Date column in delete statement along with the index column - sql

Need help on below issue.
I need to delete rows from a table having huge amount of data getting inserted on daily basis, I have written a procedure which deletes the rows based on a column having index on it which to me should be enough but my collegue suggested me to use a date column as well to delete the data as this will use date parition (Parition is based on date).
My doubt is which delete statement would be faster to delete the data.
1. Column name :- FILE_NAME (Having index)
delete from table_name where column_name1=file_name
2. Column name1 :- FILE_NAME (HHaving index) and column name2:- TXN_DATE (no index, Partition is on this column)
delete from table_name where column_name1=file_name and txn_date=date_value
Please advise.

Yes, your colleague is right. The second query will be quicker.
The process is called partition pruning. Using the column, based on which partitions are created will automatically hit only the necessary partitions where the data is available.
You can also directly reference the partition if you can determine the name of the partition for the date_value, as
DELETE FROM table_name
PARTITION (partition_date_value)
WHERE column_name1=file_name;
Examples for DELETE on Oracle Database SQL Language Reference
Partition Pruning
Another Partition Pruning website

If file name is a index that actually improves the navigation on your table, i think it would be faster to use the first one.


How to disallow loading duplicate rows to BigQuery?

I was wondering if there is a way to disallow duplicates from BigQuery?
Based on this article I can deduplicate a whole or a partition of a table.
To deduplicate a whole table:
CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE `transactions.testdata`
AS SELECT DISTINCT * FROM `transactions.testdata`;
To deduplicate a table based on partitions defined in a WHERE clause:
MERGE `transactions.testdata` t
FROM `transactions.testdata`
If there is no way to disallow duplicates then is this a reasonable approach to deduplicate a table?
BigQuery doesn't have a mechanism like constraints that can be found in traditional DBMS. In other words, you can't set a primary key or anything like that because BigQuery is not focused on transactions but in fast analysis and scalability. You should think about it as a Data Lake and not as a database with uniqueness property.
If you have an existing table and need to de-duplicate it, the mentioned approaches will work. If you need your table to have unique rows by default and want to programmatically insert unique rows in your table without resorting to external resources, I can suggest you a workaround:
First insert your data into an temporary table
Then, run a query in your temporary table and save the results into your actual table. This step could be programmatically done in some different ways:
Using the approach you mentioned as a scheduled query
Using a bq command such as bq query --use_legacy_sql=false --destination_table=<dataset.actual_table> 'select distinct * from <dataset.temporary_table>' that will query the distinct values in your temporary table and load the results into the target table pointed in the --destination_table attribute. Its important to mention that this approach will also work for partitioned tables.
Finally, drop the temporary table. Like the previous step, this step could be done either using a scheduled query or bq command.
I hope it helps

Oracle efficient way of updating non-indexed and non-partioned table?

Is there an efficient way to update rows of a table that has no indexes and no partitions (and ~50millions rows)?
I have a date field LOAD_DTTM and values of this field for rows that require update (around 2000 distinct dates).
WIll update be faster if i specify a date in a WHERE clause along with the UNIQUE_ID of a row?
If you want to update all, or a large number, of the rows then the quickest way is:
create table my_table_copy as
select ... -- all the columns, updating values as required
from my_table;
drop table my_table;
rename my_table_copy to my_table;
If your table had any indexes, constraints or triggers you would now need to re-add them - but it seems you don't have that issue!
You could create a PL/SQL procedure that loops and update and commit the table every n row count -- Say every 20.000 rows. I do not advise to update the full table as it will create a lock for a looong time and expose you to data loss in case of external factors.
The answer is NO.
Even if you specify both conditions in your WHERE clause as you stated, it won't help you to avoid a full scan of your table.
Even if one of your criteria will uniquely identify the row, it still won't help.
There is a real example tested on Oracle 12C ver.2 similar to your case. No indexes, no partitions, nothing. Just plain table with 4 columns
I have a table with 18mn records.
I also have CUSTOMER_ID which is a UNIQUE identifier for a row.
I also have ORDER_DATE column there.
Even if I do the query that you mentioned
update hit set status = 1 where customer_id = 408518625844 and order_date = '09-DEC-19';
it won't help me to avoid a full table scan. See below Execution Plan. Therefore under conditions, you've specified, you will be always getting the slowest execution time possible. Full Table Scan on 50mn rows is actually the worst-case scenario.
And pay attention to that Cost, it is 26539 on 18mn rows.
So if you have 50mn rows we can easily expect much more Cost for your query

Creating a daily Oracle partition

Creating oracle partition for a table for the every day.
Here I am getting error because value is decreased as 0001 as lower boundary.
You can have Oracle automatically create partitions by using the PARTITION BY RANGE option.
Sample DDL, assuming that the partition key is column my_date_column :
create table TAB_123
( ... )
partition by range(my_date_column) interval(/*numtoyminterval*/ NUMTODSINTERVAL(1,'day'))
( partition p_first values less than (to_date('2010-01-01', 'yyyy-mm-dd')) tablespace ts_1)
With this set up in place, Oracle will, if needed, create a partition on the fly when you insert data into the table. It is also usually a good idea to create a default partition, as shown above.
This naming convention (last digit of year plus day number) won't support holding more than ten years worth of data. Maybe you think that doesn't matter but I know databases which are well into their second decade. Be optimistic!
Also, that key is pretty much useless for querying. Most queries against partitioned tables want to get the benefit of partition elimination. But that only' works if the query uses the same value as the partition key. Developers really won't want to be casting a date to YDDD format every time they write a select on the table.
So. Use an actual date for defining the partition key and hence range. Also for naming the partition if it matters that much.
Note that the range is defined by less than the next day. Otherwise the date of the partition name won't align with the date of the records in the actual partition.

How can I avoid and/or clean duplicated row in BigQuery?

How should I import data in BigQuery on a daily basis when I have potential duplicated row ?
Here is a bit of context. I'm updating data on a daily basis from a spreadsheet to BigQuery. I'm using Google App Script with a simple WRITE_APPEND method.
Sometimes I'm importing data I've already imported the day before. So I'm wondering how I can avoid this ?
Can I build a sql query in order to clean my table from duplicate row every day ? Or is this possible to detect duplicate even before importing them (with some specific command in my job definition for example...) ?
thanks !
Step 1: Have a sheet with data to be imported
Step 2: Set up your spreadsheet as a federated data source in BigQuery.
Step 3: Use DML to load data into an existing table
(requires #standardSql)
INSERT INTO `` (id, data)
WHERE id NOT IN (...) ensures that only rows with new ids are loaded into the table.
As far as I know, the answer provided by Felipe Hoffa is the most effective way to avoid duplicate rows since Bigquery do not normalize data when loading data. The reason is that Bigquery performs best with denormalized data [1]. To better understand it, I’d recommend you to have a look in this SO thread.
I also would like to suggest using SQL aggregate or analytic function to clean the duplicate rows in a Bigquery table, as Felipe Hoffa's or Jordan Tigani's answer in this SO question.
If you have a large-size partitioned table, and only want to remove duplicates in a given range without scanning through (cost-saving) and replacing the whole table.
use the MERGE SQL below:
-- WARNING: back up the table before this operation
-- FOR large size timestamp partitioned table
-- -------------------------------------------
-- -- To de-duplicate rows of a given range of a partition table, using surrage_key as unique id
-- -------------------------------------------
DECLARE dt_start DEFAULT TIMESTAMP("2019-09-17T00:00:00", "America/Los_Angeles") ;
DECLARE dt_end DEFAULT TIMESTAMP("2019-09-22T00:00:00", "America/Los_Angeles");
MERGE INTO `your_project`.`data_set`.`the_table` AS INTERNAL_DEST
SELECT ARRAY_AGG(original_data LIMIT 1)[OFFSET(0)] k
FROM `your_project`.`data_set`.`the_table` AS original_data
WHERE stamp BETWEEN dt_start AND dt_end
GROUP BY surrogate_key
AND INTERNAL_DEST.stamp BETWEEN dt_start AND dt_end -- remove all data in partiion range

Adding new columns to a column database having billions of rows

I want to add a new column to a table which already consists billions of rows. The new columns are derived from existing columns.
For example,
new_col1 = old_col1 + old_col2
new_col2 = old_col1 / old_col2
I am trying to do this in following way -
Add new columns
ALTER TABLE table_name
ADD ( column_1 column-definition,
column_2 column-definition,
column_n column_definition )
Read rows one by one from the table and fill the values for new columns.
There is no primary key in the database. So I can not refer to an individual row. To read rows one by one, I have to do a select * which would give a huge resultset (considering billions of records).
Is there any better way to do this?
Different DBMS have different SQL dialects, it is useful to specify which you are using in the question.
In SQL Server you could use a Computed Column but this would calculate the result every time you select the data, you could flag it as persisted but it may take a while to make the change. But you can't do that if you are going to remove the old columns.
Alternatively create the new column allowing nulls and then update it in batches
UPDATE TOP (1000) table_name SET new_col1 = old_col1 + col_col2 WHERE new_col1 IS NULL
Again the query is for SQL Server, but there will alternatives for your DBMS.
Also read Mr Hoopers comment about adding an index to the new column to make sure that the performance of the UPDATE doesn't get worse as more data is added. The update is a read and write operation, the index will speed up the reads and slightly delay the writes (maintaining the index), but it should be worthwhile.
I think Mr Diver's method would be fine if you also added an index on one of your new columns; otherwise, as the job progresses, it will have to do more and more scanning to find the rows it hasn't already updated. Adding an index will mean it doesn't have to do that. A possible drawback is that the index differentiation will be frightful when the column is created, but I don't think that would be a problem as you only care about NULL or NOT NULL. You could drop the index when the update is complete.
use stored procedures, do an update by 100 of them, add the stored procedure as a job to run every say 30 seconds.