SQL Server CTE use IDs from single column with EXCEPT? - sql

Having received kindness the other day from someone whose eyes were less bleary than mine I thought I'd give it another shot. Thanks in advance for your assistance.
I have a single SQL Server (2012) table named Contacts. That table has four columns I am currently concerned with. The table has a total of 71,454 rows. There are two types of records in the table; Companies and Employees. Both use the same column, named (Client ID), for their primary key. The existence of a Company Name is what differentiates between Company and Employee data. Employees have no associated Company Name. There are 29,021 Companies leaving 42,433 Employees.
There may be 0-n number of Employees associated with any one Company. I am attempting to create output that will reflect the relationship between Companies and Clients, if there are any. I would like to use the Company ID (Client ID column) as my anchor data set.
Not sure my definition is correct but the thought was to create a CTE of the known Companies by virtue of a given Company Name. Then, use the remaining Client IDs but use the EXCEPT clause to filter the already-retrieved Client IDs out of the result set.
Here the code I currently have;
WITH cte ( BaseID, Client_id, Company_name,
First_name, Last_name, [level] )
AS ( SELECT Client_id AS BaseID ,
Client_id ,
Company_name ,
First_name ,
Last_name ,
FROM dbo.Conv_client_clean
children.Client_id ,
children.Company_name ,
children.First_name ,
children.Last_name ,
cte.[level] + 1
FROM dbo.Conv_client_clean children
INNER JOIN cte c ON c.Client_id = children.CLIENT_ID
SELECT children.Client_id
FROM cte
Client_id ,
Company_name ,
first_name ,
Last_name ,
FROM cte
In this instance I receive the following error;
Msg 252, Level 16, State 1, Line 3
Recursive common table expression 'cte' does not contain a top-level UNION ALL operator.
Any suggestions?

In the recursion cte query, you cannot have more set operations(union, except, union all,intersect) after the the one Union ALL which is refers the cte itself. I think what you can try is change the query as below and check
children.Client_id ,
children.Company_name ,
children.First_name ,
children.Last_name ,
cte.[level] + 1
FROM dbo.Conv_client_clean children
WHERE children.Client_id NOT IN (SELECT Client_id FROM cte)

As mentioned to Kiran I was able to concoct an 'old fashioned' approach what is good enough for now.
Thank you everyone for your kind attention.

I'm not sure what you are trying to do with level. It seems that it will be 1 for companies and 2 for employees. If that's the case, you don't even need recursion. The first part of your cte creates a list of companies. That's fine. Now use that to join back to the original table to show all the employees too.
cte( BaseID, ClientID, Company_name, First_name, Last_name )AS(
Base_ID AS Client_id ,
FROM dbo.Conv_client_clean
select c2.Base_id, c2.Client_id,
c1.Company_Name, c2.First_Name, c2.Last_Name,
case when c2.client_id is null then 1 else 2 end Level
from cte c1
join Conv_client_clean c2
on c1.BaseID = isnull( c2.Client_ID, c2.Base_id )
order by c1.BaseID, c2.Base_id;
Here's where I fiddled with it.

Unfortunately anything besides UNION ALL, after you've made your recursive reference, will not work. And if you think about it, it makes sense.
Recursion is conceptually identical to the following where recursion continues until max depth is reached or a query returns no results upon which another execution could act.
WITH Anchor AS (select...)
,recurse1 as (<Some body referring to Anchor>)
,recurse2 as (<Identical body except referring to recurse1>)
,recurse3 as (<Identical body except referring to recurse2>)
select * from Anchor
union all
select * from recurse1
union all
select * from recurse2
The problem is that conjunctive operators apply to EVERYTHING that precedes it. In your case, EXCEPT operates on everything to it's left side which includes the Anchor query. Afterwards, when looking for the anchor to which the recursive part must be applied, the query compiler doesn't find a 'top level union all operator' any more because it's been consumed as part of the left side of your recursive query.
It wouldn't help to contrive some syntax akin to parenthesis that could delimit the scope of the left side of your table conjunction because you would then build a case of 'multiple recursive references' which is also illegal.
BOTTOM LINE IS: The only conjunction that works in the recursive part of your query is UNION ALL because it simply concatenates the right side. It doesn't require knowledge of the left side to determine which rows to include.


More than one row returned by a subquery used as an expression when UPDATE on multiple rows

I'm trying to update rows in a single table by splitting them into two "sets" of rows.
The top part of the set should have a status set to X and the bottom one should have a status set to status Y.
I've tried putting together a query that looks like this
WITH x_status AS (
FROM people
WHERE surname = 'foo'
ORDER BY date_registered DESC
), y_status AS (
FROM people
WHERE surname = 'foo'
ORDER BY date_registered DESC
UPDATE people
SET status = folks.status
FROM (values
((SELECT id from x_status), 'X'),
((SELECT id from y_status), 'Y')
) as folks (ids, status)
WHERE id IN (folks.ids);
When I run this query I get the following error:
pq: more than one row returned by a subquery used as an expression
This makes sense, folks.ids is expected to return a list of IDs, hence the IN clause in the UPDATE statement, but I suspect the problem is I can not return the list in the values statement in the FROM clause as it turns into something like this:
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5)
(6, 7, 8, 9, 1)
Is there a way how this UPDATE can be done using a CTE query at all? I could split this into two separate UPDATE queries, but CTE query would be better and in theory faster.
I think I understand now... if I get your problem, you want to set the status to 'X' for the oldest five records and 'Y' for everything else?
In that case I think the row_number() analytic would work -- and it should do it in a single pass, two scans, and eliminating one order by. Let me know if something like this does what you seek.
with ranked as (
id, row_number() over (order by date_registered desc) as rn
from people
update people p
status = case when r.rn <= 5 then 'X' else 'Y' end
from ranked r
p.id = r.id
Any time you do an update from another data set, it's helpful to have a where clause that defines the relationship between the two datasets (the non-ANSI join syntax). This makes it iron-clad what you are updating.
Also I believe this code is pretty readable so it will be easier to build on if you need to make tweaks.
Let me know if I missed the boat.
So after more tinkering, I've come up with a solution.
The problem with why the previous query fails is we are not grouping the IDs in the subqueries into arrays so the result expands into a huge list as I suspected.
The solution is grouping the IDs in the subqueries into ARRAY -- that way they get returned as a single result (tuple) in ids value.
This is the query that does the job. Note that we must unnest the IDs in the WHERE clause:
WITH x_status AS (
FROM people
WHERE surname = 'foo'
ORDER BY date_registered DESC
), y_status AS (
FROM people
WHERE surname = 'foo'
ORDER BY date_registered DESC
UPDATE people
SET status = folks.status
FROM (values
(ARRAY(SELECT id from x_status), 'X'),
(ARRAY(SELECT id from y_status), 'Y')
) as folks (ids, status)
WHERE id IN (SELECT * from unnest(folks.ids));

Recursive CTE must not omit column names

ERROR: Recursive CTE must not omit column names.
I'm trying to write my first recursive query, using Postgresql. I'm getting an error message that the query must not omit column names - I am declaring column names, and can't figure this out. Any pointers on what I'm doing wrong would be much appreciated.
with recursive account_hierarchy as (
select company,entry_no,parent_entry_no, description from fin_bc_raw.r_gl_account_category
where parent_entry_no =0
union all
select company,entry_no,parent_entry_no,description from fin_Bc_raw.r_gl_account_category lvl2
left join account_hierarchy on lvl2.company=account_hierarchy.company and lvl2.parent_entry_no = account_hierarchy.entry_no
select company,entry_no,parent_entry_no, description
from account_hierarchy
First you must list the columns in the cte header (see the manual) because these columns are referenced in the recursive part of the recursive cte itself.
Then you should prefix the column names with the table alias in the recursive part because different joined tables share the same column names.
Then you should use arrays if you want to build multilevel hierarchies in your recursive cte.
Then you should check that there is no infinite loop by introcing a check in the recursive part of the recursive cte.
Finally you will have to filter the resulting rows of the recursive cte so that to select the relevant ones only.
As an example (not tested !) :
with recursive account_hierarchy (company, entry_no, description, parent_entry_no, parent_hierarchy_company, parent_hierarchy_no, parent_hierarchy_description )
as (
-- start from the leaf companies with no children companies
select parent.company
, parent.entry_no
, parent.description
, parent.parent_entry_no
, array[parent.company]
, array[parent.entry_no]
, array[parent.description]
from fin_bc_raw.r_gl_account_category AS parent
left join fin_bc_raw.r_gl_account_category AS children
on children.parent_entry_no = parent.entry_no
where children.parent_entry_no IS NULL
union all
-- concatenate the parent companies to the already seleccted children companies
select h.company
, h.entry_no
, h.description
, lv12.parent_entry_no
, lv12.company || h.parent_hierarchy_company
, lv12.entry_no || h.parent_hierarchy_no
, lv12.description || h.parent_hierarchy_description
from fin_Bc_raw.r_gl_account_category lvl2
inner join account_hierarchy h
on h.parent_entry_no = lv12.entry_no
where NOT h.parent_hierarchy_no #> array[lv12.entry_no] -- avoid inifinite loops
select DISTINCT ON (entry_no)
company, entry_no, description
, parent_hierarchy_company, parent_hierarchy_no, parent_hierarchy_description
from account_hierarchy
ORDER BY entry_no, array_length(parent_hierarchy_no, 1) DESC

Is there a way to use DISTINCT and COUNT(*) together to bulletproof your code against DUPLICATE entries?

I got help with a function yesterday to correctly get the count of multiple items in a column based on multiple criteria/columns. However, if there is a way to get the DISTINCT count of all the entries in the table based on aggregated GROUP BY statement.
SELECT TIME = ap.day,
policyList = ltrim(sp.value),
policyInstanceList = ltrim(dp.value),
FROM dbo.acms_data acms
CROSS APPLY string_split(acms.policyList, ',') sp
CROSS APPLY string_split(acms.policyInstanceList, ',') dp
CROSS APPLY (select day = convert(date, acms.[Time])) ap
GROUP BY ap.day, acms.tenantId, sp.value, dp.value, acms.CallingService
I would just like to know if there would be a way to see if there is a workaround for using DISTINCT and Count(*) together and whether or not it would affect my results to make this algorithm potentially invulnerable to duplicate entries.
The reason why I have to use COUNT(*) is because I am aggregating based on every column in the table not just a specific column or multiple.
We can use DISTINCT with COUNT together like this example.
USE AdventureWorks2012
-- This query shows 290 JobTitle
SELECT COUNT(JobTitle) Total_JobTitle
FROM [HumanResources].[Employee]
-- This query shows only 67 JobTitle
SELECT COUNT( DISTINCT JobTitle) Total_Distinct_JobTitle
FROM [HumanResources].[Employee]

Modify my SQL Server query -- returns too many rows sometimes

I need to update the following query so that it only returns one child record (remittance) per parent (claim).
Table Remit_To_Activate contains exactly one date/timestamp per claim, which is what I wanted.
But when I join the full Remittance table to it, since some claims have multiple remittances with the same date/timestamps, the outermost query returns more than 1 row per claim for those claim IDs.
INNER JOIN Remit_To_Activate t ON (
(t.ClaimID = G2.CLAIM_ID) AND
I believe the problem would be resolved if I included REMITTANCE_UUID as a column in Remit_To_Activate. That's the REAL issue. This is how I created the Remit_To_Activate table (trying to get the most recent remittance for a claim):
SELECT MAX(create_datetime) as DATE_OF_LATEST_REMIT,
MAX(claim_id) AS ClaimID,
INTO Latest_Remit_To_Activate
FROM Claims_Group2
Claims_Group2 contains these fields:
Here are the 2 rows that are currently giving me the problem--they're both remitts for the SAME CLAIM, with the SAME TIMESTAMP. I only want one of them in the Remits_To_Activate table, so only ONE remittance will be "activated" per Claim:
enter image description here
You can change your query like this:
p.*, latest_remit.DATE_OF_LATEST_REMIT
Remittance AS p inner join
(SELECT MAX(create_datetime) as DATE_OF_LATEST_REMIT,
FROM Claims_Group2
ORDER BY Claim_ID) as latest_remit
on latest_remit.claim_id = p.claim_id;
This will give you only one row. Untested (so please run and make changes).
Without having more information on the structure of your database -- especially the structure of Claims_Group2 and REMITTANCE, and the relationship between them, it's not really possible to advise you on how to introduce a remittance UUID into DATE_OF_LATEST_REMIT.
Since you are using SQL Server, however, it is possible to use a window function to introduce a synthetic means to choose among remittances having the same timestamp. For example, it looks like you could approach the problem something like this:
select *
from (
row_number() over (partition by cg2.claim_id order by cg2.create_datetime desc) as rn
remittance r
join claims_group2 cg2
on r.remittance_uuid = cg2.remittance_uuid
r.active = 0
and r.billed_amount > 0
and cg2.active = 0
and cg2.billed_amount > 0
) t
where t.rn = 1
Note that that that does not depend on your DATE_OF_LATEST_REMIT table at all, it having been subsumed into the inline view. Note also that this will introduce one extra column into your results, though you could avoid that by enumerating the columns of table remittance in the outer select clause.
It also seems odd to be filtering on two sets of active and billed_amount columns, but that appears to follow from what you were doing in your original queries. In that vein, I urge you to check the results carefully, as lifting the filter conditions on cg2 columns up to the level of the join to remittance yields a result that may return rows that the original query did not (but never more than one per claim_id).
A co-worker offered me this elegant demonstration of a solution. I'd never used "over" or "partition" before. Works great! Thank you John and Gaurasvsa for your input.
if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#t') is not null
drop table #t
select *, ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by CLAIM_ID order by CLAIM_ID) as ROW_NUM
into #t
select '2018-08-15 13:07:50.933' as CREATE_DATE, 1 as CLAIM_ID, NEWID() as
union select '2018-08-15 13:07:50.933', 1, NEWID()
union select '2017-12-31 10:00:00.000', 2, NEWID()
) x
select *
from #t
order by CLAIM_ID, ROW_NUM
from #t
where ROW_NUM = 1
group by CREATE_DATE

Find incorrect records by Id

I am trying to find records where the personID is associated to the incorrect SoundFile(String). I am trying to search for incorrect records among all personID's, not just one specific one. Here are my example tables:
PersonID SoundFile(String)
123 D10285.18001231234.mp3
123 D10236.18001231234.mp3
123 D10237.18001231234.mp3
123 D10212.18001231234.mp3
123 D12415.18001231234.mp3
**126 D19542.18001231234.mp3
126 D10235.18001234567.mp3
126 D19955.18001234567.mp3
PhoneNumber(Distinct Records)
So in this example, I am trying to find all records like the one that I indented. The majority of the soundfiles like '%18001231234%' are associated to PersonID 123, but this one record is PersonID 126. I need to find all records where for all distinct numbers from the Recordings table, the PersonID(s) is not the majority.
Let me know if you need more information!
Thanks in advance!!
; WITH distinctRecordings AS (
FROM Recordings
PersonCounts as (
SELECT t.PersonID, dr.PhoneNumber, COUNT(*) AS num
Tasks t
JOIN distinctRecordings dr
ON t.SoundFile LIKE '%' + dr.PhoneNumber + '%'
GROUP BY t.PersonID, dr.PhoneNumber
SELECT t.PersonID, t.SoundFile
FROM PersonCounts pc1
JOIN PersonCounts pc2
ON pc2.PhoneNumber = pc1.PhoneNumber
AND pc2.PersonID <> pc1.PersonID
AND pc2.Num < pc1.Num
JOIN Tasks t
ON t.PersonID = pc2.PersonID
AND t.SoundFile LIKE '%' + pc2.PhoneNumber + '%'
SQL Fiddle Here
To summarize what this does... the first CTE, distinctRecordings, is just a distinct list of the Phone Numbers in Recordings.
Next, PersonCounts is a count of phone numbers associated with the records in Tasks for each PersonID.
This is then joined to itself to find any duplicates, and selects whichever duplicate has the smaller count... this is then joined back to Tasks to get the offending soundFile for that person / phone number.
(If your schema had some minor improvements made to it, this query would have been much simpler...)
here you go, receiving all pairs (PersonID, PhoneNumber) where the person has less entries with the given phone number than the person with the maximum entries. note that the query doesn't cater for multiple persons on par within a group.
select agg.pid
, agg.PhoneNumber
from (
, rt.PhoneNumber
, rt.PersonID pid
, rt.c
from (
select r.PhoneNumber
, t.PersonID
, count(*) c
from recordings r
inner join tasks t on ( r.PhoneNumber = regexp_replace(t.SoundFile, '^[^.]+\.([^.]+)\.[^.]+$', '\1' ) )
group by r.PhoneNumber
, t.PersonID
) rt
) agg
where agg.c < agg.cmax
caveat: the solution is in oracle syntax though the operations should be in the current sql standard (possibly apart from regexp_replace, which might not matter too much since your sound file data seems to follow a fixed-position structure ).