Using UITabBarController in a subview - objective-c

I have a view in my app to which I want to add tabs, but only in the lower half of the view. The top half of this view is supposed to be fixed. Something like this:
By pressing the tabs on that UITabBar I want to toggle the contents of the lower half, but without changing the contents of the upper half. I used tab bars before with UITabBarController, but using storyboard I can't add the controller because it creates two completely different views. How can I do this?


2 uitableviews in 1 and make their heights change dynamically

I'm trying to accomplish the following. I got 2 uitableviews in a single uitableviewcontroller and at the bottom of the view I have a button. As soon as I click on that button (width of table view) it moves (with animation) to the center of the screen. Now I want the second uitableview to move with it and the first one (was fullscreen before) to shrink. So that at the end I'd have 2 uitableview showing data at the same time.
Clicking again on that button would, you guessed it, move it to the bottom of the screen, hiding the second uitableview so that the first one is in fullscreen again.
Any hints/ideas/code how I could accomplish that?
You cannot use a UITableViewController. You need a UIViewController, throw in 2 UITableViews, make them #propertys of the view controller, and handle their data source and delegate methods as normal.
Then when you press the button, you can change the frames of the two table views just as you change the frame of any UIView.

How to prevent a UIView from consuming user input

I have a simple view hierarchy example.
Obviously the main view space is the primary space the user will interact with. At the bottom I have tabs that can pop up to indicate to the user where he/she is in the progression of the app. Normally, these tabs only take up the space indicated by the "Custom Tabs" rectangle at the bottom, but they can expand all the way up to fill the "Empty Space" box.
In order for the tabs to still be clickable, I had to make the tab view's frame the full rectangle containing both the "Custom Tabs" space and "Empty Space" space. What this results in is that "Empty Space" not being interactive to the user when the tabs aren't popped up, because the input is basically being consumed by that UIView, and not forwarded through the rest of the hierarchy.
I suppose the root of this problem is that both "Main View Space" and the "Empty Space + Custom Tabs" are both subviews of the main window.
Is there a way I can tell the system to forward the user input to the sibling views if the user didn't actively tap on an interactive element? For example, doing something with the touchesBegan, touchesEnded etc. methods that would indicate to the OS that this view did not use the input.
Here's another version of the view, demonstrating the tate of one tab being open:
After some simple testing, it would seem that the default behavior is that the top most view gets the input first. This applies even if you have a clear UIView on top of a UITextField. The clear UIView will consume the input, preventing the UITextField from being editable
The way the tabs are supposed to work is the user can tap on a tab (sized as in the first picture), and then it will expand to display a thumbnail view associated with that tab (as in the second picture). The user can then optionally tap the tab once more to close it, and return the size to the original picture. In order for the tab to be clickable when it is open, I have to have the containing view be basically large enough to contain all 4 tabs as if they were open. This results in a lot of empty space in the containing view. This empty space results in essentially dead input space on the screen. If there were a button in the main view space that is covered by the empty space, the user would not be able to click on it. I would like to be able to avoid that behavior, and have that button covered by the empty space still be clickable.
Rather than trying to "forward" touches, I would modify your layout so that the tab view is only as big as the tabs, and change it's .frame to be the larger rectangle in code only when you need it. For example, when a tab is clicked:
CGRect tabFrame = tabView.bounds;
tabFrame.origin.y = top_of_emptySpace;
tabFrame.size.height = height_of_emptySpace + height_of_tabView;
tabView.frame = tabFrame;
then you can add the content you need. when you need it to go away, remove the content then do :
CGRect tabFrame = tabView.bounds;
tabFrame.origin.y = top_of_tabView;
tabFrame.size.height = height_of_tabView;
tabView.frame = tabFrame;
There might be some tweaking required to make the content show up as you like, but this way, when the tabs are minimized, you won't have to do anything extra to make the main view respond to touches correctly.
Ok, this is the way I would do it:
The RootViewController has two views, its main view which takes the whole screen, the one that is added to the window. And the tab view.
Then I would add another view controller (a UINavigationController ideally) to the RootViewController and I would have its view added as a subview of the RootViewController's view.
Any change performed, such as pushing new view controller or anything, would be done to the child view controller.
That way, your tab view would always be showing. To open a tab, you could create a new view that would show on top of the tab bar using an animation or something similar.

How do you create a slide out tableView on the right instead of the left of iPad Master-Detail Application?

If you create an iPad Master-Detail Application and use Portrait orientation, it gives you a slide out tableView on the left.
1. How do you make it to show on the right?
Also, in the landscape orientation, it is split in into two views.
How do you make it so that it will be the same as the Portrait View, like slide the TableView out?
Is it possible to adjust the size of the Detail View?
If you dont want two views in landscape, why do you need a splitView at all? You can just have a UIView with a popover button on the top bar. Then you can add the tableviewcontroller to the popover. To show it to the right you can define the rect or use the rightbarbuttonitem to add the popover.
You can have master on right by passing masterviewcontroller as second parameter to the array assigned to splitViewController.viewcontroller. However, you cannot resize the master and detail views. Hence you will end up having a bigger masterView than the detailview.
Looking at limited functionality of UISplitViewController, it may not be possible to have master on right(properly working as per your requirements). You can have your own controller to get this done or try using opensource options like MGSplitViewController.
you may also like to look into this discussion

Using a UISegmentedControl to switch UIViewControllers while using the same toolbar

I have seen some questions asking about switching view controllers using a segmented control, but none of the suggestions seem to fit my needs.
I have a tab bar application with 3 tabs. The first tab is a navigation controller with a tableview as its root. When one of the rows is selected, I push a view controller X onto the navigation stack.
In controller X, I wish to use the segmented control to be placed in the bottom toolbar (as opposed to the titleview in many samples). Controller A would be shown inside controller X if the first segment is selected, controller B would be shown if the second segment is selected, whilst keeping the toolbar to be the same for A and B. What's the best approach to this problem?

Is there another way than presentModalViewController to show a UITabBarController on just part of the screen?

I have a UITabBarController displaying a number of settings-screens in my app. I want them to be shown on just a part of the screen for layout reasons. In fullscreen, the lists become unreadable (too wide), there are just a few controls per page making the page feel very empty, and the tabbar buttons are far away from the content (Fitts law).
Using presentModalViewController with the UIModalPresentationFormSheet style gives me the size I want. I do this on top of an empty background, since in my case it doesn't make sense to display anything behind it. The "real" working area is displayed with another presentModalViewController in fullscreen mode on top of it all.
This works but feels like a hack. One problem is, I can't make the background behind the settings dialog move in the transition to fullscreen with the UIModalTransitionStyleFlipHorizontal style.
Can I embed a UITabBarController non-fullscreen in another "background"-view? I can't find any information of how I would do this.
Can I embed a UITabBarController non-fullscreen in another "background"-view? I can't find any information of how I would do this.
Why don't you try it out?
Create a container view of the size you want the tab bar controller to have.
Create the tab bar controller.
[containerView addSubview:tabBarController.view];