CookieStore cookieStore = new BasicCookieStore();
HttpContext httpContext = new BasicHttpContext();
httpContext.setAttribute(HttpClientContext.COOKIE_STORE, cookieStore);
// 2. Extract the token
String token = "";
HttpGet hget = new HttpGet("");
CloseableHttpResponse getRespo = httpclient.execute(hget, httpContext);
try {
StatusLine statusLine = getRespo.getStatusLine();
if (statusLine.getStatusCode() >= 300) {
throw new HttpResponseException(statusLine.getStatusCode(), statusLine.getReasonPhrase());
HttpEntity entity = getRespo.getEntity();
if (entity == null) {
throw new ClientProtocolException("Get response contains no content");
long len = entity.getContentLength();
StringTokenizer st = null;
if (len != -1 && len > 250) {
st = new StringTokenizer(EntityUtils.toString(entity).substring(0, 250), "\"");
int i = 1;
while (st != null && st.hasMoreTokens()) {
if (i++ == 10) {
token = st.nextToken();
} else {
} finally {
System.out.println("Token: " + token);
// 3. Get the SMS messages using the Token
HttpPost hpost = new HttpPost("");
String xmlRequest = "<request><PageIndex>1</PageIndex><ReadCount>1</ReadCount><BoxType>1</BoxType><SortType>0</SortType><Ascending>0</Ascending><UnreadPreferred>1</UnreadPreferred></request>";
StringEntity reqEntity = new StringEntity(xmlRequest);
hpost.addHeader("__RequestVerificationToken", token);
CloseableHttpResponse postRespo = httpclient.execute(hpost, httpContext);
try {
StatusLine statusLine = postRespo.getStatusLine();
if (statusLine.getStatusCode() >= 300) {
throw new HttpResponseException(statusLine.getStatusCode(), statusLine.getReasonPhrase());
HttpEntity entity = postRespo.getEntity();
if (entity == null) {
throw new ClientProtocolException("Response contains no content");
//Your further processing here.
} finally {