how do i calculate the total billed amount for a particular day? - sql

I have a database table where there is a field- billed_amount which keeps the records of the billed amount for a particular person and another field- billing_date. Now,I want to display the total billed amount for all people for a particular day, for example today, to generate day to day sales report.

For a particular day you could run the following, changing the date to whatever date you're running it for.
select sum(billed_amount)
from tbl
where billing_date = '2014-07-19'
Note that each database varies with its default date format. (you didn't specify a database)
To get the total for each date ("grouped by" date), you can use the following:
select billing_date, sum(billed_amount)
from tbl
group by billing_date
order by billing_date

You can group by day, and sum the amounts billed:
select cast(billing_date as date)
, sum(billing_amount)
from YourTable
group by
cast(billing_date as date)
Date operations vary by database. In SQL Server 2008+, you can cast a datetime to the date type to strip off the time.


To show date on which highest total price is made in ssrs

I have a table with the TotalPrice column and BookedOn column which contains a date in which a particular order was placed. I want to generate a report in SSRS that will show the date on which the highest sales were made.
There are several orders made on a particular date and I want to sum all the price and then compare in which date highest sales were made.
select top 1 CONVERT(date, BookedOn) Date, sum(TotalPrice) SumTotalPrice
from your_table_name
group by BookedOn
order by SumTotalPrice desc
I used convert because didn't know the format of your date column(whether it is datetime or date), you can use just date column otherwise

Avoiding roundtrips in the database caused by looping

I am using postgres and, I recently encountered that the code I am using has too many roundtrips.
What I am doing is basically getting data from a table on a daily basis because I have to look for changes on a daily basis, but the whole function that does this job is called once a month.
An example of my table
Id | Itemid | Amount | Date
1 | 2 | 50 | 20-5-20
Now this table can be updated to add items at any point in time and I have to see the total amount that is SUM(Amount) every day.
But here's the catch, I have to add interest to the amount of each day at the rate of 5%.
So I can't just once call the function, I have to look at its value every day.
For example if I add an item of 50$ on the 1st of may then the interest on that day is 5/100*50
I add another item on the 5th of may worth 50$ and now the interest on the 5th day is 5/100*50.
But prior to 5th, the interest was on only 50$ so If I just simply use SUM(Amount)*5/100. It is wrong.
Also, another issue is the fact that dates are stored as timestamps and I need to group it by date of the timestamp because if I group it on the basis of timestamp then it will create multiple rows for the same date which I want to avoid while taking the sum.
So if there are two entries on the same date but different hours ideally the query should sum it up as one single date.
Amount Table
Date | Amount
2020-5-5 20:8:8 100
2020-5-5 7:8:8 | 100
Result should be
Amount Table
Date | Amount
2020-5-5 200
My current code.
for i in numberofdaysinthemonth:
amount = amount + session.query(func.sum(Amount.Amount)).filter(<current_date).scalar() * 5/100
I want a query that gets all these values according to dates, for example
date | Sum of amount till that date
20-5-20 | 50
20-6-20 | 100
Any ideas about what I should do to avoid a loop that runs 30 times since the function is called once in a month.
I am supposed to get all this data in a table daywise and aggregated as the sum of amount for each day
That is a simple "running total"
select "date",
sum(amount) over (order by "date") as amount_til_date
from the_table
order by "date";
If you need the amount per itemid
select "date",
sum(amount) over (partition by itemid order by "date") as amount_til_date
from the_table
order by "date";
If you also need to calculate the "compound interest rate" up to that day, you can do that as well:
select item_id,
sum(amount) over (partition by itemid order by "date") as amount_til_date,
sum(amount) over (partition by item_id order by "date") * power(1.05, count(*) over (partition by item_id order by "date")) as compound_interest
from the_table
order by "date";
To get that for a specific month, add a WHERE clause:
where "date" >= date '2020-06-01'
and "date" < date '2020-07-01'
In general to avoid round trips between application and database, application code must be moved from application to database in stored code (stored procedures an stored functions) using a procedural language. This approach is sometimes called "thick database" in commercial databases like Oracle Database.
PostgreSQL default procedural language is pl/pgsql but you can use Java, Perl, Python, Javascript using PostgreSQL extensions that you would need to install in PostgreSQL.

SSRS Report Multi Parameters (start date,end date, MeterId, Displayby)

In my SSRS report there are 4 parameters StartDate, EndDate, MeterId, & DisplayBy
Start Date: datetime datatype
EndDate : datetime datatype
MeterId : is a drop down list and this will populate based on SQL query
DisplayBy: is a drop down list and this has the following values (Hour,day,Month & year)
The Database that stores hourly values for Meters, the following are the DB table columns: (MeterId,ReadingDate,Hours,Quantity,Price)
When I select the startdate, end date and the meter Id and display i want to show report based on the startdate & enddate and then by display values.
If the display is hour, the we got display all the 24 hour values for the MeterId,Quantity, Price for the date range.
If the display is day, we got display total quantity and total price for the MeterId for that date range.
If the display is Month, we got display total quantity and total price for the MeterId for that date range.
If the display is Year, we got display total quantity and total price for the MeterId for that date range. Say for example If i select start date as 1-1-2016 and end date as 12-31-2016. My result should show 12 rows for each month with their total Quantity, Total price for that particular MeterID.
my DB table stores all the hourly values i know how to show the values on screen if the user selects the display dropdown as hour. But, dont know how to show the result for day/month/year or how to group it. Do I need to use "case" statement and if so what should i need to give on display parameters.
Please suggest your idea...
Row Grouping:
SELECT I.CustomerName, I.ReadingDate, I.IntegratedHour, I.IntegratedUsage, I.IntegratedGeneration, DATEPART(dd, I.ReadingDate) AS [Reading Day], DATEPART(mm,
I.ReadingDate) AS [Reading Month], DATEPART(yyyy, I.ReadingDate) AS [Reading Year]
FROM IntegratedHour_MV90 AS I INNER JOIN
CustRptMeterExtract AS CT ON CT.CustomerName = I.CustomerName
WHERE (I.ReadingDate >= #StartDate) AND (I.ReadingDate <= #EndDate) AND (I.CustomerName IN (#FacilityName))
Expected Result:
SSRS Current Output: Doesnot match
Depending on your layout you could set row grouping to an expression something like this
Parameters!ReportBy.Value=1, Fields!Hour.Value,
Parameters!ReportBy.Value=2, Fields!Day.Value,
Parameters!ReportBy.Value=3, Fields!Month.Value,
Parameters!ReportBy.Value=4, Fields!Year.Value,
True, 0)
This assumes you have already have the hours/days/months/years in your dataset, if not then you would have to replace the field references with expressions to return the relevant month etc.
Based on what I can see above you'll need to add a grouping level for Customer before the group expression. Also, you Quantity expression should be a sum something like this
You may still have a problem though. I'm assuming Price is a unit price, so it does not make sense to sum that too. To get round this, you should calculate the LineValue (Qty * Price) in your dataset then change the price expression to be something like
and this will give you the average price.
However, this may be slow and personally I would do the work in your dataset. Again assuming you have the months, years in your table then you could do something like this.
--DECLARE #ReportBy int = 1 -- uncomment for testing
MeterID, Price
, CASE #ReportBy
WHEN 1 THEN [Month]
WHEN 2 THEN [Year]
END AS GroupByColumn
from dbo.MyDataTable
, SUM(Price) as Price
Group BY GroupByColumn
Order by GroupByColumn
This assumes your report parameter is called ReportBy, if not just swap the name out.

How to write SQL to query avg of data from timestamp every hour of the day

I have Climate data stored in table such as (Temperature,Humidity,CO2,Save_Timestamp) in realtime.
How can i write a sql to select average of data by every hour of the day
because when i do full select and render it on html5 with Chart.js
It's BOOM!!
try Something like this
For avg for current date by hour:
select hour(Save_Timestamp) HourSave,
avg(Temperature) avgTemperature, avg(Humidity) avgHumidity, avg(CO2) avgCO2
from yourtable
where date(Save_Timestamp)=current date
group by hour(Save_Timestamp)
For avg for all date by hour:
select date(Save_Timestamp) DateSave, hour(Save_Timestamp) HourSave,
avg(Temperature) avgTemperature, avg(Humidity) avgHumidity, avg(CO2) avgCO2
from yourtable
group by date(Save_Timestamp) , hour(Save_Timestamp)
SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),Save_Timestamp,112) AS Date,
DATEPART(hh,Save_Timestamp) AS Hour,
This might get you what you are looking for.

How to get number of hits by time regardless of Date?

I am working on a sql view that should get the average number of hits by hour of the day, regardless of what day/date it is for traffic monitoring (12:00:00.000 - 12:59:59.999). Any ideas?
Now I have the total, how do I get the average? SELECT AVG("FUNCTION BELOW") DOES NOT WORK
SELECT COUNT(*) AS total, DATEPART(hh, LogDate) AS HourOfDay
FROM dbo.Log
Convert to DATEPART(hh,.....
Since you are on SQL Server 2008, you can use the time data type, just convert to time
Then you can filter that also
Since I am not sure what your output is supposed to be like I am showing you both, but if all you need is to group by hour, then just do a datepart(hh.....
The query below may be good enough for you. It divides the count by the difference between todays date and the minimum date in the LogDate column.
SELECT DATEPART(hh,LogDate) as Hour
,CAST(COUNT(*)as decimal)/DATEDIFF(d,(SELECT MIN(LogDate) from log)
, COUNT(*) as Count
FROM log
ORDER by DATEPART(hh,LogDate) asc