Is it necessary to build a separate API endpoint for mobile apps to access a Rails web app? - api

I have a web app implemented in Ruby on Rails 4, need an Android native app for it, I am really new to mobile development.
I am a bit confused as to what the mobile-web architecture should look like in this case. I've done some research online, there seems to be a few ways of doing this, but I still have some questions that I haven't been able to find answers for. Thanks in advance for all pointers.
1) do I really need a separate API for the mobile app? what are the issues in using my Rails app's existing controllers with respond_to format.json?
2) I've seen some online examples that suggest using an separate API namespace in the Rails app to serve mobile requests, e.g class Api::ApiController < ActionController::Base for the new controller, then add namespace :api do in routes.rb. With this approach, doesn't it imply that I'll need to duplicate quite a bit of my controller functionality in this new namespace just for mobile?
3) Regarding authentication, many examples suggest using token authentication, is the built-in Rails sessions management framework not good enough for mobile apps? or is it because session cookies work completely differently in a mobile app?
Appreciate your time.

It is not necessary, but it is, like you said, considered a best practice.
1+2) Having same controllers with respond_to/respond_with logic is a nice idea at first sight. But, from my experience, I can say, there always comes a day where API code start to differ with HTML client code. The mobile client might have a different UI and it is just natural that it will expect to consume your data another way as your web client does. The web client is specialized to one use case where an API should be more generic allowing multiple consuming ways.
The second issue that will arise is the fact that you cannot rely on your mobile users to always have the latest app version where with a webapp you can. So for the HTML app you can easily introduce non-compatible changes because you are delivering a proper client right within where for the mobile API breaking the API is at least concerning. Perhaps, you will want to maintain a backwards compatibility which will make your all purpose controllers ugly as hell. And without a proper api/v1 namespace you even can't have two different API versions at the same time.
You can avoid duplication of your logic by keeping your controllers very skinny and move the logic out into models (Service Objects are models too, not only Active Records).
3) Your mobile HTTP lib will to a high probability have a proper automatic cookie management. Having token based authentication is just again a best practice. If it is just a token vs session_id within cookie, there will be not much win. I can only think that it will be automatically secure against CSRF attack and you can disable this protection entirely for the API because your website users won't be allowed to consume the API, just by logging in to the site (an additional benefit perhaps). With session based authentication you will have to generate a CSRF token on first API request and set it within X-CSRF-Token cookie.
The big advantage of token based authentication is that it is extendable to more security, like introducing expire tokens, HMAC tokens etc, whereby session authentication is not.
See Using Sessions vs Tokens for API authentication
I would also encourage you to look at json:api. It comes from the creators of ember.js, who have thought about minifying decisions to take, when building APIs. Another interesting thing is an active_model_serializers gem. An intro to it is given within Rails: The Next Five Years by Yehuda Katz


How to authenticate multiple api using Nuxt and nuxt-auth module

I have an application with (nuxt js using nuxt-auth) with local authentication so far (later I want to add git and google auth).
Now I need to add authentication to invoke other services / API (like google cloud rest API, payment system, youtube API, etc...)
The question is: the user is authenticated only once (during login to the application.) but each of these 3rd party APIs has its own authentication.
How to implement multiple authentications. (I read the documentation and google for the entire day but there is no clear answer).
As of today, it looks like it is not doable (people are needed on this module):
So, you would need to make it manually by plugging the APIs yourself.
Answer to your latest question~comment
Nuxt is indeed nice with some of it's modules (but you can totally dislike it, no problem :D).
First thing that you need to know, is that this project (nuxt-auth) is not the biggest one, #pooya is doing his best but he is on a lot of projects, so he cannot give all of his love to it. Then, you also need to understand that it's working great but it's still in a decent beta state with a lot of missing features, needed documentation and a lot of small things to make it an all rounded solid top notch solution.
That do not mean that you should not use it, I'm just saying that this module do have some limitations. Hence, the fact that it is not supporting a whole lot of OAuth solutions in a clear + simple + flexible way. And some breaking changes may be introduced in future updates.
The module is aimed towards having an OAuth solution to block the content of your website behind it (in my opinion). It means that you will usually use a single login solution and then, being able to have access to your app. I don't think that it's a viable multi-OAuth solution (yet).
Some services don't even need to use a solution like this. Stripe for example, should not be handled on the frontend but communicate with a backend for sensitive variables and just send minimal info thanks to Stripe Elements.
That said, the most common solution is JWT or OAuth2, and you could totally have a backend service or service like Okta, Auth0 or alike, do the heavy lifting by allowing simple logins to providers (Github, Google etc...).
To sum up, you do connect to this backend/service thanks to nuxt-auth, the service itself does the provider connection and you get the best of both worlds while still connected in a secure way through your initial nuxt-auth entry point login.
Or you could try to reach the community on Discord, see if somebody knows how to do it. Or even try to read the source code to see if it is currently feasable.
And that's my 2cts.

What pitfalls or consequences could there be when structuring a solution in 3 projects (.net core, vue.js and webapi)?

I want to make a quick, safe and nice application.
For many years I have been programming in PHP and regular ASP. But wanted to go on with .NET and vue.js.
So I have an idea, I wanted to create and plan to do it like this:
I was thinking of using hosting from an external service.
Then I would have three projects: - Vue.js which will be a SPA, where the user can filter through a catalog, press like and send few api requests (mainly get-requests). - Here I will have a .net mvc project where I can use identity. This will make it simple to handle/register users. I will also give the correct session here for authenticated users. And it will affect, where they only are allowed to do some of the things if they are logged in - This will be the webapi api. Only authenticated users will be allowed to send some of the requests.
I have used several weeks at looking into how to structure this.
But as I do not have much experience with this.
What pitfalls and bad consequences do you see in structuring it like this?
Are there any heads up you want to give me? Or any other recommendations?
I have been trying to melt all of this together in one project, but that has been difficult, because they operate in different ways. So now I have ended up with this, and look forward to
Size of project
It will be a relative small project.
People should be able to register/authenticate themselves (through facebook/google/server login).
Authenticated People should be able to add records(links) to a database. When adding this to the database they may also want to upload files, and choose some additional information.
All people should be able to filter through the catalog of records (5000+) ( Here I am using vue.js/vuex/axios). Here they should be able to comment too on links too.
Webapi will have 8 entities/tables and one view which will GET all the information. 3 tables should be able to have POST.
So it is more or less a catalog, where people should be able to add records and find new ones.
I was planning to use the identity from core 3.1. It is a "template" where I can easily add 3rd party logins. (
Additional questions:
Can you tell me how request from SPA will be authenticated in your API? (Jwt or cookie)? Why would you like to have a separate identity service, also Why you would like to use identity (is it because of ease of setup)?
I have not been thinking about authenticating API requests. Was thinking to only have authenticated users who can send POST-requests. And the rest will be get requests. Limited only from the server. Should I have some additional authentication? Does JWT make web APIs safe enough for my use?
Was thinking of using .net identity because it is simple. And I don't want to use time on setting it up.
Since this is your first project of this type, I would recommend to keep it simple.
Just create one web site. Otherwise you might get issues with the cookies not working for subdomains and you will also get issues with CORS. That is, you will get all problems at the same to time (configuration issues, infrastructure issues and the pain from writing the application itself).
You can still have a clean separation by using sub folders (or Areas in MVC) and by using class libraries for the backend (API) business logic.
Once you have mastered the basics (i.e. writing the actual application) you can start looking at other means of separation etc.

Reverse engineering mobile vs. web APIs

When reverse engineering an API, is there an advantage to looking at the mobile app rather than the web client? Looking at tutorials online, it seems much more common to focus on the mobile app, and I'm curious why this is. One guess: APIs used by mobile apps can only be deprecated slowly, since people can have stale versions of the app on their phone for months. Are there other reasons to prefer reverse engineering the mobile API?
Your guess about mobile APIs being deprecated slowly is a valid one and most significant argument in favour of choosing mobile API over web API.
Basically developers make new versions of mobile API either with new endpoints or keep old endpoints which have slightly different behavior depending on request parameters.
Regardless of the way they pick you are basicaly safe to keep your code as long as resource is alive - possibility of API change is very small.
Web APIs can change dramatically overnight because clients get new front-end code simultaneously along with API changes, i.e. API got changed along with clients.
Also quite often Web APIs provide responses which contain ready to display HTML data which is hard to digest(parse properly) sometimes.
Also it is sometime easier to reverse engineer parts of java byte code (to see the logic behind token/clientID generation) albeit it being obfuscated than trying to get understanding of obfuscated and minified javascript code.

To Make an API Centric Application or Not? - Laravel

So. I have embarked on the journey of learning Laravel in the last couple of weeks, and am thoroughly enjoying it.
It has come time for a site redesign and I thought it was about time to tighten up some of our functionality, so I am making the switch from CodeIgniter to Laravel.
I was wondering whether it is worth starting off with a RESTful API layer in Laravel (easy enough to create) and use it as a base even for the web application. In the future we are likely to build a mobile app that will need to use the API. So:
Is it worth having the web application connect to the API
and what is the easiest way/s to make calls to the API without having to write a bazillion
lines for cURL everytime I want to make a request?
It is definitely worth it.
I am currently redesigning a messy PHP code for an established hosting company turning it into beautiful Laravel code. I already have a mobile app working with it - Laravel makes it easy to return JSON data with one line -
Response::json('OK', 200);
$tasks = Task::all();
You don't need to use CURL as far as I know.
You can make all requests with simple AJAX, jQuery would simplify that.
Also using some MVC JS framework would help you make the application code structure more elegant for the client side, and the advantage is that you can easily package that into PhoneGap when you are ready to have your API take some real testing.
Today I posted on my blog about a simple example that you can try to see if this approach is worth your time :
Check it out and accept the answer if you think it's on the right track.
As always, your results may vary, but this is exactly what I'm going through at the moment. I'm migrating a large .Net site with this API architecture and I've decided to keep it for Laravel.
I personally decided for this because:
More scalable. I can setup and then add additional
boxes/vm/whatever as our traffic grows. In fact, you could load
balance just the api by "round robin" or multiple dns entries for
that domain.
Future proofing for new sites and apps. Sounds like you're in the
same situation. I can see an app or two being added in the next year
or so.
Lost cost. You'll already be laying out your controllers, so really
it can be just a matter of setting them to RESTful and making small
tweaks to accommodate.
To be fair, some counter points:
Possibly additional load time, from processing through the API, though this should be minimal.
Additional security items to consider if you'd like to lock things down to just your app.
Either way, welcome to Laravel!
and what is the easiest way/s to make calls to the API without having to write a bazillion lines for cURL everytime I want to make a request?
#Sneaksta try postman chrome extension for calling rest services. you can create forms in this extension and pass data from these forms to you Rest services

Should website backend and mobile service layer consume the same API?

I'm working on a project which involves a website, and after that is done, mobile applications (most probably will be built using a cross-platform tool like Phonegap or Sencha).
The overall application is heavily data-driven, all of which will be stored in MySQL databases on our webserver. I know that I will be setting up a REST API as a service layer for the mobile applications, but what I'm not sure about it - Should I be using this API for the main website as well?
I need to know this before I can begin the project, because if I do intend to eat my own dogfood, then the API will be the first priority.
In case it matters - the API will never be exposed to third party developers.
Sure, why not? It means that you'll have only one entry-point to test and monitor, it follows the DRY principle, and it will encourage better API design if you consume it too.
Yes you should use the API for the website. It simplifies your codebase and encourages code reuse, since you only deal with one API and not two (REST + MySQL). Furthermore, it makes life easier on the developers (that includes you!), because there is only one set of API calls to keep in mind at once.
Also, in the future you may build your mobile apps with HTML (perhaps using PhoneGap, recently open-sourced and renamed to Cordova). If your website uses the REST API, you can more easily port the web code to HTML5 for mobile.
Nitpick: This isn't really a matter of eating your own dogfood. Dogfooding typically refers to using pre-release code from the perspective of a user rather than a developer, to make finding bugs easier.