Renaming files using the parent folder/directory name as a variable [closed] - variables

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I am trying to create a batch script that will rename all the documents in all sub-folder with the parent folder name and then the original file name. For example:
There are 200 folders with unique 4 digit names, all the folders contain a folder called "Data Sheets". I would like to rename all the documents in the Data Sheets folder to include the 4 digit unique id name. So essentially I want the documents to be renamed from data sheet.doc to 1234 data sheet.doc
There are many batch scripts out there that do something very close to what I am trying to do but I have been unable to modify them to do exactly what I need. Any help would be appreciated. This is what I have been trying of similar versions trying to get it to work.
#echo off
for /r %%a in ("S:\Fiscal Yr. 2015\*\*.doc") do (
for /d %%d in (%CD%) do (
set newname=%%~nd%~x1
ren "%%~a" "!newname!%%~Xa"
echo media file in %%~fa renamed to "!newname!%%~Xa"

To clarify - this will process every .doc file in any folder called "Data Sheets" and rename the files to add the parent folder-name to "Data Sheets" to the start of the .doc files.
This will echo the rename command for you to confirm that it is correct, before removing the first echo statement.
#echo off
for /r "S:\Fiscal Yr. 2015" %%a in (*.doc) do (
for /f "delims=" %%b in ("%%~pa\.") do (
if /i "%%~nxb"=="Data Sheets" for /f "delims=" %%c in ("%%~pb\.") do (
echo ren "%%a" "%%~nxc %%~nxa"
echo media file "%%a" renamed to "%%~nxc %%~nxa"

Here's a simple example of how you can rename all files in an entire folder structure, including all sub-folders:
#echo off
cd /d "S:\Fiscal Yr. 2015"
set _cd=%CD%
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir *.doc /a-d /s /b') do (
set old_fn=%%~fni
set new_fn=!old_fn:%_cd%\=!
set new_fn=!new_fn:Data Sheets\=!
set new_fn=!new_fn:\= !
echo ren "!old_fn!" "!new_fn!"
The for command enumerates all the .doc files in in the current folder and sub-folders (\s switch). The \b switch makes it output the filenames using bare format (which in this case includes the full path). The /a-d makes it ignore directories, so only files get renamed.
Using setlocal / endlocal makes it possible to use delayed expansion of variables, and thus we use ! instead of % with the set commands. Delayed expansion ensures that the variables are reevaluated when they are used, instead of using the original value assigned to them.
The echo ren ... makes it echo the rename commands to the console instead of actually performing the renames. You'll want to verify it outputs the right rename statements before you run it for real, and it would be a good idea to backup the folder structure before you do it for real since there is no undo for this type of operation.
The batch file removes the leading path and only keeps the sub-folder's name, adding it before the filename, also removing the Data Sheets folder name from the new filename.


name files after template bat file - used CMD code

I have a *.bat file in various folders which renames certain files so project number, project name and initials are included in the filename. So far running the file will ask the user to enter project number, project name and initials which are saved as variables (no, project and initial). Each original filename is kept but in brackets will be the required projects specific data). So far it works but what I would like is set up a batch file where the name sets the template for the project specific data e.g.filename of bat file could be:
Rename <XY00.000> (Projectname),XYZ.bat
If in CMD code you could retrieve the filename of the executable bat file (should be only 1 in the folder) and then with delimiters you would splice the filename and store the relevant strings in different variables e.g. what is inside <> will be variable "no", whats inside () will be variable "project" and what is past the , is "initial". If I have those variables the file renaming is as in my current procedure. Please help as I'm not familiar with CMD code or Powershell (which might be alternative option) and it took me long to assemble the existing code. Basically I want to change the input part (see set /p) to something which does:
get filename of bat file
extract 3 text strings from the filename (use of delimiters like ( < ,)
store the 3 text strings as parameters (NO, PROJECT , INITIAL)
the rest of the existing code should then work to rename the files in the folder
Existing code as example below:
echo off
pushd "%~p0" 2> nul
pushd "\\%~p0" 2> nul
attrib -r *.* /s
set /p no= Enter Project Reference in style XY00.000:
set /p project= Enter Project name (without any underscores):
set /p initial= Enter your Initials:
for /f "tokens=1* delims=(" %%i in ('dir /b *.xlsm') do ren "%%i(%%j" "%%i(%no% %project%_%initial%).xlsm"
for /f "tokens=1,2* delims=()" %%i in ('dir /b *.docm') do ren "%%i(%%j)%%k" "%%i(%no% %project%_%initial%)%%k"
I replaced the user input with:
set infovariable=%~n0
which safes the filename of the bat file as a variable and uses it later to rename appropriate files with it. The bat file is named exactly what I want as a text. Job done!

Batch Windows - How to create a loop to rename many files in different folders?

I have PDF files in one location (all in the same folder), which I need to take 3 useful information from the file name.
And I have .jpg files in another location (1 picture per folder) which I need to rename with these information taken from the PDF.
My script is able to find the information, store and rename but it only works for the first file in a directory and then stops.
I need to make it run in a loop until there is either no more PDF files to take information from OR no more .jpg files to be renamed.
Can someone help me to make this script run in a loop?
echo off
setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem User input
SET /P datework= Please type the date you want to work (format yyyymmdd):
rem Folder where the PDFs are located - extract the useful information from file name
cd /D C:\Users\A\Desktop\A_tests\QC\PDF\%datework%\
for %%i in (*.pdf) do (
set RcvLn=%%i
set RcvLn=!RcvLn:~0,4!
set GunStn=%%i
set GunStn=!GunStn:~5,4!
set Node=%%i
set Node=!Node:~10,4!
rem Rename the pictures using the values stored on the variables
xcopy /Y "C:\Users\A\Desktop\A_tests\QC\UHD73\Node Deployment\%datework%\Node %Node%\*.jpg" "C:\Users\A\Desktop\A_tests\QC\UHD73\Node Deployment\%datework%\Node%Node%_RL%RcvLn%_GS%GunStn%.jpg"
You set each variable inside of the loop for each file, but then you do the xcopy outside of the loop which will only do the xcopy once. So we rather do the xcopy inside the loop.
echo off
setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem User input
SET /P datework= Please type the date you want to work (format yyyymmdd):
rem Folder where the PDFs are located - extract the useful information from file name
cd /D C:\Users\A\Desktop\A_tests\QC\PDF\%datework%
for %%i in (*.pdf) do (
set RcvLn=%%i
set RcvLn=!RcvLn:~0,4!
set GunStn=%%i
set GunStn=!GunStn:~5,4!
set Node=%%i
set Node=!Node:~10,4!
echo xcopy /Y "C:\Users\A\Desktop\A_tests\QC\UHD73\Node Deployment\!datework!\Node !Node!\*.jpg" "C:\Users\A\Desktop\A_tests\QC\UHD73\Node Deployment\!datework!\Node!Node!_RL!RcvLn!_GS!GunStn!.jpg"

DOS Batch File Variable Modifier Returns Blank

I have a DOS batch file that will create a report listing files contained within a folder tree. The code below produces the desired output for over 115,000 files. However, 13 records are produced with blank date/time and file size. When I manually execute the DIR command (without the /b option), the desired file information is presented. Can this be corrected without adding considerable workaround code?
FOR /f "tokens=*" %%A IN ('DIR "<Path>" /a:-d /b /s') DO (
ECHO %%~tA %%~zA %%~dpA %%~nA %%~xA >> test.txt
(FOR /f "tokens=*" %%A IN ('DIR "<Path>" /a:-d /b /s') DO (
if exists "%%~A" ECHO %%~tA %%~zA %%~dpA %%~nA %%~xA
)) >> test.txt
The main reason for not obtaining a date/filesize is that the file can not be found.
How does your code work?
The for /f starts a separate cmd instance that runs the dir command.
When all the data has been retrieved and loaded into memory (that is, the cmd/dir command finished), then the for will start to iterate over the retrieved lines. Some time have passed between the information retrieval and the information processing.
In this time, "maybe" the problematic files have been moved/deleted/renamed and they can no be accessed to retrieve their properties. So, first check if the file still exists
The aditional parenthesis and redirection change are to avoid having to open the target file for each echo operation. This way, the file is opened at the start of the for command and closed at the end.

Script copies more then *.pdf

I have a script that copies several PDF Files, and it places it to the corresponding folder.
pushd "\\share\folder\"
for %%p in (*.pdf) do for /f "tokens=1 delims=_" %%n in ("%%~np") do (
copy "%%~fp" "\\share2\folder\%%~n\%%~nxp"
But it also copies files that are named like this: Test.pdf2098 or hello.pdf20j93f2
I just want it to copy *.pdf files and not PDF's that are invalid.
Add an if check to verify the extension
pushd "\\share\folder\"
for %%p in (*.pdf) do if /i ".pdf"=="%%~xp" for /f "tokens=1 delims=_" %%n in ("%%~np") do (
copy "%%~fp" "\\share2\folder\%%~n\%%~nxp"
David Ruhmann provided a workaround, but did not explain why your code fails.
The problem is that files on NTFS volumes that do not meet the old 8.3 short file naming standard are automatically assigned alternate short file names that do meet the standard. Files like xxx.pdf2098 would be given a short name that has a .pdf extension.
The windows commands like COPY, MOVE, FOR, etc. that search file names all attempt to match both the long and the short name, thus leading to your problem.
It is possible (and often recommended) to disable short file name generation on NTSF volumes, but any existing short names will remain and potentially still cause problems.
So David Ruhmann is correct in suggesting that you verify the file extension of each file.
Another frequently used method to verify the extension is to pipe DIR /B to FINDSTR:
for /f "eol=: delims=" %%p in (
'dir /a-d /b *.pdf^|findstr /lie ".pdf"'
) do for /f "tokens=1 delims=_" %%n in ("%%~np") do (
copy "%%~fp" "\\share2\folder\%%~n\%%~nxp"

DOS Batch file - Copy file based on filename elements

I need to sort alot of files based on their filename. I would like to use a batch file to do it. I do know what I want but I am not sure of the correct syntax.
Example of filenames I work with: (They are all in the same directory originally)
I would like to extract the information that are located between the "_" signs and put them into a different variable each time. The lenght of the informations contained between the _ signs will be different everytime.
var2="W34" (or November)
If I am able to do this, I could then copy the files to the appropriate directory using
move %var1%_%var2%_%var3%_%var4%.pdf z:\%var3%\%var4%\%var1%\%var2%
It would need to loop because I have Store001 to Store050.
Also, there are not only Sales report, many others are available.
I hope I am clear.
Please help me realize this batchfile!
This script will make sure that it only attempts to move files that meet the pattern part1_part2_part3_part4.pdf
#echo off
for /f "eol=_ delims=" %%F in (
'dir /b *^|findstr /ix "[^_]*_[^_]*_[^_]*_[^_]*[.]pdf'
) do for /f "eol=_ tokens=1-4 delims=_." %%A in ("%%F") do (
move "%%F" "z:\%%C\%%D\%%A\%%B"
If needed, you could add md "z:\%%C\%%D\%%A\%%B" 2>nul before the MOVE in case the folders might not exist yet.
This script will move your files based on the values between the underscore to a like wise constructed path.
for %%f in (*.pdf) do call :handlefile %%f
set pad=z:
for /f "delims= tokens=1,* " %%a in ("%1") do call :step %%a %%b
rem this MOVES the file, maybe use echo first for testing
move "%fn%" "%pad%"
exit /B
if !%2!==!! EXIT /B
set pad=%pad%\%1
for /f "delims=_ tokens=1,* " %%a in ("%2") do call :step %%a %%b