Removed Time from Date in SQL - sql

I wrote the following query. This query returns two fields. Firstly, it returns an integer that represents a date, and it then converts that integer into a date.
select DISTINCT date_column,
cast(convert(varchar(10), date_column) as date) as [Week Label]
from table_one
order by date_column desc;
The conversion works well. However, the date that is returned contains a time. How can I get rid of the time?

You can simply use this to remove time part
convert(date, getdate())
you can use this also
convert(varchar(10), getdate(),120)

convert(varchar(10), getdate(),101) doesn't have a time part, just the date.
I used for the options but this one from MSDN may be better:


How to Convert String to Date in SQL Server?

I have date column in my table as string type example Feb-18. How do I change it to date type as 01-02-2018?
Use convert() with add one day :
select convert(date, '01-' + 'Feb-18')
SQL Server is pretty good about figuring out dates. But you need a day, so:
select convert(date, '01-' + datecol)
Note: You should be very careful about storing dates as strings. I would recommend that you test the conversion to be sure it works for all values:
select datecol
from t
where try_convert(date, '01-' + datecol) is null and
datecol is not null;
If this returns any rows, then you have bad dates in your data. Oh, it would have been better to catch these by rejecting the insert/updates in the first place. However, you might be able to figure out how to fix them.
You can also try the following way.
Select try_cast('01-' + 'Feb-18' as Date) as [String To Date]

incorrect results while passing a datetime instead of getdate()

I am working on a SQL query which returns all records between two dates from a table as follows
select convert(varchar(2),TestDate,108) from dbo.Table
where TestDate between convert(datetime,convert(varchar,GETDATE(),101))
and dateadd(day,1,convert(datetime,convert(varchar,GETDATE(),101)))
The above query works fine and gives me the desired results but when I tried to use a normal date string instead of getdate(), the query returns and empty result as follows
select convert(varchar(2),TestDate,108) from dbo.Table
where TestDate between convert(datetime,convert(varchar,'2015-12-27 00:00:00.000',101)) and dateadd(day,1,convert(datetime,convert(varchar,2015-12-27 00:00:00.000',101)))
The above query returns an empty result set which is not what I wanted.
I tried passing date string in different formats but that didn't work.
May I know a correct way to do it?
Why would you convert dates to a string for comparisons? Just do the comparisons as dates.
In addition, you can use datepart() to extract the hour, rather than using some esoteric format to convert():
select datepart(hour, TestDate)
from dbo.Table
where TestDate between cast(GETDATE() as date) and
cast(dateadd(day, 1, getdate()) as date)
If you want the hour as a string instead of a number, then use datename() rather than datepart().
I guess that you are having an extra CONVERT.
Wherever you have this
just replace with your date:
'2015-12-27 00:00:00.000'
because the purpose of the CONVERT function is to translate a Date into a Varchar
In addition to Gordon's answer, you can substitute string dates as so:
select datepart(hour, TestDate)
from dbo.Table
where TestDate between cast('2015-12-27 00:00:00.000' as date) and
cast(dateadd(day, 1, '2015-12-27 00:00:00.000') as date)
Assuming this is for a webapp, be sure to use placeholders instead of actual text to prevent SQL insertion attacks.

Is there an equivalent to sysdate-1/24 in SQL server?

I've tried looking around for this but I can't find an answer that seems to work with the code I'm using. Basically, the below query searches on any result from the current date. I'm trying to make it so it will search only on the last hour.
In oracle I could do this using sysdate-1/24, is there a simple equivalent within SQL server? Bearing in mind I'm already using cast to get the current sysdate.
Select distinct m_record_server
from search_recording_file1
where tr_date_recorded >= cast(convert(varchar(10), getdate(), 110) as datetime)
and m_record_server is not null
You can use:
getdate() - 1.0/24
SQL Server allows you to use such arithmetic on datetime.
The more common way would be:
dateadd(hour, -1, getdate())
In your query, you do not need to cast to a string at all:
Select distinct m_record_server
from search_recording_file1
where tr_date_recorded >= getdate() - 1.0/24 and m_record_server is not null;
If you want the date that was there one hour ago (which seems to be the intent of the code, if not the rest of the question):
Select distinct m_record_server
from search_recording_file1
where tr_date_recorded >= cast(getdate() - 1.0/24 as date) and m_record_server is not null;

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 - Dates

I have a couple of questions in regards to dates in SQL Server.
How do I separate a datetime value "2011-08-10 14:56:17.267" into date and timestamp in two separate columns. Eg. Date "2011-08-10" and timestamp "14:56:17"
I want remove the timestamp from datetime value into "2011-08-10" and still be able to order the data by date (therefore not converted to varchar). Also is there away to change the date value as '10 Aug 2011' and still can sort (not alphabetically but in real date order).
Thank you,
For the first one:
UPDATE atable
DateColumn = CAST(DateTimeColumn AS date),
TimeColumn = CAST(DateTimeColumn AS time)
As for the second one, date display format is something that is unrelated to the date value. You can order the result set by your date column, but in the SELECT clause you can use CONVERT to display the date in the desired format. For example:
CONVERT(varchar, DateColumn, 106) AS Date,
FROM atable
ORDER BY DateColumn
use CONVERT function with parameters from resource
-- simple conversion example:
SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), GETDATE(), 102) -- for date

Compare DATETIME and DATE ignoring time portion

I have two tables where column [date] is type of DATETIME2(0).
I have to compare two records only by theirs Date parts (day+month+year), discarding Time parts (hours+minutes+seconds).
How can I do that?
Use the CAST to the new DATE data type in SQL Server 2008 to compare just the date portion:
IF CAST(DateField1 AS DATE) = CAST(DateField2 AS DATE)
A small drawback in Marc's answer is that both datefields have been typecast, meaning you'll be unable to leverage any indexes.
So, if there is a need to write a query that can benefit from an index on a date field, then the following (rather convoluted) approach is necessary.
The indexed datefield (call it DF1) must be untouched by any kind of function.
So you have to compare DF1 to the full range of datetime values for the day of DF2.
That is from the date-part of DF2, to the date-part of the day after DF2.
NOTE: It is very important that the comparison is >= (equality allowed) to the date of DF2, and (strictly) < the day after DF2. Also the BETWEEN operator doesn't work because it permits equality on both sides.
PS: Another means of extracting the date only (in older versions of SQL Server) is to use a trick of how the date is represented internally.
Cast the date as a float.
Truncate the fractional part
Cast the value back to a datetime
Though I upvoted the answer marked as correct. I wanted to touch on a few things for anyone stumbling upon this.
In general, if you're filtering specifically on Date values alone. Microsoft recommends using the language neutral format of ymd or y-m-d.
Note that the form '2007-02-12' is considered language-neutral only
for the data types DATE, DATETIME2, and DATETIMEOFFSET.
To do a date comparison using the aforementioned approach is simple. Consider the following, contrived example.
--112 is ISO format 'YYYYMMDD'
declare #filterDate char(8) = CONVERT(char(8), GETDATE(), 112)
CONVERT(char(8), OrderDate, 112) = #filterDate
In a perfect world, performing any manipulation to the filtered column should be avoided because this can prevent SQL Server from using indexes efficiently. That said, if the data you're storing is only ever concerned with the date and not time, consider storing as DATETIME with midnight as the time. Because:
When SQL Server converts the literal to the filtered column’s type, it
assumes midnight when a time part isn’t indicated. If you want such a
filter to return all rows from the specified date, you need to ensure
that you store all values with midnight as the time.
Thus, assuming you are only concerned with date, and store your data as such. The above query can be simplified to:
--112 is ISO format 'YYYYMMDD'
declare #filterDate char(8) = CONVERT(char(8), GETDATE(), 112)
OrderDate = #filterDate
You can try this one
CONVERT(DATE, GETDATE()) = CONVERT(DATE,'2017-11-16 21:57:20.000')
I test that for MS SQL 2014 by following code
select case when CONVERT(DATE, GETDATE()) = CONVERT(DATE,'2017-11-16 21:57:20.000') then 'ok'
else '' end
You may use DateDiff and compare by day.
DateDiff(dd,#date1,#date2) > 0
It means #date2 > #date1
For example :
select DateDiff(dd, '01/01/2021 10:20:00', '02/01/2021 10:20:00')
has the result : 1
For Compare two date like MM/DD/YYYY to MM/DD/YYYY .
Remember First thing column type of Field must be dateTime.
Example : columnName : payment_date dataType : DateTime .
after that you can easily compare it.
Query is :
select * from demo_date where date >= '3/1/2015' and date <= '3/31/2015'.
It very simple ......
It tested it.....