openshift cannot enter web2py administrative page - passwords

I am not an IT person, using ubuntu 12.10.
I am trying to setup sahana software in openshift. I followed the guidelines from this page. It works fine until the point where I should use administrative interface. I tried every single possible password related to openshift, but none worked. It also only gave me four chances.
The guideline said, "Once your app is up you'll need administrative access to continue. For the admin app to work you need to put your password hash in in wsgi/web2py/."
I found the but have no clear idea what to do with it. I tried to use htpasswd to create a new but the admin interface still rejected me.
Can someone help me?

I think this thread seems to answer your question!msg/web2py/DJvC9FMNohE/NykebQn5eUQJ


Stuck at realm list select

I am using the docker image setup described here:
I was able to get the server up and running and work great for myself on my machine. I'm able to login and play. I set the client to look to localhost for it's target. Worked great.
I wanted my wife and daughter to be able to login as well. I successfully created their accounts, installed the clients, and they are able to login to my server (i.e. the password check is successful).
However, when the see the realm list, and make a selection, they are immediately redirected to the realm list select screen again.
I've found this topic (How to resolve sticking in "Realm Selection"?), which looks like it might help me resolve the issue, but I can't figure out how to open the mysql connection to the right database.
Can anyone help me work through this with a bit more details, please?

Unable to connect to phpMyAdmin via SSh tunnel on Bitnami LAMP stack

I've tried searching for a solution to my problem both here and elsewhere online but I've come up empty, so I'm hoping someone can help. I must initially point out this issue has shown that this area is a complete blind spot for me, so I'm sorry if I'm missing something blatantly obvious, or I'm not explaining thoroughly enough.
I'm trying to access phpMyAdmin on a Bitnami LAMP stack via SSH tunnel, as per guide here: I seem to be able to establish the SSH tunnel, and everything looks correct in the PuTTY event log in terms of opening connection for forwarding, etc, but when I try to navigate to in a browser as stated in the guide, I am returned the error 'This site can’t be reached. refused to connect.' After I receive this error I check the PuTTY event log and it shows 'forwarded port closed'. Is anyone able to provide me with some troubleshooting steps I can go through or possible solutions for what the problem may be please? Again, if I've not provided enough information please ask and I'll do my best to update what I can.
For background, I am the nearest thing to an IT lead for a GP and this LAMP stack is used for an online system accessed by both patients and staff for a specific health condition. It was independently created by a GP who has since left the practice, but before doing so he imparted onto me what we thought to be enough information/instruction to keep the system "ticking over" until we found a developer to produce a new one (I'm struggling to get in touch with said GP, so currently asking for their help isn't an option). It is a Bitnami LAMP stack created in Microsoft Azure, and has recently developed a SMTP authentication error whenever a patient/staff member needs to request a new or reset an existing password. I am attempting to access phpMyAdmin to check/reconfigure the SMTP server settings in the hopes of rectifying the situation. I do have some systems experience, previously working as a System Analyst/Technician for a hospital, but as I previously stated this area (servers, etc.) are a bit of a blind spot.
Many thanks to anyone willing and able to help.
Bitnami Engineer here,
It seems that the SSH tunnel was not properly created and that's why you can't access phpMyAdmin now. You can try to reconfigure the port forwarding configuration again or you can edit the Apache's configuration to allow remote requests from your IP to the phpMyAdmin application. To do so:
Edit the /opt/bitnami/conf/bitnami/phpmyadmin.conf file and substitute the Require local line with Require ip YOUR_PUBLIC_IP.
If you do not know your public IP, you can access to get that information
Restart Apache and access phpMyAdmin using http://MACHINE_IP_ADDRESS/phpmyadmin

TYPO3 frontend login always wrong user / password

I am struggling to create a frontend login in TYPO3.
I followed instructions on
but it is impossible to log in with the given user. Always wrong user / password.
TYPO3 7.6.14
Does anyone have an idea of what else could go wrong?
Thank you, fwerre
I've noticed the post is over a year old, but if someone comes around (like me three days ago :), it could solve the problem.
My TYPO3-Installation has the version 8.7.7.
I had the same problem and found my failure.
I deactivated the Extension RSA authentication for TYPO3 weeks ago, just for testing, if i need that Extension (i don't know till then).
After i reactivated it... it works with the tutorial your linked to.
I had the same or similar Error-Message like you
In my Install-Tool -> All Configuration -> Frontend (FE) it looks like this
If you want to use RSA, you have to install the rsaauth extension.
Click the + to install RSA
Then it looks like this
And now it works like this Picture tells ;)

Subversion import via https not working

I installed Subversion on a rootserver running CentOS 6. Took me a while, but now I can access the repository using Chrome. I can add files (svn import at command line level), but only when specifying a file:/// path for the destination, https:// giving me "svn: The project archive was moved permanently to [...]; please relocate". I didn't find a single answer helping me with that particular error / message. So I don't even know what it means, what triggers it, ...
On my client I want to use UEStudio (UltraEdit Studio) which has built-in support for Subversion. When trying to do a checkout in UEStudio using the account I created when installing Subversion on the server it tells me "unable to connect to a repository at URL [...]" and also asks for a password. I saved username and password in UEStudio and can login using the exact same credentials in Chrome. The URL UEStudio isn't able to find a repository at is the same I use to browse my repository in Chrome. I'm puzzled!
So I need help setting up Subversion and UEStudio so they finally work together. I cannot offer more details because I'm not sure which ones are necessary. I already spent a couple of hours trying to solve this so I'm not sure what counts any more.
Please feel free to ask for additional details if needed, I'm happy to help!
This Stackoverflow discussion and pointing UEStudio to the x86-version (used x64 so far) of the Subversion client binaries helped, it works now! Also tried UEStudio again and it works as well!! So the problem was I didn't offer a project at checkout, but the parent directory (the repository itself?), as well as offering the x64 binaries to UEStuido.
Thank you for pointing me in the right direction, Robert!! :)

How to use "htaccess" on synology system for website access control?

I am trying to set up the access control for my personal website on synology NAS. Right now I am using DS212J. I found the following article teaching how to use "htaccess" on apache to achieve that.
But I encountered 2 problem:
1) I don't have the command "htpasswd" after ssh to my DS212J.
2) After I manually create those files, I got the username and password prompting up on the website. However, the password in "" and "" doesn't work when I type in. I am not sure whether it is because I didn't use command "htpasswd".
What am I missing here?
The htpasswd executable is at /usr/syno/apache/bin/htpasswd. As that directory is not on the PATH, you have to explicitly use the whole path to use it:
Apache doesn't keep passwords in plain text, it uses a hash of them so that even if someone gets access to the password file they won't be able to log in. That's why you must use htpasswd to create the file.
For anyone who comes across this, I couldn't get that synology support tutorial to work either. I am running DSM 5.1-5022 Update 4 on my own domain with ssl. Here's how it got it working:
Follow the steps in the following wiki: Synology Wiki
In the control panel, go to "Web Services" and disable SPDY for secure connections. (Gleaned from this article.)
Good luck.