What happens to a RabbitMQ cluster if the only disc node dies? - rabbitmq

RabbitMQ clusters need to have at least one disc node (you can't turn your last disc node to a ram node).
However (especially in a cloud context) nodes can die - what is supposed to happen to the cluster if the only disc node dies?
Does the cluster automatically appoint a new disc node, or it continues working with no disc node.

Short answer: In case all disc nodes dies and you have at least one RAM node you'll get RAM-only cluster. In case only one RAM node left and it goes down and then up, only durable entities will reside on it.
Long answer:
If you use clustering as it described in Clustering Guide queues reside only on one node:
All data/state required for the operation of a RabbitMQ broker is
replicated across all nodes, for reliability and scaling, with full
ACID properties. An exception to this are message queues, which by
default reside on the node that created them, though they are visible
and reachable from all nodes. To replicate queues across nodes in a
cluster, see the documentation on high availability (note that you
will need a working cluster first).
So when node dies (not only disc one, it applied to RAM too) you lose queues (with content) resides on that node.
If you use High Availability to mirror queue across more than one nodes (actually, it depends how you set it up, see detailed explanation on ha-mode and ha-policy policy keys - all, exactly and nodes).
With HA, if queue has some ha-policy set and the node it reside dies, that queue will be tried to be mirrored to other nodes, including RAM-only one (sure, it depends how you set up ha-mode, for example if it set to nodes and all nodes from list dies you lose the queue).
So after such intro,
If you turn off all disc nodes and you have only RAM nodes and queues fits the memory everything will works normally. If queues doesn't fit in memory, Flow Control memory limits applied which explained in clustering doc in Restarting section (at the end of e:
At least one disk node should be running at all times to prevent data
loss. RabbitMQ will prevent the creation of a RAM-only cluster in many
situations, but it still won't stop you from stopping and forcefully
resetting all the disc nodes, which will lead to a RAM-only cluster.
Doing this is not advisable and makes losing data very easy.
and a bit more from clustering doc:
A node can be a disk node or a RAM node. (Note: disk and disc are
used interchangeably. Configuration syntax or status messages normally
use disc.) RAM nodes keep their state only in memory (with the
exception of queue contents, which can reside on disc if the queue is
persistent or too big to fit in memory). Disk nodes keep state in
memory and on disk. As RAM nodes don't have to write to disk as much
as disk nodes, they can perform better. However, note that since the
queue data is always stored on disc, the performance improvements will
affect only resources management (e.g. adding/removing queues,
exchanges, or vhosts), but not publishing or consuming speed. Because
state is replicated across all nodes in the cluster, it is sufficient
(but not recommended) to have just one disk node within a cluster, to
store the state of the cluster safely.
So if you don't literally add any disc node you'll get RAM-only cluster. It may be fast in some cases, but if all nodes goes down you will lose all your queues with it content forever, except durable ones while any node dump persistent queues and messages on disc.
But don't rely on RAM node dump persistent entities on disc, while under certain situations it may not dump at all or not all entities (especially, messages).
There are old mailing list threads which may bring some extra light on situation:
Cluster with all memory nodes
Cluster Disk Node vs Ram Node explanation


How to restart scylla db cluster without any data loss

I want to restart my Scylla db cluster. But I don't want to lose any data.
Do I lose any data if I restart one after other node?
No, you will not loose data if you are doing a rolling restart.
Scylla keeps the data replicated across multiple nodes (usually 3 or more)
Depending on your Replication Factor (RF) and Consistency Level (CL) you might see read or write operations failed during the restart. See interactive calc here https://docs.scylladb.com/getting-started/consistency/#consistency-level-calculator
If "restarting a node" just involves restarting Scylla or rebooting the kernel on which it runs, then you're safe: Scylla is a distributed database, and is designed to support durability and availability even when nodes temporarily disappear from the network. When a node is temporarily down, all its data is still available for reads (from two other replicas), and also writes continue to work normally and will be eventually replicated to the down node when it finally comes up (using the "hinted handoff" and/or "repair" mechanisms).
However, if by "restarting a node" you mean something more destructive - replacing it with a brand-new node with empty storage, as in some cloud setups where nodes have transient storage. In that case you have to be more careful: If the node's data is lost, we still have two more replicas and the database continues to be available, but you should tell the cluster to "stream" the data which the node lost back to the node - before continuing to do this destructive restart to additional nodes. If you have RF=3 and destroy three nodes at the same time, you will surely lose data.

Redis Cluster minimal configuration

Actually I'm using a configuration of Redis Master-Slaves with HAProxy for Wordpress to have High Avaibility. This configuration is nice and works perfect (I'm able to remove any server to maintenance without downtime). The problem of this configuration is that only one Redis server is getting all the traffic and the others are just waiting if that server dies, so in a very high load webpage can be a problem, and add more servers is not a solution because always only one will be master.
With this in mind, I'm thinking if maybe I can just use a Redis Cluster to allow to read/write on all nodes but I'm not really sure if it will works on my setup.
My setup is limited to three nodes the most of times, and I've read in some places that Redis cluster minimal setup is three nodes, but six is recommended. This is rational because this setup allow to have Slaves nodes that will become Masters if her Master dies, and then all data will be kept, but what happend if data don't cares?. I mean, on my setups the data is just cached objects, so if don't exists it just create it again so:
The data will be lost (don't care), and the other nodes will get the objects from clients again, to serve it on later requests (like happen if a Flush the data).
The nodes will answer that data doesn't exists and will reject to cache because the object would have to be on other node that is dead.
Someone know it?
When a master dies, the Redis cluster goes to a down state and any command involving a key served by the failed instance will fail.
This may differ from some other distributed software because Redis Cluster is not the kind of program that every master holds all data. In fact, the key space is horizontally partitioned and each key is served by only one master.
This is mentioned in the specification:
The key space is split into 16384 slots...
a single hash slot will be served by a single node...
The base algorithm used to map keys to hash slots is the following:
HASH_SLOT = CRC16(key) mod 16384
When you setup a cluster, you certainly ask each node to serve a set of slots, and each slot can only be served by one node. If one node dies, you lose the slots on this node unless you have a slave failover to serve them, so that any command involving keys mapped to these slots will fail.

RabbitMQ HighAvailability

I am new to RabbitMQ. I wanted to know how memory is used in case of HA.
For example, in Kafka the partition use a specific amount of memory if data is present or not in it and so do the replications .In RabbitMQ how are the queues allocated memory ? and How does HA work ?Do the mirrored queues occupy the same amout of memory each replicated node ?
Queues in RabbitMQ don't need a lot of resources per se, but messages will be kept in memory in most of the cases. When a message is sent to the queue that has mirrored queues, this message will be replicated among other nodes defined by the mirroring policy. The idea of mirrored queues is to provide high availability, so if the broker hosting the master queue crashes, a new master queue will be elected among alive mirrored queues. The switch to the new node should happen quite fast, because all messages are ready to be consumed.
Simple example:
The cluster consists of 3 nodes:
The test queue was created on the node-1.rabbitmq node and the mirroring policy was applied to replicate messages on all nodes:
Approximately 70k messages were sent to the test queue and the screenshot from the RabbitMQ management tool is shown below:
It is clear that all nodes got messages and they are kept in memory.
Memory consumption of RabbitMQ is a tricky topic and there are many factors which can affect it (type of the queue, the amount of messages in other queues, reaching the defined limits, etc.). In the official documentation it is stated:
RabbitMQ can report on its own memory use, to let you see where your system is using memory. Note that all measurements are somewhat approximate, based on values returned by the underlying Erlang virtual machine; however they should still be accurate enough to be useful.

Hadoop 2.6.4 and Big File

I am a new user of Apache Hadoop. There is one moment which I do not understand. I have a simple cluster (3 nodes). Every node have about 30GB free space. When I look at Overview site of Hadoop I see DFS Remaining: 90.96 GB. I set the Replication factor to 1.
Then I create one file 50GB and try to upload it to HDFS. But space is out. Why? Do I can't upload file which more than free space one node of cluster?
According to the Hadoop : Definitive Guide
Hadoop’s default strategy is to place the first replica on the same node as the client (for clients running outside the cluster, a node is chosen at random, although the system tries not to pick nodes that are too full or too busy). The second replica is placed on a different rack from the first (off-rack), chosen at random. The third replica is placed on the same rack as the second, but on a different node chosen at random. Further replicas are placed on random nodes on the cluster, although the system tries to avoid placing too many replicas on the same rack.
This logic makes sense as it decreases the network chatter between the different nodes.
I think it depends on, whether the client is same as a Hadoop node or not. If the client is a Hadoop node then all the splits will be on the same node. This doesn't provide any better read/write throughput in-spite of having multiple nodes in the cluster. If the client is not same as the Hadoop node, then the node is chosen at random for each split, so the splits are spread across the nodes in a cluster. Now, this provides a better read/write throughput.

RabbitMQ clustering

I have created RabbitMQ cluster on single windows machine with HA policy to all and created two DISC and two RAM node and 1 STAT node. I then ran the PerfTest (rabbitmq client test utility), the result were disappointing, it was around 5000m/sec. But when I ran the same test with single RabbitMQ node it gave me good result i.e. 25000m/sec. I am unable to get what wrong is happening, its result should be impressive if run within cluster, but it is opposite. Anyone have encounter the same or if know the reason behind it.
A RabbitMQ Cluster with Mirrored Queues won't go faster than a single node. Why? Clustering is there to improve reliability and fault tolerance, not to improve throughput.
What's the reason for this? When you enable mirrored queues, RabbitMQ needs to coordinate state between nodes, that is, it needs to coordinate publishes, consumers and acks, to not deliver the same message more than once, or to more than one consumer. All this coordination affects performance, but that's the tradeoff with this kind of replication.
If you need decentralised replication, then you could use the Federation Plugin
The throughput rate would depend on couple of factors. In our perf tests for RabbitMQ in a cluster we observed that the rate varied depending on RabbitMQ nodes were DISC or RAM, but a big chunk of the performance variation was observed when running RabbitMQ Cluster with Mirrored Queues vs without. With Mirroring enabled we were seeing a rate of 3500 m/sec, while without it was 5000 m/sec. Also what is your message size when you run your perftest.
As is typical with RabbitMQ, it really depends. Here are a few ways that I have found to improve performance with RabbitMQ clustering:
Push the messages to a set of appropriately sized memory nodes only using a load balancer
Keep the message size very small
Do not use amqp transactions or Publisher Confirms
Only use HA Mirrored queues for a small set of queues that you absolutely have to have the data saved
Set a TTL on all messages or queues using a policy
Just to addon to above comments.. Putting it as FYI
The problems is that you are running a cluster on the same machine with the same resources.
The purpose of a rabbit cluster is to scale out and not scale in.
In other words, to have more network connections available, more disk power of course more CPU power to handle more messages.
When adding nodes on a single machine you don't scale your resources plus you are adding overheads of using a cluster. (As stated above)