Here is an excerpt from an assignment I am currently doing:
Build a dummy app that:
Contains a REST API that operates over a single resource.
Contains a Backbone client that consumes that API and can list, show, create, update, and remove that resource.
My understanding was that the term "consume" implies total coverage of the API's exposed ressources. However, the assignment says "consumes that API and can [CRUD] that resource".
Is that sentence redundant or is my understanding of the term wrong?
(Bonus question: why searching Google for this question returns countless language-specific tutorials for "consuming an API" but none explain what the term actually means?).
To consume an API means to basically use any part of it from your application.
Consuming an API here means creating a client which can send requests to the API that you build.
It appears that you need to create and API which can handle Create, retrieve, update and delete (CRUD) of a resource. For instance if your REST api is to create a blog, your API should handle CRUD functions for the object/resource blogpost.
POST - Create a blog post
GET - Retrieve a blog post
PUT - Update a blog post
DELETE - Delete a blog post.
It is about the direction of the app's interaction with API - it either provides an API, or consumes it, so there are providers and consumers of API, and this is just a less general and ambiguous term than 'using'.
Simply consuming an API means using it in your application.
For, e.g., GET request to https://someapi/Users will give you all the users.
You need to request this URL https://someapi/Users to get all the users and then you can use it into your application.
I always think about Albert Einstein's quote of "If you can’t explain it to a six year old, you don’t understand it yourself." when someone asks a question that you might take for granted due to technical experience you have on a subject.
I think the following article does an excellent job explaining it: How do you explain API to a 5-year-old?
simply means : using the API.
You can do it with HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE..) using something like Postman (Tool) or maybe you have a client app/library that calls these methods implicitly.
I'm a junior Rails developer and I'm trying to understand the pros/cons between CRUD web apps and REST API's.
I know how to turn a Rails Blog into an API, but I don't understand what advantages there are to doing this.
The main difference I can see is that my url for reading a blog went from this
to this
And if I want to create a blog the url went from this
to this
I made the view for the API and the Blog controller look exactly the same.
So the end result is that reading a blog or creating a blog has the exact same UX.
I feel like there is something I am not truly understanding about REST API's.
Can anyone describe a hypothetical situation where a Blog API would be better than a CRUD Blog?
I feel like there is something I am not truly understanding about REST API's.
That's not your fault; there is a lot of misunderstanding about REST API's. The Rails community in particular got confused circa 2005, and I don't know that it was ever straightened out.
That's just a change of spelling convention. REST doesn't care what spelling conventions you use for your URI, but if you are using a framework (like Rails) to route HTTP requests to the appropriate implementation, then you want to choose spellings that make the routing easy ("convention over configuration").
This change better aligns a "create" request with the caching semantics of the web. It's often the case that adding a new entry to a blog also changes the blog resource itself (the new entry gets listed in the index, for example). So after a successful create, you would like the client to stop using the old copy of the index and fetch a new one.
HTTP's cache invalidation rules describing invalidation of the target resource after a successful unsafe request, so this:
POST /api/v1/blog
instructs the client to invalidate its previously cached copies of /api/v1/blog (if the response isn't an error). Which is great, because the /api/v1/blog representation has been changed by the addition of the new blog post.
POST /blog/new
has exactly the same semantics (because "uniform interface" -- all resources understand the same messages the same way). Which means that a non error response informs general purpose clients that the /blog/new representation should be invalidated.
And that's probably not useful, because it's /blog, not /blog/new, that was changed when we added a new entry to the blog.
In general: the target-uri doesn't identify the handler of the action, it identifies the document (resources being generalizations of documents) that we are trying to change. That allows us to leverage the caching magic that is built into the web.
I have tried out the RESTful API concept and found out that its a great mindset for building resources APIs. For example, adding comment to post would be
POST /posts/{id}/comments
However, there are some cases, correct me if I am wrong, that the expected APIs can not really be model as a simple CRUD
For example, adding product to the system requires adding picture, adding multiple tags specify its category?
How do I do this the restful way?
1.) Do I force the API user to follow after multiple API calls?
POST /pictures -- add picture
GET /categories -- get selected category
POST /tags -- add tags
POST /products -- input picture, category, tags ids as JSON fields
2.) Do I use nested object which automatically do find all subresources?
POST /products -- input nested JSON array with picture/category/tags object field
In this case, all subresources will be existing resources instead of some (picture, tags) that should be posted.
Also, what would happen if adding picture succeed internally but adding tags failed?
3.) Do I just do a casual API? How does this fit with REST? Doesn't this break the RESTful idea?
POST /add_products
Is there any guide to deal with complex API for RESTful APIs?
Thank you.
In my opinion, one of the biggest misconception people have about REST is that internal models (tables in db or document in mongo) and REST resources must be same. REST resources can be a real model or it can be an abstract entity as well which might not exist in db.
So in this case, your url with POST i.e. POST /products request is perfectly alright as far as REST is concerned. And advice from my personal experience - One doesn't needs to be too dogmatic about url as long as basic principles of REST are conserved such as
Use right HTTP verbs
Use right status codes
Cacheable architecture
Unique indentification of resource by url
Hypermedia (if you can go that far)
Lets consider the following flow to a RESTfull API:
API root
user list
user details
user messages
Suppose I have a client to consume the API, and I want to retrieve messages from a user with ID 42.
From what I've been studying, my client is not supposed to know how to "build" urls, and it should follow the links given by the API.
How should I do to retrieve messages for the user with ID 42?
The only way I can think is "walk" the whole API from it's root to user messages, which doesn't look very pretty or efficient to me.
1 - GET / and get the link to the list of users
2 - GET /user/?id=42 and get the link to details of the user with the ID 42
3 - GET /user/42/ and get the link to user 42 list of messages
4 - GET /user/42/messages/ and finally get the user messages
Did I get something wrong? Is this the right way according to Roy's Fielding paper?
Or is it ok to just assume the messages url is "/user/{id}/messages/" and make the request directly?
Use URL templates in your API root. Let the client consume the API root at runtime. It should look for a URL template named something like "user-messages" with the value of "/user/{userid}/messages/". Then let the client substitute "42" for "{userid}" in the template and do a GET on the resulting URL. You can add as many of these URL templates you want for all of the required, often used, use cases.
The difference between this solution and a "classic" web API is the late binding of URLs: the client reads the API root with its templates at runtime - as opposed to compiling the client with the knowledge of the URL templates.
Take a look at the HAL media type for some information about URL templates:
I wrote this piece here some time ago to explain the benefits of hypermedia:
I believe what your real concern is should you go about implementing HATEOAS or not. Now as it's an integral part of REST specifications, it is recommended that each entity should have a link to it's child entity that it encompasses. In your case, API ROOT should show list of users with each "user" having a link (/root/users/{id}) to corresponding user's details. And each User details entity will contain a link to the list of "messages" (/root/users/{id}/messages) which, finally, inturn encompass the link to the actual message detail as well (/root/users/{id}/messages/{messageId}). This concept is extremely useful (and thus a part of the specifications) because the client doesn't need to know the url to where your entity is exposed. For example, if your users were on{id} but your messages were on{userId}/messages/{messageId}, the user entity that encompasses the list of "messages" will already have link embedded to point to the right resource on a different server.
Now that being said, I haven't actually seen many REST implementations out there (I must admit I do not have TOO MUCH of an experience, but enough to give an opinion) where HATEOAS is being used widespread. In most cases the resources are almost always on the same server (environment) and the paths to resources are almost always relative to the root url.Thus, it doesn't make sense for the clients to parse out the embedded links from the object when they can generate one by themselves, especially when the client would like to provide access to a resource directly (View the message directly without getting the user entity provided you already know what the messageId is).
In the end, it all depends on how close do you want your REST implementations to that of specifications and what kind of clients are you going to have. My 2 cents would be: if you have time, implement REST with HATEOAS and feel proud about it :). There are libraries out there that will make this implementation (HATEOAS) somewhat transparent to you REST implementation (I believe spring has one, although not very mature. You can look at it here). If you are like me and don't have much time to go that route, I think you can continue with a normal REST implementation without HATEOAS and your clients will still be OK with it (or so I hope!)
Hope this helps!
I found this article about hacking urls: Avoid hackable URLs.
There is a very interesting discussion about the topic of this question in the comments section.
How do we make a resource not a verb... but still maintain its special actions outside the default GET, POST, PUT, DELTE actions?
I have been searching for some time now about the proper way to build a RESTful API. Tons of great information out there. Now I am actually trying to apply this to my website and have run into a few snags.
What our site does:
Our site site allows people to play games and win prizes.
The API will allow developers to build their own games and use our backend to collect, validate, store user information and give out prizes.
Developers will create their game then make a call to our API to let the player play the game (play_game). This play_game method combines multiple functions that we do not want a developer to run independently.
Here is what a play_game call does on the server:
It accepts player data the developer wants to store.
Validates the data (compares it to rules setup in the control panel)
Calculate what prize should be given.
Returns what prize was won to the Developer.
In addition there are multiple functions behind the scenes that get triggered like sending emails, etc.
Resource This is what our current resource looks like:
This doesn't hold to the idea of no verbs in RESTful API's.
How do we make this resource not a verb... but still maintain its special actions outside the default GET, POST, PUT, DELTE actions?
After asking this question I have decided to use Phil Sturgeons RESTful Framework... unless someone has a better idea.
You could place the following code into applications/routes.php
$route['(.*)'] = 'api';
Then you could access your API like:
You'll only have access to ONE controller only (your api controller)
Hope it helps
I would like to know if there is some best practices about the root endpoint for a REST web service? I mean, should it be a short documentation about the usage of the API itself? Should it be an XML document describing all methods available? Should it only return "unknown method"?
The question is perfectly clear to me.
I think it should respond with 404. If there is no resource associated with the root path, then there is nothing to return.
If you feel that 404 is not helpful, then it would also be OK to return the URL of the documentation.
REST is supposed to be self describing so having the root show an error is poor design in my opinion.
I like the root to contain information that allows you to navigate the rest of the API.
So for example the root might contain a link to a list of product categories from which the API user can select a category and then a list of products etc.
A self describing API means less documentation to write and keep updated!!
The Sun Cloud API
Paul Jame's article
MediaWiki's API2
1. NerdDinner uses WCF Data Services, which is a great way to correctly implement RESTful services. The reason I am point to that, and not WCF data services directly is because it is a public website and you can use it.
2. MediaWiki is not a great example because they are passing actions in the URI but it is technically a RESTful service and show's a lot of interesting ideas.
This question as asked is unclear. I would guess it means something like a directory that all API methods are under. For example, the root directory of the Flickr API would be
For an example of a project that accesses the Flickr API, see python-flickrapi
the rootend point of REST API is the the API defined for the first slash i.e "/" of the url after the dispatcher-servlet. It contains all the GET for the list of resources (mostly the get for all the database tables) this list further contains all the items and in single item there will be DELETE , PUT/PATCH and SELF get URL. Thus making the implementation of HATEOS.
For me, I just redirect to my frontend.
In node JS, use res.redirect("https://<<your frontend>>");