I have a bag like this (url:chararray mal:float) and like this (url:chararray links:chararray).
I want to parse the links field and intersect the bag with parsed links:
src = LOAD 'hbase://$collection' USING
org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.hbase.HBaseStorage('info:url anchors:links', '-loadKey true') AS (id:bytearray, url:chararray, links:chararray);
mals = LOAD '/tmp/prepare' as (url:chararray, mal:float);
urls = FILTER src BY (links IS NOT null);
urls2 = FOREACH urls GENERATE TOKENIZE(links, '\t') as links, id, url;
processed = FOREACH urls2 {
grouped = COGROUP links BY $0, mals BY url;
intersected = FILTER grouped BY NOT IsEmpty(urls) AND NOT IsEmpty(links4);
weights = FOREACH intersected GENERATE mal;
GENERATE id, AVG(weights) as mal;
This code isn't working: parser fails with:
[main] ERROR org.apache.pig.tools.grunt.Grunt - ERROR 1200: <file ./Rank.pig, line 11, column 19> [query, statement, foreach_statement, foreach_complex_statement, foreach_clause_complex, foreach_plan_complex, nested_blk, nested_command_list, nested_command, expr, add_expr, multi_expr, cast_expr, unary_expr, expr_eval, var_expr, projectable_expr, func_eval, recoverFromMismatchedToken] mismatched input 'links' expecting LEFT_PAREN
I'm using Pig 0.11.0.
As far as I understand links is tuple, and mals is bag, so they cannot be cogrouped. How can I create a bag with links to do cogroup?
Example dataset:
http://1 1.0
http://2 0.9
http://3 0.8
http://4 0.0
id: ID
url: http://4
links: http://1 http://2 http://3
As output:
{(id: ID, mal: 0.9)}
I am trying to use python to automation common Monday tasks. I am able to create an item in the board but the column (type=tag) is not updating.
I used this tutorial:
Here is my graphql code that I am executing:
query = 'mutation ($device: String!, $columnVals: JSON!) { create_item (board_id:<myboardid>, item_name:$device, column_values:$columnVals) { id } }'
vars = {'device': device,
'columnVals': json.dumps({
'cloud_name6': {'text': cloudname} # this is where i want to add a tag. cloud_name6 is id of the column.
data = {'query' : query, 'variables' : vars}
r = requests.post(url=apiUrl, json=data, headers=headers) print(r.json())
I have tried changing id to title as key in the Json string but no luck. I fetched the existing item and tried to add exact json string but still no luck. I also tried below json data without any luck
'columnVals': json.dumps({
'cloud_name6': cloudname
Any idea what's wrong with the query?
When creating or mutating tag columns via item queries, you need to send an array of ids of the tags ("tag_ids") that are relating to this item. You don't set or alter tag names via an item query.
Corrected Code
'columnVals': json.dumps({
'cloud_name6': {'tag_ids': [295026,295064]}
The input is a json line text file.
Expect to group by all store and calculate the sum of total in each items,for example:
store_name total_amount
001 2212.26
002 3245.46
003 888888
My Pig script:
store_table = LOAD '/example/store-data/2017-store-sales-data.json'
USING JsonLoader('
items: {(
platten_table = foreach store_table generate flatten(items), store_name;
store_group = group platten_table by store_name;
result = foreach store_group {
total_sum = sum(platten_table.items::total);
Generate group,total_sum;
Pig error is :
2017-11-28 08:53:54,357 [main] ERROR org.apache.pig.tools.grunt.Grunt - ERROR 1200: mismatched input 'Generate' expecting SEMI_COLON
Eval Functions are case sensitive, you need to use the eval function SUM in upper case.
Code snippet -
result = foreach store_group {
total_sum = SUM(platten_table.items::total);
Generate group,total_sum;
Refer : https://pig.apache.org/docs/r0.10.0/basic.html
Any help in this would be greatly appreciated! Best way is with an example:
Example data:
Desired output:
data=Load 'test.txt' using PigStorage('|');
grpd= Group data by $0;
Foreach grpd{
After the comment of #Murali lao, I rewrite the solution.
I now use FILTER, and then the trick to not filter empty bag with FLATTEN is to add an empty string when the bag is empty.
Here are my test data:
Here is my solution:
data = LOAD 'phone' USING PigStorage(',') AS (name:chararray, phone_type: chararray, phone_num: chararray);
user = FOREACH (GROUP data BY name) {
home = FILTER $1 BY phone_type == 'home';
-- you add an empty string if the the bag is empty
homenum = (IsEmpty(home) ? {('')} : home.phone_num);
pager = FILTER $1 BY phone_type == 'pager';
pagernum = (IsEmpty(pager) ? {('')} : pager.phone_num);
cell = FILTER $1 BY phone_type == 'cell';
cellnum = (IsEmpty(cell) ? {('')} : cell.phone_num);
GENERATE group as name, FLATTEN(homenum) as home, FLATTEN(pagernum) as pager, FLATTEN(cellnum) as cell;
After a dump, I obtain the following result :
I have a basic schema
Post {
Labels: [
{ Text: "Mine" }
{ Text: "Incomplete" }
And I am querying raven, to ask for all posts with BOTH "Mine" and "Incomplete" labels.
queryable.Where(candidate => candidate.Labels.Any(label => label.Text == "Mine"))
.Where(candidate => candidate.Labels.Any(label => label.Text == "Incomplete"));
This results in a raven query (from Raven server console)
Query: (Labels,Text:Incomplete) AND (Labels,Text:Mine)
Time: 3 ms
Index: Temp/XWrlnFBeq8ENRd2SCCVqUQ==
Results: 0 returned out of 0 total.
Why is this? If I query for JUST containing "Incomplete", I get 1 result.
If I query for JUST containing "Mine", I get the same result - so WHY where I query for them both, I get 0 results?
Ok - so I got a little further. The 'automatically generated index' looks like this
from doc in docs.FeedAnnouncements
from docLabelsItem in ((IEnumerable<dynamic>)doc.Labels).DefaultIfEmpty()
select new { CreationDate = doc.CreationDate, Labels_Text = docLabelsItem.Text }
So, I THINK the query was basically testing the SAME label for 2 different values. Bad.
I changed it to this:
from doc in docs.FeedAnnouncements
from docLabelsItem1 in ((IEnumerable<dynamic>)doc.Labels).DefaultIfEmpty()
from docLabelsItem2 in ((IEnumerable<dynamic>)doc.Labels).DefaultIfEmpty()
select new { CreationDate = doc.CreationDate, Labels1_Text = docLabelsItem1.Text, Labels2_Text = docLabelsItem2.Text }
Now my query (in Raven Studio) Labels1_Text:Mine AND Labels2_Text:Incomplete WORKS!
But, how do I address these phantom fields (Labels1_Text and Labels2_Text) when querying from Linq?
You got the reason right. The default index would generate 2 index entries, and your query is executing on a single index entry.
What you want is to either use intersection, or create your own index like this:
from doc in docs.FeedAnnouncements
select new { Labels_Text = doc.Labels.Select(x=>x.Text)}
And that would give you all the label's text in a single index entry, which you can execute a query on.
Let's say I have a data set of restaurant reviews:
Jim,New York,Mecurials,3
Jim,New York,Whapme,4.5
Jim,London,Pint Size,2
Lisa,London,Pint Size,4
Lisa,London,Rabbit Whole,3.5
And I want to produce a list by user and city of average review. I.e. output:
Jim,New York,3.75
I could write a Pig script as follows:
Data = LOAD 'data.txt' USING PigStorage(',') AS (
user:chararray, city:chararray, restaurant:charray, rating:float
PerUserCity = GROUP Data BY (user, city);
ResultSet = FOREACH PerUserCity {
GENERATE group.user, group.city, AVG(Data.rating);
However I'm curious whether I can first group the higher level group (the users) and then sub group the next level (the cities) later: i.e.
PerUser = GROUP Data BY user;
Intermediate = FOREACH PerUser {
B = GROUP Data BY city;
GENERATE group AS user, B;
I get:
Error during parsing.
Invalid alias: GROUP in {
group: chararray,
Data: {
user: chararray,
city: chararray,
restaurant: chararray,
rating: float
Has anyone tried this with success? Is it simply not possible to GROUP within a FOREACH?
My goal is to do something like:
ResultSet = FOREACH PerUser {
GENERATE user, city, AVG(City.rating)
Currently the allowed operations are DISTINCT, FILTER, LIMIT, and ORDER BY inside a FOREACH.
For now grouping directly by (user, city) is the good way to do as you said.
Release notes for Pig version 0.10 suggest that nested FOREACH operations are now supported.
Try this:
Records = load 'data_rating.txt' using PigStorage(',') as (user:chararray, city:chararray, restaurant:chararray, rating:float);
grpRecs = group Records By (user,city);
avgRating_Byuser_perCity = foreach grpRecs generate AVG(Records.rating) as average;
Result = foreach avgRating_Byuser_perCity generate flatten(group), average;
awdata = load 'data' using PigStorage(',') as (user:chararray , city:chararray , restaurant:chararray , rating:float);
data = filter rawdata by user != 'User';
groupbyusercity = group data by (user,city);
--describe groupbyusercity;
--groupbyusercity: {group: (user: chararray,city: chararray),data: {(user: chararray,city: chararray,restaurant: chararray,rating: float)}}
average = foreach groupbyusercity {
generate group.user,group.city,AVG(data.rating);
dump average;
Grouping by two keys and then flattening the structure leads to the same result:
Loading Data like you did
Data = LOAD 'data.txt' USING PigStorage(',') AS (
user:chararray, city:chararray, restaurant:charray, rating:float);
Group by user and city
ByUserByCity = GROUP Data BY (user, city);
Add Rating average of the groups (you can add more, like COUNT(Data) as count_res)
Then flatten the group structure to the original one.
FLATTEN(group) AS (user, city),
AVG(Data.rating) as user_city_avg;
Results in:
Jim,New York,3.75