Can SCM-Manager prefill my newly created repositories with a template? - repository

Many of my projects have the same directory structure. When creating a new project I would like to have that structure set up right away.
My projects are managed by SCM-Manager.
Is there a way to have SCM-Manager create my directory structure from a template when I create a new repository?

At the moment, this is not possible. Maybe this can be implemented by writing a plugin. There already exists a feature request (for subversion but should be possible for all repo types) at where you can vote for.


Is there an easy way to move a file to a different folder in dbt Cloud?

Is there an easy way to move a file to a different folder in dbt Cloud, without having to create a new file of the same name in the new folder, copy/paste from the old file, and delete the old file, which is a pain.
Is there a good reason I should NOT do this? I assume my refs still work as long as the filename remains the same, and I don't have any specific folder logic tied to this file.
For example, say I have my_model.sql in my 'staging' folder and I want to simply move it to my 'mart' folder instead. In this example I'd like to do this to reflect that my file is really a more 'stable' mart-type table file vs a staging view. I realize I can just change the materialization type, but I'm doing this more to organize things clearly. Thanks!
The way to move a file in the cloud IDE for dbt is not 100% obvious. You can use the rename function to move a file to another location.
Click on the drop down next to the file name, then select "Rename." That will open a file path and you can change where the file lives from there by typing in the new folder's name.
The easiest way I have found to do this is...not using DBT Cloud, but using github desktop (no command line needed).
Create a new branch
Open repository in github
View files in your file explorer
Move files or directory locally
Upload to github
Push to origin for the branch you created
Open a pull request
Depending on what the file or directory is you may find the creating a new branch and opening PR to be overkill. For my specific project there is a lot of legacy organization and models that we aren't totally sure don't have downstream dependencies, so creating a new branch for this allowed me to test run all of our models.
Hope this helps!

Using inherited process model for existing collection on Azure DevOps Server 2019

With Azure DevOps Server 2019 RC it is possible to enable inherited process model on new collections (see release notes). Is there any way to use the inherited process model also for existing collections, where no customization on the process was made
Inherited process model is currently only supported for new collections created with Azure DevOps Server 2019 and not for existing collections.
See this Developer Community entry which asks for it.
I added a set of comments on how I hacked my way from an existing XML collection with a set of Projects to the Inherited type.
Working as long as a vanilla workflow is applied to an existing XML collection before doing the voodoo thing.
Not exactly an answer for your question but we recently had the same task and I want to share how we handled this. We also wanted to move to the inherited model and we did not want to do any hacking. So we decided to create a new Collection on our Azure Devops Server 2020 with the inherited model and also migrate our tfvc repository to git.
Create the new Collection. Documentation
git-tfs to create a local repository from our tfvc repository and push it
azure-devops-migration-tools to copy all work items from the old collection to the new collection
In the old collection add the ReflectedWorkItemId for every WorkItem look here
In the new collection add the ReflectedWorkItemId for every WorkItem by using the process editor
Pro-Tip: create a full backup of the new collection to revert to this state easily. I had multiple try-error-restores.
You can't migrate shared steps or shared parameters like this, because you can't edit these work item types in the new collection. There is a workaround
We used the WorkItemTrackingProcessor to migrate all Epics/Features/Product Backlog Items/Bugs/Tasks/Test Cases. Then the same processor but with the mentioned workaround for Shared Steps and Shared Parameters.
This processor also migrates the Iterations and Area Paths
Finally we used the TestPlansAndSuitesMigration to migrate the Test Plans and Suites
For speeding up the migration, you can chunk the work items (for example by date or id) and start the migration multiple times.
Our build and release pipelines + task groups were migrated manually by import and export
We migrated the variable groups by using the API
The teams were created manually and we added the default area paths also by hand

Adding a module in sugarCRM 6.5 C.E. doesn't create a corresponding folder in custom/modules

I need to add a logic hook to a module built in Module Builder in SugarCRM 6.5( Community Edition ).
This logic hook should take all the fields that I have just saved after completing a form in a module and create a new record in a different module with these fields( in order to simulate a workflow ).
All the tutorials on the internet( on logic hooks ) talk about modifying stuff in "./custom/Extension/modules//..." but, after creating and deploying a module in sugarCRM, I do NOT have my module present in either "./custom/Extension/modules/" or "./custom/modules" .
Thank you for your time,
Those directories are for customizations and extensions like studio changes and custom code like hooks.
That those directories are not present only means that there are no customizations yet, so feel free to create those folders and add your hook inside.
Make sure that you create the directories with the correct names (as stated in the tutorials), including the correct case for all letters.
Also don't forget to give the web-process ownership/write-permissions to the all folders you create in custom, otherwise Sugar might fail to save studio changes and aggregation files at some point in the future.

Alfresco web-scripts-application-context.xml

I want to register a bean. I'am following this tutorial
But i can't found the file tomcat\webapps\alfresco\WEB-INF\classes\web-scripts-application-context.xml.
Is it deprecated ?
Should i create it ? or should i use the file alfresco\web-client-application-context.xml wich also define beans ?
What is the difference bettwen this 2 files ? Alfresco version?
I'm using Alfresco 5.0.d.
In Alfresco 5 many of the context files have been bundled up in jars that you won't be able to access.
Besides, best practice involves you creating your own custom context file rather than overwriting a system context file. Your best bet if you don't want to create an amp is to put your bean definition in a file named something like custom-webscripts-context.xml and putting it in shared/classes/extension. Alfresco will pick up anything that ends in -context.xml.
Also, please don't follow a 5 year old tutorial. The tutorials linked in the comments are created by Jeff Potts, the old Community Manager for Alfresco, so really are the most up to date and easiest to follow you're going to find.

Create new model in Yii without using Gii

I'm new to Yii and am taking over maintenance of a fairly completed project. In all the books and web resources it only talks about adding new models/controllers etc using the Gii tool. I have looked in the config/main.php file of this project and the Gii module has been removed and also there is no index.php page for me to simply re-add it to. The project is live on a server already.
How do I add a new model to the site? I have tried duplicating an existing model and creating a new database table but I can't seem to access it from anywhere within the app. Would I also have to edit a file in the framework somewhere to add a new reference to this model?
Or do I have to create a local development environment replica of the site and use gii there, then add the new files (presumably not just the model file otherwise what's the difference?) to the server.
Gii model generator just create file in Model folder, so you just need to duplicate one of them and change all references.
If you create some different from other models class in that folder it will work, because of autoloader.
Probably you just forgot to change some info. Check file name. It need to be EXACT same as class name. For example if your model class name is Users your file need to be Users.php
It sounds like you are trying to modify production code in your live production environment. What happens when you do something to break the site? How long can that site afford to be off-line, or have things not working quite right? It is my experience that new development should be done in a development environment and then promoted to production. Otherwise you are forced to test your changes in your live production environment, and that is a dangerous thing indeed.
Given that you are new to Yii, odds are that you aren't going to be able to write code that is bug free the first time.
Best thing to do is create a development environment to mirror production, and install Gii there. Then you can create all the models and controllers you want with Gii, test your changes, and finally promote your changes to the production environment. This is really a best practice issue. You don't want to be changing your live code with untested code.