Import a .atomsvc file from Reporting Services - sql

I'm fairly sure I'm missing something really obvious here so hopefully someone can point me in the right direction.
A client of ours has spun up a standard public facing SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services webpage. It shows a few columns of data, based on a couple of drop down filters. It has the standard export to... options (Excel, PDF and so on). It also had a button that downloads an atomsvc file which I understand is for importing the data into Excel via PowerPivot.
Is it possible to import the data this file links to into SQL Server in a fairly straightforward way (T-SQL, linked data source, SSIS ect) or should I just import the Atom data the file links to as I would any other XML?
I can't find much online that doesn't talk about PowerPivot in relation to these atom feeds but it seems to me that, as a standard feature of SQL Serverreporting services, it should be easily importable into SQL server.
Alternatively am I completely missing a much easy way to import data from an HTTP reporting services page? Obviously I don't have console level access to the server as it's a public facing webpage.

So I've done a bit of digging and learned about URL Access (SSRS) for SQL Server Reporting Services.
The .atomsvc file contains a link to the raw data feed. This can be easily tweaked quite extensively. In particular there is a "Format" specifier available which can be used to export as normal XML / CSV / whatever. For example:
I hope this helps someone. I was as I suspected missing something "obvious" but it was knowing what to Google that tripped me up.
I still can't help thinking that there should be an easy way to just download the .atomsvc file and open it with SQL Management Studio or SSIS rather than PowerPivot but XML / CSV is fairly straight forward o deal with.


Automatically scheduling SQL query results to be exported to a csv file

I have tried to read up on this topic and I am still a bit unclear how to proceed. This seemed like a fairly basic task but it has been nowhere as simple as I had assumed. I have several SQL queries written and I want to be able to schedule them to run on a certain day each month and then automatically be exported to a .csv file in a selected folder. This will then allow them to be automatically uploaded into a BI and reporting tool that our firm uses (this part I know how to take care of).
I am fairly well versed in the writing of SQL queries, but everything beyond that I am pretty lost on. Right now I am using Microsoft SQL Management Studio 17. I thought that maybe scheduling jobs using the SQL Server Agent would be the solution, but the more I read about that and go down that path, the less I am convinced that it will allow me to export the query results into the .csv file that I need for it to be picked up. It is also important that these results are exported without headers.
Does anyone have any solutions for this? I am happy to answer any follow up questions if I am at all unclear.
You can create a job within the SQL server management studio to handle the whole thing.

Store PDF or image in SQL Server database with navicat or sql management studio

This one's going back to the basics but I haven't been able to find a simple explanation anywhere. I just started working with databases and I'm using a SQL Server database managed mostly with navicat (but I have SQL Server Management Studio as well) and I need to store a PDF or image in the database.
I'm using Entity Framework to interface the database with the C# app I am building. A simple explanation assuming little knowledge of database management would be much appreciated.
Thanks for the help.
The database size will grow exponentially if you start storing images and PDF's.
A better approach would probably be to store the path of the file in the database and then load the item by referencing the proper path.
It's going to depend on the file structure of your application really. A simple version of retrieving a PDF could be the following:
Example Path:
You store the path of the PDF in the DB, maybe under pdfPath. Then when you retrieve the path from the database direct the user to the correct link using the path you got from the query.

How do I upload an Excel sheet to a SQL table in a Lightswitch web client?

I have a lightswitch project in visual studio 2013, using I would like the user to be able to click a button and have lightswitch find an excel file, and upload that file to a sql table according to a pre-determined column mapping.
My preference was to use the Office Integration extension for visual studio, which I got working with VS 2013 by downloading it from this link:
However, the documentation and examples for office integration seem to be very heavy on getting an excel spreadsheet into a display in the lightswitch web client, rather than into the sql data table, which is where I need it. Here are the examples I've been following:
Alternatively, I have an existing stored procedure, and I can request that the server call this stored proc by sending a web API extension from the client to the server. I have this working already for other stored procs, according to examples from Beth Masi and Paul van Bladel. (Stackoverflow won't let me post the links...)
The undesirable part of this approach is that the stored proc is old, and messy.
I've searched and searched, but have yet to find anyone approach this problem for VS 2013 with lightswitch. Any useful advice?
I've used the method detailed by Matt Sampson to store word files and it works very well. Since it just stores the raw binary it should handle Excel files just as well.
If you're creating the table in LightSwitch, use the Binary Type. If you use SQL create scripts use varbinary(MAX).
You need to create a custom Silverlight dialog box to gain access to the OpenFileDialog object. Then open the file in as a FileStream.
Finally, you need to add a handler for the closed method of the control and then show the control to the user. Most likely done in a button. This needs to be done on the main dispatcher.
The code examples are in C# but I just used one of the many available translators out on the web and copy/pasted the VB.NET code.
Another option might be to consider shelling out to the DTSEXEC run-time to execute an SSIS package to perform the upload - especially if the target Excel spreadsheets have predefined layouts and content data types.
Even simpler, you might be able to use the SQL Server BULK INSERT command to get the job done - although that would require a SQL Client connection to your database.

Pulling Data From an SQL Database in HTML 5

I am trying to develop a BlackBerry application that will show data from an SQL Database from a server. I was researching the new HTML 5 option for blackberry (WebWorks) and noticed that it apparently cannot connect to any server data by itself. Some links state that I would need javascript coding to obtain it. I looked into the option of PhoneGap (link here: and decided I'd try using HTML 5 to produce the application. I have never touched SQL databases before and I am wondering how I would connect the two; meaning how do you pull data from the server given that you are working with HTML5?
I have looked at:
Where is data stored when using an HTML 5 Web SQL Database
Process for pulling data from a sql database
among others but I am still unsure as to what to do. I would be looking to "view" the data from the server and display it on the app. It would be something of the sort:
- HomeScreen: What data would you like to view?:
- Dropdown list of categories (from the database)
- Selecting Entry in dropdown leads to available information (from the database)
Any help would be appreciated, and of course thanks in advance.
the new (and pretty awesome) features of HTML5 is happening in the browser on the client side. What you will need is a back-end on the server side doing some magic. It is true that browsers now have databases but these are located on the phone, computer etc and as I understand your question you want these data to communicate with data on your server. To move data across the web you will need to perform HTTP-requests which can easily be done through javascript and ajax. Look a bit into these technologies and make a little server-side script that gathers data from the database and send it in a structured format to the phone (JSON, XML), then make a script in javascript on the client-side that parse these data and utilise them.
Good luck!

List reports with inline SQL in SQL Server Reporting Services?

I have a couple of inline SQL in many of our reports on the report manager.
Now I need to do some code change for all of them, is there a way to list all those reports based on the inline SQL and not any SP?
You can use the reporting services API to get the report from the web service and do a search for the appropriate tags in the XML. The MSDN documentation for the report definition XML schema and diagrams can be found here and a diagram of the data source related parts here. The API documentation can be found here.
You can write .Net programs that upload and download reports from the Reporting Services API, using ReportingService.GetReportDefinition and SetReportDefinition. You can upload or download the report definition into a buffer, which can be read or written to disk. Somewhere I have an Ironpython prototype that does this, which I'll post if I find it.
To use this, you need to query the WSDL and generate a stub. The tool to do this is called WSDL.EXE. If I can find it I'll post it here, but you could just as easily use C#.
There is also a tool called rs.exe that comes with BIDS which takes a program and tops and tails it with includes for the Reporting Services API. You can use this to execute a VB.Net script from the command line - essentially it tops and tails the program, compiles it behind the scenes and runs it against a report server.
You can either do what NXC suggested or if this is a one time activity, you can simply open the RDL file for the report in a text editor and search for common SQL strings like "select", "delete" etc in order to find the reports which have inline SQL