Preventing Automatic ivar Synthesis of #property - objective-c

I have readonly properties that I would like to declare similarly to other properties:
#property (nonatomic, readonly) MyThing *thing;
Frequently, I definitely do not want an instance variable and getter method to be automatically synthesised for these properties. In such cases I have made an error if I forget to write an explicit getter for them, and I want the compiler to tell me and refuse to compile (or at least, issue a warning).
In such cases, is it bad practice to use a #property declaration? Should I instead use:
-(MyThing*) myThing;
Or, alternatively, is there some way that I can tell #property in the attributes list (nonatomic, readonly, dont_synthesize_this_one_please) that I definitely don't want an instance variable to be sythesized and it's an error if I've missed out the getter?

No, there is no special attribute. If you don't overwrite the getter, the ivar will be synthesized.
Making the property a normal method as you suggest is the best solution.
You could also experiment with turning on the following compiler warning:
but then you will get warnings for ALL the synthesized properties.
You can also turn it on for every file separately -Wobjc-missing-property-synthesis


Why doesn't the managedObjectContext property synthesize its own instance variables ?

#property (readonly, strong, nonatomic) NSManagedObjectContext *managedObjectContext;
I had to do this in appDelegate.m
#synthesize managedObjectContext = _managedObjectContext;
I'm confused because according to apple
Note: The compiler will automatically synthesize an instance variable
in all situations where it’s also synthesizing at least one accessor
method. If you implement both a getter and a setter for a readwrite
property, or a getter for a readonly property, the compiler will
assume that you are taking control over the property implementation
and won’t synthesize an instance variable automatically. If you still
need an instance variable, you’ll need to request that one be
synthesized: #synthesize property = _property;
According to this it should create an instance variable as long as it created at least one accessor method. So does this mean that no accessors methods where created when I declared the property? What is the reason. Please explain.
I'm assuming somehow the compiler knows that NSManagedObjectContext has accessor methods. So it didn't create any and therefor it didn't create instance variables.
You haven't shown the code for the corresponding .m file, but I'm assuming you implemented the managedObjectContext property getter method programmatically. As the documentation says, "The compiler will automatically synthesize an instance variable in all situations where it’s also synthesizing at least one accessor method." But if you provide an implementation of the getter method for a readonly property, the compiler isn't synthesizing any accessor methods.
As the documentation says...If you provide atleast one accessor method for either setter or getter, its like telling the compiler...dont bother synthesizing this variable as I have some custom work to do with the setter/getter. Hence the compiler does not auto generate the _ivar. If you need the _ivar, you have to explicitly specify it and then proceed with your customer getter and setter. Its all about Objective C compiler doing things for you unless you say Don't bother...I know what I am doing.

Why do I declare properties twice? or do I?

Sorry for the kind of useless post title, but since I'm not really sure what I am doing, that was the best i could come up with.
In my header file it looks like this
#interface RootViewController : UITableViewController {
NSMutableArray *eventsArray;
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableArray *eventsArray;
This is not all the properties but i removed all but one for simplicity.
I'm doing this by following a guide from apple developer. It seems as though the guide is not totally updated since it tells me to synthesize properties, wich i should not have to anymore right?
Anyways, why is it like this? To me, a beginner at this, it seems as though I declare the property twice? Or do I do something else at the first row there?
It's like this for historical reasons, with the older compiler.
You can do this nowadays:
#interface RootViewController : UITableViewController
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableArray *eventsArray;
The way you have it, you are declaring an instance attribute, and then you are saying you want to automatically generate getters and setters.
Nowadays, you can just say you have a property and the compiler will automatically generate the instance attribute at compile time. It removes the apparent redundancy.
To me, a beginner at this, it seems as though I declare the property
twice? Or do I do something else at the first row there?
A property and the instance variable that backs it up (if there is one) are two different things. A property is really just a promise that the class provides certain accessor methods. So the fact that you had to declare the property and ivar separately isn't strange. However, most properties are, in fact, backed by an ivar with a related name, and writing and maintaining the two separately got to be a chore. So Apple added ivar synthesis to the compiler, so that the compiler generates an ivar for any synthesized properties for which an ivar doesn't already exist. Also, because synthesized accessors are by far the most common, and because the compiler will use any accessors that you provide even if a property is marked #synthesize, that became the default so that you no longer need the compiler directive.

Difference between declaring an attribute and a #property in objective-c

I know that the #property generates the getters and setters in Objective-c. But I've seen some classes where they declare attributes with their respective #property and some times just the #property with no attributes and seams to work the same way. Whats the difference?
I know that the #property generates the getters and setters in Objective-c.
No you don't. #property declares a property which is a getter and optionally a setter (for read/write properties). The generation of the getter and setter is done by the #synthesize in the implementation (or by you writing the getter and setter).
But I've seen some classes where they declare attributes with their respective #property
Do you mean like this?
#interface Foo : NSObject
Bar* anAttribute; // <<=== this is an instance variable
#property (retain) Bar* anAttribute;
In the modern Objective-C run time, if you #synthesize the property, you can leave out the instance variable declaration and the compiler will put it in for you. Whether you explicitly declare the instance variable or not is a matter of personal preference.
Just to confuse you a bit, in the very latest compiler, you can omit the #synthesize and the compiler will put it in for you as long as you haven't explicitly created a getter or setter.
Under ios 5.0, there are ten different attributes you can attach to a property declaration: nonatomic, readwrite, readonly, getter=name, setter=name, strong, retain, copy, weak, assign. (strong, weak are new under ios 5.0 and are only meaningful if you use ARC).
nonatomic declares that variable access should not be protected against multithreaded concurrent access. This isn't the default, although 99% of the time it's what you want (since this protection makes your code run slower with no benefit if you're not doing multithreading).
readwrite/readonly should be fairly obvious - readwrite is the default, and if you declare a property readonly, it has no setter.
getter=, setter= control what the getter & setter methods should be called. If you omit them, they'll be called property name and set*property name*, respectively.
The remaining attributes (strong, weak, retain, copy, assign) are hints to the memory manager, and their behavior varies depending on whether you're using ARC or not. If you're not, then the "retain" property tells the setter method to automatically call retain on any object that it gets a reference to. This means that you must also call release in the deallocator.
The "assign" property tells the setter not to call retain - so if the object is released by another object, this pointer could be left dangling.
The "copy" property tells the setter to call retain and also to make a copy of the property - this is useful when you get, say, an NSDictionary and you don't want the caller to pass an instance of NSMutableDictionary and change the contents out from underneath you.
If you're using ARC, you'll normally only set "strong" or "weak". (strong is a synonym for retain, so they can be used interchangeably). "strong" tells ARC to retain the variable for you - "weak" tells it not to. "weak" is useful when you have a potential "retain cycle" where object A refers to object B and object A - if they both retain each other, you have a memory leak, so you'll want to make one of them a weak reference.

Question regarding #property

I'm kinda new in Obj-C and I would like to ask why everything need to write something like this?
#property (_something, _something) NSString* name;
What is the #property indicates for?
Why we need to put _something in the bracket?
PS: I know there is no _something, it should be nonatomic, retain, copy and so on. Since it has so many options, that's why I simply put a word to indicate the content inside the bracket.
(Where can I get all the list of available options?)
Thanks :D
#property indicates that you are defining a property, which is at the basic level just syntactic sugar that allows you to do variable = and = value instead of variable = [object property] and [object setProperty:value]. If you really wanted, you could skip declaring any properties and just declare the getter and setter methods directly and the runtime would hardly notice the difference.
The things inside the parentheses modify the property. Many are only useful for properties whose getter and/or setter implementations are created for you using #synthesize in the #implementation block. For example, assign (the default) says that the value set is just set; retain says that the object set will automatically have its retain method called (and the previous object, if any, will have release called); and copy says that the object will have its copy called.
A list of possible attributes is in the documentation.
The #property directive is simply a promise that the class provides accessors for the given identifier. Options given after the directive (copy, nonatomic, etc.) specify how the accessors behave. That's really all there is to it.
Related syntax includes the directives #dynamic and #synthesize and dot notation. The two directives are mutually exclusive and tell the compiler that you'll supply the accessors or that the compiler should supply the accessors, respectively. Dot notation is the syntactic sugar that Anomie mentioned -- it's meant for accessing properties, but you're not required to formally declare a property to use it.

Do declared properties require a corresponding instance variable?

Do properties in Objective-C 2.0 require a corresponding instance variable to be declared? For example, I'm used to doing something like this:
#interface MyObject : NSObject {
NSString *name;
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *name;
#synthesize name;
However, what if I did this instead:
#interface MyObject : NSObject {
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *name;
Is this still valid? And is it in any way different to my previous example?
If you are using the Modern Objective-C Runtime (that's either iOS 3.x or greater, or 64-bit Snow Leopard or greater) then you do not need to define ivars for your properties in cases like this.
When you #synthesize the property, the ivar will in effect be synthesized also for you. This gets around the "fragile-ivar" scenario. You can read more about it on Cocoa with Love
In your interface, you can formally declare an instance variable between the braces, or via #property outside the braces, or both. Either way, they become attributes of the class. The difference is that if you declare #property, then you can implement using #synthesize, which auto-codes your getter/setter for you. The auto-coder setter initializes integers and floats to zero, for example. IF you declare an instance variable, and DO NOT specify a corresponding #property, then you cannot use #synthesize and must write your own getter/setter.
You can always override the auto-coded getter/setter by specifying your own. This is commonly done with the managedObjectContext property which is lazily loaded. Thus, you declare your managedObjectContext as a property, but then also write a -(NSManagedObjectContext *)managedObjectContext method. Recall that a method, which has the same name as an instance variable/property is the "getter" method.
The #property declaration method also allows you other options, such as retain and readonly, which the instance variable declaration method does not. Basically, ivar is the old way, and #property extends it and makes it fancier/easier. You can refer to either using the self. prefix, or not, it doesn't matter as long as the name is unique to that class. Otherwise, if your superclass has the same name of a property as you, then you have to say either like or in order to specify which name you are talking about.
Thus, you will see fewer and fewer people declare ivars between the braces, and instead shift toward just specifying #property, and then doing #synthesize. You cannot do #synthesize in your implementation without a corresponding #property. The Synthesizer only knows what type of attribute it is from the #property specification. The synthesize statement also allows you to rename properties, so that you can refer to a property by one name (shorthand) inside your code, but outside in the .h file use the full name. However, with the really cool autocomplete that XCode now has, this is less of an advantage, but is still there.
Hope this helps clear up all the confusion and misinformation that is floating around out there.
it works both ways but if you don't declare them in the curly braces, you won't see their values in the debugger in xcode.
From the documentation:
In general the behavior of properties is identical on both modern and legacy runtimes (see “Runtime Versions and Platforms” in Objective-C Runtime Programming Guide). There is one key difference: the modern runtime supports instance variable synthesis whereas the legacy runtime does not.
For #synthesize to work in the legacy runtime, you must either provide an instance variable with the same name and compatible type of the property or specify another existing instance variable in the #synthesize statement. With the modern runtime, if you do not provide an instance variable, the compiler adds one for you.
If you are using XCode 4.4 or later it will generate instance variable synthesizing code for you.
You just have to declare properties like below; it will generate synthesizing code and instance variable declaring code for you.
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *name;
it will generate synthesizing code as
#synthesize name = _name;
and you can access instance variable using _name
it is similar to declare
NSString* _name
but if you declare read-only property it like
#property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSString *name;
it will generate code
#synthesize name;
#synthesize name = name;
So you should access instant variable name with out prefix "_"
any way you can write your own synthesizing code then compiler will generate code for you.
you can write
#synthesize name = _name;
The Objective-C Programming Language: Property Implementation Directives
There are differences in the behavior of accessor synthesis that depend on the runtime (see also “Runtime Difference”):
For the legacy runtimes, instance variables must already be declared in the #interface block of the current class. If an instance variable of the same name as the property exists, and if its type is compatible with the property’s type, it is used—otherwise, you get a compiler error.
For the modern runtimes (see “Runtime Versions and Platforms” in Objective-C Runtime Programming Guide), instance variables are synthesized as needed. If an instance variable of the same name already exists, it is used.