android simple facebook returns "Canceled by user" when publishing post - android-simple-facebook

I have configured android simple facebook library for my app.
It's working properly, but the problem is when using mSimpleFacebook.publish(feed, true, onPublishListener), it always fails with error "canceled by user".
Permission[] permissions = new Permission[] {
Any idea what the problem might be?


Firebase Magic Link not complete in Android App

I have a React Native Project using Expo Managed Workflow.
The App is built as a expo-dev-client.
I use Firebase Native SDK to authenticate via sendSignInLinkToEmail()
I managed to request the magic link for login. It arrives and when I click it on my android device, the App comes to focus and I am even able to listen to the dynamic link when it comes in.
Problem is it does not validate with isSignInWithEmailLink() because the link I get is only the continueURL parameter of the original link in the Email.
I really don't know where the link is being cut off but I need the complete link from the Email to use signInWithEmailLink() which obviously doesn't work.
When I manually insert the link from the email into signInWithEmailLink() everything works as expected.
I really hope someone has experienced this issue and can help me out!
My Bad. Apparently I was using a Dynamic Link from firebase as I did not have action codes set correct as in:
const actionCodeSettings = {
// URL you want to redirect back to. The domain ( for this
// URL must be in the authorized domains list in the Firebase Console.
url: '',
// This must be true.
handleCodeInApp: true,
iOS: {
bundleId: 'com.example.ios'
android: {
packageName: '',
installApp: true,
minimumVersion: '12'
dynamicLinkDomain: ''

Auth0 Login is not working with routing strategy { useHash: true } in Angular 12

I am trying to integrate Auth0 Login with Microsoft Office Word Add-in, The issue i'm facing is, I've to use
HashLocationStrategy in order to make my routing work in add-in iframe. But it seems like the auth0 login is not working with given routing strategy as it constantly returning false to my 'IsAuthorized$' Observable.
Also, I've checked with given auth0-angular-samples-Sample-01 auth0 demo on git hub for browser angular application and it seem working fine, But when i tried to apply { useHash: true } in my routing imports it prevents me from getting authenticated, So Please verify this issue and let us know if there any suggestion and solution for the same.
For quick review of my demo code, here is the link: Auth0 sample with HashLocationStrategy
Any small help would be appreciated.
Thank you.

Safari Push notification is not working

I have been trying Safari push notification. I followed the Apple doc.
Downloaded Apple intermediate Certificate AppleWWDRCA.cer. Exported my website provisioning profile as p12. To create the push Package used ruby package push_package
It created a package zip and it contains all the details that we needed - icon.iconset, manifest.json, signature and website.json.
When I request permission it successfully retrieves all data and gives me token.
But the real problem is when I try to send notification from a PHP script or APN tester its not receiving in the safari. The v1/logs getting called instead with some circular Json object.
Have no idea what to do next. can anyone please help ??
And one more thing I found is, in the logs SafariNotificationAgent (unknown version)
The error was in payload that I used.
It should be like:
"title":"Hi there",
"body":"How are you",

Linkedin SDK with iOS - authentication failed

I'm trying to authenticate an user with Linkedin SDK, I've followed guide here (official).
So, in my info.plist I have inserted my personal AppId, as explained.
Then I edited app settings at inserting:
iOS Bundle identifier (the same that I have on Xcode project)
So, I link an UIButton action to this part of code:
LISDKSessionManager.createSessionWithAuth(self.permissions, state: nil, showGoToAppStoreDialog: true, successBlock: { (state: String!) -> Void in
print("Login \(state)"
}, errorBlock: { (error: NSError!) -> Void in
print("Login error: \(error)")
On click, Linkedin app it will open and after authentication it automatically turn back to application, throwing error:
Login error: Error Domain=LISDKAuthError Code=5 "(null)"
UserInfo={errorDescription=the request scope is invalid, unknown,
malformed, originalDomain=LISDKServerError, errorInfo=invalid_scope}
What I'm missing?
I tried example app that are inside SDK and works, but I can't figure out the differences..
Are differences inside app settings? (at
Make sure you are requesting the basic information from the linkdin as the new Linkdin apis only provide the basic information
Please check if you have used right linkedin Application ID in your app info.plist file, also if you have added your app identifier in your linkedin app.
For detail check link:

Facebook access token not working in php

I take the access_token in my html page.
function fb_login() {
{scope:'email,user_about_me,user_activities,user_birthday,user_education_history, user_groups,user_hometown,user_likes,user_location,user_subscriptions,user_website, user_events,user_games_activity,user_status,friends_website,publish_actions, user_online_presence,publish_stream,offline_access,status_update,share_item, read_friendlists'}
Facebook Login...
after that, I want to publish stream with a php page. But this is impossible with access token error.
How to fix it? Why it isnt working?
See the example on github for integrating Facebook JS SDK authorization with PHP SDK authoriziation. Also make sure you are using the latest version of each SDK.